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Thursday, November 9. 2023Thursday morning links Your Fault: Climate Doom Is Sexist COVID-19 Lockdowns Contributed To 'Collective Trauma' Among Americans: Psychologists Controlling Minds by Controlling Language You’ll Never Guess to Whom Hillary Clinton Compared Trump (Actually, You Will) Marjorie Taylor Greene Weighs In on GOP’s Complete Trainwreck Performance in General Election Why does the ‘party of abortion’ keep winning? Hamas to NYT: War of Annihilation Is Exactly What We Wanted WHO: Gaza Was Unicorns and Teddy Bears Until the Jews Bombed It Israel celebrates breaching ground Hamas didn’t foresee as war enters second month Zelensky goes on Meet the Press, calls on President Trump for help, and begs for money like a crackhead Trackbacks
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"Why does the ‘party of abortion’ keep winning?"
The Democrats have made a cottage industry out of stealing election. They have passed laws that facilitate this fraud. Dead people voting in elections in Democrat cities and states has been a common joke for decades. It is so common we don't even bat an eye at it anymore. With the introduction of vote by mail election fraud entered into the big leagues. Not a few thousand votes stuffed in ballot boxes anymore but rather hundreds of thousands and in 2020 millions of fraudulent votes thanks entirely to vote by mail. The system is fraudulent, it was created to be fraudulent and everyone knows it but no one will try to fix it. Republicans didn't lose Tuesday Democrats cheated. They have been cheating for 100 years or more and it gets worse every election. Don't ask why Democrats cheat, that should be obvious. Ask why Republicans don't take the simple steps that would stop it. Have you noticed that Republicans have been losing a lot lately?
This, in an environment where most Americans think that Democrats are screwing up the country. Why do you think that is? Sure, hatred of Trump has something to do with it. Abortion politics has something to do with it. A lot, actually. Each of you can name an issue where Republicans are in bad odor with ordinary people, but add them all together and one thing becomes clear: propaganda works. Why is Trump so unpopular? Was it because things got worse under his presidency? Uh, yeah, no. Things got immeasurably better, and even a lot of people who hate him will say that. Is abortion such a drag on Republican prospects because people don’t agree that late term abortions are immoral, except in extreme circumstances? That’s not what the polls say. Why do people think Republicans are all-in on banning books? Has anybody suggested making the publishing of any books illegal? Of course not. Democrats actively campaign to prevent the publication or sale of books they don’t like, but Republicans don’t. So what is it? It is the steady drumbeat of propaganda portraying Republicans as Nazi White Supremacists who want to force 11 year-olds to birth babies, schoolmarms who hate gays, and White Supremacists who hunt minorities in the dead of night. We wanted to kill grandma and deserved to be put in camps. You can’t escape the propaganda. It is everywhere. In the schools, in the classrooms, on every university campus, and in the MSM. And it works. I had a conversation with a friend who hates Trump and asked him what Trump actually did to make his life worse, and he stared at me. He is Trump! January 6. Russia. Muh democracy. Orange man bad! Honestly, he admitted things were better under Trump, but he bought every lie the Left pushed about Trump. The propaganda worked. https://hotair.com/david-strom/2023/11/08/propaganda-works-n590935 QUOTE: You’ll Never Guess to Whom Hillary Clinton Compared Trump (Actually, You Will) . . . Mussolini infamously defined fascism as the “merger of corporate and state power.” Apocryphal. The quote is usually said to be from “Fascism: Doctrine and Institutions,” but is not found within. That's because corporatism, in context, refers to vertical syndicalism, not the merger of corporate and state power. Fascism was also opposed to liberalism and positioned itself on the political right. QUOTE: Fascism is definitely and absolutely opposed to the doctrines of liberalism, both in the political and economic sphere. You partition fascism on the political right. It is just another authoritarian political organization, like communism, or any other generic socialist organization.
The US Chamber of Commerce, Mitch McConnell, Hillary, Obama, and Biden make up a very functional fascist state. There is a reason the authoritarians love social media, except Twitter, and the DHS has organized the censorship cartel. Of course, the US intel community, to include the 51 'expert' intelligence officers, assists the FBI/DOJ in controlling the opposition to their fascism. Ignore the troll. Whatever it is it definitely gets off on being in a hostile environment for sh*ts and giggles. lol
Actually the troll can get quite angry when in failure mode.
The left bastardized the term liberalism: there's nothing liberal about the modern left.
Fun watching guys like Bill Maher finally coming to this realization. Hoss: The left bastardized the term liberalism: there's nothing liberal about the modern left.
While liberalism is typically placed on the political left, the political left is a much wider spectrum. It certainly includes non-liberal movements, such as Sovietism. Hoss: Fun watching guys like Bill Maher finally coming to this realization. Maher used to be a libertarian before they "went nuts," and at one time leaned Republican. Well!!! We now have a new disease to worry about. The vampire virus has been discovered in America for the first time!!! Where could it possibly have come from???
In unrelated news millions of illegal border crossers from shit hole countries are now living amongst us and they have never been tested for disease or vetted for terrorism. Our president is not worried though, what could go wrong? JustMe: Well!!! We now have a new disease to worry about. The vampire virus has been discovered in America for the first time!!! Where could it possibly have come from???
It's a discovery of "the first example of bacteriophage satellite viruses." It has nothing to do with being brought into the United States. See deCarvalho et al., Simultaneous entry as an adaptation to virulence in a novel satellite-helper system infecting Streptomyces species, Marjorie Taylor Greene has it all right except the issue of abortion. Abortion is the one and only issue that some Republicans respond to--even though for fifty years it has been the greatest cause of R defeat and thus our collective loss of democracy--
Every time the issue comes up--EVERY DAMN TIME we lose a piece of this country because the R party will not quietly say to it's people--we will compromise on this issue so we can get other things accomplished! Do you know who was laughing Tuesday night? Can you guess who was sitting back and cackling? How about Hillary baby! Anyone ever sue her? MTG is absolutely right about everything else in her statement. We must acknowledge the reality: America's liberated feminists in charge are being led to the communist drinking trough. They are no longer working on issues of equality--it's communism now baby! "Let women run the world we will do a better job" Melinda Gates. The Republicans run their political party as if we were still in the early 20th century. No organization. No legal assaults, no help to those who wish to organize and demonstrate. Right here in my own state, the R party in two counties has completely come apart. Do you know who won in both cases? How about the John Birchers? Yeah baby--go with that and see where it gets you! Compromise is a funny word. What does it mean? Remember when we compromised and allowed abortions in the first trimester? What happened. The camel's nose was under the tent and next thing you know the humps ass and tail were in the tent knocking it down. We had numerous cases of "late term abortion" where the baby was born alive and allowed to lie there on the operating table for hours until it died. Remember that? How many babies died this way? 1? 10? 100? 1000? We don't know. Why don't we know this? Why isn't there a video or documentary on this. Do you think all the pro-abortion people and "compromisers" could watch 100 babies in a row die on a cold table and still be for late term abortion? Seriously?
Compromise is when you are deciding where to go for lunch and you agree to go to your friends favorite restaurant today and next week to yours. NOT where you agree to go to your friends restaurant pay for his food and do it every week until you run out of money. You cannot compromise with dishonest people. To put it context If Israel gives hamas a 3 day cease fire to negotiate for the hostages it will neither further the hostage negotiation nor be a cease fire on Hamas's side. I do not really care that Ohio voted to allow abortion. However putting the abortion measure and the marihuana measure on the ballot is an old trick to get out those people who never vote. Imagine if the Republicans put a measure on the ballot that would require everyone receiving welfare to work 40 hours a week or get nothing. How many more Republicans would vote in that election. My point is that the Democrats use these little tricks and the Republicans do nothing. The stupid party should NEVER compromise with the dishonest communist party. 'Why does the ‘party of abortion’ keep winning?'
Because of the 19th Amendment, which was one of the biggest mistakes this country has ever made. It may be a mistake in your eyes, but it clearly is not a mistake in the eyes of millions of other citizens. It is time we stop throwing away our country to satisfy your group! You will never win on this platform and the R party demonstrates how ridiculously stupid they have become when focusing on this issue. Why haven't they gone after the border crossing issue with a vengeance? Why haven't they gone after. . . oh never mind! Quite simply you don't believe in abortion don't have one.
Abortion is a state rights issue. I only worry about it in my state. Now look at what went right in Loudoun county where the femi-nazis on the school board and the prosecutor lost. The illiberals may abort their children but they don't get to bully others.
Dailywire 11/8/2023 Prosecutor who tried to jail Loudoun dad wiped out at the ballot box https://www.dailywire.com/news/prosecutor-who-tried-to-jail-loudoun-dad-wiped-out-at-the-ballot-box Maniac: Because of the 19th Amendment, which was one of the biggest mistakes this country has ever made.
So, according to you, women shouldn't have a say in the making of laws concerning abortion, or anything else that affects their lives. If they register for the military/draft the way we have to when we turn 18, then perhaps.
Maniac: If they register for the military/draft the way we have to when we turn 18, then perhaps.
While men and women should have to shoulder the burden to serve, you are suggesting women should have no say in a government with power over them. That’s unsustainable in the modern world. From various pro-life sources that I have heard, males support abortion at higher rates than females.
Now if you want to talk about females overwhelmingly support for Big Daddy government, you’ll have an argument. However, a lot of people want the easy way. The road to heaven is a narrow path. I wish there was an edit feature.
The BIGGEST mistake this country ever made was passing the 16th Amendment. The amendment that allowed the federal government to grow and grow and grow. Created the mindset in Washington DC that all the money belongs to the feds first, and aren’t they nice letting you have a little bit back. It is the 21st century. I can't imagine living in a country where men and women were not equal under the law in all respects possible considering their different genders. But every man over the age of 30 or so has seen women make decisions, important decisions, in irrational ways. I know, every women who just read that wants to slap me or something, but hear me out. I was 17 when JFK got elected. Literally every woman I heard talk about voting for JFK prefaced her statement with a comment about how handsome he was and this included the girls I knew and went to school with who didn't vote. In my lifetime the few female leaders/politicians that I could point to as smart, strong and right for their country was Margaret Thatcher and Golda Meir. Most women don't want anything to do with politics are dragged into it by catchy slogans or emotion and make terrible choices at the ballot box. Look at the long list of special treatments for women ranging from divorce, child custody, child support and the plethora of punishment foisted on men in those areas. If the tables were turned there would be riots in the streets. Women are more easily used by political organizations (think vagina hats) and more easily swayed by emotional arguments (think welfare in all it's 2400 variations).
We are on the verge of going to war, a serious and possibly long war that will require the draft and sending your sons and daughters off to die. The same women's groups who pushed to put 20% or so of women into the military have already signaled that they will fight a draft of women (explain that to me). The women's movement has destroyed most of what was America, what was good and they are clueless that it has been destroyed. Our military right now is so weak if either Russia or China did decide to declare war on us our only option would be to unleash Armageddon. OneGuy: But every man over the age of 30 or so has seen women make decisions, important decisions, in irrational ways.
But every woman over the age of 30 or so has seen men make decisions, important decisions, in irrational ways. Of course but I never knew a man to vote for JFK because he was handsome. All my friends who survived the Vietnam war and I assume those who did not, cursed JFK's war (yes it was LBJ who accelerated it but it was JFK who lunched the MF). It was JFK's weakness and indecision that caused the Cuban Missile crisis, and make no mistake we were one heartbeat away from a nuclear exchange with Russia. It was JFK who dealt the Cubans 60 years of Castro hell. But ask any woman who voted for him including those who lost a husband or son in Vietnam and they would tell you how handsome JFK was and they would vote for him again.
OneGuy: Of course but I never knew a man to vote for JFK because he was handsome.
Of course, they did. It’s a famous bit of history that both men and women were swayed by Kennedy’s superficial appearance of youthful vigor. Nor did you explain why you draw a distinction between what you see as the deleterious emotions of Kennedy and of those who voted for him. FBI SWAT teams and cops search for Jan 6 riot suspect after he fled through New Jersey woods - as schools are warned to shelter-in-place
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12726263/Gregory-Yetman-Jan-6-manhunt-FBI.html Motorist who shot dead two environmental protesters blocking a road is retired US lawyer
QUOTE: According to local media, the Panamanian-born US citizen - who was seen in both video and pictures shooting dead two teachers blocking a road on a highway - has a previous conviction for illegal possession of a firearm. It is understood he declared 'this ends here' before walking up to the road block on a section of the Pan-American Highway in the Chame district and getting into a heated argument with a group of men that included the two victims. In front of a large number of photographers and television crews there to film the protest, he then gunned down the two men. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12728101/kenneth-darlington-panama-climate-change-protesters-shoot-dead.html I cannot think of a more stupid way of being an asshole, I mean demonstrating than blocking a highway. They people you are inconveniencing have nothing to do with your cause. AND they might run you down. I have to admit a part of me has always hoped more of these assholes would get run over but I'll consider getting shot as almost as good. Yeah, I know it will probably incite more assholes to go out and block roads but hopefully someone will run them down and maybe they will consider a different way of making an ass of themselves.
Reducito ad Hitlerium? I knew that was coming.
At least Don Trump didn't have a V for Vendetta movie set with Marines at the back. Brandon has a craving to unleash violence on our one big happy patriotic family like the rest of the CPUSA (D). The MTG clown show! I'm voting CPUSA just to smite them. Grand Old Politburo must go the way of the Whigs. LOL! Circus Circus wallpaper came up as reading. BTW-Why isn't anyone talking about Russia testing a new ICBM and Boomer sub on Sunday? Launched from under the North Sea it hit a target 3000km away in Kamchatka. That might cause some climate doom when it blasts a city off the map. I think you should re-calculate the distance from where that missile landed to how far away it was from Attu Island or Adak Island. I think it was much closer than 1,860 miles. Much closer.
Oh whoops! My mistake. I apologize for misreading your comment! Hope I added some helpful information anyway.
Here is some interesting facts about that space between Russia and Alaska: https://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/earth/geophysics/how-far-is-russia-from-alaska.htm Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia says he won’t seek reelection in 2024
QUOTE: Manchin, 76, said in a statement that he had made the decision “after months of deliberation and long conversations” with his family. “I believe in my heart of hearts that I have accomplished what I set out to do for West Virginia," he said. “I have made one of the toughest decisions of my life and decided that I will not be running for re-election to the United States Senate, but what I will be doing is traveling the country and speaking out to see if there is an interest in creating a movement to mobilize the middle and bring Americans together.” https://www.yahoo.com/news/democratic-sen-joe-manchin-west-194402335.html If you watch the late night shows you will see doctors and politicians come on and explain that during the covid lockdowns that "mistakes were made". They erred on the side of caution and in retrospect what they did was done with the best intentions. So we should be reasonable and not hold a grudge or hold them responsible for their actions and dictates and forgive and give them amnesty. Awww!
Make no mistake! In 5-10 years the climate change activists and politicians will be saying the same things. So sorry we gave all your money and assets to shithole countries and your jobs to China and ruined your lives and your children's lives and now you are suffering health problems and live in slums with no future. But we acted in your best interests and although mistakes were made can't we all forgive and forget? Make no mistake if you go along with this plea for amnesty from the consequences of their actions you will have to go along with it for every shit show they think of in the future too. Screw them. F**k them! No Survivors: The Horrific Sinking of HMAS Sydney
They duked it out like ships of the line in the age of sail. It was the stuff of movies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ycq0DOPy0Ds 30 minute video. While Gaza was under Egypt from 1948 into 1967, Egypt let no third party agency in there to verify any cases of tuberculosis, insisting that they, Egypt, could report any cases. So, the World Health Organization dutifully recorded the numbers Egypt have them as fact: Zero cases in Gaza; Gaza was tuberculosis free. Huzzah!
After 1967, Israel let the WHO in Gaza to count cases of TB. The WHO then castigated Israel for letting TB run rampant! Tuberculosis had gone from not existing at all to being a public health issue! (Sarcasm, there.) The WHO has been idiotic for a very, very, very, very long time. The Grand Old Politburo (R) is a fund raising operation posing as a political party.
They loathe winning and hunger for losses on the "political" front. |