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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, February 7. 2023Tuesday morning links
The New Climate Pause lengthens again: 101 months and counting … Forbes 'Fat Activist' Claims 'Tightening the Belt' Is Fatphobic Hate Speech White female scholars keep pretending to be Native American What is a school "silent lunch"? US school marks Black History Month with fried chicken and watermelon HS Student Suspended For Rest Of The Year For Saying There Are Only Two Sexes… Once again, Jordan Peterson has just been canceled—I think it’s basically his job now. Majority of MIT students support shouting down speakers or even physically blocking access to them SUNY to require DEI and social justice courses in fall 2023 Colonialism and Its Discontents - Oxford ethicist Nigel Biggar’s controversial reassessment of Britain’s imperial record has reignited an important academic quarrel over the meaning and legacy of empire. Miami black leaders apologize to DeSantis for calling the governor a racist Manhattan Prosecutor Called Out for Mortgaging His Ethics to Get Trump Here’s How Much US Farmland Has Been Bought Up By China VDH: Ukrainian Paradoxes - Are the borders of country 5,000 miles away more sacrosanct and more worth taking existential risks than our own airspace and southern border? Trackbacks
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The problem with assessing the effects of British Empire is that the British have no right to speak on the matter, only the victims of the colonization have that right. It's the same with every group in the victimization stack - if you're the oppressor rather than the oppressed your job is to shut up and listen. If you want the right to speak, you'd better find a group of victims to belong to. Fortunately, that's not so difficult.
I don't think any non-citizen should own farmland in the U.S. I don't think any non-citizen should own homes or businesses in the U.S. either.
I am inclined to agree with you. Other countries have laws to stop outsiders from taking over their land and country. I also don't think Bill Gates should be allowed to buy up any more farm land as he has dark intensions for controlling the population here. I don't care if he is a citizen, he does underhanded things with his wealth.
America has a long and colorful history of selling real estate to gullible foreigners, the Brits being the most conspicuous example. The can buy the land, but they can't pack it up and take it home. That said, they really have no benign motives for buying up all that land.
I've eaten fried chicken and watermelon my whole life...where do I file a grievance about cultural appropriation?
Every year for the last 15 years or so there's been at least a couple of these stories. Each one is essentially the same --dumb ol' whitey in charge of some cafeteria somewhere thinks serving this will make black people happy. Cue the outrage machine. When will whitey ever learn?!??!
I'm beginning to doubt this is happening now, if it ever took place at all. The stories are too consistent, too predictable. The response is always the same. And they require you to believe that people in the business of serving large quantities of food are universally and persistently unaware of the current zeitgeist. I'm not buying it. 'US school marks Black History Month with fried chicken and watermelon'
I LOL'd. Don't forget Big Red, the beverage of choice, to wash it down.
I live in SW during the winter with all the snow birds. Many are Canadians including a few who are also relatives. We all don't talk politics, it's better that way. But I don't understand why Canadians aren't more upset about what their dictator/prince Trudeau is doing to their country and to them. This is happening to us as well but Canada seems further along on the road to serfdom.
Hogs running wild ... at least if they make it west it will give the bears and wolves a variety of meats rather than just the domestic beef mixed with elk and deer. Has the government yet created a food pyramid for hogs? What? No bugs.
I kinda wonder how often a bear or wolf would take on a wild hog.
As usual they would likely take the weakest and slowest or the oldest. Kind of like Covid.
Reading about borders, and the lengths the federal government will take in defending Ukraine, the utter lack of interest they show in our borders, it really makes me wonder whose interests the US federal government represents.
They primarily represent career political interests and the favored wall street and banking elite. The bankers are regularly bailed out and the wall streeters are well fed by government contracts. The career politicians well fed and financed by the above elite and by insider trading. Pelosi, Kerry, Bidens, McConnell, Cheney and their compatriots in grifting leave well compensated.
Government policies serve government first and foremost. re wild hogs
I understand that they are becoming a problem here. OTOH they have been running wild in other parts of the world for centuries without being a serious problem. I wonder what's different about here? Or is the problem being exaggerated? Re the wild hogs; suspect lack of natural predators here in North America. The original hogs were brought - in Canada at least - to be farmed as a tastier alternative to domestic pork. Unfortunately, some escaped (quelle surprise) and have established colonies all over the Canadian prairies. Given they are both bright and wily, it's going to take a very concerted effort to clear them out.
You can do anything when you "adjust" "manipulate" and "correct" the raw data. I trust the official data as much as I trust government data on Covid and the "vaccines." Which is to say, not at all.
Over half of US weather ground monitoring stations are incorrectly sited and maintained. ruralcounsel: You can do anything when you "adjust" "manipulate" and "correct" the raw data.
The raw surface data has been reanalyzed by many different scientists. All such analyses support the warming trend. Satellite data, which is completely independent from the surface data, also supports the trend. Furthermore, greenhouse warming is supported by fundamental physics, as has been known for over a century. See Arrhenius, On the Influence of Carbonic Acid in the Air upon the Temperature of the Ground, London, Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science 1896. The hog problem isn't being exaggerated, it's just an exponential growth story that is being reported before the devastation phase sets in on a grand scale. In some areas, it already has, believe me, once you see the work of wild hogs and the damage they will wreak to the topsoil overnight, you quickly become a believer. The consequences last for years.
They are exciting to hunt, dangerous to do so if on foot (I've been treed a couple of times). I know some Texas boys that do it with dogs and horses, and many of them are pretty expert with a needle & thread, stitching their dogs up in the field. On the other hand, they are excellent eating when less than about 50 lb or so. Some of the national parks have full-time hunting crews on hire for hog eradication, I am told. The only successful model for controlling them that I have seen, comes on a trailer. The trailer holds a portable corral (panels), a telescoping mast with game cameras and solar panels, a battery box. The corral gets set up with two drop gates and a corn broadcast feeder. For a few weeks, the corn gets put out on a schedule with the gates up, and the hogs learn to come and go. Soon, more hogs join and eventually the entire sounder will be coming to feed. The game cams on the mast record all this and send it to the trapper's phone. When the trapper decides that he probably has the entire sounder, he hits a button on the phone and BAM! Down come the two gates. Now he has them all penned and ready to load - or shoot. This effectively traps brood sows, boars, and the younger generations. Some of these guys make pretty good coin on this gig, especially as a side gig. It's a huge problem. Regarding foreign land purchases, 338,000 acres isn't much to be concerned about - I've worked on bigger ranches in South Texas. But I will say, the US Gov should be active in screening these purchases and willing to step in. For instance, there was just a big purchase of land up north, supposedly for supporting an amino acid factory (owned by the Chi Coms) in a partnership for development with the city government, which stinks to high heaven. It's right near and Air Force Base, and so clearly also has strategic security implications. And it wasn't stopped (it should have been). A similar venture by the Chi Coms, planning a wind generator farm in South Texas, right near and Air Force Base, was effectively quashed.
I think the Chicom project near Grand Forks ND and the Airforce base has been effectively thwarted. The base is along I-29 and it was always fun to drive parallel to a B 52 taking off down the runway.
I am of the opinion that we have reciprocal land purchase agreements with other countries. Mexico restricts foreign owners from any beach property ownership and the Bahamas have similar ownership restrictions. We should apply the same restrictions to them that they apply to us. I do think China restricts US ownership of a Chinese based business to 49%. They always want controlling interest. We need to do the same to the Chinese concerning land ownership and business ownership. 338,000 acres isn't much, just the camel's nose under the tent. What could possibly go wrong? It's not as though China is infiltrating countries all around the globe. It's fine!
A lot of things can 'possibly go wrong' - as I pointed out. That's why our national security interests should be involved, and willing to step in. It took one of the Bass brothers making a bloody racket to get them to respond and stop the South Texas wind farm, which was being proposed by a Chinese General with rather vast real estate holdings, likely ill-gotten. But given the state of our border security at present, one concludes that national security interests are not a priority - unless it's in the Ukraine.
Jim Jordan read the constitution on the floor of the House today, Democrats shocked! Most didn't recognize it and were visibly shaken when he read the 1st and 2nd amendment. AOC was seen weeping and loudly declaring it was misogynistic and racist towards POC. Ilhan Omar Declared Jordan to be a terrorist. Fortunately for the Democrats there won't be a test. There should be a test but it seems anyone can get elected with our current voting cheating level.
Majority of MIT students support shouting down speakers or even physically blocking access to them
Thanks, I needed a reason not to donate when those calls for money happen from my alma mater. Until this gets corrected by better selection of students, they can go pound sand. |