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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, May 22. 2023Monday morning links
Yep Goldman struggles to close gender divide after discrimination payout. US bank commits to boosting female staff in wake of $215mn settlement but some remain sceptical 1 in 3 Female Recruits Injured in Army Basic Training - "Nearly 30% of female recruits were injured on average each month" UT Austin tells students to use 'wimmin' instead of the word 'women' Because It Worked Out So Well For Bud Light, Fords Unveils Its “Very Gay” Truck… Finally, A Solution To The Problem Of Intermittent Power Generation -- The "Virtual Power Plant" Elise Stefanik, Republicans Push Back on Biden’s War on Chocolate Milk Running therapy has effects on depression and anxiety symptoms comparable to antidepressants, but provides additional health benefits Work/Life Balance at Goldman Sachs " She tells what happened when she, married with three children, fell in love with another man and decided to divorce her husband and to marry her lover." Deaths of Despair Now Significant Among the Young How rotten is the FBI? US National Security Experts Urge No More Weapons For Ukraine In NY Times Joe Biden Is Preparing to Provide US F-16 FIghter Jets to Ukraine – World War III Can’t Come Fast Enough for These Elites Trackbacks
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Kerry Says US Farm Confiscations Not Off the Table
https://conservativefiringline.com/kerry-says-us-farm-confiscations-not-off-the-table/ Katie Hobbs vetoes election security bill
QUOTE: Regarding the election equipment, HB 2613, sponsored by State Representative Steve Montenegro (R-Goodyear), would have required all vote recording and tabulation machines used in Arizona elections to be 100 percent manufactured in the U.S. and have all parts sourced in the country. Starting in 2028, the Arizona Secretary of State would be prohibited from certifying any election results from a machine that did not comply with the law. However, Hobbs wrote that this bill would ultimately have a “catastrophic” effect on Arizona by making it near impossible for the state to carry out elections. https://arizonasuntimes.com/news/arizona-gov-hobbs-vetoes-six-more-republican-bills/njones/2023/05/19/ Goldman should just give a bonus to any man willing to list themselves as a woman.
Boom. Done. Reading the U S Bank story it seems that there was no discrimination just a lot of whiners. Imagine that your major complaint with your work is “on a very theoretical level we are encouraged to speak up . . . in practice if you say something controversial it’s not well received”. Imagine that! You say something "controversial" and it's not well received. Well don't say it! It is likely inappropriate for a work environment.
Thank you for posting the Andrew Sullivan piece; he distilled and put into words what is occurring better than anyone.
Col. Potter:
[singing in the shower] I love to go swimmin' with bow-legged wimmin and swim between their legs... swim between their legs... swim between their legs... The Goldman and US Bank story seems to imply that there are gender quotas. I would think quotas would be objectional to everyone. I am not sure why courts don't overturn quotas they are obviously unconstitutional.
We don’t live in a meritocratic society, that would not be fair. So, we must lower our standards, our expectations, and punish those that try and rise above the less fortunate.
As the Army basic training article explains, we’ll just keep lowering the standards so that there are no injuries. Yes, our troops will be overrun and slaughtered in a future battle, just a small price to pay for equity and inclusion. "Here's to swimmin' with bow-legged wimmin."
That should raise the tone. F-16s to the Ukraine: Few of the elites kids will be taking a round in the gut, so they say, "Why not? If Shillary can destabilize Libya to show she has the balls, why not us?"
I heard some federal policy dope on NPR yesterday, pontificating about how, as the US military is now transitioning to the F-35, this is leaving a lot of those old F-16's available for lending to the Ukraine. Sounded very confident in himself.
But the F-35 is not a replacement for the F-16, any more than a Piper cub would replace a Boeing 737. They have completely different mission objectives, so the loss of these $70million fighters would compromise our own defenses. If this is our military leadership's level of strategy-making, we're in for a hard time. How rotten is the FBI? It is a threat to the republic. Not much threat to a democracy.
That idea of Virtual Power Plants sounds like something out of The Matrix. As AI and Virtual Reality converge, you can float there in your little battery case and imagine all sorts of wonderful things. Like eating, being warm, having electricity, all sorts of things. I think I'll like being a Coppertop.
Those epic Sergio Leone/Ennio Morricone Westerns were all made in Italy.
Machiavelli and the fascists are something to study in this fading Chiquita republic that couldn't get the high speed rail (honk!) to run on time with the unicorn rainbow fountain power supply. The virtual power plant sounds like what is going on in South Africa for they just received a high rating for low carbon emissions. We are the carbon based life forms to be reduced because evil always pounces on Peak Stupidity. In the egalitarian equity an empty food plate will be on the menu for everyone but at least the tweets aren't mean...the solar powered phone or hand written tweets. If that's what it takes to reset and weed out then so be it but capitalism could have went on for at least another 100 years. Tip of the hat to the great Z-Man and one of the finest comments sections on the web. The virtual powerplant ... similar to the imaginary South African blackout and no power hereabouts courtesy of NWO/BBB/WEF.
I'm not what you would call a winner according to capitalism but at least I can choose to opt out or live Spartan.
My materialism is preps, gear and music. Under real socialism/communism you are clothed, fed, educated (honk!), given a profession, whether you like it or not, failing or just saying NO is not on the menu. Is capitalism perfect? Certainly not but there are systems a million times worse and I would never want to burn it all down just to spite everyone else or have the I got my pot of gold and to hell with you attitude. One of the radio guys said they want to make it so no one else will ever be able to enjoy a high standard of living while they live large at the dachas as apparatchiks. Is it just me? I found the story of the adulteress and the therapist to be incredibly sad, a modern American story of amorality and pleasure seeking trumping the things that matter.