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Wednesday, May 17. 2023Wednesday morning links
DEI Goes Wobbly How Therapists Became Social Justice Warriors Greg Gutfeld Hits It Out of the Park on the Durham Report and What It Means The silence is deafening: Flagship CNN shows Anderson Cooper 360 and Primetime make NO mention of discredited FBI probe into baseless Trump-Russia claims network previously claimed were 'corroborated' The war against Trump was cooked up by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, revealed to the Obama Administration, and executed by the FBI and Justice Department. Never Forget the Misinformation and Collusion by the Mockingbird Media Regarding “Russia, Russia, Russia” – And Remember Who Had it Right from the Beginning FBI Offered To Pay Steele $1 Million For Anti-Trump Evidence… For the Dems, it was usual dirty tricks. The FBI was involved with treason, it seems to me. Trackbacks
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QUOTE: The FBI was involved with treason, it seems to me. When are the Durham treason trials expected to begin? QUOTE: the FBI Inspector General’s report and the Durham Report put to bed any idea that there was a shred of truth in the accusations that Trump colluded with Russia during the 2016 campaign. Russia interfered in the U.S. election, including by feloniously hacking the DNC, the Trump campaign welcomed the interference, and there were multiple contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian agents. There was also evidence of obstruction by the Trump campaign. Durham doesn't point to any rules which which were broken that would have prohibited the FBI investigation. Indeed, Durham did not say an investigation wasn't warranted, but that, in his view, it only supported a preliminary investigation. Seriously? That's it? That's the conclusion of the report. You’re a true believer, aren’t you Gish Gallop? You remind me of the Germans that supported the Nazi’s. It took Eisenhower forcing them to walk through the concentration camps for the horrors to sink in. And I’ll bet large swaths of them still didn’t care.
B. Hammer: Gish Gallop?
We recited four findings of the Mueller report, all related to the same issue of Russian interference. So, not a Gish Gallop. We would also note that the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee found the contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian agents constituted a "grave" national security threat. The Durham investigation resulted in two acquittals on what the right-wing likes to call "process crimes," and a guilty plea which resulted in no jail time. There were no additional indictments. No treason was alleged. The primary allegation was that the FBI agents were subject confirmation bias. That's it. Durham didn't claim there shouldn't have been an investigation, only that it should have been a preliminary investigation. The Durham report is all huff and puff, a dud. ...a "grave" national security threat.
But none of it was coordinated, but it does sound better when you bury the lede. Incredulous that something of this magnitude happens in this country, and democrats are at the ready throwing every excuse in for it. Effing sickening actually, but nothing surprises me with the American Stasis any more. Nixon was a piker. Hoss: ...a "grave" national security threat.
That's right. Trump downplayed the grave threat to national security, with evidence that the Trump campaign obstructed the investigation. Furthermore, the Trump campaign actually welcomed Russian interference. The relevant point is that the investigation was predicated. Durham just alleges that it should have been limited to a preliminary investigation. That's hardly the stuff of "treason" or a "coup" or criminal. You went a whole paragraph and refuted nothing; cute how everything’s an “existential” or “grave” national threat, other than a Secretary of State keeping government business on a private server/system.
What choice do you have as a good foot soldier for the Party’s cause other than to downplay one of the most despicable footnotes in this country’s history. If you don’t realize the extent of the damage it did then you’re being willfully obtuse. I can only hope the Republicans are scummy enough to try and pull something like this against democrats; as far as I’m concerned the gloves are off and nothing’s off the table that’d raise my blood pressure. Ffs, Biden and comrades sent an alphabet agency after a diary, so what wouldn’t they do. Hoss: You went a whole paragraph and refuted nothing
We supported our claim that the investigation was properly predicated based on evidence of the national security threat posed by contacts between Russian agents and the Trump campaign. This claim is even supported by the Durham report, which claimed that the investigation should have been only a preliminary investigation. There were no additional indictments after being twice embarrassed in court. Durham was just trying to justify the investigation by huffing and puffing. All true, all damning evidence of the corruption of the left, in a constitutional Republic this would bring prison sentences. But you can't win a case like this in DC. These trials should be held in small towns in Iowa, North Dakota and Ohio. Our federal government is corrupt and every city that houses major federal power centers is corrupt. This is by intent. You are being ruled by a handful of corrupt politicians hiding in corrupt Democrat/communist cities/states. You cannot vote your way out of this because they steal the vote. You have two choices; ride this collapse down into chaos or fight. It is April 19, 1775 all over again. Except this time no one will step up.
OneGuy: All true, all damning evidence of the corruption of the left, in a constitutional Republic this would bring prison sentences.
The law is and has always been a crude instrument. However, Durham had the full power of the federal government to bring to bear on those he found to have committed crimes, but there were no additional indictments. "Indeed, based on the evidence gathered in the multiple exhaustive and costly federal investigations of these matters, including the instant investigation, neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation."
"The speed and manner in which the FBI opened and investigated Crossfire Hurricane during the presidential election season based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence also reflected a noticeable departure from how it approached prior matters involving possible attempted foreign election interference plans aimed at the Clinton campaign." Actually, the conclusion of the report was that the FBI acted with political bias and improper motivations and it's well documented. eeyore (quoting): "neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion"
No, but they did have evidence of Russian election interference, of the Trump campaign welcoming that interference, of contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian agents, and of obstruction by the Trump campaign. Also, Trump campaign advisor, George Papadopoulos, had told a diplomat that "the Russians had emails of Clinton, they have thousands of emails." Not investigating these links would have been a dereliction of duty. eeyore: Actually, the conclusion of the report was that the FBI acted with political bias and improper motivations and it's well documented. Durham explicitly alleges confirmation bias, not political interference. "Given the foregoing, and viewing the facts in a light most favorable to the Crossfire Hurricane investigators, it seems highly likely that, at a minimum , confirmation bias played a significant role in the FBI's acceptance of extraordinarily serious allegations derived from uncorroborated information that had not been subjected to the typical exacting analysis employed by the FBI and other members of the Intelligence Community."
eeyore (quoting): "confirmation bias played a significant role in the FBI's acceptance"
Durham is alleging confirmation bias—though he insinuates more, the very stuff of huff and puff. Nor does he allege any rules were broken in opening the investigation. The Horowitz report found the investigation was properly predicated. Note the evidence presented in our previous comment predicating the investigation. Durham also says that "Under the FBI's guidelines, the investigation could have been opened more appropriately as an assessment or preliminary investigation." That's a far cry from alleging "treason" or "coup" or a crime of any sort. That's why there were no additional indictments, and the two indictment Durham did bring resulted in unanimous jury verdicts of acquittal. QUOTE: “As confirmed by Durham: Obama knew. Clinton knew. Biden knew. Comey knew. Brennan knew. McCabe knew. Strzok knew. Clapper knew. Schiff knew. FBI knew. DOJ knew. They all knew Trump was innocent but they smeared and spied on him. Worse than Watergate. Trump is a crime victim!” Apparently the only ones who weren't involved in Russian collusion were Donald Trump and the Russians. This was just a part of the coup of 2020. The massive election fraud, the MSM and our federal departments colluding to overthrow the will of the citizens. The instillations of a puppet into the presidency. We still don't know who is the puppeteer; Is it Obama, probably not he was a puppet too. Is it China? Very likely. This was a soft coup and they got away with it. Now it is an invasion.
Anon: The massive election fraud,
There is no evidence of massive election fraud. Anon: the MSM and our federal departments colluding to overthrow the will of the citizens. The media can take sides, and the media can disseminate government information. The government, however, can't coerce the media for their political point of view. So, the government can use Twitter's app to report tweets that violate Twitter's policies. Twitter can then freely ignore or respond to such reports. How did you think it worked? This must be a scarier-than-usual topic for the Z--unusually high spamming level today.
Funny that Quibble-DickZ are now in their denial phase and their diatribes no longer hold any water.
Kinda like this guy. https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2023/05/17/adam-schiff-still-insists-trump-colluded-with-russia-despite-durham-report-n1696064 Funding is always available when it comes to discouraging dangerous thinking.
The Borg has sent out all the bots to disseminate chaff far and wide. Can countermeasures be far behind? The bots are sinking deeper into the insanity muck and mire.
So if the Dems/Biden choose to not accept the House budget and the government goes into default, what will that affect will that have? Will SS continue to send out checks? Will the ATF continue to entrap innocent gun owners and sellers? Will the IRS all be laid off? Will welfare payments be held up? Will Ukraine still get their millions? Will illegal aliens still get free housing, food and smart phones? Will Biden shut down all the national parks like the asshole Obama did? What will Biden do to punish the filthy American middle class???
No, all of the Federal Government payroll / feed trough functions would be prioritized, however unofficially. They will close the offices to ensure no actual services are provided.
What I also recall from the Obama administration, is that the National Parks all closed, the national monuments were locked down, and all of the functions that are in service to the general public were shut down as a matter of priority, so that the serfs were reminded of who is really in charge of things. Expect the same this time. OneGuy: Will Biden shut down all the national parks
Aggie: What I also recall from the Obama administration, is that the National Parks all closed . . . That confuses a government shutdown due to lack of a budget and a credit default if the United States fails to raise the debt ceiling. The former simply means the Congress hasn't appropriated funds for government functions, so, per statute, the government must discontinue non-essential discretionary functions. The latter means the Congress has failed to pay for what has already been appropriated. That failed to answer any of the questions, and you also failed to correct OneGuy in his statement on the Ukraine, which should properly read 'billions' not 'millions'. Be careful: People might start to think you're biased.
Aggie: That failed to answer any of the questions
It's difficult to respond when a government shutdown is being confused with a credit default.
Government: "Don't order any more paperclips." Default Vendor: "The paperclips have been delivered per your purchase order. Here's the bill." Government: "Sucker!" But... but... isn't there a SS trust fund? The government borrowed/stole about $4 trillion from SS since the mid 50's so that shouldn't ever be shut down because of lack of funds.
Also the house has presented a budget with a modest increase in the debt ceiling. The house is doing it's job it will be up to the senate to pass it and Biden to sign it. OneGuy: But... but... isn't there a SS trust fund?
Social Security is required to keep its funds in Special issue U.S. bonds. The government will probably prioritize paying these bonds, but there is no legal authority to prioritize payments. Again, like with most deadbeats, it will end up in court. The uncertainty along makes for a bad credit risk, but when combined with political dysfunction, well, creditors may head towards the exits. OneGuy: Also the house has presented a budget with a modest increase in the debt ceiling. "Nice economy you got there. Be a shame if anything happened to it." The U.S. system has a significant flaw, exemplified by the debt ceiling. One chamber of Congress can threaten to bring down the entire economic system if they don't get exactly what they want, which they would otherwise be unable to enact by majority. "One chamber of Congress can threaten to bring down the entire economic system if they don't get exactly what they want"
Economics is not your strong suit. The problem is NOT that the Republican House is trying to reign in our run away debt! Duh! The problem is our run away debt! DUH! Our debt is so extraordinarily huge that it can never be paid off, never be paid down and just the interest alone will destroy our economy. It is already too late to fix the problem that the debt/deficit spending has created. All we are doing now is kicking the can down the road/rearranging deck chairs staving off the inevitable while our politicians continue to grow rich with insider trading. The debt is like the story of the king with no clothes, once you see it, the problem it poses, you cannot unsee it.
2023-05-18 10:45
OneGuy: The problem is NOT that the Republican House is trying to reign in our run away debt!
The debt can and should be addressed through the normal budgetary process. However, the United States still exhibits significant political dysfunction. For instance, Republicans have proposed extending tax cuts that primarily benefit the rich. OneGuy: Our debt is so extraordinarily huge that it can never be paid off, never be paid down and just the interest alone will destroy our economy. Of course, it can be paid off. Or more likely, the deficit reduced to manageable levels, about the same as the long-term rate of real GDP growth, around 2%. OneGuy: All we are doing now is kicking the can down the road/rearranging deck chairs staving off the inevitable while our politicians continue to grow rich with insider trading. So, your solution, because you will eventually die anyway, is to shoot yourself now.
2023-05-18 10:58
John Kerry looks a little stringy and tough, bur if you cooked him up in a nice stew he'd make a decent enough substitute for beef. I'd certainly be willing to give it a try.
Peppy discussion forum, love it!
What a golden gift this first amendment. Math metal band Meshuggah has the light years ahead of the pack Destroy Erase Improve from 1995. Will the super scary sky is falling (gasp!) default slow down the replacement? Nope, just like the border was never fully closed during the one COV-LARP to rule them all. The People's Cube had the great sky is closed no viewing during shutdown Kabuki under Barry Soetoro Obama. BS Durham had to release the report years too late with no recommendations for indictment, he likes being upright and inhaling oxygen while being a member of the big club that we aren't in. Ever notice how every other word from Trump is something about America and making it better, that won't be allowed in the global EBT world shopping bazaar. As soon as I heard the Moscow pee pee suite about Trump it was gut busting laughs but I've never had a super smartphone hive member token or let the Bolshevik enemedia drive my brain and never will. How the CPUSA (D) wants back into that gas station with an economy with 12 time zones, by any means necessary. |