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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, February 14. 2022Monday morning links
AVI on Rap, Culture, and Politics Not a Single Celebrity Is Wearing a Mask at Super Bowl Including Hypocrite Mayor Eric Garcetti Last Week the “Experts” Admitted Lockdowns Did Not Reduce Mortality Rates — NOW They Admit Masking Was Mostly Worthless Seattle's Soda Tax Has Been Great for…Beer Sales? INSIDE THE BIZARRE HELLWORLD OF MINNEAPOLIS The Jig is up for Transgenderism as Child Abuse Jon Stewart: "Who Gets To Decide What's 'Misinformation' Eyes turn to Hillary Clinton, not Trump in the Russiagate scandal Most Democrats want Hillary Clinton investigated for any role in Russiagate scandal: poll Media Refuses to Cover Explosive New Clinton Spying Story, Covers Hillary's New Hat The dictator’s gambit: What Putin is after on Ukraine Trackbacks
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Putin is aggressively pursuing what has been Russian foreign policy since Ivan the Great: a united Slavic superstate with Russia as its dominating head, a sphere of influence to include the traditionally Orthodox Christian areas of Eastern Turkey, Syria, and Northern and Western Iraq, and then leverage this to gain access to warm water ports in the Persian Gulf, likely with Iran as a vassal state.
Mostly worthless! It was a case of lies, damned lies and statistics. Statistically a mask might prevent transmission of 8% of viruses. So to say it helps a little is true but meaningless. Because 92% of the virus gets through and you need far less than 1% perhaps less than .001% of the virus to get infected. so the mask is statistically mostly worthless but in fact totally worthless. But it gets worse. The mask becomes a petri dish for any and all viruses and germs that get caught in it either on the way to your lungs or on the way out of your lungs and there it sits in a warm moist environment waiting for you to touch it to spread it to others. So not only is the mask a totally useless artifact it is a dangerous tool in the spreading of disease. Touch your mask then touch your child or octogenarian parents and you pass on the diseases.
OneGuy: Statistically a mask might prevent transmission of 8% of viruses.
A cloth mask will stop about 25% of aerosols and most droplets. An N-95 will stop 95% of aerosols and nearly all droplets. OneGuy: Because 92% of the virus gets through and you need far less than 1% perhaps less than .001% of the virus to get infected. Have no idea what ".001% of the virus" means in this context. The number of viruses needed to contract COVID is still unknown, but it thought to be about 100. Droplets contain very large numbers of viruses, but aerosols only contain a few or none. In an environment rich in aerosols, such as a crowded bar or COVID ward, a mask may not be sufficient to prevent infection. Outside on a breezy day, a mask may not make any difference as the amount of virus in the air is very attenuated. On the other hand, in an environment where many people might find themselves, such as in a grocery store or public building with social distancing and adequate ventilation, a mask may be sufficient to reduce the viral load below that which is required to cause infection. It's a game of probability. When the virus is prevalent, avoid crowded and poorly ventilated areas. When you must mix, keep social distance and wear a mask. Of course, if you can, you should get vaccinated. More misguided medical advice.
It's one thing that you post nonsense all the time. It's another for you to post medical advice that's nonsense. The host should take action for the latter. I guess you dislike statistics because you don't understand how they work. Your explanations of what the percentages mean are wrong, start to finish. So therefore, you assume what other people are saying must be lies, because you don't understand it and make it into something else.
It's not them, it's you. Not that others never lie or get it wrong, but you aren't the one to discern that. Get better advice. I actually believe that you think you are correct. So I doubt you would listen to anything that doesn't confirm your beliefs.
It takes only 8-15 Virus inhaled to become infected. When an infected person coughs, sneezes or exhales they can eject millions and tens of millions of virus. 001% of ten million virus is 100 far more than the 8-15 required to become infected. So you were wrong again. "A cloth mask will stop about 25% of aerosols and most droplets." If you are wearing a cloth or paper mask most of the exhaled or coughed virus, bacteria, air, etc. is ejected out the sides and does not go through the mask. Cloth masks don't work even when worn as effectively as possible and definitely not when worn as most people were them. I was being generous when I gave them an 8% effectiveness. N-95 masks are "supposed" to stop 95% of bacteria and virus but even when worn exactly as they should be (fitted and taped) their effectiveness as tested is in the 80'% range. But you can easily see that does not matter because 5-15% escapes which is still in the millions of viruses which statistically is hundreds of thousands of times more than you require to become infected. Masks don't work. Their greatest accomplishment is that they capture some of the larger droplets and quickly become medical waste and highly infectious. There is zero doubt of this in the medical community. Ask any health care worker to enter into an ebola quarantine room with nothing more than a cloth mask and the best you could hope for would be a polite "go to hell". They do not work. You can make claims about 8% or 25% or even 95% all you want and they still don't work. The mask manufacturers will tell you they are ineffective against virus and they even print that on the box. In fact wearing garlic around your neck would be more effective. "When you must mix, keep social distance and wear a mask. Of course, if you can, you should get vaccinated." Six feet doesn't work. You have to be stupid to believe that. the mask doesn't work. Recent events have shown that the vaccine doesn't work. In Israel today 80% of the sickest hospitalized covid patiens have had 3 jabs. At this point covid is a pandemic of the vaccinated. Even in England covid is a pandemic of the vaccinated https://ninetymilesfromtyranny.blogspot.com/2022/02/triple-vaccinated-accounted-for.html just saying...
OneGuy: I doubt you would listen to anything that doesn't confirm your beliefs.
We will be persuaded by evidence. OneGuy: It takes only 8-15 Virus inhaled to become infected. That isn't known with any certainty. See Karimzadeh et al., Review of infective dose, routes of transmission and outcome of COVID-19 caused by the SARS-COV-2: comparison with other respiratory viruses, Epidemiology and Infection 2021: "Our review suggests that it is small, perhaps about 100 particles." OneGuy: When an infected person coughs, sneezes or exhales they can eject millions and tens of millions of virus. Droplets are stopped by simple masks, and because droplets fall out of the air quickly, that means social distancing can reduce the probability of infection. OneGuy: In Israel today 80% of the sickest hospitalized covid patiens have had 3 jabs. "Israel's 17% Unvaccinated Now Account for 65% of All Serious COVID-19 Cases" https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/israel-unvaccinated-booster-65-serious-covid-19-cases-death-delta-1.10208784 https://img.haarets.co.il/img/1.10208917/3906328263.jpeg QUOTE: We will be persuaded by evidence. So you agree now, that Hillary Clinton is a criminal?
B. Hammer
2022-02-14 17:23
JustMe: Even in England covid is a pandemic of the vaccinated
Office for National Statistics: "In the period July to December 2021, the age-adjusted risk of death involving coronavirus (COVID-19) was 93.4% lower for people who had received a third dose, or booster, at least 21 days ago compared with unvaccinated people." Ahhhhh!!! The "age adjusted risk of dying"!!!! I see grasshopper! Even perfect evidence can be lied about and if you are truly stupid enough to believe the lies then you can be tricked by Zack's propaganda.
Also I find it interesting that NOT ONLY is England having more triple jabbed people die from covid BUT they also during that time were tyrannically mandated to wear masks, social distance and stay home. But! But... I thought that the masks and social distancing worked... What did work for England??? Covid ran out of victims. It had nothing to do with the vaccine, the masks, or the social distancing. The latest version of Covid (just like a good weaponized virus should) infected everyone and killed the weakest. NOW we go on to the nest iteration of covid... called OHMYGODICRON. But don't worry folks, surely masks and mandates and one or two more jabs will work this time.
2022-02-14 17:46
JustMe: The "age adjusted risk of dying"!!!!
That's right. Regardless of age group, your risk of dying from COVID is lower if you are vaccinated. Without adjusting for age, your risk of dying is lower if you are vaccinated.
2022-02-15 08:49
Rap is just disco with crap lyrics. The result of the education establishment moving from the religion of Christianity to the religion of jealousy, envy and hate. Just what you expect in a fourth turning.
A bit of exposition setting the scene in a hip-hopera before the real drama begins:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqvVL8IurMw Minniapolis: HWY does anyone stay there??
Jon Stewart: "Who Gets To Decide What's 'Misinformation'?" The "media" does, and it lies to us. Eyes turn to Hillary Clinton, not Trump in the Russiagate scandal...because we've seen what Hillary does...lies. lies. and MORE lies. Media Refuses to Cover Explosive New Clinton Spying Story, Covers Hillary's New Hat... Well, the "media" sleeps in Democrat beds. Can anyone here verify the Sam Brinton appointment? Is there a reliable source for this story?
When you give up your nuclear weapons, you inevitably get a Putin at your borders.
What Putin is after? I do believe he's told us often, no NATO in the Ukraine on Russia's border.
Justin Trudeau invokes the Emergencies Act.
IMHO this is a terrible mistake. I do not understand how politicians can be so tone deaf. Has he not seen the broad support the truckers have? A majority of Canadians do not want these sanctions to continue and they have spoken loud and clear and peacefully. And Trudeau doubles down. What follows now cannot be good for Canada. Either the Canadian citizens will back down in the face of this tyranny and freedom loses OR there will continue to be protests which it is now clear the government will resort to violence to stop. I admit I don't know parliamentary rules but someone, some more sane politicians, need to stop this before it gets out of hand. perhaps it is as easy as a vote of no confidence or dissolving the government and having an election. But if something isn't done to stop this incredibly stupid move there will be violence. It looks like Trudeau is taking advice from Nancy Pelosi. Anon: A majority of Canadians do not want these sanctions to continue and they have spoken loud and clear and peacefully.
About 30% of Canadians want restrictions to end immediately, while 40% want a more careful approach to ending restrictions. https://globalnews.ca/news/8611838/covid-19-canada-poll-leger/ 72% wanted the convoy to "go home now." https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/nearly-three-quarters-of-canadians-want-convoy-protesters-to-go-home-now-survey-1.5781022 I believe you are right!!! I believe those were the exact same stats of Germans supporting Hitler in 1939 too. Coincidence? I think not.
"Then came Trump, whose envy of and admiration for authoritarians was possibly his only sincere and consistent sentiment."
When I read this I realized the entire article was BS. |