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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, May 9. 2023Tuesday morning links
Trauma Therapy Run Amok WSJ: The Lies We Tell Ourselves About Multitasking - Our brains aren’t wired to juggle tasks I can walk and talk ‘We should not live by lies’: Heather Mac Donald warns America to wake up Biden Regime Announces New Rules Cracking Down On Dishwashers Transgenderism is “an ideology that came out of the postmodern movement in the 1980s that is attempting to gain power by confusing people about the nature of reality. The Washington Post Did a Poll on the Trans Narrative, and It Didn't Like the Results US Air Force Ran A Social Experiment To Graduate More Minority Pilots. It Didn’t Go As Planned Jordan Neely Was on NYC’s List of ‘Top 50’ Mentally Ill Homeless People in Need of Urgent Help How to help people who refuse it? Evil VDH: The Impending Thermidor Reaction in Jacobin America - At peak woke, our reign of terror is beginning to lose momentum because its continuation would destroy all the work of 247 years of American progress and sacrifice. House Dem Chair Pete Aguilar Blames Border Surge On “Climate Change”… BEHIND THE LEFT’S ADDICTION TO RACISM Democrats' policies: Help the poor and minorities, or just make them more dependent on the government? Trackbacks
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" EU Approves Dutch Government’s Plan to Shutter Farms, ‘Forced Sales’ Not Ruled Out. Earlier this year, the EU gave green light for several types of insects to be allowed in food items consumed by humans." the EU seems intent on totally destroying Europe and it's regular people. Yes, EVIL.
On the positive side, the last election in the Netherlands saw a massive shift of votes towards new, slightly populist parties.
Until the people in European countries are prepared to tell the EU to pound sand (or nuke Brussels) nothing will change no matter who they vote for. My guess is that there are several Eastern European countries looking at what is happening in the Netherlands and preparing themselves to exit the EU.
It is beyond living in an empire of lies when you hear elite KKK Cholowaffen (h/t-BCE) outsourced supremist (?) and 50 trillion dollar upgrades to the electric grid and no one laughs until their side hurts.
Fans of Martha Reeves or the Supremes are Motown supremists. (honk!) All your dishwashers are belong to us. To each according to his Dawn, cookware of the world unite. The CPUSA only helps those who have political value and surely every one has heard of the Cloward-Piven plan from the early stages of the Long March 'Jordan Neely Was on NYC’s List of ‘Top 50’ Mentally Ill Homeless People in Need of Urgent Help'
Sounds like that Marine gave him the only help people like that need. Unfortunately the end result will be that when an incident like this happens people will walk away and not get involved. It seems like no one really cared about Neely until there was a dollar to be made off of him. Not his family, government or society. Meanwhile lets bring more problems like him into our country.
If Something Cannot Go On Forever, It Will Stop
It is a very interesting read. This is a discussion about the 4th Turning, which I know you guys are familiar with. It's more of a description of the event than a gaze into the crystal ball. It's also a long read, "23-29 minutes." YMMV of course. https://billquick.substack.com/p/if-something-cannot-go-on-forever Bill does a fine job of covering the fourth turning and he would better understand why some cultures survive the turning while others fail if he read an introductory book on the Elliott Wave Principal. Not all turnings are equal. The turnings we are familiar with are the CW turning and the WWII turning. The CW turning actually started in the 1830's and ended as the CW started. The WWII turning began in 1929 and bottomed in 1932, which was when Germany began its military aggression in Europe. Wars occur at the bottom of depressions or close to the bottom of depressions. If Strauss and Howe had covered all of the American Revolution turning, they would have found that it began in 1720 as the South Sea Bubble and didn't bottom until the late 1780's around the time the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution. The turning we are facing will last longer than the American Revolution turning.
"Transgenderism "Confusing People About The Nature Of Reality" And Victimizing Children: ...Gender ideologies work by confusing people about reality while pushing confused kids into becoming customers of the transitioning industry......."
IMO, people are not, on the whole, confused about the nature of gender. In this particular time though, people are confused about the nature of authority, and its rampant misuse in our culture to direct thinking into non-productive, and frequently damaging, areas. "Democrats' policies"...
All of these things are intentional. They are bringing in migrants to replace the middle class who is hard to rule over and cannot be depended on to vote Democrat. These are your replacements and the next step is to "break" you down to their level. Break your children and tax you out of your three bedroom home into government apartments and government dependence. They are going to destroy America and remake it into a 50's style USSR where everything is controlled and dissidents are jailed or disappeared. Yes! I know you don't believe it and I'm sure no group scheduled to be taken over and enslaved by communism believed it either until it was too late. In a few years a number of diseases that we conquered way back in the 50's will become "popular" again. TB, measles, etc. That is what the "migrants" are bringing to America. The elite don't care. They won't be hanging out with the migrants or you either so they won't get sick. Everything that they are doing is intentional to destroy America so that they can rule over the ashes. YOU and your children are going to be the ashes. If you’re in the habit of praying to our merciful Lord, say a prayer for the children, that they would escape the clutches of these sexual predators.
Three years ago we re-did the kitchen. New refrigerator, no microwave, new dishwasher, new stove.
As of today: all the handles on the inside of the refrigerator are broken; the microwave was repaired and has now had to be replaced; AND THE DISHWASHER you may ask--what about the very high-end DISHWASHER? You may not be surprised to hear that it was repaired twice and then the pump had to be replaced. I have had two appliance people tell me that no microwave is expected to last longer than 2 maybe 3 years at the most. QUESTION: Do you suppose we could teach our out-of-work college grads to re-design products that last maybe 5 years at least or even better, maybe 10 years as they used to do? Or, will that slow down the very thing the liberals are demanding we slow down--the economy? Why can't we have a law that says any kitchen product must last 5 years? Just sayin There is likely no reason not to require warranties on appliances just as we have warranties on automobiles. Some states even require warranties on house foundations.
You HAVE to buy a warranty for at least 5 years in order to get something running for that long. Both the salesman and the installer told me the same thing. They all every single one of them will last maybe 2 years some a little lounger some a little less. If you buy the warranty Lowe's has to keep repairing or replacing for five years.
We need to mandate a certain level of quality! That is legislation to mandate at the state level or cooperate with other states to make it the law in your states. Doing anything on the federal level will make it far too easy for corporations to lobby for relief. I have become dedicated to the idea that states are the best solution to local problems and cooperation between agreeable states will satisfy most any legislation required. The federal level operates on one size fits all, or in the present case of immigration, they will use slush funds to offset favored states funding requirements to house illegals. Keep legislation as local as practical.
I would gladly pay more to run my dishwasher if it would just dry the dishes.
Don - admittedly we live in a relatively cold climate and it's dry as well (think Canada north of Montana). So we have figured out how to program our dishwasher to essentially just wash and rinse. At that point, we open the dishwasher and - depending on how long we've left it - get some moist air. So we go in, take a tea towel to mop up the water left in the bottoms of the cups and glasses, and let everything air dry.
Agreed, this is not a solution for all climates. But it works for us and saves on the electric bill. I do much the same thing. It accumulates dishes throughout the day and I run it after dinner. By bedtime it's done and I set up the coffee pot for the morning and leave the door open. In the morning everything is dry and cool to the touch. Of course, if you're in a hurry you might want one that dries them faster. The notion of adding a vent fan to flush out the hot humid air inside the thing seems to have escaped the designers, or maybe they're all afraid to be the first one to do it.
I use that as a work around also. However it is a pet peeve of mine. I paid $1500 for a quality dishwasher that supposedly dried the dishes but does not (and takes 3 hours to do it). When I was young the dishwasher washed better and dried bone dry. Now it doesn't and for that I can save 25 cents a load. Big deal. They keep blowing smoke up our nether regions and I for one am tired of it. While we are at it I bought a $3000 stove and 2 months after warranty the circuit board went. The repairman said the board was $1500 his cost. Threw the damn thing out.
re EU Approves Dutch Government’s Plan to Shutter Farms, ‘Forced Sales’ Not Ruled Out. Earlier this year, the EU gave green light for several types of insects to be allowed in food items consumed by humans.
Whether it is this,or unlimited immigration, or inflating away the currency, protecting criminals and prosecuting the innocent, or forcing EV cars on the populace, or choking off energy supplies, it doesn't matter what the little people think, or even if they vote. These disastrous policies are being forced on us and we have no voice in the decisions. Not only are we not heard, there is nothing we can do to stop it. It's incredible and unbelievable, and yet there it all is, happening anyway. |