Once a kid has taken Chem 1 many of them move into Organic. Organic Chem is mainly about the versatile carbon molecules. Carbon is a miracle atom.
First year Organic is often viewed as one of the sieves to sort out chemists, biochemists, medical aspirants of all sorts, and so forth. First year Organic does not require Calculus, but it certainly requires a grip on all pre-calc maths. Lots of equations.
As a non-STEM college major, I figured out the tricks of Chem 1 and Organic quickly. It's just logic based on relatively simple math. Here are my tricks: 1. Have a smart study partner to challenge you, and to teach. 2. Approach manipulating carbon molecules as fun puzzles. 3. As with General Chem (Chem 1), make sure you can reconstruct the equations by understanding them, and not by memorization. If you understand them you don't need to trust memorization on an anxiety-producing exam.
My Organic Prof was useless, and the TA grad students were just annoyed with us wasting their research time. They just said "Study the textbook." This Prof seems like a real teacher:
NYU students wonder why they didn't get an A for effort in organic chemistry class
He was fired.
Related from Chronicle: NYU’s Firing of a Chemistry Professor Caused a Furor. Here’s What He Has to Say About It.