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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, April 26. 2021Monday morning linksEarth Day 2021: celebrate abundant sea ice habitat for polar bear feeding and mating Deeper And Deeper Into "Climate" Fantasy WHY WIND AND SOLAR ENERGY ARE DOOMED TO FAILURE Germany and France still having COVID issues. But why? Boston employers also unable to compete with enhanced unemployment checks De Blasio may finally understand NYC’s crime crisis — but still won’t get serious about it Democrat Portland Mayor ‘Done’ With ‘Anarchist Mob,’ Begs Public To Help ‘Unmask’ Rioters Los Angeles mayor: On second thought, we need more money for police Grade Inflation Is Ruining Education Virginia Dept Of Education To Drop All AP Math Classes Because Minorities Are Underrepresented… Rutgers students provided with 'trigger' warnings in Classics and history courses. A Rutgers professor is using trigger warnings for his courses involving uncomfortable realities of Greek and Roman history. Commentary: The Crusade to ‘Mitigate the Projected Whitening’ of Schools Tucker Carlson is saving journalism Bill Maher’s Audience Cheers As He Trashes Young People With Far-Left Views: ‘Your Ideas Are Stupid’ NC Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson Blasts Democrats For Opposing Election Integrity Measures. “The notion that people must be protected from a free ID to secure their votes is not just insane—it is insulting” "Biden Is An Idiot" - Fmr Police Officer Blasts Democrats For "Riding The Wave Of Dead Black People" Smarter-Than-You NYT Award-Winning Columnist Says Antifa and BLM Riots Were a Right-Wing Fever Dream Henry Kissinger on the political consequences of the pandemic, China's rise, and the future of the European Union Trackbacks
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So, The Portland, New York and Los Angeles Mayors are starting to appreciate the police.
Won't wonders never cease? No, they don't. Their concerns for their own political neck (and physical person, too) have finally displaced their unreasoning hatred of President Trump and their overweening ambition to see him gone. That's all - it's temporary. When it's politically convenient to attack police once again, or to instruct them not to protect citizens and businesses from Antifa mobs, they won't hesitate to do so. Enemy of the People. Use their hate against them.
Rather suspect it's more that they're worried that their communities - and their homes - might be next on the list to be torched.
Except that Portland has had torchy protests practically every night for the last year. Perhaps what upsets the Mayor of Portland is that he assumed that the protests were against Orange Man Bad, only to find out that they continue even though Slow Joe is now President.
Re Employers competing with unemployment checks-- Yesterday I visited a local Wawa (a regional convenience-store chain) and saw a sign advertising employment opportunities for all positions, with a $500 signing bonus.
Anyone who thinks Universal Basic Income would not have bad side-effects needs to re-think their position. Two quick observations on the stimulus checks:
A) my oldest is in college. One of his friends who didn't go to college was working part time at a home improvement store. When Covid first hit, the kid was eligible for as much money as he had been making working 30-35 hours per week in Covid relief. While I like the idea of nobody starving due to the Covid panic, my son's friend had no incentive to go back to work and it made my son and his other friends envious that they couldn't sit home and make $500 per week not working. B) I do some part time work on the weekends delivering pizza to help with the added expenses of having college age kids. Our store has a brutal time finding anyone to work inside the store because the government checks have made it tough to motivate young people to work when the money just falls into their accounts. I've tried to convince the ones who do come in that they are WAY ahead by working as much as they can and saving that government check for the big expenses like a new car or moving out into their own places. I am not very successful. Most quit after less than a month. ..and awhile back we wondered how Venezuela went from a prosperous country to eating zoo animals.
"a republic, if you can keep it." We're hearing similar stories in Canada, particularly where part-time workers were getting more in benefits than they would do by working. However, the chickens are coming home to roost: all that "free" money is fully taxable and the gov't didn't do any withholding. So kids who are used to getting nice tax refunds now suddenly owe. It's brutal.
That being said, am sorry for the workers who - when their industries were shut down by fiat - did take up the government offer and are now in a bad position. Also can understand why servers and others working in the hospitality industry would be chary about returning to work as too many government workers (who haven't missed a paycheque) seem intent on ruining independent businesses. It is why any permanent welfare system does not work. A free shit culture removes any incentive to start building a work career or planning a future. People in the work free culture never again fit into a working culture. It should surprise no one that the American ghettos are absolute failures that showcase failed families and failed planning and leave the participants to live life on the indifferent government plantation. The results are no better on the reservation.
Antifa and BLM riots a myth...Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!
Whites Aren't Hated for Slavery but for Making America and the West
https://pjmedia.com/columns/dennis-prager/2021/04/20/whites-arent-hated-for-slavery-but-for-making-america-and-the-west-n1441203 What Really Happened at the Suez Canal?
Exploring the engineering principles behind the recent obstruction of the Suez Canal, which caused a weeklong disruption in global shipping traffic. I give a brief overview of the bank effect and dilatancy of coarse-grained soils. Hopefully, the video helps you understand a few of the engineering challenges associated with navigating massive ships through tiny canals and what can happen when they run aground! 11 minute video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ty-m4pm8oog Don't start giving Bill Maher credit for coming around, just yet. Scroll back to the beginning of that video and you can hear him saying that Joe Biden is providing 'sharp and focused' leadership, so flawless that comedians are upset that he isn't giving them any material to work with.
He's still a partisan dope. For example:
What you saw during the broadcast: [url]https://twitter.com/i/status/1383226101451812878 [/url] What really happened: [url]https://twitter.com/i/status/1383157832422465536 [/url] Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger were wrong in their prediction that opening up to China would make China more democratic. It didn't happen and it never will.
Kissinger is over 90 and heavily invested in China. Why should anyone read or accept his views about anything, particularly China? Agreed.Also check out kissy's handling of the Vietnam peace talks.
Re: Mark Robinson
I can’t tell you how proud I am that Mark Robinson is our Lt. Governor! I hope he continues his political career and runs for governor at least! There are several great videos of him on YouTube. Here are a couple: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Os1C66cJa6M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dZn0D_9VY8 Democrat Portland Mayor ‘Done’ With ‘Anarchist Mob,’ Begs Public To Help ‘Unmask’ Rioters: You shot yourself in both feet, Mayor; you're ON YOUR OWN.
BREAKING: Virginia Dept Of Education To Drop All AP Math Classes Because Minorities Are Underrepresented… The STUPID is STRONG in these ones... Rutgers students provided with 'trigger' warnings in Classics and history courses: Life is hard, and life is real, and YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN to deal with it. Tucker Carlson is saving journalism: Read Don Surber Monday thru Saturday!!!111!!! (And you can comment there!) "Biden Is An Idiot" - Fmr Police Officer Blasts Democrats For "Riding The Wave Of Dead Black People": THIS is LONG over due. Smarter-Than-You NYT Award-Winning Columnist Says Antifa and BLM Riots Were a Right-Wing Fever Dream: THIS is why I despise, detest, and TOTALLY distrust the NYT (the WaPoo, too!) Democrat Portland Mayor ‘Done’ With ‘Anarchist Mob,’ Begs Public To Help ‘Unmask’ Rioters: You shot yourself in both feet, Mayor; you're ON YOUR OWN.
Yup, it's a little too late for the Mayor of Portland to say that. It was apparent 3-4 years ago that the City of Portland had given the green light to Antifa. Catch and release "arrests"....It's taken THIS LONG for Hizzonah da Mayuh to decide that making nice with Antifa was a mistake? Well, the award-winning NYT columnist is Paul Krugman, and we all know what he's "smarter than".
SOlar/wind space.
I have solar panels for both electricity and hot water . Takes up about 1/3 of my roof. No big deal and decreases my utilities bill by about 1/2. Plan to put in Tesla battery for storage. Have internal battery storage for about $100 for internet. Very cool to be almost off the grid (water is the challenge and sewer). Get solar panels. Also, offshore wind is not a big deal. Doesn't' hurt us and benefits significantly. "A Rutgers professor is using trigger warnings for his courses involving uncomfortable realities of Greek and Roman history."
Even with the arbitrary choice of ending classical antiquity with the fall of the Roman Empire in the west in the Fifth Century AD, that still means those putative "uncomfortable realities" involve people who have been dead now for 15 centuries or more. Any sensitive soul who is still likely to be traumatized by events that ancient probably shouldn't be going to Rutgers or any other university. In fact, they should probably spend their lives in a padded cell. |