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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, July 27. 2023Thursday morning links
Swiss study: heart injuries from COVID vaccine 3000x higher than thought She says it's conservatives who believe false narratives Isn't that a false narrative? Washington Post Discovers The Urban Heat Island Effect Electric Vehicle Sales Beginning to Run Out of Fuel - Americans seem to be less trusting of “The Science” and are now climate-crisis-questioning. Kevin Spacey Found Not Guilty in U.K. Sexual Assault Trial Democrats May Want to Panic About Hunter Biden Now Does Hunter matter? Even NBC News is throwing Joe Biden under the bus 70 years ago today, Cuba’s endless nightmare began . . . Trackbacks
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"Does Hunter matter?", asks our host, disingenuously.
Well no, of course not. He never did. What matters is that many shady foreign businessmen and government officials thought--correctly it appears--that they could influence US foreign policy by bribing the then Vice President (Hunter's father Joe) by handing Hunter large piles of American dollars. Nobody every bribed Hunter Biden. He was a cutout who provided a degree of now-threatened deniability that they were bribing Joe. It's Joe who matters, because officially at least, he is now the President of the United States. Does that help? I really tried to explain it as simply as I could. Pretty much everything one needs to know about why Hunter Biden matters.
https://www.dailywire.com/news/timeline-of-alleged-biden-family-corruption Nice.
Hunter matters. He matters so much that he arrived at his hearing in a six car motorcade - police\ secret service escort. He matters as an example of how corrupt our ‘Justice’ system has become. Millions of dollars in tax liabilities and did he have to pay penalties and interest? The court suggested that he not smoke marijuana do crack cocaine or own a gun. Although Hunter’s crimes did not include driving under the influence, his arraignment serves as an example of the difference in treatment by the courts to that of an average citizen. An acquaintance of mine was convicted of a DUI. Recently a law was passed that the court could go back ten or more years for driving under the influence convictions. He had one 12 years prior. Before his trial he was placed under house arrest - ankle bracelet. He was required to show up for a urine analysis within 12 hours of his probation officers call. After his trial, he spent 90 days in jail, and for the next two years was required to provide urine at least three or four time a week. He was required to attend weekly addiction classes. 100 hours of community service and who knows how many thousands of dollars in fines, lawyers fees and payments for his addiction classes. That is one example of thousands that could be offered as to the difference in treatment of the Hunter Biden’s of the world and that of the average citizen. Didn’t a rapper pop up that had the same gun crime conviction as that whichHunter is accused of? I seem to recall that he spent time in jail. Yeah, Hunter doesn’t matter. The "false narrative" story was an attempt to gas light us into believing that the charges Trump is facing are real and not corrupt Democrat politics. They can't understand why so many Trump supporters didn't abandon Trump once they inundated us with these phony criminal charges. "Why don't you all fall in line and vote Democrat" they wail! Meanwhile we see the Democrat president literally selling out the country with no charges and no media coverage.
Trump will probably lose in a DC court. Just as all the J6 defendants lost in a DC court. There is not requirement that you commit a crime to lose in the DC courts all that is required is that you be white and conservative. The DC courts are corrupt and that is why they use them. I think you are right One Guy.
Being white and conservative in DC = guilty as charged. One wonders how quickly this brand of justice will spread? The more time goes on, the more it looks like Spacey wasn't a rapist so much as someone who gets a little too touchy-feely when he's had a few too many. PoundMeeToo tried to blur those lines as much as possible to persecute and margianlize men and male sexuality.
re The scariest poll you'll see this summer - And it's not about Joe Biden
QUOTE: Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents are much more likely than Republicans and Republican leaners to support the U.S. government taking steps to restrict false information online (70% vs. 39%). There was virtually no difference between the parties in 2018, but the share of Democrats who support government intervention has grown from 40% in 2018 to 70% in 2023, while the share of Republicans who hold this view hasn’t changed much. . . . A large majority of Democrats and Democratic leaners (81%) support technology companies taking such steps, while about half of Republicans (48%) say the same. The share of Democrats who support technology companies taking these steps has also increased steadily since 2018. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/07/20/most-americans-favor-restrictions-on-false-information-violent-content-online/ They are rubbing our noses in their filth
QUOTE: The deep state stole the 2020 election right from under us. Biden was chosen because everyone in DC knew he was dumb and corrupt, which made him the perfect figurehead for a government out of control. Our DC overlords made no attempt to mask their election theft because they wanted to extinguish dissent. Like the Borg in some Star Trek series, their message is resistance is futile. . . . Those stories about the discovery of a bag of cocaine in the White House were not an accidental leak of the truth. The leak was psyops meant to destroy the morale of their enemy, which is the American people. The discovery was meant to show that Biden and his crooks will do anything they want and get away with it, and they do. Law enforcement did nothing — and what will Republicans do about it? Cry? Biden’s crew ignores congressional subpoenas without consequence, just as Eric Holder did when he was Obama’s AG. In January, Speaker McCarthy promised to make the videos of the January 6 protest public. Six months later, the videos remain under lock and key — right next to Epstein’s client list. https://donsurber.substack.com/p/they-are-rubbing-our-noses-in-their Between NOAA "adjusting" quantitative data, and data collection stations being placed on the roofs of buildings in the middle of urban heat islands, and so on, you should question much of the data collection. UHI's have some pretty solid measures to help reduce the effects of being an UHI, but of course it takes money to retrofit and maintain (and most are aesthetic upgrades, help with runoff, et .).
Look, I'm out of the business of defending Trump, but when you can write an article on false narratives and include "supposed witch hunts" against Trump without acknowledging the Steele dossier, you disqualify yourself. Hoss: Between NOAA "adjusting" quantitative data, and data collection stations being placed on the roofs of buildings in the middle of urban heat islands, and so on, you should question much of the data collection.
One way to check the validity of the temperature anomaly based on surface measurements is to remove urban stations from the calculation. See Rohde et al., Influence of Urban Heating on the Global Temperature Land Average using Rural Sites Identified from MODIS Classifications, Geoinformatics & Geostatistic 2013: “no urban heating effect over the period 1950 to 2010”. Another way to check the validity of the temperature anomaly based on surface measurements is to compare it to the temperature anomaly from an independent source, such as satellite observations of atmospheric radiance. Satellite observations show much the same trend. The same response to give to all warmunists.
"Anomalies* are not real temperatures. They were "created" because all the so-called "climate scientists" couldn’t get their model simulations to match known records. That was made quite clear by the ClimateGate fraud revelations. Anyway... https://temperature.global/ The Earth's Temperature QUOTE: Currently: 57.45°F/14.14°C Deviation: 0.25°F/0.14°C Stations processed last hour: 53813 Last station processed: Edson, Canada Update time: 2023-07-27 20:12:50 UTC If not Trump, then who? There isn't another candidate who isn't part of the uni-party or bought by billionaires. The far left want to fundamentally change America to a communist tyranny and they want to di it now. Most who claim to be on the right are OK with that but want to do it slowly. Trump is the only candidate actually opposed to this. There are other people who are good and honest believers in America and our constitution but if Trump is crucified why would they even consider getting into politics. And THAT if the purpose in crucifying Trump. If they can steal our national election so big that it could be seen from space what makes you think you can vote your way back to a constitutional republic? Why do you suppose they are hell bent on taking our guns??? Because they know they are about to do something that would cause a actual insurrection.
Many decades ago climate scientists were in agreement that afterr the end of the mini-ice age that temperatures would rise 1.5 degrees C more or less back to normal. So far it has only risen 1.1 degree C. Not quite where it should be yet.
Re the 1st Amendment:
The Founding Fathers knew that democracy and freedom were incompatible. The majority will always seek to oppress any minority. The Bill of Rights is intended to protect minorities from the majority. It is no surprise that a majority of Americans are opposed to free speech. It has likely been that way since the git go. The other anti-democratic provisions of the Constitution are the (original) Senate, the Supreme Court, and the Electoral College. All provide space and protections to minorities. False narratives?
Is that like the Hillary quote where she says Ingsoc are the good guys? And this was years before the COV-LARP Reset Leap Forward. Heard about that poll giving up on the first amendment. Mommygov will keep us safe and deal with those wrongthink deplorable kulak untermenschen scum. It is for the good of the collective after all and hiveborg uber alles, no shirking, comrade, we're all in this together. Facecrime is wrongthink and only happytalk will be allowed. Forward, si se puede! 70 years ago today, Cuba’s endless nightmare began . . .
Milk production is one of the most salient examples of the failure of Castroslavia/Castrogonia. According to CUBA: BEEF AND MILK PRODUCTION (1952-1958), Cuba produced 828,000 metric tons of milk in 1958. From FAOSTAT: Crops and livestock products , we find out that Cuba’s milk production had fallen to 350,000 metric tons in 1961. By the 1980s, milk production in Cuba had rebounded to 1.1 million metric tons. Much of that increased milk production came from importing corn from the Soviet Union. With the loss of the Soviet sugar daddy, milk production in Cuba crashed. Compare milk production in Cuba with Latin America. Milk production, metric tons 1961 2020 Cuba 350,000 459,051 Latin America 18,561,645 86,601,956 Milk production, metric tons 2020/1961 Cuba 1.31 Latin America 4.67 Were we to use Cuba's milk production for 2021, of a mere 384,729 metric tons, the present(2021) to past(1961) production ratio for Cuba would be a paltry 1.1. An increase of 10 per cent in 61 years! When I once presented this unpleasant fact to a Commie Cuba fan, the reply was that Latin America got 'help" from the US, but Cuba did not. Perhaps not coincidentally, I got the same response when I once pointed out to another Commie Cuba fan that Pinochet's record in reducing Infant Mortality was superior to that of Castro. What accounts for the collapse in Cuban milk production? One reason is that when Cuba lost the Soviet market for its sugar, it let its sugar fields lie fallow. Result: once productive lands got invaded by the marabú bush. THAT is the reason why Cuba imports so much of its food. See Duck Duck go search:marabú fallow land cuba . Lands which could have been used for productive agricultural use got taken over by marabú. An estimated 20+% of Cuban agricultural land has been taken over by marabú.Had former sugar lands been converted ASAP to either corn to feed cattle, or to pasture lands for cattle, Cuba's milk production would not have fallen so drastically. Incidentally, C. Wright Mills, in Listen Yankee, his polemic in favor of Castro, brings up the issue of marabú infestation. He stated that there was a grass that could be planted to fight marabú infestation. The point is that anyone who claimed that they couldn't see the marabú infestation coming when the sugar fields lay fallow was either a fool or a liar. "One way to check the validity of the temperature anomaly based on surface measurements is to remove urban stations from the calculation."
Temperature is an intrinsic parameter and does not average. Average temperature is physical nonsense. Ray: Temperature is an intrinsic parameter and does not average. Average temperature is physical nonsense.
And, yet, the average temperature in Paris is higher in August than in January. Sacré bleu! Ray: There is no average temperature.
Repeating your claim is not an argument. We provided a simple example. So, are you saying the statements "The average temperature in the boiler increases as you add heat" or "The average temperature in Paris in August (20°C) is higher than the average temperature in January (5°C)" are incoherent? Both statements seem not only coherent, but pretty useful statements of physical facts. Here are a few {hundred thousand} references to "average temperature" in the scientific literature. Zack,
It wasn't intended to be an argument. Take a course in thermodynamics. You will learn that the temperatures do not average. It is physical nonsense. I do not care if there are a few thousand references to average temperature in the scientific literature. That just tells me these people are ignorant. Please tell me how they measure the average temperature. Ray: It wasn't intended to be an argument.
Why respond if you won't support your claim? Consider it a learning opportunity! Ray: Please tell me how they measure the average temperature. Mean temperature is defined as the (possibly weighted) sum of temperature measurements divided by number of measurements. So, if we measure the temperature in a shady place in Paris every hour during the day, then the average refers to the arithmetic mean of those measurements. (We might do so repeatedly for different months and over many years. Imagine what we might learn!) Again, are you saying it is incoherent to say that the average temperature in Paris in August is higher than it is in January? That would be ridiculous. That's because average temperature is explicitly defined as the arithmetic mean of individual temperature measurements. Ray: You will learn that the temperatures do not average.
It is true that two bodies of unequal temperature in thermal contact may not reach thermal equilibrium at the mean temperature. But that's a different question. Note that the average temperatures we noted were of the same basic substance, air or water. Taking the mean of the temperatures of the Earth and Sun, even if you weight by mass or better by thermal mass, may not be that meaningful. But that is far different than saying all average temperatures are meaningless or "nonsense". As noted above, average temperature can result in testable observations with a known probability distribution and has many practical uses—including when planning your vacation.
Leave it to Zack to go off on a tangent and explain everything I never asked. I said how do they "measure" and you proceeded to tell me how to "calculate" the arithmetic mean. Average temperature is imaginary, it does not exist.
Ray: I said how do they "measure" and you proceeded to tell me how to "calculate" the arithmetic mean.
We answered directly. We measure the temperature (with a device called a thermometer), such as in a shady place in Paris every hour during the day. The average then refers to the arithmetic mean of those measurements. Ray: Average temperature is imaginary, it does not exist. Just because it is a calculated number doesn't mean it doesn't have empirical validity. More particularly, we can use the historical average temperature to make *testable empirical predictions*. Waving your hands doesn't change that. Did you know the average distance of the Earth to the Sun is about 150 million km? re She says it's conservatives who believe false narratives
That's a hoot! I imagine this woman is completely incapable of introspection. |