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Thursday, January 12. 2023Thursday morning links Under White House Pressure, Facebook Censored Accurate Covid Vaccine Information Harvard med students learn how to care for LGBTQIA+ infants Dem Sen. Murphy: ‘Many in My Party’ ‘Don’t Want to Admit’ We Can’t Take ‘Unlimited Number of Asylum Seekers’ Trump Responds To Biden Classified Document Fiasco Democracy’s Trenches - The idea that the war in Ukraine is not our business is seductive but dangerously mistaken. Trackbacks
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Oh-oh! Biden just claimed the Corvette defense for his illegal use of classified material. Will the DOJ allow this to Trump actual law? Does Hunter Biden have access to Joe Biden's Corvette garage? Does Hunter Biden do favors for the CCP for millions of dollars? Has Joe Biden broken espionage laws and put our national security at risk? Is Joe Biden a traitor? How long has China owned him? Was he a traitor when he was VP? Was he a traitor when he was a congressman? Where is the special prosecutor to investigate this?
Glad they were stored securely.
https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-classified-documents-found-his-delaware-garage I'm not impressed by 'experts' that caution us against thinking dangerous thoughts that the Ukrainian war isn't our business. Thinking it through doesn't start there, so it's an unsupported caution.
It isn't our business until the evidence is supplied, and so far it hasn't been, besides weak ideas about solidarity with 'muh democracy'. And if one is going to make the case that it is our business, then they should start running it like a business - instead of shoveling money into the tide with no oversight, no accountability, no transparency, to one of the most corrupt eastern European countries in existence - one that incidentally seems determined to squash democratic principals from within, all the while. Not buying it. And in this day and age, 'experts' that use their position to tell me how or what to think, automatically earn 2.75 strikes. The way this discussion is typically phrased begs the question. What happens to European countries is absolutely our business. Anyone who was alive post WW II will remember the USSR taking one European country after another and we and the world did little to stop it. We should have done more then we are doing more now.
That, is the question you were begging. Ukraine should fight to defend their country. The U.S. and Europe should support their effort. But the U.S. shouldn't send then billions. On that we would agree.
JustMe: What happens to European countries is absolutely our business.
Let him have the Sudetenland. That should satisfy him. He seems nice. JustMe: The U.S. and Europe should support their effort. But the U.S. shouldn't send then billions. On that we would agree. Americans to British, 1940: Thoughts and prayers. So the United States would simply stand idly by when 1980s Warsaw Pact countries or China established bases in Mexico or Canada? Give your brain a chance.
>established bases in Mexico or Canada
At some point, there needs to be a limiting principle on where 'our business' stops. Obviously, there will be some gray areas, but I'm pretty comfortable with at least saying: < 5 miles away from the border is "our business," whereas > 5000 miles away clearly isn't. I could probably also be talked in to extending that to the traditional 'special relationship' allies e.g., UK, Canada, Australia. Maybe also original-NATO and Japan. And, for the historically ignorant, Ukraine clearly isn't either of those. Russia’s struggling to take the tiny country at their doorstep, so you might wanna pump the brakes on their impending European takeover scenario. Yes, I get it, history gives us lessons, but it’s no longer the USSR. Just like Mongolia’s not gonna be riding roughshod over the East any more.
It’d be nice to see European countries step up if help is needed, but of course, why do that when you can count on America’s taxpayers to do the heavy-lifting. Ukraine did little to support their own defense, and it shows. It’ll be sickening to see how much money we shovel to them for any post-war reconstruction, guaranteed. Am I the only one that saw the just published reports citing America’s critically-low stock of certain munitions; jarring enough that Pentagon big-wigs are sounding the alarm. I guess supplying Ukraine takes the imperative over our own defense. Virtue-signaling must be a hell of a drug. Think back to what happened after the feminist and racial parity movements gained steam. The Pentagon is just waiting while a list of suitably-Woke gay, lesbian, trans, and 'othered' -led companies are brought into existence to suckle at the Federal teat for their approved orders. we haven't seen the wave yet, but I trust it's coming.
re Democracy’s Trenches
I think I must have read this article 20 times over the last year. It offers nothing new. The case to continue to support Ukraine is based on wishful thinking. The thinking goes that if we continue to support Ukraine, Russia will . . . somehow . . . . "come to her senses" and there will be a . . . "negotiated settlement" . . . . and then all will be well. And yet, after 11 months, there is no indication that will ever happen. We just have to continue the slog . . . . "for the sake of democracy". The article shows the limited thinking and imagination of those supporting the war. The case you present is not the thinking of those who favor Ukrainians to continue fighting for their freedom.
I can't speak to your motive for mis-stating the issue but you have and it is incorrect. The Ukrainians have a right to continue to have their own government and their borders. Russia invaded with the intent of taking all of Ukraine and killing as many civilians as they could. We used to be opposed to that. I suppose everyone has their opinion of what is happening in Ukraine or what should happen in Ukraine but most people see this as a just war against Russian aggression. Russia thought this war would be over in less than three months and they would occupy and retake all of Ukraine and then begin to threaten other Eastern European countries with the same thing. So for Russia to incur so many casualties and military failures has been a huge setback to their plans in Eastern Europe. They are literally getting their asses handed to them and there is no end to it in sight. Every time the press tells you that Russia now has amassed X number of soldier and equipment on the border and NOW it will really be all over in weeks the Ukrainians kick Russian ass all over the landscape. Just the equipment that Russia has lost in less than a year represents more military hardware than any country other then Russia, the U.S. or China owns. The number of Russian deaths exceed 100,000. So WHY is this important to us and the Europeans? Because Russia has just learned a lesson that it could have learned in no other way. Russia will NOT be invading Eastern Europe with conventional weapons and THAT is a big win for Europe. In fact Russia is looking for some way to save face in Ukraine. Probably they will try to occupy some small Easterns parts of Ukraine and call it a win. BUT it is likely that the Ukrainians will not even stand for that. This war has been a lose/lose for Russia and a hige win for Europe. "This war has been a lose/lose for Russia and a huge win for Europe."
Then why isn't 'Europe' paying for it? jimg: Then why isn't 'Europe' paying for it?
Countries committing the most aid to Ukraine between Jan. 24 and Nov. 20, 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)
2023-01-14 09:35
Events, as they often do, are overtaking reporting. Documents were not just recovered from the think tank, but also from the garage of the private dwelling.
The war in the Ukraine ....
He makes no mention of biolabs https://www.lewrockwell.com'2022/05/no_author/epire-of-bioweapon-lies/ No mention of the real Zelensky https://consortiumnews.com/2022/04/29/ukraine-the-real-zelensky/ No mention of Nuland and company. https://consortiumnews.com/2022/05/25/nuland-pyatt-tape-removed-from-youtube-after-8-years/ No mention of a long time brewing (Feb 16,1998) https://buchanan.org/blog/pjb-who-lost-russia-255. The latest MacGregor Vid - 12Jan at Western Rifle Shooters
If you're wondering how long the Covid pandemic will last, it might be helpful to know that the wool and mohair subsidies put in place to ensure the Army had enough wool and mohair to produce uniforms didn't end when the Army switched to synthetic fibers sometime around 1960. Although Bill Clinton signed legislation to end them in 1995, wool and mohair production is still subsidized to this day. Your great-great-great-grandchildren will still be under Covid emergency orders in 2250.
One of the tin foil hat conspiracies that the left is always accusing thinking Americans of believing in is "The Great Reset". Or that Claus Schwab is behind it.
https://www.amazon.com/COVID-19-Great-Reset-Klaus-Schwab/dp/2940631123 But he does have the book on sale on Amazon... Food is a construct of the white male patriarchy and all your classified documents regarding government activities in Ukraine are belong to us!
No 2024 run for you Brandon. (honk) The COV-LARP will be over in time for the SPARS 2025 and get the PDF from Johns Hopkins while you still can. My favorite conspiracy theory is in the news again; UFO's. Have you ever seen a good picture of a UFO? I have seen some hazy pictures that turned out to be totally fake. But the only UFO pictures you ever see look no better than a gnat on your windshield in a rainstorm. There are literally no pictures of them. I can go on Zillow and look at the house I sold two years ago and see the car I sold 4 years ago so clearly that I can identify the model , the color and the condition. I literally looked up a friends house on Google a few years ago and took the street view option and saw my friend mowing his lawn, for real! But zero pictures of UFO's. Our technology is so good that a U.S. plane can spot a enemy soldier on the ground from 7 miles up and recognize their face. But zero pictures of UFO's. Are you beginning to suspect that this is 100% bogus?
OneGuy: Have you ever seen a good picture of a UFO?
That's obviously because alien cloaking technology has kept pace with improvements in human camera technology. Well... I doubt it.
First let's separate two distinct possibilities: "Unidentified" flying objects and "Alien space craft". That there is unidentified flying objects I have no doubt. As for aliens from outer space I have zero confidence or belief in that theory. I spent 20 years in the Air Force and 8 of those in Air Defense radar and computer systems. We literally identified everything and if we couldn't do it we sent a fighter jet up to do it. Yes, even way back then there were UFO's but mostly accepted as simply something briefly spotted that wasn't positively identified, which usually meant an atmospheric anomaly or something manmade that was just in the wrong place, like a balloon for example. My last four years in the Air Force I actually had responsibility for all the UFO files (they were computerized and I was the DBA). There was simply nothing in them that inferred "alien life forms". There is not a single (recognizable) picture or evidence of alien life forms of space ships. It is all "I saw something and when I tried to look closer it was no longer there". Akin to seeing water in the distance in the desert; a mirage. "Gee whiz... making sh!t up."
Yeah I thought it was too flippant even for you. But, YOU are my foil. I can depend on you to knee jerk, usually so far left that you fall over and it gives me the perfect opportunity to destroy your argument and add fuel to the fire AND as a bonus you will always come back with something equally inane that I can bounce another talking point off of. Thank you for that!
2023-01-13 13:11