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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, February 11. 2021Thursday morning links
Who’s Up For Some “Pearl Milling Company” Syrup On Their Pancakes? I like Maple Syrup, but no problem with Aunt Jemima. Why Aren’t More Schools Opening? Teachers union pet: Biden moves the goalposts on re-opening schools CDC: Fully vaccinated people don't need to quarantine after COVID exposure That's me. Good to go - and I do. But I always did. CDC Begins Recommending Wearing Two Masks Why not three? College offers racially segregated mental health resources Prof says Tom Brady's 'white male omnipotence' 'buttresses American white supremacy' Title lX: The Due Process Brick Wall CANCEL CULTURE AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ARE MEANS OF CONTROLLING ACCESS TO THE MIDDLE CLASS China Joe Looks To Help “Climate Migrants” Or Something Lee Smith: The American Elite's Primary Allegiance Is No Longer to America, But to the Communist Party of China, That Makes Them Rich and Keeps Them In Power More On The "Stimulus": We're About To Get Scammed Yet Again On "Poverty" Trackbacks
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Re: Syrup
I have never seen (or heard of) a product or sports team named to denigrate a person, race or creed. The woke tried to get the Atlanta Braves to change their name but the Chief of the Georgia Cherokees told them to get a life. re Lee Smith: The American Elite's Primary Allegiance Is No Longer to America, But to the Communist Party of China, That Makes Them Rich and Keeps Them In Power
This is a long read but a good one. He fits all the pieces together. My mask is two pieces of cloth sewn together so I guess it will meet the requirement of two masks.
What we need is some real studies of the effectiveness of masks. I do believe that the CDC and our government is lying to us. I think that the mask is the visible evidence that they are doing "something" even if it's useless so they need that out there so that they appear to be doing "something". The mask is a scam, it always was a scam and they always knew this. But worse the mask may be the cause/source of pneumonia. The mask reminds me of The Handmaid's tale, you are required to comply. If two masks work better, then one mask was not doing the task. So is the CDC admitting and agreeing that one mask was ineffective?
The only mask guaranteed to make sure one does not spread or die of a Coronavirus incorporates a clothespin type clip over the nose and duck tape over the mouth.
Next time, try five! (Only fans of the old, funny SNL will get this.)
UK: Hospital Suggests Doctors, Nurses Say ‘Birthing Parents’ And ‘Human Milk’ Instead of ‘Mothers’ And ‘Breastmilk’ Because They Risk Offending Transgender People: The STUPID is STRONG in these ones.
Who’s up for some “Pearl Milling Company” syrup on their pancakes? Not I! Why aren’t more schools opening? My guess is Teachers' Unions. CDC Begins Recommending Wearing Two Masks: HEY!! How about 3? Front, back, and on the head? And gloves, too! College offers racially segregated mental health resources: Segregation NOW! Segregation FOREVER!! Yeah that's gonna fly. FLASHBACK: Prof says Tom Brady's 'white male omnipotence' 'buttresses American white supremacy': Prof demonstrates just how stupid he is. QUOTE: Who’s Up For Some “Pearl Milling Company” Syrup On Their Pancakes? Aunt Jemima always tasted like dark Karo to me, and Karo was a lot cheaper. For pancakes, I was raised on maple syrup, and it's still in the cupboard for pancake or waffle day. Found over the (too many) years that there is 100% pure maple syrup and then there is the fake stuff (usually corn syrup with maple flavoring). Use the 100%, otherwise just buy Karo. Also found over the (too many) years that 100% pure maple syrup comes in a lot of flavors and textures. Shop around until you find one you like.You speak truth. Maple syrup does come in grades and degrees of lightness. I prefer as dark as I can get, even though it is the light stuff that commands the highest price.
Preferring the real stuff isn't as much of an expense as one would think, though there is sticker shock if you are used to buying the corn syrups. You don't need very much oof the real stuff. When I was a boy i would douse waffles or whatever in huge quantities of Vermont Maid. No longer attractive. Real maple syrup is good for cooking, too, e.g. with carrots and tarragon, or in apple strudel (as is boiled cider).
I never use the other cheap stuff. There's a bit more to the Aunt Jemima story. The original Pearl Milling Company was started by a couple of guys who liked the minstrel shows that were common at the time, and the Jemima character was named after a song of that era. Nancy Green, the former slave, was hired to model the character.
So, rather than rename the syrup in her memory, they re-named it in the legacy of the two white guys that enjoyed black-face minstrel shows. Nice work, Racial-Social-Justice-All-Purpose-Warriors! Heaven forbid they celebrate Nancy Green by, say, using her name and history (which is worthy of admiration) for the product, or endowing a scholarship or grant in her name, for worthy applicants. People my age who have lived in the South, or worked in other countries where racism is common, know what it looks like. The bad side of human nature; It's foundation is ignorance, and 50 years ago it was ignorance based on under-educated people. But when racism is underwritten by society and structured systems of racism are empowered by government, the toxicity of racism goes nuclear. The ignorance remains though, and is both perpetuated and rewarded by the system. It is an instrument of class division. re Who’s Up For Some “Pearl Milling Company” Syrup On Their Pancakes?
Rebranding never works. A profitable product line has been sacrificed to satisfy a few cranks. But that's okay because all the right people approve. If I was a stockholder I would not be happy. “Pearl Milling Company” syrup -- Dull.
Instead: Angie Myna Syrup Logo: A Myna bird, beneath the logo: Sweet Angie Myna Yes, the Scolds would scream & try to cancel that too. Folks, Uneeda reason. Unity on civil war: Both sides see US ‘headed for bloodshed’
Zogby Poll, both sides agree that the United States is teetering on the brink of civil war. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets/unity-on-civil-war-both-sides-see-us-headed-for-bloodshed The horror: "Bachelor contestant Rachel Kirkconnell is in big trouble after photos emerged of her attending an antebellum plantation-themed fraternity formal in 2018."
Can you even imagine the harm this has done for POC?! I'm beginning to think that people who are outraged at this kind of thing have a mental illness. When you quietly place the mentally ill's opinion above all others - then you get chaos.
I really don't see how frilly hoopskirt dresses hurt POC, but I'm sure there'll be someone coming along to skirtsplain it shortly. I like hearing the National Anthem. A local radio station plays it at 12:06PM everyday at the start of one of their local programs. It makes me proud and sometimes makes me tear up a little. I was in the military for 20 years and always enjoyed saluting the flag and standing at attention facing the flag for the anthem. I am stumped by those who say such negative things about our country and believe that only redemption is to tear it down and start over. This morning on TV there was a black athlete trying to thread the needle on this issue. He wasn't being offensive but was standing up for those, especially blacks, who think that the flag does not and never has represented them. Fine! You are welcome to your opinion. But I think the mistake many who hate the flag and our country make is in trying to convince those of us who love the flag and our country that we are wrong and they are right. IMHO "love it or leave it". You do have the right to free speech (unless you are Donald Trump), but I also have the right to free speech and free actions and I think anyone who kneels during the anthem should be removed from sports and until the sports figure this out I will not support them. I believe in god, family and country and when "country" is threatened it comes first on that list. The NBA is already on my shitlist but it could get worse.
I agree. Our country is far from perfect and has a lot of room for improvement. That being said most of the folks crying about how bad it is have never had the pleasure of living outside of its borders and seeing how bad it really can get. I will gladly defend their right to complain but I will fiercely defend my right to not participate in their whining. I would suggest they take a tour around Africa and Southeast Asia and stay if they think it is any better.
The Decline of Intelligence in the West
https://pjmedia.com/columns/david-solway-2/2021/02/10/the-decline-of-intelligence-in-the-west-n1424731 I suppose the only way to satisfy the CDC and Fauci the Goblin is to just wrap our heads in plastic and be done with it.
I'm giving up. Selling the house for more than it's worth. Going to go full time RV living for awhile. Surprisingly you can do this without ever coming in contact with people. I will still have to shop for food and buy gas for the vehicle but the rest of the time I can be in the great outdoors with very few people around. Don't know yet how long it will take before the wife or I decide we prefer a home again but it should be fun for awhile.
That doesn't have to be "giving up", just trying something different. The folks "retired" and did that for a while, though they were not heavy on the forest camping. They got tired of more taxing driving of the hulk, paying for spots & then having to cook, find laundrymat.
I'd go for the 2 week limits on the campground & just keep moving. Lot of country to explore. It's a big lifestyle change, like deciding to live on a boat. Lots of unanticipated changes, too; you're right about the driving headaches. I grew up with family camping (tent trailer) in the rough, and have always been outdoors oriented. First RV experience was renting one, and while I enjoyed it, it felt good to turn it back in a couple of weeks later and know that my stewardship of that thing was over with. I'd do it again, because it is a lot of fun, but IMHO it's a lot better for me to rent & return.
Safe travels and boon adventures, One Guy! |