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Saturday, October 7. 2023Saturday morning links
iOS 17 forces woman named ‘Siri’ to change her name More And More Detransitioners Are Taking The Fight To The Doctors Who Ruined Their Lives A Nobel Prize and the Future of Vaccines For Love and Money: Desperate Housewives, Crypto Scammers, and More The Decline of the Met and the Rise of Woke Opera - "Dead Man Walking opened the Metropolitan Opera’s 2023-24 season" ‘Ethnic Studies’ is CRT peddlers’ sneaky new way to stoke racial division in schools The New Push for Censorship Under the Guise of Combating Hate - How an obscure British nonprofit came to influence White House COVID policy and lead attacks on Elon Musk Update On Offshore Wind Projects Off The Mid-Atlantic And New England Our Establishment’s Alternate Realities Extremism In Defense Of Liberty Is No Vice - FBI Gears Up For Fresh Persecution Of Trump Voters :: Luxury Beliefs Prove Deadly :: SF Seeks Supreme Court Help On Homeless :: AOC, Machine Dem :: Corporate Lobbyist From MD Becomes Senator from CA Teachers Strike for Free Yoga While 79% of Students Don’t Meet Standards. The union is pressuring the district to provide free yoga and meditation programs Better Off Truant? Baltimore City Schools are so bad that kids might get more out of watching Sesame Street reruns. Washington DC crime is killing the city Biden 'Kicks' Dog As Rumors Of Animal Abuse Swirl Hillary Clinton Calls for “Formal Deprogramming” of Strong Trump Supporters Elderly Woman Escapes Nursing Home, Rants About Deprogramming The Populace AOC is upset the guy she recently endorsed for president is building a border wall WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST (UPDATED) Trackbacks
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re Hillary Clinton Calls for “Formal Deprogramming” of Strong Trump Supporters
This is merely representative of the general thinking on the left. We all know about it. Nothing new here. The hate for us is deep. Deprogramming “Deplorables”: Clinton Raises Need for “Formal Deprogramming” of Trump Supporters
QUOTE: Discussing the recent vacating of the position of the Speaker by all of the Democrats and eight Republicans, Clinton said that Democrats had to groom selected Republicans while treating the rest as sick cultists: Groom Republicans? https://jonathanturley.org/2023/10/06/deprogramming-the-deplorables-hillary-clinton-raises-need-for-formal-deprogramming-of-trump-supporters/ The FBI lets MAGA know they're watching them
QUOTE: The threat of terrorism from MAGA protestors is virtually nil. The characters who have foolishly made internet threats have been shot dead. There is no significant Internet talk of such violent revolution, such terrorism, no talk radio exhorting it, . . . Once upon a time, the FBI used to be a master observer of human nature, of behaviorial science, back before it went woke. So why would it put out such information through Newsweek, and yes they did put it out there, despite their protestations within the piece. It should be noted there have been no feverish denials, no condemnation against the reporter for taking things out of context, and not a right-wing source, which they wouldn't have. Given the damningness of the story, which clearly violates MAGA supporters' First Amendment rights, and puts the bureau in the role of the KGB, why would they let that happen? https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/10/the_fbi_lets_maga_know_theyre_watching_them.html QUOTE: There is no significant Internet talk of such violent revolution Well, that's not accurate. We see such talk every day on right-wing blogs. Most of it is just sound and fury, signifying nothing, but it's definitely out there. Yes! Terrible things, like: Start adhering to the constitution. End biased politically motivated prosecution and biased judges. Punish criminals so there is a reason for them to not commit crimes. Give us balanced budgets and stop sending money to other countries. Enforce immigration laws and give as a real and impenetrable border...
I agree, the MAGA people are saying things that the left finds abhorrent. THAT really is a problem but for the exact opposite reasons you portray. Quibble-DickZ: Most of it is just sound and fury, signifying nothing, but it's definitely out there.
Ergo, "insignificant". Thanks, ChatGPT. From the comments on this very blog: “Be nice, be passive, be unarmed, do not resist, but plan and work your plan to identify leaders, political and otherwise, and end them quickly and silently and evade capture so you can do it again.”
That's your example of significant internet talk? Thanks for, yet again, showing everyone what psychological pansies you are.
That would be awesome. Imagine if some had done that to Hitler before he came to power and caused the deaths of tens of millions. Good idea zach, hope the FBI doesn't show up at your door and kill you.
OneGuy: Imagine if some had done that to Hitler before he came to power and caused the deaths of tens of millions.
The quote advocates the assassination of political leaders in the United States. It confirms that the claim "There is no significant Internet talk of such violent revolution" is false. Eliminationist rhetoric is found on many right-wing blogs. Looks like Quibble-DickZ haven't quite grasped the "Rule of Holes" concept.
2023-10-08 12:41
I'd take your concerns a bit more serious if you had ever condemned the massive amounts of LW political violence and internet threats of violence which absolutely dwarfs RW political violence and threats.
Even worse, a major LW politician just advocated for government "deprograming" of large numbers of people for having perfectly reasonable political beliefs. The response from you and all of the LW is crickets. But you see fit to make a boggy man out an alleged threat of RW radicalism. Do you understand why I call the left authoritarian yet? James: a major LW politician just advocated for government "deprograming" of large numbers of people for having perfectly reasonable political beliefs.
She wasn't referring to people with reasonable political beliefs. Nor was it a serious policy proposal. However, she shouldn't have said it anyway, even in jest. We gather you grant to original point. "reasonable political beliefs"!!
Just the people with "unreasonable political beliefs" need to be forcibly reprogrammed. That seems fair and reasonable. I think communism and socialism is unreasonable and should be grounds for impeachment and sent to a reprogramming camp. Ditto for allowing and encouraging voting without ID which has already seriously harmed our Democratic Republic. Also anyone advocating for open borders or sanctuary cities.
2023-10-08 19:16
James: I'd take your concerns a bit more serious if you had ever condemned the massive amounts of LW political violence and internet threats of violence which absolutely dwarfs RW political violence and threats.
Law enforcement agencies and independent research has shown that right-wing threats are more prevalent than those on the political left. See, for example, Network-Enabled Anarchy: How Militant Anarcho-Socialist Networks Use Social Media to Instigate Widespread Violence Against Political Opponents and Law Enforcement, Network Contagion Research Institute 2020. However, it is certainly true that some on the far left also engage in violent rhetoric. Meanwhile, Trump wants to have the former Joint Chiefs Chairman executed. Re: More And More Detransitioners Are Taking The Fight To The Doctors Who Ruined Their Lives
Before they were detransitioners, were they the people Zachriel talks about when the subject is transgenders? mudbug: Before they were detransitioners, were they the people Zachriel talks about when the subject is transgenders?
We haven't addressed transitioning. Frankly, people do come out of the closet on gender identity, just as they do for sexual preference. Most people are happy in their own skins, and transitioning is mostly social. Surgery should be considered only rarely, even for cisgender people who want to 'improve' their looks. But people are as people do. Hillary is truly a sick human being. As feeblemind says, Hillary is just one of many on the left that would happily throw wrong thinkers on to boxcars for some ‘deprogramming’. Remember it was under the Clinton administration that the federal government first introduced the notion that those of us that speak of liberty and the constitution, are a threat to be watched. Hillary previously designated us as irredeemable.
Notice that the corporate media world was not horrified by the comments from Hillary. When the left says they want to take things away from you, make you eat bugs, force you to march to the beat of their drum, they mean what they say. They are not like republicans, who only say things to get elected. Look what they (the Uniparty) are doing to the outsider, the one man that actually kept his campaign promises. Reaping What You Sow: The American Regime In Chaos
QUOTE: given the massive institutional advantages and relative unity enjoyed by the political left, the Democratic Party finds itself engulfed in chaos of its own, largely resulting from the consequences of its own political victories. . . . Violent crime is on the rise in deep-blue cities, . . . Immigration, counted on as a powerful tool to ensure future political dominance for the Democratic Party, has also become a festering issue for Democrat politicians. . . . The greatest short-term threat to the regime’s stability is a threat few in Washington have yet to notice, the consequences of the Federal Reserve’s pivot away from its long role as a dutiful enabler of the Fed’s fiscal hedonism. . . . This week US bond markets are hitting historic losses of over 40 percent. Total losses on the value of bonds are estimated to stand at over $1.6 trillion and growing. . . . The meltdown of US bonds threatens systemic insecurity in the financial system, threatening the balance sheets of insurance companies, pensions, and other nonbank institutions that sought security in the form of US bonds. . . . Despite these seismic shocks happening in financial markets, the political class seems characteristically clueless. The political class may be more concerned about delayed Ukraine funding than the financial crisis brewing at home, but the regime is prepared to do what it does best: violently preserve itself at the expense of everyone else. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/reaping-what-you-sow-american-regime-chaos Ass the movie is coming soon to the Met!
Originally from Idiocracy, the flatulating posterior is the whole plot for two hours. Dank billboard spotted returning from Pineland-Woke Justice is crime and drugs for all. Burning it all down better are the spoiled children, downtrodden and oppressed on a trust fund as Bull Connor (D) hoses everything down. The 1964 forever LARP will burn it all down the best. Closing evil browser window again and it said terror attack in Israel by Hamas, dozens KIA. The world is in a sorry state under the enlightened beings of the faculty lounge. I surprisingly agree with John Hindraker of PowerLine - time and past time for Israel to go Dresden on the Gaza Strip. Give them 24 hours to vacate the area and then burn it all down, sow the land with salt, and install machine gun emplacements with motion-detector sensors. As they say, there will never be peace until the Palestinians love their children more than they hate Jews and that just ain't happening.
Hamas just opened war against Israel. War against their civilians. They fired 5000 rockets into Israel. Where do you suppose they got those rockets and how did they pay for them? This is the result of Biden giving billions to Muslim terrorist states. Biden might as well have done this himself since giving the terrorists money, massive amounts of money, equates to the same thing. This was not a mistake or incompetence as many of the same people Hillary wants to reprogram have been warning that this would happen. Biden and his puppeteer intended this. Soros is no doubt celebrating. Hillary said "at this point what difference does it make". This is what the left does. You want chaos; elect a Democrat.
With indigenous people's day coming up it is useful to know who are indigenous? It means: "Indigenous means belonging to a place or region by nature, not by human intervention."
OK that rules out everyone in the Americas. Perhaps everyone in Europe and Asia too. Obviously everyone in Australia as well. And most if not all of those in Africa. I'm not sure there is anyone, anywhere that meets that rather stringent qualification. So what do they really mean??? Simple, really; non-white. JustMe: "Indigenous means belonging to a place or region by nature, not by human intervention."
Where is that quote found? JustMe: So what do they really mean??? Simple, really; non-white. Blacks are not indigenous to the Americas. "Blacks are not indigenous to the Americas"
Neither are Indians. OneGuy: Neither are Indians.
While usage varies somewhat, Native Americans are almost always considered indigenous to the Americas. Indeed, the earliest usage of the term in English was used to describe Native Americans. indigenous : of or relating to the earliest known inhabitants of a place and especially of a place that was colonized by a now-dominant group But they are no more indigenous than are the Europeans who also immigrated here. AND since the first "Indians" in the Americas warred upon, enslaved and displaced by subsequent waves of "Indian" immigrants the "Indians" themselves were colonists. They are clearly NOT indigenous to the Americas.
OneGuy: But they are no more indigenous than are the Europeans who also immigrated here.
Perhaps if you tacitly use an idiosyncratic definition, which has the effect of obscuring the meaning. |