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Saturday, February 27. 2021Saturday morning links
Banding ducks in Calif (brief vid) Erasing history: Oklahoma An Unthinking Effort at Dismissing Florida’s Success Washington State School Forces Kids Into “Band Pods” Over COVID Fear… Good grief Teacher’s Unions Are The Obstacle To Reopening Schools 'Fire Fauci' Trends on Twitter as His Mixed Messages and Inconsistencies Finally Get Called Out European Court Demands EU Governments Prove They’re Doing Something About Climate Crisis Why Are Whites Being Blamed For Attacks On Asians Carried Out By Minorities? Federal Judge Rules Nationwide Eviction Ban Is Unconstitutional Surge of 13,000 Central American minors to US border expected in May The Worst Racists Are The Left-Wing Academics The Morning Briefing: 'Equality Act' Is Proof Democrats Are Clinically Insane New York Times Reports on a Black Student Who Lied About Being Racially Targeted at Smith College, Claims A Lie Is Just Someone's "Deeply-Felt Sense of Personal Truth" Crazy: Why is Neera Tanden so important that Democrats would smear Joe Manchin to save her doomed nomination? Why Are Whites Being Blamed For Attacks On Asians Carried Out By Minorities? Capitol Police chief warns extremists 'want to blow up the Capitol' when Biden addresses Congress. The acting chief said members of militia groups want to "kill as many members as possible" in an attack during Biden's coming address. China Rushes to Crush Pro-Democracy Movement in Hong Kong China Emits More Carbon In 2 Weeks Than Australia Does In One Year Comments
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Where is the State of the Union address?
We've entered The Twilight Zone. Trump is going to be a dictator, & use the military. 1 attack offensive (or defensive?) in 4 years? Biden just rolled the first one off like "Let's get pizza tonight". A divided nation of folks that live & die by the mask*, & those that know that masks are just a Control device. It now be came clear that liberals want you disarmed not because you might go off, but because they know they WILL go off. It's why some people can't have alcohol in the house because It Will Be Consumed Now. YOU need a minimum wage because otherwise WE would pay slave wages, or less, without it. So Where is the State of the Union? *Screaming in your face, getting in your space, pulling their own mask down while screaming at you, totally ignoring 2 points: live & let live, And you Have your mask on, it makes NO difference if I don't. Trump will be giving it on this Sunday.
Biden can't hold it long enough to give a SOTU. He'd need at least six bathroom breaks. Dismissing Florida’s Success We know that one's physical health is affected by one's mental state. Forcing people to stay at home and not socialize, putting them out of work, preventing people from seeing each others' smiles, closing schools, forbidding people to worship, and the constant drum beat of fear being spread by the media, disrupts one's mental balance. It is my - admittedly unscientific - belief that the reason that the states with the most draconian lockdowns - NY, CA - have the highest number of Covid deaths is a result of mental stress.
Live "north of 49" but understand the governor of South Dakota (south of 49 but not by that much) has also resisted the Covid porn and has kept her state open. Our premier is trying to balance and public health, but is being undermined by the MSM's daily Covid porn shrieking out the daily new "cases" (actually positive tests) and deaths (questionable how many of the were actually because of Covid as opposed to with Covid).
Good news: the US is on track to reach herd immunity by April.
“Covid cases have dropped 77% in six weeks. Experts should level with the public about the good news...There is reason to think the country is racing toward an extremely low level of infection. As more people have been infected, most of whom have mild or no symptoms, there are fewer Americans left to be infected. “At the current trajectory, I expect Covid will be mostly gone by April, allowing Americans to resume normal life...the consistent and rapid decline in daily cases since Jan. 8 can be explained only by natural immunity. Behavior didn’t suddenly improve over the holidays; Americans traveled more over Christmas than they had since March. Vaccines also don’t explain the steep decline in January. Vaccination rates were low and they take weeks to kick in. “Some medical experts privately agreed with my prediction that there may be very little Covid-19 by April but suggested that I not to talk publicly about herd immunity because people might become complacent and fail to take precautions or might decline the vaccine. But scientists shouldn’t try to manipulate the public by hiding the truth.” https://www.wsj.com/articles/well-have-herd-immunity-by-april-11613669731 The combination of condescending public health authorities plus the ‘if it bleeds, it leads’ news media has led to this important information being ignored. Thought the good folks at Maggie’s deserved to know. It's called spring; flu and cold victims see similar results every year.
Attack during Biden's speech. Isn't every Biden speech a win for Trump? It would be fun if Trump gave a rebuttal during or after Biden, especially during.
Equality Act: Supposedly 80 million people voted for this.
Biden’s stimulus gamble: Massive cuts to Medicare, farm aid
https://www.politico.com/news/2021/02/13/biden-cuts-medicare-farm-aid-468895 As I understand this, due to rules, Congress must cut medicare and farm aid in order to pass the Porkulus COVID relief package. The cuts can be reinstated later, in separate legislation. Essentially this going to be a game of "chicken". Most of the Dems think the Repubs will cave when it comes down to the wire and restore the cuts, but there are a few Dems that fear the Repubs will hold fast and blame the dems for these cuts as those votes are expected to be along party lines. I don't believe the Dems have a problem punishing farmers, but cutting the elderly's entitlement is another kettle of fish. They vote in large numbers, and not all the elections are yet rigged. I am going with, Republicans will cave. The media would spin it that the Repubs were actually cutting medicare by not voting to restore the Democrat enacted cuts. The Republicans always wilt under media heat. Thanks for the alert on this. Fox has a better explanation, though: https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/bidens-1-9t-coronavirus-relief-bill-could-force-billions-in-medicaid-cuts
Don't forget that a good chunk of that farmer aid is Food Stamps.
re "Why are White People Being Blamed..."
Well, partly because they persist in acting guilty by refusing to properly pose the question: Asians aren't being attacked by "minorities". The are being attacked by blacks. Not Mennonites, not Jews, not Latvians, not Yanamamo, nor other Asians. Blacks. American blacks. As usual. Everyone knows this. Just because the Left is insane doesn't mean that the rest of us should play along. Let us speak the truth. It is politically incorrect to say "blacks". The correct term is "teens". When blacks commit crimes, especially if the number of criminals is in excess of 3 or 4, they are a "group of teens". Typically no further information is given so you are left to assume that as in the previous 1000 times it was reported this why that what they are hiding is that the "teens" are all black.
If however the perp(s) are Hispanic the "tell" is that they will refer to them as a "resident" of (name of city) and this means that they are illegal aliens. They will not give out their names of course because typically the name is a give away. If the story is about a illegal alien who is killed (typically in a drug dispute) they do not give the victims name perhaps for days to a week. Again this is the "tell" that it was an illegal alien and they cannot give out the name until next of kin is notified and it takes awhile to hunt down the next of kin in Mexico or South America especially when the "victim" uses a phony name. If however the "perp" is white normalcy prevails and you get the real name, age, a picture and any sordid details that can be used to bias the jury pool. And that is how you can interpret the code used by the MSM. A person from 20 years ago reading today's entries would be hard-pressed to believe that nearly all of them were not satire.
There is a classic comment someone once made in an interview when asked how his bankruptcy happened. His reply was slowly at first and then suddenly.
I would imagine that is how Russians would have responded about losing their country in 1917 or Germans in 1930's or Hong Kong right now. "Slowly at first and then suddenly". I believe that today we are somewhere between "slowly" and "suddenly". Would anyone have believed that the ruling party in concert with the MSM and big business would totally shut down a former and extremely popular president? Trump is silent! Well probably not but he might as well be because you hear literally nothing from him. Our country has shut him up, placed him "en communicado". Why? Simple, Trump had a habit of quickly and devastatingly replying to his attackers with the truth. That cannot stand. Imagine if they had not shut him down. Imagine what questions he would be asking about Biden and the Democrats. Questions that our compliant media are not asking. It worked, the Democrats have totally shut down the opposition's voice. They did it because they need the secrecy. They need to hide past, present and future sins. AND we are letting them do it!!! You are quite right Aggie.
The insanity of it all boggles my feeble mind. Once upon a time I could never have imagined the world we now live in. Titania McGrath: " If Joe Biden and Kamala Harris don’t yet have multiple fake homage/sendup accounts trailing them, they soon will." Oh NO THEY WON'T. They're on the LEFT side, so, naturally, they cannot be dissed. As I keep saying, I don't know if the media is/are a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Dem Party, or if it's the other way round, but it's OBVIOUS that they are in CAHOOTS.
An Unthinking Effort at Dismissing Florida’s Success It's from NR, which I blacklisted in 2015, so I trust nothing they print. Washington State School Forces Kids Into “Band Pods” Over COVID Fear… The STUPIUD is STRONG in Washington State. Teacher’s unions are the obstacle to reopening schools: The union should be defenestrated. 'Fire Fauci' Trends on Twitter as His Mixed Messages and Inconsistencies Finally Get Called Out: Defenestration would do him good. Why Are Whites Being Blamed For Attacks On Asians Carried Out By Minorities? Who else COULD be? (/sarc) Worst Racists: Left Wing Academics : Oh, those Lefties... The Morning Briefing: 'Equality Act' Is Proof Democrats Are Clinically Insane... Is anyone surprised??? New York Times Reports on a Black Student Who Lied About Being Racially Targeted at Smith College, Claims A Lie Is Just Someone's "Deeply-Felt Sense of Personal Truth": One more reason for me to despise, detest, and TOTALLY distrust the NYT. Capitol Police chief warns extremists 'want to blow up the Capitol' when Biden addresses Congress: Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Sho nuff! You're wolfin' me, mannnnnnnnnn. China Rushes to Crush Pro-Democracy Movement in Hong Kong: It's what they do. Re: Why Are Whites Being Blamed For Attacks On Asians Carried Out By Minorities?
Because white people are the new n*ggers. Isn't it interesting that, other than blacks - and they are said to be saying "niggah", nobody can say or write the full word? All sorts of stereotypes, slanders, negative characterizations, and defamation can be attributed to white people (and is by Democrats) without consequence (sort of like what happened to blacks by Democrats in the bad old days) but nothing can be said about blacks (unless you are a Democrat in which case, the person didn't mean it the way it sounded). I think it was Dr, Laura who said something similar on her radio show and faced immediate backlash and has since pretty much disappeared from public life. It is a trap.
I have a Brit email buddy and with the riots this past summer, the subject of race came up. I think I was quoting someone who used “the N word” and I could not bring myself to type the word, while admitting how silly it was - after all, it was only a word and I wasn’t calling anyone that word. He’s no racist, but said he would have no problem using that word - but it was not a word he uses.
I thought the difference in cultural signals was interesting. Government Consigned Israeli Population to be Human Subjects in a Massive Experiment
"On November 18, 2020, Israel’s senior health officials were caught unprepared when Pfizer announced that its vaccine was “90% effective” (revised to 95%) against Covid-19. They had ordered millions of vaccine doses from Moderna and AstraZeneca but none for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. How then, did Israel procure an estimated four to five million doses of the Pfizer vaccine in December 2020 – enough to vaccinate at least two million people?" https://ahrp.org/government-consigned-israeli-population-to-be-human-subjects-in-a-massive-experiment/ Why Are Whites Being Blamed For Attacks On Asians Carried Out By Minorities?
The new narrative is the latest thing being spun up by the media to exacerbate race rate. In the Bay Area these attacks have nothing to do with the "pandemic." Violent attacks on Asians in Oakland and San Francisco, especially the elderly, by members of a certain other ethnic group are nothing new. As anyone who lives in the Bay Area knows, but cannot say publicly, they have been going on regularly for decades. For example, see: Black attacks on Asians: racism or opportunity? (May 2, 2010). Oakland schools were de facto segregated between blacks and Asians at least up until the mid 1990s, in terms of my personal knowledge of what was going on. Students were assigned/bussed to different schools based on their surnames. More about that shitstorm that's coming.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcO5qmN4mfM&feature=emb_logo This is a regular Wall Street guy who is usually bullish and upbeat. If you take some time and listen to this there are two things to notice. 1. is that things aren't looking good. 2. More interestingly is that he keeps repeating that there are things that Youtube won't let him talk about and he feels that they are things investors should know but the rules have changed and he can't talk about them. This is scary. He isn't some left/right wing nut he is an investor/Wall Street guy who wants to discuss economics and Youtube is censoring him. I'm telling you; everything has changed and some strange stuff is happening. If he has such a problem with YouTube, how come he doesn't post on Rumble? No censorship there.
"Exxon lost 6 billion barrels of oil. How do you do that? It's above my pay grade"
Well ak-shu-ally it's not above his pay grade if he's calling himself a wall street analyst. It should be precisely his metier, understanding corporate finance and the balance sheet. Exxon didn't lose anything; they wrote down their reserves in the Canadian Oil Sand because they have to adjust their reserves base in accordance with market changes and reserves estimates that use projected market prices. Literally every single oil company with booked reserves does this. My two cents: Be skeptical of this guy and his drama. I am skeptical of him but I am skeptical of everything. I think the answer as to why he has not posted his censored thoughts elsewhere is that he just (within previous 24 hours) learned what he wanted to talk about. I suspect he will find a way to get his message out. The critical thing to know is that he is relentlessly bullish about the market and this was kind of a 180 for him. As for the drama, who on the internet isn't dramatic.
Of all the things invented by white colored people (that's most things, by the way) the worst is white guilt.
White people have been far too nice for far too long. For some reason, their biggest enemy is monied jews and their puppets "of color". I'll never quite understand why. It seems suicidal. [Re: Illegal Border Crossing[
Customs and Border Protection officials are bracing for as many as 13,000 unaccompanied children crossing into the U.S. in May, according to a report.“ This statement is kind of humorous. How can the Border Patrol get ready in advance for a crime which they were hired to prevent? It's like saying that the Police are expecting a bank robbery, but they won't interfere. If the Border Patrol won't do its job, then its not the Border Patrol. It's just a bunch of guys standing around. At least that makes sense, we've forty million other guys just standing around, too. They get sixty thousand dollars a year, for doing nothing.https://www.military.com/benefits/military-pay/charts Most of the military are E5 and below who make about $30K a year or less.
Attacks on Asians.
The blame is because facts no longer have anything to do with it. Don't bother to look them up. Creating the impression and getting people to nod meaningfully and refuse to speak to those who don't agree is what it's about. Wokeness Threatens the Rule of Law
QUOTE: In advanced legal systems, we depend upon the concept of “reasonableness” and specifically a standard known as the “reasonable-person standard.” This simply asks: what would be reasonable in, or what would a reasonable person make of, a given situation? On the other hand, the “applied postmodern” ideologies that we refer to as “Wokeness” or “Critical Social Justice Theory” posit a concept of radical subjectivism and socialization into power-laden biases. In this worldview, there is no such thing as a “reasonable person,” and nothing can be considered “reasonable,” because the very application of “reason” is a mere application of whatever is accepted by the dominant power structure at hand. No one is reasonable because everyone is biased; there are only people who speak into dominant discourses or who resist them. These ideas are wholly incompatible with one another. It is not possible to rely upon a standard of reasonableness or to defer to a hypothetical reasonable person if no such thing is believed to exist. Even worse, the reasonableness principle is wholly undermined by the further notion that any semblance of or consensus about what is reasonable is an application of the very sort of oppressive politics that our laws and courts in free countries are supposed to guard their citizens against. As these “critical constructivist” ideas, as they’re formally known, rise in prominence in our culture, they therefore present a significant threat to the very rule of law that makes liberal societies like ours possible — to say nothing of securing equal rights for all citizens. https://newdiscourses.com/2020/11/wokeness-threatens-rule-of-law/ Biden's handlers won't let him give a State of the Union address. We all know why, he can't carry two or more thoughts for more than ten seconds and in a live national address his condition would be obvious and appalling. All the more reason for him to give the address, shouldn't we all know the truth?
Tracked: Feb 28, 09:49
Tracked: Feb 28, 10:02