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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, November 2. 2023Thursday morning links I get paid $150 an hour to cuddle — I’m solving the loneliness crisis for men and Gen Z women Homeschooling Has Increased by Over 50 Percent Since 2018. In some states, homeschooling has climbed by over 100 percent. THE DAILY CHART: PUBLIC SCHOOL REFUSENIKS What you are about to watch is the **final round** of the most prestigious national high school debate tournament... VICTORY! Orsted Abandons Whale-Killing Wind Energy Projects American Ornithological Society Cancels Birds Accused of Racism. They've run out of people to cancel. Speaker Mike Johnson Isn't Rich: Democrats Demand to Know Why The $1.8-Billion Lawsuit Over a Teacher Test - In the nineties, New York began requiring aspiring educators to take an exam. Thousands of people later claimed that the test was racially biased. Elon Musk, “The Degree to Which Twitter Was an Arm of the Govt, Was Not Well Understood by the Public”… Boston Children’s Hospital given $1.4 MILLION in taxpayer money for child sex changes White House slammed for ‘tone deaf’ unveiling of anti-Islamophobia strategy as antisemitism surges Dying to Please the Moderates - They love dead Jews AOC Finally Wins The Anti-Semitism First Prize! Not Your Great-Grandmother’s Pogrom: Modern Russia’s Attacks on Jews Are Carried Out by Muslims 'We May Never Know Exactly What Hamas Wants' Says Reporter In Front Of Hamas Holding 'Exterminate Jews From Existence' Banner Ukraine rathole: Zelensky advisor admits they're 'stealing like there's no tomorrow' Trackbacks
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National high school debate tournament...these same people would be mystified as to why homeschooling is accelerating. And if there were vouches.....
The Democrats are dishonest commies and the Republicans are weak and clueless. We are doomed!
Call me crazy but the cuddling story simply doesn't ring true. She is either lying about what she is actually doing in the bedroom or lying about her customers. Men, lonely men, don't want to "cuddle" and they sure as hell don't want to pay to cuddle. Men want sex. Nothing wrong with that, that is what god intended when he made us. Men may cuddle to get to sex or they may cuddle after sex in the hopes if having sex again. But I can assure you no man under the age of 80 has fantasies about cuddling.
Some years ago a friend of mine told me he was seeing a sexual therapist. I had known him for decades and he was normal in everyway so this kind of surprised me. But yes he was seeing a licensed sexual therapist, whose technique, among other things, consisted of getting naked and having sex. Wait a minute, that's a prostitute! He never mentioned cuddling but somehow I'm seeing a similarity to this story. I think it may be true amongst soy-boy Gen-Z men who think sex is, like, totally icky and stuff. They may desire for things to go further, but they probably won't.
I'm a capitalist, so if the snuggle-chippies are providing a service, by all means. "'We May Never Know Exactly What Hamas Wants' Says Reporter In Front Of Hamas Holding 'Exterminate Jews From Existence' Banner"
That's of a piece with the old journalistic we can't speak to the motive crutch. QUOTE: Elon Musk, “The Degree to Which Twitter Was an Arm of the Govt, Was Not Well Understood by the Public” . . . The Taliban, as a totalitarian ideology, is not on the right side of the political continuum. Totalitarianism, or the presence of big oppressive government, falls on the left side of the political continuum. The far-left is totalitarianism. The furthest right is the absence of government. This is an ideological mistake that happens frequently and needs to be addressed when the mistake is made. That's a quite modern and very silly redefinition by the American political right. By that measure, King Louis XVI, within whom all political power was concentrated, was on the political left. Or social conservatives in America, who want to use the power of government to control private behavior, are on the political left. But that is exactly contrary to how the left and right terms are used. The amount of government, varying from totalitarian to anarchism, is orthogonal to the political left-right spectrum. The left is defined by the promotion of egalitarianism. The right is defined as the promotion or acquiescence to hierarchy. Egalitarians can be totalitarian (Soviets) or anarchist (end-state Marxism). Hierarchicalists can be totalitarian (Fascists) or anarchist (Rothbard). The Taliban is considered by everyone (outside the right-wing echochamber) ultra-conservative. They want to use governmental force to shield their society from and eliminate the vestiges of what they see as the corruption of modernism. Left and Right are useless political terms typically used in Europe. It was the seating arrangement in the French parliament that pretty well segregated the totalitarian fascists from the totalitarian communists. There is a reason that the French elect politicians from Mitterrand to the Vichy French. Most of Europe leans to fascism. Like the current US, the fascists create a corporate management to bend to government dictates. Most lifelong politicians couldn't run a lemonade stand without going broke so they allow corporate management to run the corporate business. The actual range of government is totalitarian to Anarchist. From micromanaging your life to no government at all. Neither the totalitarians or the corporatists practice capitalism. They hate actual capitalism as favors are not traded and bailouts are not allowed and money is not 'laundered'.
Also, Louis the IIVth would have almost certainly been considered socially LW by his peers.
James: Louis the IIVth would have almost certainly been considered socially LW by his peers.
If you mean Louis XVI, he was and is considered to be on the political right. "The left is defined by the promotion of egalitarianism." Complete BS. Egalitarianism requires equality of opportunity, not outcomes. Modern American progressives reject equality of opportunity, wanting to favor certain demographic groups at the expense of others, and insist on equality of outcome. Well, unless white Christian males suffer, which they're either ok with or in favor of.
"The right is defined as the promotion or acquiescence to hierarchy." More BS. RWers might recognize the virtue of hierarchy based on merit, but that is more an acquiescence to merit or competence, not an intrinsic hierarchy. LWers explicitly advocate for a hierarchy based on "identity. "Or social conservatives in America, who want to use the power of government to control private behavior, are on the political left. But that is exactly contrary to how the left and right terms are used."
BS again. If you're talking about insisting we not allow teachers to expose children to porn or indoctrinate them, ok. But that's an exceedingly precise definition, and one that I'd wear proudly. But the right is rarely about legal compulsion about what consenting adults do in private. In stark contrast, the left has been exceedingly eager to police the speech, beliefs and thoughts of Americans and use government cohesion to force conformity to their wishes. James: Egalitarianism requires equality of opportunity, not outcomes.
That’s clearly not correct, as in the Marxist slogan “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” Marxism foresees social development into an anarchistic and perfectly egalitarian society. James: RWers might recognize the virtue of hierarchy based on merit, but that is more an acquiescence to merit or competence, not an intrinsic hierarchy. That is also clearly not correct. While some on the right advocate for hierarchies based on merit, others advocate for intrinsic hierarchies. Louis XVI and aristocrats everywhere believed they deserved power due to birth. James: If you're talking about insisting we not allow teachers to expose children to porn or indoctrinate them, ok. Social conservatives have historically advocated for laws against divorce, equality for women, sodomy, birth control, and miscegenation; in other words, harnessing the power of government to protect what they considered important traditional mores. James: But the right is rarely about legal compulsion about what consenting adults do in private. Then you have closed your eyes to history. In the United States, for instance, the Moral Majority strongly supported laws against homosexual conduct. And, from what started the thread, the Taliban is universally considered to be religiously conservative, as they advocate for laws to enforce their theocratic vision for society. The example of the Taliban alone undermines the attempt at a redefinition. That it also requires putting Louis XVI on the political left just shows you how very silly is the claim. egalitarianism
1 : a belief in human equality especially with respect to social, political, and economic affairs 2 : a social philosophy advocating the removal of inequalities among people Egalitarianism can take different forms, from ending the privileges of the aristocracy to political equality for white men of property to equality of opportunity to equality of outcomes. Hierarchialism can also take different forms, regimentation under a single tyrant to birth-right aristocracy to theocracy to merit sorting. The history of the modern West has seen greater equality over time, from limitations of monarchal power to ending the Church’s sole province over matters of conscience to weakening of aristocratic privilege to increased political power of white men of property to extending suffrage to women and minorities to providing more equal opportunity to people with universal education and limiting child labor to a social safety net to reduce poverty. What was extreme in one period has become accepted in later periods, such as women’s suffrage. The political center has been moving to the left, towards a more egalitarian society, since the Renaissance, so much so that you seemingly forgot that conservatism has resisted all these changes. That is not to say that conservatism is wrong. Too fast or ill-thought change can have deleterious or even dangerous unintended consequences. Utopianism can be a dire threat when combined with a belief that the ends justify the means. And even the most necessary reform can cause damage to valuable and essential traditions and mores. (Note that, while conservatism is on the political right, the right is a much wider spectrum that reaches from simple caution concerning change to extreme reaction wanting to return society to a mythical past.) ChatGPT fueled comments read like a high school essay; flowery language with no substance.
Yes, if you ignore the actual definition of egalitarianism and substitute your meaning designed to serve your agenda, the left is egalitarian. But the actual meaning is that one is permitted to achieve goals which their personal aptitudes allow them to, regardless of social or economic class, race, ethnicity or sex. IOW, based on merit, or talent, discipline, and ambition. That actual definition puts egalitarianism unambiguously on the political right. And means that the left is clearly not egalitarian, since they insist that one's opportunities should be dictated by their identity, not merit.
All the talk in your comments about right and left in different times and different places are a smoke screen to avoid admitting what is obvious about the contemporary right and left in the USA, which is the relevant topic and what everyone but you is addressing. Any time you have to distort definitions or use exceedingly precise definition to shoehorn your position into it, you're admitting you're wrong. Do better. Since you insist on babbling inanely about abstractions such as hierarchy and anarchy, I'll clear something up for you. Every single significant interaction between two or more people in the history of the world has had a hierarchy involved in it. Because status, power, and hierarchy are intrinsic to human existence, A corollary of that truth is that their thus has never been, and can never be an anarchy. There can be chaos caused by a maladaptive hierarchy, but that is not anarchy.
Which is to say you pay the right a compliment when you say they base their beliefs on a clear understanding of the world. And then insult them by pretending the right doesn't support highly adaptive, liberal hierarchies, which is in fact exactly what the right advocates for. The contemporary American left, in contrast, wants an unelected, unaccountable, entrenched bureaucracy with nearly unlimited authority to rule the country. Which is a maladaptive hierarchy and a very illiberal idea. James: if you ignore the actual definition of egalitarianism . . .
Huh? We provided the definition from Merriam-Webster. James: But the actual meaning is that one is permitted to achieve goals which their personal aptitudes allow them to, regardless of social or economic class, race, ethnicity or sex. No. That’s your philosophical view as to how best to achieve a more equal society. Someone who believes society has an obligation to help those who, for whatever reason, fall into poverty may support a social pension plan for the elderly, or unemployment support. It’s egalitarian for obvious reasons—because it provides an economic floor to the distribution of income. Regardless, you again neglected to address counterexamples to your redefinition, which demonstrates the weakness of your position. James: Every single significant interaction between two or more people in the history of the world has had a hierarchy involved in it. That’s right. However, not all social arrangements have the same degree of hierarchy. A strict monarchy, such as Louis XVI, is more hierarchical than a republican form of government. A anarchistic hippie commune run by consensus is more egalitarian than a military organization. Your point about human nature is correct. The Marxist dream of an anarchistic society with perfect equality and the end of war can never be achieved. Such utopianism combined with the belief that the {unachievable} end justifies the {extremist} means has led to untold misery. But that is the Marxist dream, which is why Marxism is placed on the far left. Fascists, on the other hand, who want a strictly hierarchical society, a reestablishment of past glories, and where struggle between nations lends meaning to the existence of a people, is why (outside the right-wing echochamber) fascists are considered to be on the far right. The article at issue in the original post even wants to put extreme religious conservatives on the left. No one anywhere (outside the far reaches of right-wing echochamber) consider the Taliban to be liberals. Do you really not understand why the definition of egalitarianism you selected is irrelevant to our conversation? It leaves the usage of the terms equality and inequality ambiguous, and thus doesn't really define the word. Which is why you resort to the use of the word and the definitions that you did.
Stop babbling inanely about your sophomoric historical examples and address the current state of the left and right. But if you insist on talking about historical cases, at least get them right. Throughout the 1930s, Fascists were the darlings of American progressives. Both German and Italian Fascists were repeatedly praised by members of Roosevelt's cabinet and other progressives. After they visited the countries. Nazis were opposed to traditional religion, opposed traditional sexual morality, and opposed traditional family structure. All of which are left wing traits. Nazis viewed other socialist not so much as ideological opponents as competitors for adherents. Which explains the competitive relationship between fascists and their other socialist brethren. Ironically, the one credible distinction between Nazis and other socialists that might give weight to you claim that they were RW rather than LW is the fact that they left corporate structures in place to implement their economic and social policies. Exactly as modern American progressives have taken over corporate culture to use them as a tool to implement their policies. Nazis were LW and socialist. Just like today's American progressives.
2023-11-04 09:48
James: Do you really not understand why the definition of egalitarianism you selected is irrelevant to our conversation?
Ah, you're using a special, secret definition. But when discussing semantics—and this is essentially a semantic discussion—practical lexicography must needs be the basis. James: But if you insist on talking about historical cases, at least get them right. And yet, the vast majority of historians, then and now, place fascists on the far political right. That's how ordinary people, then and now, refer to them. And today, neo-fascists are almost universally considered to be on the extreme political right.
King Louis XVI's republican opponents, left or right? Marx, left or right? Noam Chomsky, left or right? Hippie commune run by consensus, left or right? Latin American military dictatorship, left or right?
2023-11-04 10:35
Your constant insistence on resorting to historical analogies in the distant past is as unfruitful as it is exhausting. Which may be your intention.
But I will respond to the nonsense about modern Nazi's in the west. By pointing out, that as was the case in the 1930s in Germany and Italy, there is frequent poaching of members and movement of members from or to Nazi organizations to or from other socialist organizations. Rember, there were a couple of fascists organizations involved in the Occupy "protests." Richard Spenser is probably one of the best know contemporary American Nazi or Nazi supporters. He stridently opposed Trump, endorsed Biden, and according to reporting, is quite LW in his personal views and tastes. So yea, Nazi's are predominately LW. Always have been. In fact, arguably, it is impossible to be a socialist of any variety and be RW. The fact that the left is so adamant about assigning Naziism to the right in the face of some much evidence that they were and are LW does not speak well about their honesty or moral courage.
2023-11-05 14:20
BTW, Zac, in contemporary American politics, the right is significantly more liberal than the left. That's been the case since progressives gained a significant voice on the left, sometimes in the late 1990s to the early 2000s So when you point to the historical legacy of liberals to categorize right and left, you're often actually making a case in favor of the RW. The current political upheaval in the west is really between liberals and progressives, with conservatives mostly siding with the liberals and nearly uniformly opposing progressives.
There's saying among left wing radicals: "liberals get the bullet too" or sometimes, "Liberals get the bullet first" Which is to say, they agree with me that progressives are not liberal.
2023-11-05 14:34
James: Your constant insistence on resorting to historical analogies in the distant past is as unfruitful as it is exhausting.
You are using words that are demonstrably different than their normal usage for which we have provided multiple lines of evidence. You confuse an argument about semantics with an argument about substance. If you think you have a substantive point, then you need to first define your terms and explain why your definitions appear to contradict normal usage. And, you once again neglected to address counterexamples to your redefinition.
2023-11-05 15:05
At this point, you may want to revisit the genetic y-chromosome data, which shows that Palestinians nest more closely to Jews than to most neighboring Arab groups. It's amazing, when you think about it, that the Jewish paternal lineage was retained during centuries of diaspora. It shows that both Jews and Palestinians have deep genetic roots in Palestine.
2023-11-04 10:56
Oops. Wrong thread. Please ignore.
2023-11-04 10:57
I get kind of annoyed with the "loneliness" stuff. (R: Cuddling Story.)
Somehow, these people's parents failed to teach them how to socialize. Maybe it was the school's fault for getting rid of recess. But if those who are lonely DO SOMETHING, it'll help. Join a club, volunteer, go to church, take a class, but get off your a** and leave the house! Step away from the computer! Put down the phone! Getting involved in something that unites other people helps you MAKE FRIENDS. Making friends can lead to deeper relationships: Freinds have friends. There are other things that contribute to the "loneliness epidemic" I think. And one of which is the emphasis on sex. I get the impression that people feel the need to "hook up" a lot, and if they don't hook up, they feel worthless. And it winds up to be a downhill cycle. The Army Suddenly, and Chaotically, Told Hundreds of Soldiers They Have to Be Recruiters Immediately
[quote] Without warning, hundreds of noncommissioned officers were ordered via email to report to the recruiting school at Fort Knox, Kentucky, in less than a week, with hundreds more set to start at the school in December -- a sudden unexpected move by the Army as the service scrambles to boost its recruiting force by 800 by the end of the year. The Army has roughly 10,000 recruiters, but that force has been bleeding troops over the past year. The 800 emergency recruiting students will allow the service to maintain its numbers. Recruiters have reported to Military.com in recent months of working longer hours and, in some cases, getting fired for missing quotas. . . . The active-duty part of the Army came up 10,000 new recruits short of its goal of 65,000 for the past fiscal year. The Army Reserve is in an even more dire situation, getting only 9,319 new soldiers. Its goal was to recruit 14,000. The Army National Guard fared much better, bringing in 29,457 new soldiers, just shy of its 30,880 goal.[/url] https://news.yahoo.com/army-suddenly-chaotically-told-hundreds-200550394.html 10,000 recruiters? Can that be right? To recruit 65,000? That's just 6.5 recruits per recruiter. Hmmmm . . . Anyway, it looks like they are having a hard time convincing people to come serve for Joe Biden in the Woke Army or be required to have experimental vaccines jabbed in their arms. What an interesting story. Here's another interesting story:
https://americanmilitarynews.com/2023/11/marine-corps-ball-canceled-due-to-unforeseen-operational-commitments/ "…United States Marine Corps Major Gen. Chris A. McPhillips reportedly announced Tuesday that the 248th Marine Corps Ball has been canceled by U.S. Central Command as a result of “unforeseen operational commitments.” The ball was scheduled for mid-November. Almost seems like someone is kind of, like, you know, gearing up for something. SURPRISE! How're the kids doing? Quisling traitors in the district of cesspool only serve their external paymasters and the Yenan Way of CCP.
Too stupid and greedy with blinders on to look up Chi Haotian and the bioweapon kill millions of Americans speech from 2005. The Long March CPUSA (D) believes that the real commies are like the worthless useless Grand Old Politburo neo-Whig fellow travelers and they are all in for a rude shock. Dupes and Lofos are why we are doomed. Did Zelensky try asking Israel for some shekels or a scam elderly phone call on Brandon, how will wifey have a $1million dollar shopping spree if he is the side ho? Am I the only one to notice some interesting similarities between the new House speaker, Mike Johnson, and the COnservative Leader in Canada, Pierre Poilievre? He's recently gotten rid of his glasses but he seems to have a similar, quiet-spoken demeanor. Odd!
The Great Reset Leap Forward is a Mao style revolution.
Dupes aren't smart enough to ask if the Fundamental Transformation will be an improvement. The Marxist war of all against all is the goal with a world lit only by fire in a new Dark Ages. They don't know how to create so it's gonna be a long dark winter for humanity. Read earlier about a comrade getting raided by the FIB for criticizing esteemed CPUSA (D) party member Adams of NYC and this wasn't some MAGA hat wearer. Meanwhile billions for everywhere except AINO from the occupational illegitimate government. Derailments, near collisions on tarmacs, crumbling infrastructure, no border, will continue. These things happen when TDS gets out of control due to Bolshevik enemedia gaslighting. |