Polls and the Papacy
You now hear Bill Clinton, and the NYT, complain about the Pope because he was not what? A modern progressive politician? Huh? And when I begin to see polls coming out about what the next Pope should do, I realize what a huge gap exists between the religiously-interested and secularists.
Hello! It is called "religion." It's about a person's relationship with God. And the Pope's job is to help find the way, and light the way. It's not about what people like and it has nothing to do with popularity or being in tune with the latest fad. It's not about "keeping up with the times." It's about "timeless". It doesn't take a spiritual leader to say what people like. Everyone already knows what people "like". What can be tough is to find is the "permalink" to the divine. When folks find that, they really like it.