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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, March 18. 2021Thursday morning linksHow Irish Corned Beef Became Big Business - The history of America’s St. Patrick’s Day dinner staple New Dead Sea Scroll fragments, world's oldest basket found in desert cave Dead Sea scroll discovery brings tantalizing prospect of more yet to be found. With another 20 promising caves to be excavated — and 25% more of the Judean Desert still to be surveyed — stunning finds in Cave of Horror unlikely to be the last A book: The Inflated Generation. Review of 'Boomers' by Helen Andrews 5 Reasons The U.S. Won’t Have Vaccine Passports
Guess Which Group Noticed The Most “Positive Benefits” From The Pandemic Audio That Debunked Fraudulent Trump Quotes Found On GA State Government Device 5 Other Totally Bogus Stories Designed To Hurt Trump The Media Got Away With Facebook Voter Drive Swayed Election to Biden: Executive Caught on Camera 75% of Voters Support Voter ID Laws — Something Democrats Are Determined to Eliminate Kamala Harris Hosts Prime Minister of Ireland For Bilateral Meeting, Trashes America as a Violent and Racist Country Canada joins Britain, France in combatting cancel culture 'coming from the United States' Trackbacks
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So how many here fit the Facebook's executive definition of racist?
When the reporter asked who would decide what makes one a racist and how would Facebook determine it, Thomas mused, “What would be a proxy for a racist?” “Lives in all-white town, education, religious preference,” he said. “So you can triangulate three or four data points and say, ‘She’s likely to be racist.’” This fascist rat from Facebook said:
"That’s called democracy. Somebody is always watching you so that you behave well,” he said." No, comrade, that is called tyranny and we aren't buying it. Passports, etc: Riddle me this, Batman. You've been vaccinated and now you don't have to wear a mask. You happen to get the Vid in your system, it doesn't effect you, but you pass it on to someone else. Can you still feel morally superior?
Yes, yes I am saying keep wearing your mask, sheeple. Your point only matters if masks work. DO they work? Dr Fauci says they don't. Numerous studies say they don't. The evidence right in front of our eyes of states requiring masks having poorer results than states that don't require masks. The stats show that most people who caught covid wore the mask and practiced social distancing.
The only purpose for masks is so that Karens can feel morally superior in their ignorance. It must make life so much simpler for you guys when the people who disagree with you always have bad motives.
If you think that most people wear masks because they want to feel morally superior, then it's you who wants to feel morally superior. I think a lot of people wear masks because they are genuinely scared and the government and media have lied to them. I think many people wear masks just to go along and not make waves. BUT if you don't think there are a gazillion Karens out there who enjoy making sure everyone wears a mask you are simply uninformed.
The Dems are doubling down on their gambit to divide Asians from white people. This is of course what democrats do, divide and conquer. Look for more victimhood from Asians until finally we pass special laws like the gays and blacks have gotten. Hell, maybe even reparations for Asians who were scared or something.
It is a secret that these women who were shot were brought here illegally as part of the sex trade. The real threat to Asians went unnoticed by the Atlanta Mayor, the Atlanta police and the FBI. Yet all of these people ran to this crime like lawyers to an accident in the hope of finding something to denigrate Americans. I am sure that this nutcase shooter is going to be tied into some banned group. Perhaps the proud boys or the ever elusive "militias". But no worries, if nothing is found the SPLC will make something up and the MSM will run with it. John Kerry is claiming that he only removed his mask so he didn't fog up his glasses. Now why would his glasses fog up? Oh! That's right! Because the mask doesn't work and it only redirects what you exhale out the top and sides. The great mask scam is never going to end.
Good point! It is not that eyeglasses fog up (there are coatings for that) but that your breath escapes around the edges.
There is a nasty crime wave happening in America. No not Asian discrimination but white men being set on fire by POC. Strangely it barely makes the news. No reporter asks if the crime was racially motivated. No massive FBI push to find politically correct reasons for the crime. How many of these terrible crimes you ask? It is difficult to know because the MSM sweeps them under the rug. It is a different and much more problematic version of "polar bear hunting" which was also an under reported crime.
Why under reported? Because it goes against the Left wing meme that America is a terrible place because of white supremacism. It doesn't help the Democrats in their divide and conquer agenda. It makes the wrong group the victim. Oh look! Megan Markle is being interviewed about the horrible life of a millionaire princess... 5 Other Totally Bogus Stories Designed To Hurt Trump The Media Got Away With
Who would ever have thought we’d be seeing pushback from Greenwald, Taibbi, or that they would call out jhorenalism? The rot goes far beyond self serving, half assed work product and reckless cherry picking and projection. Of course journalism, as a profession, has been decaying for years, Trump was just the catalyst for the final decomposition. If you have not seen Sharyl Attkisson’s take down of journalism in the Trump era, don’t miss it. In “Slanted Journalism”, she ..documents.. the Trump hate in a crisp, and coherent presentation, including the media’s obfuscation, when they are caught with their pants down. Most of us knew the press was not on the level, but it's useful to have it corroborated with facts and the tactics detailed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6qA2l678as I hope we all know how the game is played: the loaded questions (when did you stop beating your wife?), false accusations, cherry picking the stories, loaded words in histrionic headlines disconnected from any substance, the pretense that they can discern motivation and know private thoughts, deceitful editing of video, presenting rumors and gossip as facts, manufactured anonymous sources, suppression of anything exculpatory, deliberate misinterpretation of statements devoid of context, every story slanted in the most negative way with negative adjectives, adverbs and verbs, constant gotchas and efforts to bait the target. IOW advocacy in place of journalism. The advocates don't feel any contrition at compromising professional standards; they aren't professionals. By their lights, they have been quite successful. Well, that didn't take long. The police captain in Atlanta who failed to accuse the shooter of racism is now targeted with calls to get him fired. Message is comply or die. Don't fight the meme. Go along to get along.
Dear VP Skeezy: Do you know anything about Ireland, can you find it on a map?
5 Reasons The U.S. Won’t Have Vaccine Passports: Just in case, I'm carrying my record with me.
#3 OneGuy: Asians are smarter than Democrats... #4 Anon: My glasses fog up, too. Haven't found a defog coating for them that works, but I can see well enough to not bump into things. #6 Exasperated: I gave up on the media yearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs ago. It/they liiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. As I keep saying, I don't KNOW if the media is/are a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Dem Party, or if it's the other way round, but it's OBVIOUS that they are in CAHOOTS. (Not copyrighted; feel free to use it yourselves.) Rush's replacement: Dan Bongino to succeed Limbaugh, says parent company
https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/mar/18/talk-radio-news-dan-bongino-replace-rush-limbaugh-/ Re: Audio That Debunked Fraudulent Trump Quotes Found On GA State Government Device
QUOTE: An audio recording that forced multiple major news outlets to issue corrections to stories that attributed fraudulent quotes to former President Donald Trump was reportedly found on the device of the chief investigator of the Georgia secretary of state’s office. Left unsaid in this article is that some “news” outlets still refuse to retract their reporting on this bogus story, ABC and PBS among them (https://dailytruthreport.com/abc-news-and-pbs-refuse-to-retract-fabricated-wapo-trump-story/). I’m stunned that NBC is not one. It should be telling that Dan Rather has yet to publicly, at least, admit that it was wrong to run the "Fake-but-accurate" George Bush ANG story that got him fired, yet is considered a paragon of journalistic ethics by some in the field.
Truth is that which advances the Party. Right! And that is what our "news" media has devolved to.
How delightful! A senior woman still in touch with her five year old self playing let's pretend! And she got others to indulge her! Know nothing Harris might prove to be a tad more interesting than I had anticipated.
So far, of the classic see, hear, speak no evil monkeys, we have two identified. Biden promises to give Covid vaccine to Mexico and Canada.
Wait, what? Make America Last Again! A GoFundMe, set up to help Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, pay off the $14 million mortgage on their Montecito, California, home, has folded after less than a week due to lack of interest. LOL
Surely there are less expensive homes available even in California that they could afford to pay their own mortgage. re: Voter ID Laws
If voter ID laws are what you want, then you HAVE to talk to your state legislature representatives. Don't bother with your federal reps. Talk to them. Tell them what you want. They will respond. Also, tell them you want it added to your state constitution so that it's more difficult to reverse. Getting something like this done is much easier than passing federal laws, but you have to actually do something. Don't just shake your fist at the tv after every election. People who are opposed to voter ID laws are organized and dedicated and, most importantly, they know that most people don't care enough to do anything about it. "If voter ID laws are what you want, then you HAVE to talk to your state legislature representatives." My state legislators passed a law requiring voter ID, but a black, female, federal judge struck it down.