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Thursday, November 30. 2023Thursday morning links
Doctors lobbying for Medicare for All should be careful what they wish for Coal Dust Is Claimed To Kill Old People: A New Instance of the Epidemiologist Fallacy UN: Okay, Maybe the Planet Isn't Warming That Quickly No proof face masks ever worked against Covid, claims UKHSA boss ... converting this building has shown that retrofitting a central heat pump system like this for such buildings is infeasible to the point of being ludicrous. But of course, this is New York, and nobody is allowed to say that. One Example of How Media Creates Racial Panic PSNI treating Belfast 'Irish lives matter' graffiti as 'hate incident' ‘Don’t Advertise…. Go F*** Yourself:’Elon Musk Lashes Out at Companies ‘Blackmailing’ X/Twitter Douglas Murray: Wartime Diary - ‘As the helicopters carrying the released hostages landed, traffic stopped. People got out of their cars and broke into song.’
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Medicare for all. But don't most recipients of Medicare pay into it for decades so that they can benefit from it after they retire? How will that work for those who refuse to work or those who are addicts or even the 30 million illegal aliens that the Democrats have brought into America to share your wealth? Will these large numbers of non-contributors cause Medicare to crash? Do the politicians even care or is it just the vote of the welfare recipients, addicts and illegals that they care about? How many times do you need to prove that socialism doesn't work before we understand that socialism doesn't work. Perhaps I am looking at this wrong. Perhaps it is the intent and desire to crash Medicare and destroy the healthcare of our senior citizens. Maybe it is that simple. Create a crisis and then present your hidden agenda as a fix for the crisis.
OneGuy: But don't most recipients of Medicare pay into it for decades so that they can benefit from it after they retire?
Medicare is not a savings account, but an inter-generational transfer program, from young to old. There are a variety of proposals, but most include either opting in with insurance premiums or a payroll tax (in lieu of paying insurance premiums). OneGuy: How many times do you need to prove that socialism doesn't work before we understand that socialism doesn't work. Medical care will only respond to market forces if you allow people to do without. Even then, insurance insulates people from the market costs of medical care, while insurers will look to exclude the sick or feeble from coverage. Z: Medicare is not a savings account, but an inter-generational transfer program, from young to old.
Your premiums pay for your parents and grandparents Medicare coverage, and you hope that your children and grandchildren will do the same for you. If Medicare were to be ended, then the young would no longer incur the payroll taxes, but most of the old would have no coverage as it's not profitable for insurers to provide coverage to someone with the preexisting condition of "being old." Zachriel: What doesn't it know?
Astrophysicist, property lawyer, affirmative action expert, search engine, newspeak dictionary, constitutional scholar, carrier of Trump Derangement Syndrome, master of the non sequitur, pretentious movie critic, high school civics teacher, financial analyst, the ackchyually guy, nitpicker, Historical art critic, armchair economist, poverty expert, theoretician of science, Covid apologist, speech therapist, climate scientist, civil engineer, sociologist, political analyst, Biden apologist, divorce lawyer, epidemiologist, Federal prosecutor, atmospheric scientist, military strategist, Level 2 Priest of Vaxx, Keeper of the Science! Gateway, civil trial lawyer, faulty comparison detective, Level 4 Climate Cultist, Immigration lawyer, game theorist, Alternative energy policy analyst, common law scholar, medicare specialist. Thanks for the laugh.
2023-11-30 17:02
Medicare was set up to work just like Social Security. It is underfunded or over abused... your choice. It is another socialist dream that became a nightmare. It reeks of mandates, endless paperwork, fraud, coercion and once again, subsidies to those who think health care is provided by a physician when health care is practiced by the patient.
Like Social Security, it is doomed to failure because of the incompetence and unaccountability of the government. Government can neither run an education establishment or a medical establishment and are responsible for the mediocrity and high costs currently found in both ventures. Covid, along with the shutdowns, should have convinced ALL of the necessity to abandon government as a solution to medical or education services. "Medicare is not a savings account, but an inter-generational transfer program, from young to old."
You beg the question. And, how does that matter? The point STILL is that most Medicare recipients today contribute to it for decades so that they can have the insurance after retirement. Why give it to the undeserving for free??? "Medical care will only respond to market forces if you allow people to do without." FROM EACH ACCORDING TO THEIR ABILITY, TO EACH ACCORDING TO THEIR NEEDS. YADA, YADA, YADA. What does "allow people" mean in the context that you used? Doesn't freedom "allow people" to make their choices and accept the consequences. You definition seems to be to take by force from the responsible people and give freely to the irresponsible people. The inevitable result of that philosophy is more and more irresponsible people and fewer responsible people until socialism fails and the leaders use force to devolve it into communism. Is that actually what you are striving for??? Or are you too stupid to understand history? OneGuy: And, how does that matter? The point STILL is that most Medicare recipients today contribute to it for decades so that they can have the insurance after retirement.
Except that they are not contributing to their own retirement health care, but the retirement health care for their parents and grandparents. It's a social contract—not a legal contract—that their children and grandchildren will continue to contribute to their health care through payroll taxes. OneGuy: Why give it to the undeserving for free??? Medicare for all won't be free, but based on either premiums or payroll taxes. OneGuy: YADA, YADA, YADA. So, your plan is to eliminate all Medicare. OneGuy: Doesn't freedom "allow people" to make their choices and accept the consequences. Didn't know growing old and getting sick were choices. You also neglected the problem of private insurance and incentives. YADA, YADA, YADA does not equal "a plan to eliminate all Medicare.
Medicare for all IS a plan a to eliminate all Medicare. Medicare for all will bankrupt Medicare. That is the Democrats intent. "Medicare for all won't be free" Yeah right. It will still require the productive portion of our population to pay premiums but all the freeloaders will continue to freeload. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. Ask yourselves: Why not Obamacare for all? Or Medicaid for all? The taxpayers would still have to pay for it all BUT those choices wouldn't destroy Medicare. The Democrat plan hidden inside the nice sounding "Medicare for all" is to overwhelm the system and crash it so they can replace it. Create a crisis, exploit the crisis to further your agenda. That in a nutshell is the Democrat plan to destroy America and turn us into a Socialist country on it's way towards communism.
2023-11-30 19:21
OneGuy: YADA, YADA, YADA does not equal "a plan to eliminate all Medicare.
Okay. Why don’t your objections apply to Medicare as it currently exists as medical insurance for the senior population?
2023-11-30 20:43
"Why don’t your objections apply to Medicare as it currently exists as medical insurance for the senior population?"
Medicare is about as perfect a system to provide health insurance for seniors as you could possibly create if you were to do it over again with that intent. The only problem I see with Medicare is the same problem that Social Security has which is that congress controls it. Both should be privatized and managed with 100% visibility and generally accepted accounting practices. Get the politicians out of it. Everything they touch turns to shit. Just as "from the river to the sea" really means kill all the jews; "Medicare for all" means bankrupt the Medicare system by giving free health care to illegal aliens in the hope that they will vote Democrat forever.
2023-12-01 08:38
OneGuy: Medicare is about as perfect a system to provide health insurance for seniors as you could possibly create if you were to do it over again with that intent.
You didn't respond to the objection:
2023-12-01 08:46
One Example of How Media Creates Racial Panic
Phillips slammed the young boy for wearing an Indian headdress and for wearing blackface - while not showing the other side of his face, painted in red. Kanas City Chiefs colors. QUOTE: It takes a lot to disrespect two groups of people at once. But on Sunday afternoon in Las Vegas, a Kansas City Chiefs fan found a way to hate Black people and the Native Americans at the same time. There is an update on the article. What the self-righteous author of that quote didn't realize is that the young boy he was slamming was Indian/Native American. Deadspin reporter blasted by mom of young Kansas City Chiefs fan he falsely shamed for wearing ‘blackface’: ‘He is Native American’ QUOTE: The boy’s outraged mother, Shannon Armenta, shared numerous images of her son getting a warm reception at the game — while suggesting Deadspin focused on a photo that hid the fact that half her son’s face was painted red. “This has nothing to do with the NFL,” she wrote, suggesting the photo was picked purely “to create division” “He is Native American — just stop already,” she wrote of her son. In fact, Holden’s grandfather, Raul Armenta, sits on the board of the Chumash Tribe in Santa Ynez, California, according to the Post Millennial. Raul is listed as a “business committee member” who was first elected to the board in 2016 on the tribe’s website. “He looks forward to continuing the legacy of building a solid economic foundation for future generations of the Chumash tribe,” it reads. I almost feel sorry for the jerk who initiated this. He is going to get a lot of flack for it. Maybe Deadspin will get sued. I can't be as charitable. These Leftist whorenalists need physical retaliation for their propagation of Cancel Culture.
Unless something happens to Trump he will be the Republican nominee. The left, and many on the right, are desperately using lawfare to put him in jail but it is likely he will be the nominee. So what then? They can't let him win. Yes there is a cabal of globalist and traitors who have a plan to destroy us and they cannot let Trump win. But which is more dangerous for the left? Stealing the election "bigly" where everyone will see it OR orchestrating something to "take out" Trump before the primary election. Both would be "in your face" and risk waking up the sleeping Americans who either don't vote or always vote the way their daddy did. It would almost be safer to allow Trump to be elected but interfere with everything his administration tries to do like they did last time. They can't risk exposing themselves to the extent that the common man sees it too. But they are in a hurry, they want everything and they want it now. I think that they will do something stupid. They are over confident and don't want to wait. Just saying.
Irish lives matter. Really? I guess they weren’t familiar with what happened to the people in America that simply suggested that All Lives matter.
“It’s racist poison,” said Gerry Carroll of People Before Profits. What do you wanna bet People Before Profits pays Gerry handsomely. Oh, my bad, People Before Profits is a political party and Gerry is a councilman councilperson. He protested the giant raise that the council was given when he was elected. But, I’m sure he kept the extra pay. “There’s no place in our society for this kind of racist poison." he continued. How is Irish Lives Matter racist, you might wonder. Well because the hidden meaning is that only white people are Irish. White people need to be exterminated. “Azad Talukder, who serves as Cathaoirleach of the LCCC's Metropolitan District, suggested the protestors (those that were protesting the stabbing of the young boy that brought out all the tied up anger) should be "shot in the head." That was from an article linked at the bottom of the webpage. I wake up every morning wondering how much longer does the West have. Signs of hope abound: Italy, Argentina and now the Netherlands. This time next year, in America, oh boy! It’s gonna be lit. What if a republican, by some huge miracle, wins the presidency? What if it’s Trump? The Left is going to loose what’s left of their minds. It’s going to be epic! Buy ammo. B. Hammer: I guess they weren’t familiar with what happened to the people in America that simply suggested that All Lives matter.
All lives matter. I don't think the trajectories we are on can be altered until the bureaucracies are eliminated.
Even if conservative governments are elected, the deep state will just hunker down and wait until their pols to get re-elected, and nothing substantial will change. My opinion. The administrative state is weaponized against anyone who wants less government or much smaller government. The admin state needs elimination in some areas and major downsizing in other areas. The federal government is responsible for securing the country from foreign enemies invading the country and they are failing miserably at that task.
QUOTE: UN: Okay, Maybe the Planet Isn't Warming That Quickly . . . the group concluded in 2015 that we were facing a global average temperature increase of 3.5 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial era levels. That figure is now “completely off the table,” according to their experts. The revised figure is 2.7 degrees. Can anyone provide a link to the quoted "completely off the table"? "Can anyone provide a link to the quoted "completely off the table"?"
Why don't you actually read the article and follow the links? Doing so, it took me about 13 seconds to find it. That's a lot more work than consulting Chat-GPT, I know, but you could at least put forth some effort. The actual quote is "totally out of the picture" but your AI would not have caught that. But, but "completely off the table" and "totally out of the picture" are two different concepts we can argue about.
Whatever they do the Quibble-DickZ must cling to the irrational and unprovable concept of AGW. Hmm. The link to "climate change" has a typo, a following period. Easily fixed, but to no avail. Might just be our connection. Please let us know if you have a direct link to the quoted "completely off the table". The closest approximation is a statement "totally out of the picture" from Niklas Hohne of the Climate Action Tracker. Is it a paraphrase? But it uses quote marks. Climate Action Tracker is independent, by the way.
Per Climate Action Tracker, the lower estimate is because humans have significantly slowed the increase in greenhouse gas emissions. The projection of 2.7°C is still well beyond the 1.5°C considered necessary to avoid the worst effects of global warming, but it does represent progress. CO2 has zero relationship to temperature. The sun, however, has a considerable relationship to temperature along with the duration of solar cycles.
CO2 is also plant food. What the climatehysterics are ignoring is that - with the rise in CO2 - our planet is becoming greener. I've read articles suggesting that our CO2 levels are actually very low compared to those readings at other millenia, and that further reducing them will cause crop failures and mass starvation.
Frances: CO2 is also plant food.
That is correct. Plants act as an important sink for atmospheric carbon. The greening is of great interest to climate scientists, who have launched satellites to study the effect. However, plants are not sufficient. The simplest and most direct evidence of this is that the concentration of atmospheric CO2 continues to rise. Frances: I've read articles suggesting that our CO2 levels are actually very low compared to those readings at other millenia While the concentration of atmospheric CO2 has varied considerably over Earth’s history, it has been within a narrow range for most of the last thousand millennia. On the other hand, you may not want the Earth to be suddenly plunged into the climate of the Jurassic.
2023-11-30 22:44
Hearing grammatical errors affects your heart rate variability
So maybe some (ungrammatical) speech IS violence? I may already be triggered. Henry Kissinger, Legendary American Diplomat (1923-2023)
A very flattering obit for Dr. K I thought Nixon opening China was a colossal strategic blunder at the time. Such has proven to be the case. My brother-in-law met him back in the 80s. He was amused at how the German accent suddenly appeared when the TV cameras rolled. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/11/29/henry-kissinger-americas-greatest-modern-diplomat-1923-2023/ Found over at western rifle shooters today.
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