Jimmy Carter's reportedly anti-Israel book's release date abruptly moved from before the election, to after. Israpundit.
Masculinity is bad, says Mr. Jensen. Who? I am not sure that most women would agree with that. Moonbattery
Babbin at RCP: "Go for it, Mr. Pres":
The news dynamic - the momentum of the media herd - has focused on the bad news from Iraq, but not what the Democrats would do (regarding Iraq or anything else) if they take control of Congress. Why don't the media ask the tough questions, calling irresponsible those who seek power but refuse to say what they'll do when they get it? Because many among the 527 Media think the Dems have already won and won't rock their boat. But they remember 2004, and will publish a few more October surprises timed to deter a Republican comeback. The news dynamic will serve them up as part of the continuing, "Iraq is a disaster, Bush is incompetent" narrative. To turn the media herd, Republicans have to disrupt the narrative.
What makes it tough to change the dynamic is that the "news dynamic" is little more than MSM bias, and the MSM acting as cheerleaders for the Left. The MSM deliberately created the "dynamic." Anyway, Babbin's whole piece with his advice, here.
The Left gone nuts - VDH. A quote:
The Democrats have not elected congressional majorities in 12 years, and they've occupied the White House in only eight of the last 26 years. The left's current unruliness seems a way of scapegoating others for a more elemental frustration - that they can't gain a national majority based on their core beliefs. More entitlements, higher taxes to pay for them, gay marriage, de facto quotas in affirmative action, open borders, abortion on demand, and radical secularism - these liberal issues don't tend to resonate with most Americans.
To compensate, leftist pundits, billionaire philanthropists and politicians, from current officeholders to ex-presidents, work to ensure that isolated moments of Republican ineptness (George Bush strutting on a carrier deck in his flight suit) and wrongdoing (repulsive e-mails from a perverted Congressman Mark Foley) blare out as the only issues of the day. This distracting drumbeat, not their own agenda, is the only strategy for success in the next election.
Whole thing here.
Tracked: Dec 23, 16:42