Dems want to thwart honest voting. Hmmm. If I have to prove my identity to get on an airplane, why not for somethng important, like voting? Heck - everybody suspects that Dem big city politics are dishonest. Why not prove that they are honest? Prof B agrees. I have to show ID when I vote up here.
Gun control is inconsistent with liberal values. Correct. (h/t, Massbackwards) And, speaking of guns, Alphecca led me to a gun law blog that was new to me - Gun Law News
Who was Pvt. Francis Lupo? Rhymes with Right.
PETA doesn't want you to dine on cockroaches. Can I crush them with a fly-swatter, instead? RWN. But dang, they are so good and crunchy and low-fat, I just love to munch them in the morning.
Outed as a Jew? Krauthammer on George Allen. Am I mistaken, or did Hillary and John ("I served in Vietnam") Kerry not advertise their Jewish blood? Speaking of Hillary, Jewish or not: Iowa doesn't seem to like her very much. She really isn't an Iowa sort of gal, is she?
More dirt on the Lamont family. It's his wife's turn, now. Politics is rough, and nice guy golfer Ned is probably not ready for prime time yet. It's dirty laundry season. Ex-Donk