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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, September 15. 2022Thursday morning links
Never Apologize for Trying to Tell the Truth. Those who repress inconvenient facts or produce fictitious evidence to nourish a politically convenient story are simply not historians. How the Media Fell for A Racism Sham. A Brigham Young University paper scooped the New York Times. All the students did was practice basic journalism. Congressional commission asks West Point to cancel Robert E. Lee College Students Need Eco-Anxiety Counseling Musk, Gates and the late Steve Jobs all have one personality trait in common New York Times: It's not worth printing if it doesn't insult Trump TOM FRIEDMAN SAYS . . . DRILL, BABY, DRILL? Progressives who turned San Fran into a fentanyl-ravaged hellhole are now begging for ideas to save the city. But there's a catch – you can't arrest hardly ANYONE SF Chronicle poll: Pervasive gloom about the city's future has many looking to leave DeSantis sends two planes with migrants to Martha's Vineyard The gov. has a sense of humor The Biden Administration Isn’t Interested In Governing But In Criminalizing The Opposition The president who cried ‘extremist’ - Biden’s ventriloquists juice the nation’s schism for political gain Trackbacks
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Those many years ago when I was in high school studying the rise of Hitler, the atrocities and the willingness of the Germans to follow him, it made no sense Who would do that? Who would agree with what the Nazis wanted to do? It made no sense. And today I see the left all in on this tyranny and using our DOJ and FBI to purge the opposition and the president in a dark and scary speech demanding that we call all MAGA republicans as fascists. You see politicians and billionaires all in on the stolen 2020 election. We are at or near the equivalent of Germanies 1937.
OneGuy: Those many years ago when I was in high school studying the rise of Hitler, the atrocities and the willingness of the Germans to follow him, it made no sense Who would do that?
The most civilized of nations, the birthplace of Bach, Beethoven, Geothe, Einstein. Not sure about your education, but Europeans ethnically cleansed the American Indians and enslaved millions of Africans. Pax Mongolica was built on the deaths of tens of millions and the destruction of entire civilizations. Today, the Chinese are busy purging the Uyghurs' Turkic and Islamic culture, while the Russians are trying to wipe out Ukraine's national identity. "So it goes." — Kurt Vonnegut “Europeans ethnically cleansed the American Indians”
Not true. Right or wrong those Europeans you refer to were simply immigrants and children of immigrants trying to peacefully find a home in a vast continent. It was the Indians who tried to ethnically cleanse but the greater number of immigrants exceeded their ability to cleanse. It was war not cleansing and the Indian way was to fight to the death and they did. “and enslaved millions of Africans.” Not true! Ironically not true! It was black Africans who enslaved them. It was African Muslims who bought and sold them. And it was a small number of rich plantation owners in concert with ships captains who “inflicted” them on the Americas. The total African slaves brought to what is now America never exceeded 600,000 and was likely far less. The total number of slave owners in what is now America never exceeded 10,000 and like was less. This “sad” story you weave depends upon intentional lies and ignorance to be foisted onto an ignorant public. While all abhor slavery we all (most all) enjoy blaming the Europeans and Americans for what was essentially a black African and African Muslim enterprise. Not sure about your education!!! OneGuy: Right or wrong those Europeans you refer to were simply immigrants and children of immigrants trying to peacefully find a home in a vast continent.
Trail of Tears OneGuy: It was black Africans who enslaved them. While Africans certainly were involved in the slave trade, that does not mean Europeans were not also involved in the slave trade. OneGuy: The total number of slave owners in what is now America never exceeded 10,000 and like was less. According to the 1860 census, 30.8% of free families in the confederacy owned slaves. As usual slanting stats to fit the narrative. Number vs % of families. and what about all those people who fought to free the slaves?
and thanks to all those who oppose Z's BS. Maybe he or she will get that Ministry of Truth job soon and leave this board alone.
2022-09-15 17:31
QUOTE: and thanks to all those who oppose Z's BS. Maybe he or she will get that Ministry of Truth job soon and leave this board alone. The only thing that will make him/her/it/them go away is if he/she/it/they is/are ignored. I've renewed by pledge to do just that.
2022-09-15 19:47
grant1863: Number vs % of families.
If you only count individuals, about 5% of free persons in the confederacy owned slaves or about 300,000 slave owners. That doesn't count Scarlett O'Hara even though she was waited on hand and foot by slaves, or, for that matter, Ashley Wilkes before he inherited Twelve Oaks. Family households is the more reasonable criterion, but by either measure, OneGuy's claim was widely off the mark.
2022-09-16 07:39
Ah yes, (((Quibble-DickZ))) living in the land of make-believe.
2022-09-16 10:22
“Trail of tears”
Was there a point there? They forced the Indians into reservations to make them stop their racist killing of white settlers. Would you have preferred to just let them all fight until one side won? I assume then you would have called that result a genocide. Or maybe it is the reservation you dislike. Well I oppose reservations too but the Indians love them. They pay no taxes, they all get money from the government and other free stuff to include free health care and education. I say end the reservation system, give each Indian living on a reservation a fee simple deed to their property and end all federal regulations regarding reservations. Indians are Americab citizens so they should be treated that way not babied or coddled. “While Africans certainly were involved in the slave trade” More than “involved” they were 100% of the slave trade inside of Africa. You may have bought into the popular idea that white sailors entered darkest Africa and roundup unlucky blacks to be made into slaves but that is pure bullshit Slavery in Africa was a black African invention not whites. They weren’t just “involved” they were 100% the only source of slaves. “According to the 1860 census, 30.8% of free families in the confederacy owned slaves.” It is difficult to reconcile that with the fact that slaves were very expensive, a very small number of Southerners owned plantation and thus were rich and the simple truth that 95% of Southern whites at the time were dirt poor and barely owned the clothes they wore. Yoru point and source is pure bull shit.
2022-09-15 17:52
Read this article about the Trail of Tears https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/1988/02/28/trail-of-tears-death-toll-myths-dispelled/62660437007/ notice also that the Cherokee owned slaves. Hmmm!
2022-09-15 20:58
OneGuy: Was there a point there? They forced the Indians into reservations to make them stop their racist killing of white settlers.
The tribes removed in the Trail of Tears were the Five Civilized Tribes, meaning they had largely adopted European ways. Even according to your own link, they were threatened with extermination if they didn't leave, and hundreds died in transit. OneGuy: More than “involved” they were 100% of the slave trade inside of Africa. The Portuguese raided for slaves, but this was less effective than trading manufactured goods, including guns and alcohol, for slaves. Regardless, Europeans constituted virtually all of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, which fueled the slave trade in Africa. OneGuy: It is difficult to reconcile that with the fact that slaves were very expensive The average slave was worth $800 in 1860. The per capita annual income in the confederate states was $4000. You could borrow money from the bank to buy a slave on payments. OneGuy: notice also that the Cherokee owned slaves Yes. As noted above, the Five Civilized Tribes adopted European ways, including Christianity and chattel slavery.
2022-09-16 07:51
You're deflecting again. Waving hands, pointing over there, whatever it is you like to say.
Slavery existed in pre-Columbian North, Central, and South America. It did not appear because the native people "adopted European ways", or because some of them became Christians, as you're clearly implying.
2022-09-16 08:31
SK: Waving hands, pointing over there, whatever it is you like to say.
The primary claim was that the Five Civilized Tribes were forced out because they were violent, rather than because settlers wanted their land for agriculture and gold mining. SK: Slavery existed in pre-Columbian North, Central, and South America. Sure. As noted, the type of slavery they adopted was American chattel slavery, which was integral to the economic system in the South. This might be of interest: Slave-owning past remains problem for Choctaws.
2022-09-16 08:55
Truly a distinction without a difference.
2022-09-16 14:33
So you're saying that pre-Columbian slavery on the continent was not done for economic reasons and as forced labor. Remarkable. Were the Egyptians also using the European model?
2022-09-16 14:45
SK: Truly a distinction without a difference. So you're saying that pre-Columbian slavery on the continent was not done for economic reasons and as forced labor.
American chattel slavery entailed modern capitalism, so it's a distinction with a difference.
2022-09-16 16:19
The way the Left projects, accusing the Right of doing everything they are actually doing, it makes me nervous when I recall that they claimed Trump might be planning to launch a nuclear war with China. What do the Dems have planned vis-a-vis China?
Congressional commission asks West Point to cancel Robert E. Lee
Will we also be "cancelling" all those universities that educated up-and-coming Japanese military officers prior to WWII? Seems only fair. 'DeSantis sends two planes with migrants to Martha's Vineyard'
Please let him be President soon. Biden has never been able to govern on any level over the years. Like the rest of his administration, he can only bully or mandate. Manchin should have realized that before selling his vote. All of the government institutions have been converged by progs and operate as
socialist/fascist/communist institutions of the party. We have been following the Europeans authoritarian models, but will that model survive an awakening? The Europeans are finally facing reality and it is looking increasingly ugly as they are slowly recognizing that effeminate leadership may FEEL good, but it stumbled into weakness, invasion and defenselessness. indyjonesouthere: Biden has never been able to govern on any level over the years. Like the rest of his administration, he can only bully or mandate.
While you may not like the direction Biden is taking, the fact is that Biden has been quite successful in enacting significant legislation, as well as utilizing the inherent powers of the presidency.
This seems to be contrary to your assertion that the Democrats are operating "as socialist/fascist/communist institutions of the party." Those are nearly ALL straight party line votes and include considerable sums of cash to buy the vote. What parts of these will survive SCOTUS review?
The amount of money involved in spending also amounts to little more than asset stripping as the debt becomes unpayable. Spend today and let the millennials pay? Continuing resolutions are all that make that possible with a 51-vote majority along with 51 vote judges. Not quite like the old days is it? And you can't recognize the socialist/fascist/marxist takeover of the health and education industry? And its move on the transportation industry? And moves into the food/farming industry? The progs are definitely demanding CONTROL if not outright ownership. indyjonesouthere: Those are nearly ALL straight party line votes
But that's not what you said, which was that "Biden has never been able to govern on any level." Enacting legislation is certainly an important aspect of governing. As for the slim majority, Democrats in Congress represent over half the population. The House representation (by popular vote) is 51-48 Democratic, while Senate representation (by popular vote) is 55-45 Democratic. indyjonesouthere: as the debt becomes unpayable Deficits are declining after having risen during the Trump administration (who left an economy in shambles), just as they declined under Obama after rising under Bush (who left an economy in shambles). Good thing we live in a republic and not a democracy.
John Fisher
2022-09-15 12:53
Deficits declining?
Economy left in shambles by Trump? (((Quibble-DickZ))) keep making it up. Hand waving is what they call it. Bwaha!
2022-09-15 13:26
John Fisher: Good thing we live in a republic and not a democracy.
The U.S. is a both a democracy and a republic. Congressional Democrats currently represent a majority of votes in the Congress as well as a popular majority. The former represents political power, while the latter affords the democratic legitimacy required for long-term political stability.
2022-09-15 13:27
All we see is the fundamental transformation promised by Obama and Hillary's failure to be able to follow through. And Biden cannot govern... he can only force through party politics. Then he has to hope the SCOTUS does not intervene through lawsuits that protect the republic.
Deficits continue to rise due to continuing resolutions passed during the Obama years with only 51 votes needed. And Biden continues the emergencies in order to protect his ability to do executive orders that have nothing to do with the "emergency".
2022-09-15 15:40
indyjonesouthere: And Biden cannot govern... he can only force through party politics.
Among other achievements, the infrastructure bill was bipartisan. Indeed, it's so popular that Republicans who voted against the bill have gone home to their districts and claimed credit. And yes, that's called governing. indyjonesouthere: Deficits continue to rise . . . Year, deficit 2020, $3.1 trillion 2022, $1.4 trillion
2022-09-15 16:14
These "successes" you brag about were reckless and dangerous efforts to steal taxpayers money and give to unions, special interests and NGO's all oh whom will kick back some of that money under the table and as donations to Democrat election funds. This "success" was corruption and theft, nothing more, mothing less. Our economy is going off a cliff, our military has been emasculated and our borders have been thrown open to all manner of criminals and spies. We will undoubtedly see another 9/11 as a result of Biden's open border policy and will undoubtedly lose the coming war with China because of his military purges and social justice agenda. WHY do you think that they are trying to blind us with the Ultra MAGA fascist propaganda. This sabotage and treason is intentional; This Democrat party has turned communist and they intend to destroy America!
2022-09-15 16:41
OneGuy: These "successes" you brag about were reckless and dangerous efforts
As already noted, while you may not agree with the direction being taken, the question was whether Biden was able to govern. It's clear that Biden has been very effective at implementing his policies with the Congress and through the inherent powers of the presidency.
2022-09-15 16:46
Don't be silly. We all know those massive spending bills originate in the House and that Biden never knew anything about them until it appeared on his teleprompter one day. I would be willing to bet my 2022 Corvette against your 1976 Yugo that if Biden were asked today what bills were passed during the last year he couldn't even answer it without a teleprompter.
2022-09-15 17:56
OneGuy: We all know those massive spending bills originate in the House and that Biden never knew anything about them until it appeared on his teleprompter one day.
Biden is more than capable of answering questions about his infrastructure bill. See Remarks by President Biden on Passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal (Q&A after the prepared remarks.)
2022-09-16 08:00
And how many "emergencies" is he governing through? That's a nice shortcut. The continuing resolutions are nice shortcuts. Notice that nobody is accountable? And that the Fed has purchased trillions in debt to service the shortfalls. And 4 dollar fuel is driving the price of ALL goods to the moon and that was strictly the Biden policy to drive fuel prices up to subsidize electrics. The federal deficits were transferred to consumer deficits through the pricing of fuel. The stock market readily sees the future of administration policies and is reacting to those policies since the start of 2022. None of this will end well along with the continued VAXX mandates... especially in the military. This is governance through emergency mandates.
2022-09-15 17:09
indyjonesouthere: And how many "emergencies" is he governing through?
i: Biden cannot govern... i: Deficits continue to rise . . . Z: Here are facts that show your claims are wrong. i: Squirrel!
2022-09-16 08:02
And it's funny just how the name of the act is almost diametrically opposed to what it'll actually do.
Inflation Reduction Act? Hey, let's just spend lots more money to reduce inflation... JLawson: Inflation Reduction Act? Hey, let's just spend lots more money to reduce inflation...
The Inflation Reduction Act reduces deficits over a period of years, so it will help lower inflationary pressures. It also directly addresses medical costs.
2022-09-16 08:04
"For instance, the Inflation Reduction Act reduces Medicare Part D copays, caps insulin prices, reduces insurance premiums for millions of Americans, makes investments in green energy, all the while decreasing the deficit."
Bullshit. Eeyore: Bullshit.
It's difficult to respond to such a powerful argument, but here goes.
https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/5376/text QUOTE: 15 Qualities That Make A Good Person "Sincerity is the key to success. Once you can fake that you've got it made." — Groucho Marx I like that you quote Groucho - I sometimes think of his line “who are you gonna believe, me or you lying eyes?” when reading your posts.
Louie miller: I like that you quote Groucho - I sometimes think of his line “who are you gonna believe, me or you{r} lying eyes?” when reading your posts.
Exactly. That's why we always endeavor to provide a factual basis (eyes) to support our claims. For instance, another commenter claimed that U.S. federal budget deficits have gone up since Biden became president. That was false, but the claim fit a certain narrative. Should you believe him because he shares your political slant, or can you be persuaded by evidence (eyes)? Now do the National Debt.
https://usdebtclock.org/ or https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/39/Federal_debt_to_Federal_revenue_ratio.webp Re: 15 qualities (tolerance):
QUOTE: In the 1600s it was witches. In the 1800s it was Amerindians. In the 1930s it was Jews. It is what it is today, and in 200 years, there will be another target group for people’s ire. It is what it is today. Tolerance, you say? Yes, today we will not tolerate Make America Great republicans, Christians and white people. Anyone that questions the orthodoxy of grooming children to despise their born to gender. The list of things that are not tolerated grows by the day. FWIW:
Why Companies Are So Interested in Your Myers-Briggs Type https://daily.jstor.org/why-companies-are-so-interested-in-your-myers-briggs-type/ Well, Abbot sent illegals to new york. DeSantis said "Hold my beer!".
Martha's Vineyard. I don't care who you are, now THAT's funny. The Chamber of Commerce has declared a "humanitarian crisis" over fifty illegals. Why don't they offer to house them? Oh, that's right, they're liberals... https://www.nationalreview.com/news/marthas-vineyard-chamber-declares-humanitarian-crisis-over-arrival-of-50-migrants/
snopercod: The Chamber of Commerce has declared a "humanitarian crisis" over fifty illegals. Why don't they offer to house them?
They have. They didn't have enough available housing, so they set up emergency shelters. https://www.borderreport.com/news/politics/marthas-vineyard-receives-migrants-flown-in-from-florida/ Reading your own link: "the island is providing 'shelter, food, and care'." Good! Because more are on their way. Hopefully a couple thousand immigrants for Martha's Vineyard. I can't tell you how much it pleases me to see the tears of the liberals as they deal with just a fraction of the shit show they have caused the rest of us.
According to Vrbo, there are over 300 properties available from Sep 15 to Oct 15.
How many migrants are they cursed with? 50? Seems workable.
Not Sure
2022-09-15 22:36
Not Sure: How many migrants are they cursed with? 50? Seems workable.
Vrbo represents private properties, and the owners are not always available or able to provide free shelter. However, the migrants have already been sheltered by non-profits. There's no excuse in lying to migrants then dropping them off without warning in a town far removed from where they mean to settle and from the courts where they can plead their immigration cases.
2022-09-16 08:19
"There's no excuse in lying to migrants then dropping them off without warning in a town far removed from where they mean to settle"
I agree. The right thing to do, the only humane thing to do is to immediately get them back to their home, back to their families, back to their own country. I would hope if I or one of my family found myself in another country poor and homeless that they other country would do the same for me or my family member. We should make it a law that when they are apprehended that they must be returned to their homeland within 24 hours. Do the right thing!
2022-09-16 10:17
OneGuy: The right thing to do, the only humane thing to do is to immediately get them back to their home, back to their families, back to their own country.
That's not always possible. Many of them have asylum claims under U.S. law and international treaty.
2022-09-16 10:22
How do you know where they meant to settle? Did you ask them?
Not Sure
2022-09-16 17:04
Whenever I see 30 or 40 comments on a single posting, I know: People have been feeding the trolls again.
People: Do not feed the trolls. It only encourages them. Trolls should stay underneath the bridge, out of sight, eating the soft, slippery things that live under the rocks there. They do not know how to act and will never learn. So don't be a tool-- don't feed the trolls. I got a solution for the problems of San Francisco. Get some of those augers that are not drilling for oil to please Gaia. Drill a series of deep holes along the San Andreas Fault. Place a large quantity of TNT in the holes. Ignite the charges. Open a beach hotel in western Nevada