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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, April 24. 2021Saturday morning links
US President Joe Biden to 'propose hiking tax on rich' A tax on hiking? John Kerry Implies Net-Zero Emissions Goal Not Good Enough, Says We Need To ‘Get Carbon Dioxide Out Of The Atmosphere’ New York City, Which Survives On Fossil Fuels, Sues Fossil Fuels Companies Progressives Have Gotten a Lot of What They Want in 2021—So Why Are They Still So Miserable? Wokeness Reaches The Final Frontier: NASA Shifts Focus To Space 'Diversity' The Toxicity of the Permanent Outrage Mentality Corporate Media And Other Race-Baiters Have Incited More Violence Than Trump Ever Did Why do white people hate Mother Earth? AOC, Sierra Club expose real causes of climate change Comments
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When Charles Bolden was NASA Administrator (under Obama), NASA's primary mission turned to "Muslim Outreach."
It strikes me that most of this morning's links are, in one way or another, a version of "the goose must be filled with golden eggs, let's kill it so we can get all the eggs at once". And most of these people have never had a real job, never had to deal with trade-offs, never suffered any consequences for being wrong.
It's not just don't kill the golden goose but the other survival imperatives that humans have known for millennia: don't eat the seed corn, don't crap in your own nest, don't put all your eggs in one basket..... Maybe you all can add some others.
You have a generation that doesn't grasp that seriously bad things can happen to them, that's why they have to amplify trivial first world issues. One of the benefits of doing genealogy is that you can't delude yourself about real horror. I've come across people who soldiered on despite total personal devastation. John Kerry, that sanctimonious prick, proves once again that everything he does is in service to self. He's been yammering for years about the 'climate crisis' in one guise or another, while all of his lifestyle choices say otherwise - and with this announcement proves he hasn't learned a thing yet, not even the basics. Meanwhile, he continues to polish his image of a well-coiffed, urbane, cheese-eating, hob-nobbing, globe-trotting sophisticate.
OK, John, whut-eh-vah. You married into a politically-connected ketchup fortune, dude. Nobody's fooled. You're the poster boy for self-induced Botox pre-mummification. You beat me to it, Aggie.
Houses galore, personal jut, traveling all over the world; and he's telling me I shouldn't grill out. But it's OK to use Ketchup. I expect that John Fing Kerry will demand that chlorine be outlawed Greenpeace wanted to do a few years back.
Kerry acted as an undisclosed agent for the Iranians during the Trump administration. He will never be held to account for this, just like he has never been held to account for collaborating with the North Vietnamese during the Vietnam War.
re New York City, Which Survives On Fossil Fuels, Sues Fossil Fuels Companies
What the fossil fuel companies should do in response is to quit selling their products within the NYC limits. Stopping the sale of their products to companies that sell electricity in NYC might be a bit trickier. Then see how De Boshevik likes those apples. They could just 'innocently' state that they were fighting climate change by reducing their carbon footprint in NYC. Then tell the voters the energy returns when a less hostile regime occupies city hall. It will never happen but it sure would be fun to watch. The rich can get good lawyers to prove that they were walking, strolling, or ambling, but not hiking. I jest, of course, but it is an Emily Litella example of why all of these machinations do not accomplish what they intend.
Hiking IS taxing!!!
John Kerry Implies Net-Zero Emissions Goal Not Good Enough, Says We Need To ‘Get Carbon Dioxide Out Of The Atmosphere: Put it in pop bottles where it's SUPPOSED to be!!!! New York City, Which Survives On Fossil Fuels, Sues Fossil Fuels Companies: This will not end well (heh, heh, heh...) Progressives Have Gotten a Lot of What They Want in 2021—So Why Are They Still So Miserable? Because they WANT to be! The Toxicity of the Permanent Outrage Mentality: Laugh at them (that will make them sooooooo even madder! Why do white people hate Mother Earth? Mother Earth is gonna give 'em SUCH a whuppin! Put 'em in their place! (BELOW the "totem pole". Does Biden's Climate Agenda Mean 'Red Meat Passports' Are Coming?
[quote]in Biden’s version of America, you might have to cut your consumption of red by a whopping 90 percent. According to a study from Michigan University’s Center for Sustainable Systems, to meet the changes proposed by Joe Biden, Americans would only be allowed to consume four pounds of red meat annually. To put that in perspective, your red meat consumption would be limited to one typical hamburger per month. https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2021/04/24/does-bidens-climate-agenda-mean-red-meat-passports-are-coming-n1442412 I hope they go for that with all four feet. Unfortunately, they have very clever manipulators on staff who will not allow the reality to become visible, because they know the electoral consequences.
Oh noes! The French vineyards have been devastated! Where oh where will we find our table wine? Too bad my local stores only have a few dozen varieties (each) from Argentina, Australia, California, Germany, Italy, Oregon, Portugal, Romania, Spain, South Africa, Texas, and Washington. Woe is me!
Heh heh heh...Not a fan of their wines but can still sympathize with a farmer done wrong by the weather. Spanish, Washington and Australian wines will keep me just fine and I can say I’ve been to the vineyards.
French wines are the best. California and other wines can be great and many are, but the French wines are the standard against all the others are measured. A great Bordeaux? Wonderful. Château de Beaucastel Châteauneuf-du-Pape. Superb.
The 70's called. They want you back.
French wine is no longer the standard by which others are judged. They have been far outdone by California, Australia and South America. That's not to say that there are no good French wines but the idea that they are the best is just no longer true. So Kerry wants to eliminate CO2 from the atmosphere? Not sure he has thought this through. Not that he has ever thought anything through.
I was going to say something like that, but you already said it.
"We Need To ‘Get Carbon Dioxide Out Of The Atmosphere"- isn't that what the lumber industry does? Stores it as wood, which we then sequester in buildings?
. Not a wine snob, but know good wine from cheap wine (and will till drink cheap wine except when company is coming). The most amazing wine I've ever had was the house red, served in a water jug in a mom-and-pop restaurant in Cotignac, Provence. Made my knees wobble. |
Tracked: Apr 25, 09:05
Tracked: Apr 25, 09:25