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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, January 15. 2022Saturday morning links
Image via Moonbattery China Reveals AI News Anchor, Almost Indistinguishable From Real Human Is the Viking next to go? WWU eyes ditching Viking mascot due to colonialism The Trans Movement Is Not About Rights Anymore. It's about a cultural revolution and the abolition of biological sex. Where Are the Jews?’: Scandal Erupts at the Academy Museum. Four months after the new cultural center’s splashy opening, big donors and showbiz veterans wonder why many of Hollywood’s “founding fathers” are absent from its exhibits ""[Biden's Georgia speech] was aggressive, intemperate, not only offensive but meant to offend. It seemed prepared by people who think there is only the Democratic Party..." Why Sarah Palin has a case against the lying liberals at New York Times Arab Racism and the 'Jewish State' Comments
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QUOTE: When the people are afraid of the government, that's tyranny; when the government is afraid of the people, that's freedom. Spurious quotation. I thought that you were banned for posting misinformation. How did you get back in?
Anon: misinformation
![]() We provided a citation to Monticello. We took a closer look because the purported quote doesn't resemble Jefferson's diction. Monticello notes that the first known appearance of the statement in print was in 1914 and wasn't attributed to Jefferson until 1994. I suspected the tone was not quite right as well. The closest we can say is that Jefferson might have agreed with it if he had ever heard it. It is not far from some of his thinking about revolution. But it is always best to have quotes attributed correctly. It's a good thing to be sticky about.
Assistant Village Idiot: It is not far from some of his thinking about revolution.
"I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical." — Jefferson to Madison, 1787
2022-01-15 10:51
QUOTE: We took a closer look because the purported quote doesn't resemble Jefferson's diction. Absolutely no one believes you are that familiar with Jefferson. Lucky guess, then.
2022-01-15 10:46
LOL. More likely a search engine. I do stand corrected on my no one believes you.
B. Hammer
2022-01-15 11:03
I believe him. I have never faulted his wide knowledge (and will not mention in this context what I do fault). People here are merely insulting most of the time, not answering him with content - or reasoning. When they do that, it is them that I am less impressed with.
Assistant Village Idiot
2022-01-15 11:38
Oh come now. All of us have tried to answer him with reason and facts. What we get is misdirection and hand waving.
B. Hammer
2022-01-15 12:22
True. One prefers to mock the KiddieZ since reason and honesty doesn't work.
2022-01-15 13:59
Lost in the discussion, regardless of who said the quote, isn’t the quote true? And what would the odds be of getting a direct answer from the KiddieZ?
B. Hammer
2022-01-15 16:40
B. Hammer: isn’t the quote true
No. Effective government requires trust. Modern democracy builds that trust through a complex distribution of power*, and through a history of adherence to democratic principles. When trust is lost, fear may replace it, but then democracy is consequently degraded. * legislative, judicial, executive; federal, state, local; family, neighborhoods, churches, clubs, civic organizations; public and private property, elections at various levels including the highest levels; freedom of speech, assembly, due process; etc.
2022-01-15 20:53
Interesting. The question was about liberty versus tyranny and you go on to list the many ways in which government has power over the people, with some bromide about trust thrown in for good measure. Nothing in your answer speaks about individual liberty; the very principle that the founders, and most assuredly Thomas Jefferson, were concerned most about. They took great pains to limit the “very complex distribution” of government power over the people. They took great pains to establish a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy. I’ll leave you with a couple of spurious quotes:
“We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by there creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” “The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.” “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule. Where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the right of the other forty-nine.” - Thomas Jefferson And finally: “The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t true.” - Ronald Reagan
B. Hammer
2022-01-16 12:06
B. Hammer: - Thomas Jefferson
Two out of three of your attributions to Thomas Jefferson are spurious. (Guess which ones.) In light of that, the Reagan quote is ironic. B. Hammer: The question was about liberty versus tyranny and you go on to list the many ways in which government has power over the people, with some bromide about trust thrown in for good measure. Fear does not equate to liberty or garner the stable institutions necessary for the protections of individual liberties. Rather, trust is the foundation of liberty. When trust is lost, then liberty is lost, whether the sovereign is king or whether the sovereign is the people.
2022-01-16 14:16
When I say a couple of spurious quotes, and leave four, what do you think that means? Is it any wonder people just mock and deride you?
"Trust is the foundation of liberty." You sure have a funny idea about liberty. If a slave trusts his master, does that mean he has liberty?
B. Hammer
2022-01-16 19:43
B. Hammer: If a slave trusts his master, does that mean he has liberty?
Trust is necessary, but not sufficient. But, sure, defend fear as a basis for building a just society.
2022-01-16 21:35
Not the same thing as what I said. Something else is happening that his critics don't see, and end up making less sense.
And BTW, I have seen people answer him with reason and facts, but not very often. It's usually just insults and reassertion. And in this discussion, everyone needs to face the fact that he got it right, and for good reasons, and there has been little acknowledgement of that. If people can't get a simple google-fact right when arguing with him, why in the world do they think their other attempts are better?
Assistant Village Idiot
2022-01-15 21:38
I certainly don’t know if this is accurately attributed but please tell us whether or not “Monticello” actually said it was not Jefferson’s quote?
When it was “first seen in print”, where and by whom was it printed? How did they attribute it? What was the context? Do you suggest every word Jefferson uttered was known in his time and not discovered later? Taking my lead from AVI, I “never fault his (Z’s) wide knowledge” so I expect a thorough, well formed response that answers the questions I’ve asked. Minimal dissembling, please. Louis Miller: When it was “first seen in print”, where and by whom was it printed? How did they attribute it? What was the context?
We provided a link in the original post. https://www.monticello.org/site/research-and-collections/when-government-fears-people-there-liberty-spurious-quotation Sure. They could be wrong. But an argument based on research is stronger than someone who says "Is not!" As Abraham Lincoln said, "Don't believe everything you read on the internet."
2022-01-15 14:51
I enjoy Maggie's Farm and esp like reading through the comments, but whenever I see a Z thread I have to just click away from the site because it's too much trouble to sift through to find the real comments when the page is filled up with Z BS.
Because the Z BS is not in the spirit of the site, it's driving this long time reader away. LP: Because the Z BS is not in the spirit of the site, it's driving this long time reader away.
We apologize for the extended discussion. We had expected the conversation to be something like this: QUOTE: M: Attribution. Z: Spurious. M: Okay. Fin Feel free to ignore our posts. Comments are threaded, so there may be many other discussions you may enjoy. "It is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day."
Spurious quotation! The AI in China: Creepy. In the final phase, communist\culture marxism demands that you become a robot. No free will, but a mindless servant to what ever the programed code demands. A frightened slave. There is no love, there is no beauty, just a meandering existence. What a dark and terrible world.
So the Über-Progressive Hollywood Liberals that underwrote the Academy Museum and enjoy swanning in to its galas every year, are shocked & outraged to see that their donations were cheerfully spent on creating another history, while ignoring theirs - the source of the money. Make way, dinosaur. There's a spot for you right over by that statue of Jefferson. You've been attending the Oscars and you haven't noticed the trend? Now that you're broke, welcome to Woke.
Joe Biden's speech in Georgia simply continued the othering and demonization of everybody who has the audacity to disagree with Biden. Biden is the wisest, kindest, most clear-headed man in the world and therefore if you're questioning his policies you're obviously stupid, insane, or evil and it's not only okay but downright good to hate stupid, insane, evil people. You deserve a pat on the back for opposing Nazi's!
Justice Department announces creation of domestic terrorism task force
QUOTE: Matthew Olsen, who leads the Justice Department's National Security Division, told the Senate Judiciary Committee the move is being made because of the sharp rise of domestic crimes tied to political goals. The announcement comes days after the anniversary of the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, by supporters of former President Donald Trump. So far, more than 700 people have been arrested in connection with that riot. "We face an elevated threat from domestic violent extremists; individuals in the United States who seek to commit violent criminal acts in furtherance of domestic social or political goals," Olsen told the committee, according to The Washington Post. https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2022/01/11/Justice-Department-domestic-terrorism-task-force/8771641926271/ What sharp rise of domestic crimes tied to political goals? Would that be the perpetrators of the BLM riots? I am not sure the trans movement is about culture and abolition of sex either, though I think that is what people are describing it to themselves as. I am increasingly convinced that this is an Aspie- spectrum disorder with some OCD and even sensory flavoring. Not all people who claim to be trans certainly, but an enormous percentage seem to be furious if other people don't get what they are saying absolutely, completely right. As I have said before, it is like a kid who loses it in the morning because you gave him a shirt with a tag in it to put on and it is uncomfortable. Or someone who insists that you say something is "really" teal when you say it is green. Small differences upset them as much as large ones.
It may be on-the-spectrum behavior for a small percentage of them, but I really think the motivation for most of these people is attention-seeking. It's just the latest fashionable way to be obnoxious. And if it seems like this type of behavior is getting out of control more than it used to, it's because it is. Most everyone has forgotten the benefits of being confrontational because they're terrified of getting the Cancel Mob after them. Unlike, say, 40 or 50 years ago, when there was a good chance that the same kind of obnoxious, demanding behavior might be rewarded with personal, physical corrective action from complete strangers.
While I think you underestimate their number - and I may be overestimating it because my experience is largely with teenagers who are already in acute psychiatric emergencies - I don't disagree with your alternative hypothesis. In a discussion over at Althouse (and also with James at his site) some attention was also given to the idea that some of it is (paradoxically) a way to reduce sexual pressure by putting yourself "off the market" in the fishbowl of social media. An adult could counsel such a person that it's going to cost you more than it gives you to go that route, but it would at least be understandable. The group as a whole has a lifetime 50% incidence of suicide and parasuicide attempts, which is what makes it infuriating that we can't study it properly because of the woke politics involved.
I'm certainly no expert but the strongest evidence to me is the obvious attention-seeking and appeals to perceived higher authority to intervene. To me, that is not spectrum behavior - but then, my experience is very limited with autism. It's always seem to me that autism is a phenomenon of intensely withdrawn behavior, a kind of opposite to drawing attention to oneself.
"News is breaking today that Mike Lindell is being forced to close all bank accounts at his long-standing bank, Minnesota Bank & Trust and Heartland Financial."
This is the Democrat party doing this. This is what it looks like when a subversive party tries to force us all into communism. This is what leftists/Democrats/communists do to their enemies. The next step will be gulags and night time mass murders in the forests and mass graves. Don't believe it? Too crazy, you say? Yes! That is exactly what they all said until the knock on their door in the middle of the night. Pay attention. Right now it's a lot of little things each of which could be explained away but every day it is one or two more little things and none of them are coincidence. Did you ever, in your wildest dreams think that a public American country like Twitter would ban a U.S. president from communicating with the citizens expressly so that his opponent could win an election??? On the other hand if the same thing happened in Russia or China you wouldn't even blink an eye. Little things... Pull their FDIC coverage and see how many customers remain.
not only offensive but meant to offend. It seemed prepared by people who think there is only the Democratic Party..."
They are absolutely correct. There is only one party. The republicans are just a branch of the Democrats. What they did during 4 years of Trump is proof of that Finally. FINALLY. Someone is standing up to the LGBT movement. Calling it out for what it really is--another opportunity--another pincer, in the assault on democracy. Of course the NYT hasn't gone that far yet, but it is good that the psychologists are starting to acknowledge this is a beast--created by politics--not nature.
So just now, I'm watching the news and this lady was supporting the mandates. Her comment was "just wear the mask I did and I've had covid..." Wait a minute. let that sink in. She is telling us to wear a mask (and she isn't wearing one as she is telling us all to embrace the mask mandate) and her justification is she wore the mask and still got covid!! Got that? Because masks work so well don'tcha know.
The science is that the masks don't work. The masks are intended to enforce compliance not protect you. IMHO anyone in power who insists that you wear masks should be required to wear them themselves 24/7 and pay a huge fine every time they are caught without one OR STFU. Just yesterday a fool on TV was trying to prove that the N95 mask really really works. He has this candle and puts on a cloth mask and is able to blow out the candle. He puts on the N95 and he can't blow out the candle. So he proudly proclaims that proves the mask stops all the exhaled air from coming out. LOL. What a fool. If the air wasn't getting out around the mask the damned thing would have to blow up like a balloon. The N95 mask does not work unless it's sealed to your face and then it at best prevents 95% of something but not virus, from getting out. Stupidity on parade. It is not accurate that the science shows that masks don't work. They help, and that is frequently demonstrated. It is true that a poorly-worn one is purely cosmetic, but that's not the same thing. It is also true that they don't do everything. No one has claimed otherwise, AFAIK, though the accusation is often made.
I guess it depends on what you consider "working" If you can wear the cloth mask safely in a quarantine ward we could save a lot of money that we waste on ppe gear. If on the other hand the doctors and nurses refuse to go along with your theory perhaps that is because cloth masks don't work.
When it comes to protecting you from getting a disease in my opinion it either works which means 100% or it doesn't work, period. There is no inbetween or wishy washy words like "they help". Thousands of Stolen Packages Cover Downtown LA Train Tracks
QUOTE: Staggering footage shows thousands of reportedly stolen and discarded packages lining a stretch of the Union Pacific train tracks in downtown Los Angeles. https://www.breitbart.com/crime/2022/01/14/watch-thousands-of-stolen-packages-cover-downtown-la-train-tracks/. . . “As you can see, trains frequently slow or stop in this area as they get worked into the @UnionPacific Intermodal facility near Downtown LA,” Schreiber tweeted. “The thieves use this opportunity to break open containers and take what’s inside. I’d say every 4th or 5th rail car had opened containers.” A foreign terrorist (I guess a POC supremacist) has taken hostages in a synagogue. Merrick Garland and the FBI are shocked that it wasn't home grown terrorists fresh from attending school board meetings. I'm sure that there were not enough law enforcement resources to prevent this as they were all busy rounding up the capitol protestors. Priorities, right?
I predict that the media will find some way to blame this on Trump. |
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