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Monday, February 13. 2023Monday morning links Why 65 Percent of Fourth Graders Can’t Really Read - Emily Hanford reveals how America’s educators adopted a flawed system for teaching reading to kids—and, as a result, completely failed them. Baltimore: not one student at these 23 schools can do math at grade level WHY DO LIBERALS HATE CHILDREN? Scotland: Some disagree with the trannie fad Graduate students on strike get a lesson in FAAFO Prof. Judith Curry about climate change: “the models are OK, the predictions are wrong”. Hochul faces an ‘uprising’ over her plan to build new housing in NYC suburbs Trackbacks
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Some disagree with the tranny fad? Most disagree. The loudest squawkers get all the attention from the press however. I'd say it's past time to smack these kiddies upside the head and tell them to grow up.
Ivan Provorov's jerseys sold like hot cakes for a reason. People are sick to death of the coersion, exhibitionism and bullying.
The Scots just want to have some standards. Their men in skirts at least look like men. (ducks)
QUOTE: Florida vs. New York . . . Red states are succeeding, blue states are failing. If so, then why is California's five-year real GDP growth rate higher than Florida's (16.69% v. 14.91%), and why is California's five-year real GDP per capita growth rate higher than Florida's (16.43% v. 8.82%)? Doesn't that contradict the claim? https://www.deptofnumbers.com/gdp/us/ "Doesn't that contradict the claim?"
No. If you addressed the other 7 factors that made up the claim then you might have the beginnings of a good discussion about it, but you didn't. I just wish all those Californians and New Yorkers from such "successful" states would go back to them from Florida.
eeyore: No. If you addressed the other 7 factors that made up the claim then you might have the beginnings of a good discussion about it, but you didn't.
The article pointed to New York as representative of blue state failure. We pointed to California to show economic growth and prosperity in a blue state. Here's another comparison:
New York, 93463 California, 85546 Florida, 56301 Notice that it is PER CAPITA income. The California high earners are likely more than offset by the California non-earners and poor who are consuming all those tax revenues.
Here is an example in Missouri of moderate earners being robbed by the no earner/non functionals. https://www.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/pubs/pdf/pa-298.pdf indyjonesouthere: Notice that it is PER CAPITA income.
Real GDP growth over a number of years is a good measure of economic vitality. The claim was that blue states were economically failed. If California is economically failing, Florida is failing worse. In any case, median household income (2021) is as follows:
New York, 72920 Florida, 59734 https://fred.stlouisfed.org/release/tables?eid=259515&rid=249 Again, that is median. And no mention of the cost of living. How many migrants qualify for the ETIC credit in California versus Florida. That will eat up considerable federal tax paid by high earners in the state.
Still the best indicator to measure the failure of GDP as a driving force for success per state is to tally how many are leaving versus how many are moving in. Then measure how many are moving into blue cities and how many are leaving blue cities. indyjonesouthere: Again, that is median.
Not “Again.” The GDP per capita is a mean. On the other hand, the median gives the middle of the distribution. If Bill Gates walks into a neighborhood bar, the mean income will dramatically increase, but the median income won’t change by much, if at all. indyjonesouthere: That will eat up considerable federal tax paid by high earners in the state.
Florida, $2977 All of this is just a distraction from the claim that “blue states are failing”. If California is failing, then Florida is failing harder.
2023-02-13 21:06
And they are leaving California and leaving New York for no reason that the democrats have been able to figure out.
And how many cities collect more in federal taxes than they contribute in federal taxes?
2023-02-13 23:10
It seems that Washington D C is the top of the heap. I suspect every blue city in every state would be at the top of the heap for that state.
2023-02-13 23:42
indyjonesouthere: And they are leaving California and leaving New York for no reason that the democrats have been able to figure out.
Seniors drive Florida population growth, study shows. The U.S. population is aging. Retirees tend to move towards warmer climes with lower taxes, taking with them the pensions and government social spending they acquired in higher earning states.
2023-02-14 10:02
Then that would explain why government services are higher in retirement states.
2023-02-14 14:43
indyjonesouthere: Then that would explain why government services are higher in retirement states.
That certainly explains some of the difference, with Social Security and Medicare spending being most significant. For comparison, 15.2% of California's population is age 65 or older, while 21.3% of Florida's is of that age cohort.
2023-02-14 15:26
California has a debt ratio of 120.5% (#5), and Florida is #48 at 40.9% (the top-5 states with the highest are all blue). I guess you can kick ass if you take your debt(s) out of the equation.
If California had some way to tamp-down the most radical collectivist impulses and incentive-killers of Cali’s overlords it would be an absolutely devastating ass-kicking economic machine. Hoss: California has a debt ratio of 120.5% (#5), and Florida is #48 at 40.9%
California, 17.2% Florida, 11.7% https://www.statista.com/statistics/246337/state-debt-in-the-us-as-a-percentage-of-gsp/ Investors don’t “take your debt(s) out of the equation.” Hoss: If California had some way to tamp-down the most radical collectivist impulses and incentive-killers of Cali’s overlords it would be an absolutely devastating ass-kicking economic machine. Perhaps, but they have outperformed Florida in terms of real GDP growth and real GDP growth per capita over the last five years. Rather than take Zach's (or anyone's) interpretation of the data at face value, I strongly urge people to look at the data themselves and come to their own conclusions. Personally, I found these charts to be most interesting (Click on the 'Chart' button and then the radio buttons to show the data from each state):
State quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) summary, Compound annual growth rate between 2019:Q1 and 2022:Q3 State quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) summary, Percent change from preceding period (annualized) I also found these statements from the Department of Numbers website (e.g., Florida GDP) interesting: [Since 2016] the population in Florida grew by 1,153,891 (5.59%) people. [Since 2016] the population in California grew by 88,650 (0.23%) people. [Since2016] the population in New York grew by 199,522 (1.02%) people. So, Why Are People Moving to Florida? This will be my only contribution to this thread, just wanted to link to the data. RJP: Rather than take Zach's (or anyone's) interpretation of the data at face value,
We provided data. In particular, we used the period 2016-2021, because that was the period of comparison in the original post, which claimed that "blue states are failing." RJP: I strongly urge people to look at the data themselves and come to their own conclusions. Sure. Here's median household income (2021)
New York, 72920 Florida, 59734 https://fred.stlouisfed.org/release/tables?eid=259515&rid=249 It's a much shorter period, but all three states show growth in GDP. That doesn't support the claim that "blue states are failing." (Notably, the period you chose was during the pandemic. Florida, which opened sooner, had a higher rate of deaths due to COVID than California, with an excess of more than 30,000 deaths.) RJP: [Since 2016] the population in Florida grew by 1,153,891 (5.59%) people. That's correct. Seniors drive Florida population growth, study shows. The U.S. population is aging. Retirees tend to move towards warmer climes with lower taxes, taking with them the pensions and government social spending they acquired in higher earning states. Every state has advantages and disadvantages, takes steps and missteps. Florida has much to offer, but so does California. The claim is that "blue states are failing," and the data just doesn't support that claim. QUOTE: Jordan Peterson interviews Prof. Judith Curry about climate change . . . She points as the major flaw in all the climate models, until recently, completely sidestepped natural factors such as volcanic eruptions (which cause cooling) or solar output variations (which can go either way). She says there are more recent studies that do include these effects, and they predict either much milder warming or sometimes even outright cooling. Actually, older models correctly predicted current warming when adjusted for actual anthropogenic emissions. In other words, the difference isn't due to volcanic eruptions, but lower emissions due to changes in human behavior. See Hausfather et al., Evaluating the Performance of Past Climate Model Projections, Geophysical Research Letters 2019. Even 50-year-old climate models correctly predicted global warming "Even 50-year-old climate models correctly predicted global warming"
I read the link. So basically, the people who made the models are saying their models really worked. So convincing. eeyore: So basically, the people who made the models are saying their models really worked.
The lead author of the study, Zeke Hausfather, hadn't even been born when the models being evaluated were created. QUOTE: Quibble-DickZ: Actually, older models correctly predicted current warming when adjusted ... A little tweak here, a little tweak there... leave this out and add this in and...Voila! See they were correct all along. Fun with numbers, hey kiddieZ? What do JFK, Nixon and Trump have in common?
JFK was assassinated and it was bigger than just one disgruntled nutcase. JFK had an epiphany about the CIA and the FBI and was going to clean house. Nixon in 1972, had told some in his inner circle that the CIA and FBI had worked contrary to American and administration interests and he believed that they needed to be investigated. Trump was elected and went into office with the stated intention of draining the swamp. In each of these cases the president that was eliminated was replaced by a swamp stooge. In fact most of our presidents have been Swamp stooges except Reagan and he was almost assassinated. I'm sure it's nothing. And what kind of man is it, that knowingly lets his own culture's children be victimized with selective grooming by a rape organization, because he's too frightened to speak out against it, for fear of being called some racial pejorative and made into a social outcast for speaking out against an immigrant class? It's the product of a culture that has made it illegal for a person defend themselves or their home hearth. It's the same fear that has led to tyranny time after time through the history of human society.
It's almost as though there is some greater conspiracy, billionaires perhaps who meet secretly/openly and plan the demise of the free world, Naw! That's just crazy...
My interest in the phonics controversy is so high that I'm all the more disappointed to find that Ms. Hanford's analysis is available only in podcast form, or perhaps in writing behind the paywall at the NYT. Pass. There are some topics highly suited to a video format, such as the terrific aircraft disasters you link to here, but reading education is not among them. In video/podcast format, the points are dr-a-a-a-gged out and usually disorganized. There's a reason it's important to master reading and writing.
A problem with podcasts that I don't think youtubers appreciate is that it is audio. I'm sitting in my living room with my wife and we/she is watching TV. Yes I have head phones and I sometimes even turn the TV volume off during commercials for something short to listen to. Which of course brings you to the second problem that so many podcasts go for 30 minutes or more and have 2 minutes of meaningful content. It's almost as though they only do it because they think we want to see them and hear them speak.
Yale professor: "Mandatory euthanasia" will be on the table
QUOTE: ]This sounds like some dangerous terrain to be treading. I hold the frequently unpopular libertarian view that people facing horribly painful, incurable diseases should be able to cut that process short if that’s their wish. But pushing an entire generation to check out simply because they are “too old” is pretty monstrous. https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2023/02/12/yale-professor-mandatory-euthanasia-will-be-on-the-table-n530343 It's way past time that these fools understand that this shit goes both ways. FAFO
The FBI Attack On Christians Won’t Stop With Traditional Catholics
QUOTE: “This whole investigation is a pretext to persecute the political enemies of the left, and it’s a testimony to just how corrupt the FBI has become,” said Evita Duffy-Alfonso on Fox News. “They’ve labeled traditional Catholics racist white supremacists and violent but didn’t explain at all how they were racist or violent, and instead only cited thought crimes for Catholics — their stance on LGBTQ issues and on abortion. This is not the job of the FBI. It was a completely botched investigation.” https://thefederalist.com/videos/duffy-alfonso-the-fbi-attack-on-christians-wont-stop-with-traditional-catholics/ The headline is "James O’Keefe, the founder and chairman of Project Veritas, is being sacked by the board."
But that is not the story to watch, The real story is who is behind this? Pfizer? Democrats? Soros? I had never heard the Black national anthem before so with all the talk about it being sung at the Super Bowl I looked it up. The last part of it is:
May we forever stand True to our God True to our native land Our native land What native land are they talking about? Piss poor lip sync by Shirley Lee Ralph.
Guess even she couldn't remember the words well enough to perform it live.. Dumbed down "utes" are easy to control or stir up to get them out burning it all down.
The woke cultural revolution in former USA is no different than the Great Leap Forward and CCP/PRC/PLA wants a cakewalk delivered by internal quisling traitors of the Uniparty. The HUD affirmative housing act will make the indispensable egalitarian equity mandatory for every county and town in Chiquitastan (FUSA) and there won't be any vote on it. Humans never learn so this revolution from the top down by the controllers will feature the useful idiots at the bottom smashing and grabbing. |