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Sunday, November 29. 2020How Zuckerberg played the election gameZuckerberg-Funded Group Comes Into Spotlight in Election-Related Court Cases Trackbacks
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We all know that there was massive voter fraud in numerous states and that without that voter fraud Trump would have actually won the election in an unprecedented landslide. We know that the landslide was true because even with the voting machines giving a substantial number of Trump votes to Biden Trumps lead was so great that four states simultaneously in an unprecedented move stopped the count so that the DNC could manufacture 2.5 million votes (or more) for Biden. THAT is how big the fraud was. This is the biggest crime of the century. This crime was made against Trump but the victims are 100% of the American people even those who wanted Biden to win. By comparison with Marie-Antoinette when she said “let them eat cake” what the Dems have done is a 1000 times worse. They have told the American people “let them eat shit”!
Then to have the courts, judges committed to law and order; right and wrong, have taken a blind eye on this national crime wave and have declared that we did not all see what we all saw. Now, I understand how some dedicated liberal in Hollywood could embrace what just happened but I do not understand how a judge could ever accept it. One would presume that the judge sees the evidence, the very same evidence that our MSM and internet social groups have gone to great lengths to hide from us. After seeing the evidence they too know with certainty that Biden did not win and that the DNC committed the biggest fraud in history and yet they rubber stamp this crime. This fact is downright scary. The very judges who stand between the citizens and political anarchy have just embraced the anarchy. This terrible national disaster needs to be fixed. It should not and can not stand. It may by its enormity and deleterious effect trigger the end of our constitutional republic. It is that bad! At the very least Biden should not be allowed to benefit from this blatant criminal activity and there should be a rigorous investigation of who committed these felonies followed by trials for each and jail time. But that is the least that should be done. The vote must be trued or in the event that it cannot be trued must be redone. We should not be forced to accept the results of this terrible crime. A lot of Americans feel as I do that they have been the victim of a terrible crime and that our legal system were co-conspirators. I do fear that if this great wrong is not corrected that a lot of people will take the law into their own hands to do what they can to make corrections. Ordinarily I would disagree with this type of action but in this case I not only support it but believe our constitution demands it and has made it mandatory. Our elected and nonelected leaders and our judges are not our betters they are only people we choose to represent us and when they fail to do so they must step down and when they refuse we have the right to remove them by any means necessary. Too many people have faith in our judicial system. One needs to be a bit discriminating though, when it comes to holding faith - some courts still fairly apply the law, some do not. Judges who run for office, as do Supreme Court Justices in Pennsylvania, should not be thought of as judges. They're politicians, in robes - as has been amply reflected by their election-related rulings.
Some bullet points;
The process; pump up registration numbers, follow who has voted (public information now digitized); extend the time between close of "polls" and the count; and the dummy up ballots to fill in the blanks and delivery for counting. You vote, I'll count: attributed to the other Joe. And its not their first rodeo. Motive? How about that local government job which is not being bailed out. Oh, come on, the Epoch Times and Breitbart? Those are partisan sites so of course they would say that. Meanwhile, trusted non-partisan sites like the NYT, WaPo, CNN and MSNBC assure us that this was the most transparent and honest election in US history and there wasn't even the slightest whiff of chicanery and you should just shut up with your racist, white supremacist, Nazi conspiracy theory mongering. The truth is, Trump was a Russian sleeper asset installed by Putin and when enough people learned the truth, they voted for Joe Biden because he's so honest and noble that there's no way he could ever be compromised by any of our enemies.
There is an interesting discovery. That early on before the election took place that there were ballots sent to a Chinese company with an order for millions of identical duplicates. These were the ballots used in the millions to put Biden over the top in the four key states. Well of course these fraudulent ballots had to come from somewhere so what difference does it make???
Big difference. State elections are the provenance of the state and it is difficult legally for the federal government to stick their nose into what goes on. In essence it is entirely up to the Supreme Court, no other federal level authority. BUT, if a foreign power interferes with an election that IS 100% the provenance of the federal government. Then every thing that happened at the state level becomes a federal case and not just in the courts. This puts the ball into the FBI and DOJ front yard. In other words if this is true it does not matter a wit what the various courts have ruled. Some how I'm not feeling very confident if it all goes to the
FBI and DOJ to find out who the bad guys are were/ in our election. They have been against Trump from the beginning. As corrupt as anybody. Don't forget, if you want to know the absolute latest on all of the post-election lawsuit story lines, then tune in for the VivaFrei / Barnes Law podcast tonight at 19:00 ET. It normally goes for a couple of hours and is very enlightening.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=How5sh9fiCA&feature=youtu.be If you are inclined to donate on Donald Trump’s behalf, be careful. Robert Barnes, civil rights/election law attorney, who appears on Viva Frei and People’s Pundit Daily, warns that Republican organizations and fringe organizations are fund raising off the election, but the donations are not going to expose or fight 2020 election fraud. A large segment of the Republican hierarchy does not have Trump’s back.
It's a nightmare.
The election has been stolen and the DOJ and the courts are good with that. It portends a bleak future for the Republic. Not Only Aren't Republicans Reversing the 2020 Disaster, It's Already Being Repeated
https://www.frontpagemag.com/point/2020/11/not-only-arent-republicans-reversing-2020-disaster-daniel-greenfield/ If it weren't for Democrats and Republicans, Trump wouldn't have any enemies at all - except judges.