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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, January 29. 2022Saturday morning links
Bald Eagle live cam The extraordinary rise and fall of BlackBerry Would Galileo Be Good Enough for Woke America? DC Comics’ Bisexual Climate Change-Fighting Superman Is Kryptonite to Sales The ADL Has Chosen a Side. And It’s Not the Jewish One DeSantis Shocker: It’s Not OK to Hate Whites How to help the working stiff Elon Musk calls Biden a ‘damp sock puppet’ after White House CEO snub Why do media ignore Biden family corruption? Public health experts grumble about NYT columnist for trying to reassure people about COVID Biden Administration Has Turned ICE Into an "Unofficial Travel Coordination Agency" for Illegal Aliens Why Ukraine? Ukraine President Zelensky Tells Joe Biden to Chill Out and Stop Trying to Create a War With Russia Not Just The Mufti - the real extension of the Palestinian-Nazi collaboration Trackbacks
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All I can say is that if we go to war with Russia it better be with fully vaxxed and boosted troops lest we spread the COVID.
I get your sarcasm but in fact today it is the fully vaxxed that are spreading covid. So why did we kick people out of the military and their civilian jobs?
Jerryskids: All I can say is that if we go to war with Russia it better be with fully vaxxed and boosted troops lest we spread the COVID.
Vaccination helps maintain force readiness. JustMe: it is the fully vaxxed that are spreading covid. Vaccination reduces rates of infection, hospitalization, and death. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#covidnet-hospitalizations-vaccination https://foxillinois.com/resources/media/a233f030-095c-4493-9cd1-8218fc16e80f-medium16x9_CDCBreakthroughcasesOct2.png QUOTE: The gestalt of the findings implies that the infection explosion globally that we have been experiencing– post double vaccination in e.g. Israel, UK, US etc. –may be due to the vaccinated spreading Covid as much or more than the unvaccinated. A natural question to ask is whether vaccines with limited capacity to prevent symptomatic disease may drive the evolution of more virulent strains? https://palexander.substack.com/p/42-studies-on-vaccine-efficacy-that Woke America is on the side of Church...Woke America IS the Church.
Going to war with Russia in the middle of winter is not a very good idea.
Well let's see now. The European Union gets about 1/3 of its hydrocarbon needs supplied by Russia. And of all the gas that the E.U. imports from Russia, about 1/3 of that is transported by pipeline through the Ukraine. Also - without the Ukraine's cropland, Russia would pretty much starve. Now we know why Russia wants the Ukraine, NATO encroachment aside.
Now with Nordstream II pipeline coming online via the Baltic Sea, the Russians are in a position to increase their hold on the supply of gas to the E.U. And why would the E.U. need to increase their consumption? Because all of the member countries are shutting down their coal-fired power generation, with no replacement. And some - Germany, maybe France - are also electing to shutter their nuclear power generation systems, the cleanest energy source that one can produce electricity from, virtually carbon neutral by design. Somehow windmills, solar panels, virtue signalling, pronouns, and unicorn glitter are failing to balance the books on energy demand. You tell me why NATO would be in a hurry to go to war over a prospective (reluctant) addition to their ranks, against the country that is keeping their lights on. Meanwhile, Slo-Mo Joe loves Nordstream II and the EU's increased energy dependence on Russia. He was a vocal supporter, lifting the sanctions that Trump had put into place. Maybe it's a good thing, too - because the US is no longer capable of digging the EU out of an energy hole with LNG exports. For some reason, hydrocarbon development in the US has lost its luster: fracking banned in certain states, Biden shutting down new pipelines under construction, Hassling existing pipeline projects, lease auctions on Federal Lands suspended, lease auctions already held subject to injunction, ESG investors and big banks working to emasculate the energy industry. So now, instead of being a net exporter (as under the previous Administration), now we are a net importer, percentage increasing daily. Guess who our biggest importing supplier is? Canada? Nope. Mexico? Nope. Saudi Arabia? Nope. Russia? Yes, that's right - Russia, either #1 or #2 over the past 8 months or so. We wouldn't be able to dig ourselves out of our own energy hole if Russia decided to embargo. Our own national energy situation is a freakin' mess. And anybody who pumps their own gas and pumped it last year, knows it. It's all about hydrocarbons and it has been since before WWI. Russia is about to become a very rich country and Putin knows how to do something Biden can't do: focus. ***Equally troubling is that the left-biased American media, with a few notable exceptions, have essentially thrown a blanket over these revelations. Nothing to see here, move along.***
I think we can conclude that many upper-management media types are profiting from exactly the same kind of deals with the Chinese. If the CCP can buy favorable American media coverage, why would they report anything that might scotch that? QUOTE: Would Galileo Be Good Enough for Woke America? . . . While the Copernican model, which positions the earth around the sun as the center of our universe, is now an established scientific fact No. That's not accurate. It's now scientifically accepted that the sun moves and is not the center of the universe. However, heliocentrism was less wrong than the geocentrism that preceded it. See Asimov, The Relativity of Wrong, 1988. QUOTE: Europe’s political and religious leaders reprimanded and imprisoned Galileo because his views were not aligned with popular beliefs of the time. No. He was imprisoned because his views were considered heretical by the Church. It had nothing to do with the popularity or not of geocentrism. http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/galileo/recantation.html Furthermore, the Church had the power to not only imprison someone, but to even torture them. The Salk Institute is an independent research institute with no powers beyond simply deciding whom they hire and whom they fire, and even that is restricted by various laws. QUOTE: Kuczewski: "George Floyd was also not a particularly good man." Floyd was murdered under the color of law. Kuczewski's views of Floyd's 'goodness' is not the issue. QUOTE: You don’t have to see eye to eye with Bob, but canceling him in the name of justice is pure hypocrisy. If an employee were to send emails on the company email system espousing White supremacist or Nazi ideology, could the company take action against the employee? QUOTE: Bob tossed out a rhetorical question: “Could Galileo work at Salk?” Not sure Galileo would be qualified in such a highly specialized field. Nevertheless, is there reason to believe Galileo would react negatively to working within an ethnically diverse community? Floyd was not murdered he drugged himself to death. The left wanted it to be the police action for political reasons so they sacrificed an innocent policeman to their alter of Fascism. I sincerely hope that at some point in the future this case is reviewed and overturned and an innocent man is released. Free Derek Chauvin!
OneGuy: Floyd was not murdered he drugged himself to death.
The jury found him guilty of murder. Yes! And Caiaphas decided Christ had to be killed. Both were miscarriages of justice for political purposes.
Would you also accept as fact the decision of racist juries in the South who convicted blacks unjustly?
OneGuy: And Caiaphas decided Christ had to be killed.
The Roman procurator ordered the death sentence. There was no jury trial or common law due process. Criminal justice is a blunt tool. However, the jury did consider the evidence, including that the police officer continued kneeling on the man's neck well after he stopped breathing. The event was even caught on video, and people nearby knew Floyd was in distress, but the police only continued their illegal attack. Regardless, Floyd's character is not the issue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaGmz4DPlJw mudbug: Would you also accept as fact the decision of racist juries in the South who convicted blacks unjustly? Sure, but those juries weren't of peers, meaning representatives of the community as a whole. As noted above, criminal justice is a blunt tool, and there certainly can be miscarriages of justice. However, this isn't even a close case. Nor does any of this related to the original point: The Salk Institute does not have the power to arrest anyone. They do have a limited power to decided whom to hire and whom to fire. "the police officer continued kneeling on the man's neck well after he stopped breathing."
May be true. If you can tell from a video the moment of death maybe you should be a coroner. The reason he was subduing Floyd was to wait for the EMTs that he had called for to treat him. The reason he called for EMTs was he was not trained to treat him. So at what point was he guilty of medical malpractice? Never, since he isn't a doctor or EMT. "people nearby knew Floyd was in distress" Yes it's obvious now that Floyd was in fact dying from a drug overdose. It is obvious NOW that was happening before they removed him from the police car to prevent him from injuring himself. All of that is obvious now. Floyd stupidly took drugs that killed him. Why are we punishing the cop for this inevitable death caused by a drug overdose??? For politics! "but the police only continued their illegal attack" The neck restraint was an approved and required restraint technique for bigger felons who were fighting the police. It was exactly what the police should have done according to their training. "Floyd's character is not the issue" I would disagree. His character says everything you need to know. BUT, I never raised his character as an issue I raised his actions. He literally killed himself. Not the police, not the EMT's, but rather Floyd himself literally killed himself. THAT IS THE ISSUE.
2022-01-29 12:06
“… the jury did consider the evidence…l
They also considered the result of declaring Chauvin not guilty. “…this isn’t even a close case…” You might be correct. When a person dies in a way that might indicate fentanyl overdose (“I can’t breathe”) and his body had more than a lethal amount in his system, that seems pretty open and shut to me. “Nor does any of this related to the original point…” You brought it up.
2022-01-29 12:24
OneGuy: May be true.
The assault is on video. The medical examiner ruled it a homicide. The jury found it to be murder. We understand you prefer to grasp at straws. mudbug: You brought it up. That would be the original post who claimed that Floyd's character was the issue, when he was murdered under color of law.
2022-01-29 12:30
"The assault is on video."
What assault? He was never harmed only restrained. If you saw an assault you need glasses. "The medical examiner ruled it a homicide." Oh the irony! He ruled it a homicide because he was afraid of an assault by the fascist BLM and backlash from the liberal politicians. "The jury found it to be murder." Ditto what I said about the ME. "We understand you prefer to grasp at straws." Said the man/woman/other grasping at straws. Anyone who saw the video with any understanding at all what was happening Knows he died from a drug overdose.
2022-01-29 16:20
Not quite correct. His views, on heliocentrism, were not considered heretical by the Church. Copernicus, inspired by priests, gave lectures on and even dedicated his book on heliocentrism, to Pope Paul III. Galileo's biggest problem was his own ego. He could not wait for solid scientific proof of the theory, plus he went and wrote a very insulting book, the main character, Simplicio, being a cartoon of the very man (Pope Urban VII) that was trying to help him. Pope Urban VIII had given permission to present arguments for and against heliocentrism, but to be careful of proclaiming it the absolute truth. Copernicus, being a careful scientist, and being familiar with biblical passages of celestial motion, never proclaimed his theory as absolute truth. Not Galileo.
The Church overreacted, but that is our judgment, looking with 20-20 hindsight. Pope's are human like the rest of us; they make mistakes (infallibility is a whole other topic). When you insult the King, expect the wrath of the King. Pope John Paul II, tried to correct the error, removing the bull of excommunication. The irony of history is that many inside the church during Galileo's time, where more faithful to the rigors of science, than Galileo himself, the man that is trotted out to prove how the Christian faith is anti-science. “One does not read in the Gospel that the Lord said: ‘I will send you the Paraclete who will teach you about the course of the sun and moon.’ For he willed to make them Christians, not mathematicians.” - St. Augustine B. Hammer: His views, on heliocentrism, were not considered heretical by the Church.
We provided a definitive citation, Galileo's abjuration. http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/galileo/recantation.html QUOTE: I wrote and printed a book in which I discuss this new doctrine already condemned, and adduce arguments of great cogency in its favor, without presenting any solution of these, and for this reason I have been pronounced by the Holy Office to be vehemently suspected of heresy, that is to say, of having held and believed that the Sun is the center of the world and immovable, and that the earth is not the center and moves. . . I, Galileo Galilei, have abjured as above with my own hand. B. Hammer: The Church overreacted, but that is our judgment, looking with 20-20 hindsight. Pope's are human like the rest of us; they make mistakes Sure. In this case, the overreaction included a tour of the torture chambers of the Italian Inquisition followed by abjuration and indefinite confinement. QUOTE: DeSantis Shocker: It’s Not OK to Hate Whites From the bill: Unlawful employment practices. . . 7. An individual should feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race, color, sex, or national origin. The problem with that, of course, is that teaching about slavery or Jim Crow or White supremacy, might cause discomfort in some people on account of their race or color. And there's no way to make sense of American history without reference to slavery, Jim Crow, and White supremacy. There is no reason for teaching about Jim Crow, the KKK, etc. to cause a white person to feel discomfort or guilt because he is a white person any more than reporting crimes committed by black people to cause black people to feel discomfort or guilt. The former is passing on the fact that racism had a home in the Democratic Party long after the end of slavery and the latter is news.
If, however, one is taught that he is just as guilty as those promoting Jim Crow BECAUSE he is white or that the criminal committed his crimes BECAUSE he is black, that might cause discomfort or guilt (although, both should provoke derision toward the people promoting such ideas). mudbug: There is no reason for teaching about Jim Crow, the KKK, etc. to cause a white person to feel discomfort or guilt because he is a white person
And yet, it inevitably will. anon: Where are your data?
You could just read the news. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N138d_p6LIk Here's a few citations to white defensiveness and white fragility: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_defensiveness#References
2022-01-29 12:35
Qubble-DickZ don't need no stinking data, just their inherent bias against the truth will suffice.
2022-01-29 14:57
And hopefully there Democrats who are uncomfortable learning that the club they joined has a suppressed racist past (and indeed a racist present). Of course one doesn’t have his choice of race (unless he is transracial).
I have not read the entire Florida bill and I might have preferred different wording but the Democrat governor on North Carolina vetoed a similar bill prohibiting schools from promoting that: “One race or sex is inherently superior to another race or sex. “An individual, solely by virtue of his or her race or sex, is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously. “An individual should be discriminated against or receive adverse treatment solely or partly because of his or her race or sex. “An individual’s moral character is necessarily determined by his or her race or sex. “An individual, solely by virtue of his or her race or sex, bears responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex. “Any individual, solely by virtue of his or her race or sex, should feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress. “The belief that the United States is a meritocracy is racist or sexist or was created by members of a particular race or sex to oppress members of another race or sex.” "The problem with that, of course, is that teaching about slavery or Jim Crow or White supremacy, might cause discomfort in some people on account of their race or color."
Teaching kids about my country's far-less-than-admirable treatment of blacks doesn't cause me discomfort; blaming me for it does. This should be easy! Just teach the truth about "slavery or Jim Crow or White supremacy". That after the civil war the Democrats formed the KKK and persecuted blacks and they dominated Southern politics and law enforcement and misused their power. Eventually against all odds the Republicans were able to pass laws giving Blacks equality. THERE! That wasn't so hard now was it?
BUT, what instead if we taught every child in every school 24/7 about the gruesome rapes and murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom? What if we blamed every black child for this travesty of our history? Why not??? Let's teach that and show videos every day of the blacks "polar bear hunting" or shoving Asian women into subways? WHY NOT??? BECAUSE it would be wrong, divisive, racists and only make everything worse. And THAT is why you don't teach anti-white propaganda in schools. If you don't understand that you are just stupid. And if you understand it and still want to do it you are racist Maniac: Teaching kids about my country's far-less-than-admirable treatment of blacks doesn't cause me discomfort; blaming me for it does.
Understandable; however, the bill is written so that if anyone is caused discomfort, then it is a violation of the law. OneGuy: That after the civil war the Democrats formed the KKK and persecuted blacks and they dominated Southern politics and law enforcement and misused their power. That is certainly part of American history and should be taught. re How to help the working stiff
Tip lavishly, for openers. It's a thing you can actually do, not just talk about, that will help a thousand people over the course of your life. My wife completely agrees with AVI on tipping. I am ambivalent about tipping so I will play Devil's Advocate. Suppose you took that 20% tip money and used it to buy someone else's goods and services. Wouldn't that be be helping the people that produced those goods and services help keep their jobs? Indeed, by not tipping and spending that tip money elsewhere, do you actually help more working stiffs? Lavish tipping does indeed help the recipient but I don't know that it helps the working class as a whole, if you take the wider view. One more thing, for a lot of us that are not affluent, that 20% tip can become the deal breaker when choosing a place to eat. How does THAT help the working stiff if people don't walk in the door to start with? Very cool eagle cam. Thanks,
Seeing baby eagles in January is something else. The tyranny of our government in response to covid AND the gross incompetence of the current occupant of the White House point to a weakness in our constitutional republic. That is we need some way for the citizens of this country to overturn an election and demand a new presidential election. This is not the same as impeachment, the citizens cannot choose to impeach that is the up to the congress. But when the congress fails us and allows a president to run roughshod over our rights and our future the citizens need the ability to make their demands on our government. Something like a vote of no confidence or a recall. It should be simple to do in the age of the internet, a simple majority of voters in a majority of states taking an online vote to demand a new election.