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Monday, November 29. 2021Monday morning links Florida Has Nation’s Lowest COVID-19 Case Rate… The Cynical and Dangerous Weaponization of the "White Supremacist" Label CNN Reports Study Questioning Climate Change Models On Thanksgiving Day When Few Are Following News Complete Madness In The Biden Administration: Energy Policy Rex Murphy: Sorry, Liberals, our Earth is not in danger — Canadian democracy is NY TIMES ASKS: WHY DO BLUE STATES SUCK? Book: Hunter Biden Given Expensive Gem to Seal Deal With Chinese Energy Consortium Andrew Cuomo’s Downfall Began with a Book Deal Trackbacks
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QUOTE: Florida Has Nation’s Lowest COVID-19 Case Rate… State, New cases per 100,000 during Delta surge (7/1/2021 to present):
Mississippi, 6376 New York, 2946 California, 2962 Massachusetts, 2840 Vermont, 3686 QUOTE: headline from September of this year referred to the governor as an “angel of death.” State, Deaths per 100,000 during Delta surge (7/1/2021 to present):
Mississippi, 96 New York, 20 California, 27 Massachusetts, 19 Vermont, 23 The posted stats do not appear to support the headline claim of the post. In terms of new cases, FL is second only to MS in having the HIGHEST number of new cases, and in terms of deaths is number 1. What is going on here?
blcjr: The posted stats do not appear to support the headline claim of the post.
It's the difference in period under consideration. Florida has very low case numbers today, but only after having allowed the virus to run amok through the population over the last few months. By any reasonable valuation, Florida had a much worse result during the Delta surge than most other states. Kiddiez:... after having allowed the virus to run amok through the population ...
ALLOWED??? That is beyond stupid. Seriously, fuck off, KiddieZ. Z: ...after having allowed the virus to run amok through the population over the last few months...
What was Florida supposed to do so that the virus wouldn't "run amok?" Would you say that Sweden has allowed the virus to "run amok" since they didn't mandate any masks or social distancing yet their case rate remains low while Norway and Finland case rates are rising. In addition, Sweden's deaths remain lower than either Norway or Finland even though Sweden has twice the population of either Norway or Finland. Has Biden been allowing all the Wuhan flu deaths since January? mudbug: What was Florida supposed to do so that the virus wouldn't "run amok?"
Policies to encourage social distancing, masks, and vaccinations would have served to reduce the spread. mudbug: Sweden's deaths remain lower than either Norway or Finland even though Sweden has twice the population of either Norway or Finland. Not sure where you are getting your information, but now that you have the facts, does it cause you to question your preconceptions?
Sweden, 148 Finland, 24 Norway, 19 mudbug: What was Florida supposed to do so that the virus wouldn't "run amok?" Policies to encourage social distancing, masks, and vaccinations would have served to reduce the spread. mudbug: Sweden's deaths remain lower than either Norway or Finland even though Sweden has twice the population of either Norway or Finland. Not sure where you are getting your information, but now that you have the facts, does it cause you to question your preconceptions?
Sweden, 148 Finland, 24 Norway, 19 There is no science behind social distancing and the 6 foot distance is totally arbitrary. The only masks that are effective at all are N95 masks and most places only require a cloth mask which is useless. I defy you show me when a mask mandate was initiated by looking at a graph of infections.
Vaccines have not been shown to be effective at stopping infection or spreading Wuhan flu. My information about Finland, Norway, and Sweden is from worldometer. I'm taking the recent trends of cases and deaths, not the total.
2021-11-29 15:14
mudbug: There is no science behind social distancing and the 6 foot distance is totally arbitrary.
There is no sudden dropoff in droplets in suspension. Increasing physical distance is associated with decreasing risk, and risk is significantly reduced at 6 feet. Keeping at a greater distance or avoiding contact generally is even more effective. See review article, Qureshi et al., What is the evidence to support the 2-metre social distancing rule to reduce COVID-19 transmission?, The Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine 2020. mudbug: The only masks that are effective at all are N95 masks and most places only require a cloth mask which is useless. Masks reduce the spread of aerosols. In normal situations, the reduction is sufficient to keep viral load below the level necessary for infection. See Cheng et al., Face masks effectively limit the probability of SARS-CoV-2 transmission, Science 2021. mudbug: Vaccines have not been shown to be effective at stopping infection or spreading Wuhan flu. Risk of infection is significantly reduced by vaccination. http://zachriel.com/blog/Vermont-VaxUnvax.png mudbug: My information about Finland, Norway, and Sweden is from worldometer. But you are claiming that Sweden has done a better job, when that is clearly not the case. http://zachriel.com/blog/COVID-SwedenNorway.png
2021-11-29 15:37
How do you allow the virus to run amok?
Those states who mandated the masks had equal to worse outcomes. Those states that locked down businesses had equal to worse outcomes. Those states with higher rates of vaccinations had equal to worse outcomes. So how do you stop the "amok"??? No one knows. Literally no one knows! all the mandates and vaccinations are to make it look like they are doing something. But why? They know the masks don't work, proof is they only wear them on camera. They know the lockdowns don't work, we proved that after bankrupting about 4 million small businesses. And now, if you actually look at the data, we know the vaccines don't work. So how do we un-amok this virus??? OneGuy: Those states with higher rates of vaccinations had equal to worse outcomes.
Vermont, cases vaccinated vs unvaccinated http://zachriel.com/blog/Vermont-VaxUnvax.png States, cases over time http://zachriel.com/blog/FloridaCOVIDcases.png The headline says that Florida HAS the lowest COVID-19 case rate in the U.S., and if you follow the link given you see reported a daily average of 6 new cases per 100,000 last week. New York on the other hand reported 34 new cases per 100,000.
The Zachbot sees something that opposes its preferred narrative and promptly spews numbers (I note that no URL reference is given) intended counter the message in the FoxNews article. The Zachbot would have you infer that the FoxNews article is wrong when in fact it provides no information to suggest that current case rates have Florida as the lowest. The Zachbot cites Delta surge numbers to counter the suggestion that the New York governor managed COVID-19 poorly but does not acknowledge the total deaths in New York since the onset of the disease. Seeing as Cuomo resigned in early August, it is rich to cite numbers including ensuing four months as a some sort of innoculative. Earle Williams: you infer that the FoxNews article is wrong when in fact it provides no information to suggest that current case rates have Florida as the lowest.
Z: Florida has very low case numbers today However, you can't paint that as some sort of success after months of very high case and death rates. zachriel is lying again, and you're playing his straight man.
That's what is going on. Looks like the KiddieZ want to hijack the comment section again with their special kind of nonsense.
Yes, all insults all the time for him, yet no one refutes his data. Again, he has it right. For the period in question, Florida has the lowest case rate. That's a good thing. It is recent, and thus far, brief. Maybe it will continue. That has not consistently been the case, however, and they have the 9th highest death-per-million rate in the country overall for the duration of the disease. Those are dead people. They should count for something even if they didn't die this week.
To the question "Well what do you think they could have done to change that?" sneering that there must have been nothing, I would simply note that as different states have had different rates of death, we can call it reasonable that human actions, and state actions have some effect. From there we might wonder what those are. Invoking Sweden is a loser idea. It does now have a low rate, and that's a good thing. But its major comps are Norway, Denmark, and Finland, right? And those have an equally low rate without one-tenth the overall death beforehand. Reasoning is really hard for you guys. Spewing bile, not so much. If you don't like it, step up your game and answer point by point. I've been following this consistently. You consistently can't ante up. So don't help any kids with their homework, okay? Refuting the data...cycle threshold for a pcr test is at 40 cycles when it should be somewhere in the area of 20-25. That gives majority false positives for the tests which is what the admin government wants as it adds to the "emergency" status and the government pays bonus money to those that participate in the scheme. The "positive" numbers in the statistics are useless numbers with all the false positives.
Then to add stupidity to the numbers they change the definition of "cause of death" to mean you died of covid if you had a positive pcr test. And what a deal...you now collect bonus money for sticking them on remdesivir and ventilators. The government admin state is buying the outcome they need in order to continue the money charade. If you don't follow the admin state protocol you get NO money. You want to see how greedy hospital management is then just follow up on a nurse's article about the operation at a Cleveland Clinic facility. Money, power, control...rinse and repeat. indyjonesouthere: Then to add stupidity to the numbers they change the definition of "cause of death" to mean you died of covid if you had a positive pcr test.
Statistics of excess deaths supports the COVID death count, across different countries, states, or time periods. https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/dataviz8737/viz/COVID_excess_mort_withcauses_11242021/WeeklyExcessDeaths
2021-11-30 09:50
What do the autopsy's say?
2021-11-30 14:01
indyjonesouthere: What do the autopsy's say?
Statistics of excess deaths do not rely on determination of cause of death. That's rather the point. It's an independent measure. Are you suggesting something else is causing hundreds of thousands of excess deaths that just happen to rise and fall with waves of COVID infection? https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/dataviz8737/viz/COVID_excess_mort_withcauses_11242021/WeeklyExcessDeaths
2021-11-30 16:32
You don't really want facts, you want a narrative. The admin state is spending millions to promote the vaxx but are scared to death to fund the autopsies of the dead, especially of the VAERS reports. If there are actual excess deaths then what is the cause. You are assuming a cause and effect but neither you nor the admin state really want to know or you would fund the autopsies.
2021-11-30 16:46
indyjonesouthere: You don't really want facts, you want a narrative.
We provided you facts, which you then ignored. indyjonesouthere: If there are actual excess deaths then what is the cause. The vast majority are due to COVID-19, which is obvious when you look at the data. As cases rise, deaths soon follow. Here it is again: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/dataviz8737/viz/COVID_excess_mort_withcauses_11242021/WeeklyExcessDeaths
2021-11-30 16:57
Calling excess deaths covid deaths is not a fact...an autopsy would be a fact. And they have the money to do it so they should do it. With no autopsy there is no way to attribute the deaths to covid. Those are facts...yours are narratives.
2021-11-30 17:46
indyjonesouthere: Calling excess deaths covid deaths is not a fact...an autopsy would be a fact.
The vast majority of cases aren't close calls. They died of respiratory failure after infection with SARS-CoV-2. Nor have you explained why the excess death pattern closely follows the COVID death count and the waves of infection. In any case, you act as if no one performs autopsies on COVID victims, but that is simply not the case. Medical professionals are very interested in understanding exactly how COVID attacks the body in order to devise better treatments. For instance, see:
2021-11-30 18:22
Every hospital that reports a covid death needs to do an autopsy to determine the actual cause of death. Was it covid, the flu, another respiratory disease such as copd, or something not even associated with covid or perhaps death by vaxx.
And once again cycle thresholds...40 cycles is bogus and that is the FDA requirement and not even Fauci agrees with that number. Covid cases have no legitimate numbers because of the cycle problem. And why a lower cycle threshold for the vaxxed pcr tests? And then to change definitions of cause of death to lay big numbers to covid should be a jailable offense for those in the admin state. Even changing the definition of vaccine is laughable...they fear calling it a gene therapy which it is. Fauci even needed a definition change so as to escape the weopenizing of the virus. Covid is a disease of the government administrative state...they need the disease just as they needed russia,russia,russia and just as they need AGW.
2021-11-30 18:44
indyjonesouthere: Was it covid, the flu, another respiratory disease such as copd, or something not even associated with covid or perhaps death by vaxx.
COPD can't explain excess deaths. Tests for influenza show there was virtually no influenza last season. Vaccination can't explain the excess deaths before the vaccine was available. We've provided multiple lines of evidence supporting the fact that COVID has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths—just in the U.S.
2021-12-01 09:28
A study of death certificates supports the COVID death count. See Grippo et al., The Role of COVID-19 in the Death of SARS-CoV-2-Positive Patients: A Study Based on Death Certificates, Journal of Clinical Medicine 2020.
Or you could just check the hospitals and morgues during outbreaks.
2021-11-30 17:46
With bogus pcr test cycles and redefinition of cause of death the numbers are only useful for a narrative which is what the admin state promotes...along with bonuses to promote there use.
2021-11-30 18:55
Funny how the KiddieZ shy away from the pertinent questions you've thrown at them (i.e. changing the PCR threshold from 40 to 25 and the definition change for cause of death). Good stuff.
2021-11-30 23:37
2021-12-01 00:09
indyjonesouthere: With bogus pcr test cycles
There is a way to double-check the PCR tests, by whole genome sequencing. It turns out that whole genome sequencing not only confirms the reliability of the PCR test, but also shows the evolution of the virus as it moves through the world's population. Oh, those crazy scientists. What will they come up with next?!
2021-12-01 09:39
Another deflection.
Thanks, KiddieZ.
2021-12-01 12:05
QUOTE: AVI: Reasoning is really hard for you guys. Thanks, looking forward to some of your reasoning instead of your cheerleading for the troll. How does a state "allow" a virus to run "amok"? QUOTE: AVI: I've been following this consistently. You consistently can't ante up. So don't help any kids with their homework, okay? By the way, this is the last time I'll do "your" homework, kid. How Trends Have Changed in Vermont How Trends Have Changed in Florida
2021-11-30 14:06
The Cynical and Dangerous Weaponization of the "White Supremacist" Label: It might just convince the white people that they SHOULD become "supremacists...
NY Times Asks: Why Do Blue States Suck? Since the NYT is at the hub of the Blue states, it ought to KNOW by now... Andrew Cuomo’s Downfall Began with a Book Deal: And it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy...and we all know by now that "nice", Cuomo ain't! QUOTE: CNN Reports Study Questioning Climate Change Models On Thanksgiving Day When Few Are Following News The study was published on 11/24/2021. The CNN story was published hours later, early on 11/25/2021. QUOTE: A new report proves that the climate models are wrong "All models are wrong, but some are useful." — George E. P. Box More specifically, while anthropogenic global warming is strongly supported, the details of how heat is distributed through the climate system is still largely obscure. but some are useful...for government funding of course.
Rex Murphy is almost the only good reason for reading a Canadian newspaper these days.
Vivat Rex! Someone Unearthed A 1997 Wired Article Predicting '10 Things That Could Go Wrong In The 21st Century'
– Tensions between China and the US escalate into a new Cold War — bordering on a hot one. – New technologies turn out to be a bust. They simply don't bring the expected productivity increases or the big economic boosts, – Russia devolves into a kleptocracy run by a mafia or retreats into quasi-communist nationalism that threatens Europe. – Europe's integration process grinds to a halt. Eastern and Western Europe can't finesse a reunification, and even the European Unification process breaks down. – Major ecological crisis causes a global climate change that, among other things, disrupts the food supply - causing big price increases everywhere and sporadic famines. – Major rise in crime and terrorism forces the world to pull back in fear. People who constantly feel they could be blown up or ripped off are not in the mood to reach out and open up. – The cumulative escalation in pollution causes a dramatic increase in cancer, which overwhelms the ill-prepared health system. – Energy prices go through the roof. Convulsions in the Middle East disrupt the oil supply, and alternative energy sources fail to materialize. – An uncontrollable plague - a modern-day influenza epidemic or its equivalent takes off like wildfire, killing upward of 200 million people. – A social and cultural backlash stops progress dead in its tracks, human beings need to choose to move forward. They just may not... https://digg.com/2021/wired-article-future-predictions-came-true Louis Miller: They left out Joe Biden/Obama3.
That could be seen as more symptomatic, sort of like the breather of Claudius between Caligula and Nero. |