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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, March 11. 2021Thursday morning links Why I Am Leaving a Great Career in Public Education Bookworm Beat 3/10/21 — the “leftist insanity is on the rise” illustrated edition The left has perfected the art of gaslighting in the culture wars Newsom To Californians: Let’s Face It, We’re Never Getting Back To Normal Revenge of the Gods. California’s proposed ethnic studies curriculum urges students to chant to the Aztec deity of human sacrifice. 'Weekend At Biden's?' Handlers Shut Down Yet Another Q&A After Public Appearance Biden Advisor Admits Trump’s Policies Stopped Illegal Immigration While Biden’s Caused a Historic Surge of Illegals Here Come Trillions More: Biden Will Unveil "Next Phase" Of COVID Response On Thursday Trackbacks
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Re: Why I am leaving a great career in public education
It occurs to me that those who would speak up for America and American values are on the defensive now, any argument for why America is great must first start out with an "of course America isn't perfect, it's racist and violent and colonialist and inequitable and so on, but....." , you can't simply argue otherwise. It's the Howard Zinn thing where he ostensibly was teaching the "warts and all" version of history but this approach was predicated on the "and all" version of history being widely known and he was in reality presenting just the warts. And now that's all anybody knows, just the warts. It's not just that America has it's faults and things it can be criticized for as well as great things it has accomplished, it only has faults and has never done anything great. The Left is winning this war on America and American values because you're not going to find many people who are willing to stand up and say America is great, period. They've internalized the viewpoint that America has done some bad things and the argument is simply how bad America is. Were the Pilgrims colonists? Are legal immigrants colonists? Are illegal immigrants colonists?
Many years ago I learned that there were three major precolumbian immigration to the new world in an 18,000 year period. The archaeology shows that each group of new immigrants displaced or combined with those who had previously immigrated. In addition as different tribes of these "colonists" out grew or were pushed out of their hunting grounds they in turn pushed out of genocided different tribes to take over their land. It seems the noble savage were indeed savages. The evidence also shows that in those 18,000 years there were immigrants from Europe too, Some of these European immigrants were genocided and others were enslaved/absorbed. This is the normal history of man. Not pretty, perhaps but noirmal. What is the difference between a colonist and an immigrant? I suppose that would depend on whether you arrive with the intent to build a new society which reflects your mores or simply blend into the existing one.
Wouldn't that require speaking English? There would be now Spanish speaking radio and TV stations or newspapers. The elected officials from that community wouldn't prioritize immigration from that community. Because these things sound like colonization or, dare I say, reconquista.
I guess one man's colonization is another amigo's reconquista. I knew Newsom was tone deaf, but I didn't realize he was also clueless. Why on earth would someone want to give a State of the State address to a huge, empty stadium? Does he think he's impressing his voters with this pointless comparison to the COVID death toll? Does he think they need a picture to help imagine big numbers?
His political career is a study in Big Machine Politics. None of his tenures are without mismanaged disasters, and yet he keeps getting elected. Can't wait to see how the recall is engineered. What Newsom means is that the ordinary Californian is never going to get back to normal. He's okay: his children are in good private schools which they can attend in person, he can and will go out to the pricy restaurants which have exemptions from the general shut-down order, and - best of all - HE'S NEVER GOING TO MISS A PAY CHEQUE!!
No-show Joe's handlers sure know how to handle, don't they?
I've also noticed that when I post something like this on other forums the Leftists never respond. Could they be coming to their senses? Nah! You’re just a hateful, jealous bigot. You know how well *Biden is doing. He’s fixing all of the catastrophes that Trump created. Everything is just going to be perfect, once we we get rid of haters like you! /s
Does that make you feel better? I can’t believe you don’t get a response similar to that. *Even in jest, I can not call him president. Others on the internet have pointed out, that the P is silent, just like his press secretary: Psaki. Residents in Chief. Newsom to Californians: Let’s face it, we’re never getting back to normal: When, WHEN, was California EVER "normal"?
Bookworm Beat: She done beat the HELL outta those idiots. Revenge of the Gods California’s proposed ethnic studies curriculum urges students to chant to the Aztec deity of human sacrifice. "Kill the teachers, kill the teachers, kill the teachers..." or "kill the admjinistrators..." re: billy barr
I would enjoy the solitude that he has, but the snow sounds like the deepest circle of Hell. Re: Lefty gaslighting — Best way to deal with this is to ignore them or, if that's impossible, assume that whatever their claim is, the exact opposite is true. Also don't hesitate to tell others that what they are hearing is a typical Democrat lie, just like all the others.
Revenge of the Gods: We may recall Dr. Frost in "That Hideous Strength" laboring to convince Studdock that trampling a crucifix, or admiring perversions of well-known religious paintings is meaningless, therefore harmless. This all as a precursor of the next level of debasement*.
* --where the President spends most of his time, with SuperMario and pudding cups. Biden strangely harped on Asian discrimination in his speech last night. But is was in fact calculated. The Democrats recognize that Asians are not duped by their racist/divisive tactics and are in the camp of conservatives. What to do??? Why of course you do what worked for the black community and the LGBQT community and feminists and Hispanics. You gen up the racism claim and declare that you are the white knight that will save them with the implication being of course you must vote for them.
So I would expect that this (non) issue to be the most important issue on the cable news channels and of course numerous fake Asian racism stories will emerge to prop up the claims. Further stoking the fire and divisive talk will divide the community and the Democrats will succeed in bringing a lot of Asians into their camp because of "white supremacism" or something. That is their plan, it has worked well for decades. There probably isn't 1 black person out 100 who knows that the Democrats started and ran the KKK and that the Democrats voted against laws that would bring racial equality. But even if they did know this, what difference does it make because the Democrats are promising free stuff. RE Why I am leaving a great career in public education
“I knew that many of my colleagues were liberal Democrats and that was not a problem for me. In 1998, despite our political differences, my colleagues and I had some shared values. In particular, these values included a respect for school authority, including our school resource officers (police officers assigned to the high school building I work at), a strong belief in free speech, an insistence on academic freedom, teaching students critical thinking skills, and most importantly -- our shared belief in a colorblind society.” It's difficult to find the solution to a problem when you misdiagnose the problem. I believe the author has misdiagnosed the problem when he states that he and his colleagues had “some shared values”. I suggest that many people don’t hold any values dear. Perhaps most people hold no values, at least in some circles. What they value is to be accepted by their in-group. When their group changes direction, so do they. In my view, most of the authors colleagues likely never held any values and so never changed their values. In 1998 they presented themselves as holding the values that were popular to their in-group in 1998. And in 2021, they do the same. Their actual underlying values either don’t exist or are unknowable to the author. And if some coworkers do in fact hold similar values, they will never be expresses as they are now unpopular. I believe this is an important reason why productive conversation is so rare when it involves values. When people hold no values, they can’t provide a reasoned argument in support of those values. They can communicate only in talking points. And such people can’t be persuaded via evidence and argument into changing their views or values, again because they hold no values. They view themselves as a part of some group and so accept as values the views presented by that group. If that group reverses direction overnight, then so do they. |