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Sunday, November 22. 2020400 hundred years agoAbout the Mayflower Compact. I suppose I had forgotten that only 23 of the 200 people on that boat were religious pilgrims, separatists. I had a separatist ancestor on that ship, but what does that mean? When you go back that far, how many hundreds of equal ancestors do you have? Trackbacks
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I suppose I had forgotten that only 23 of the 200 people on that boat were religious pilgrims, separatists.
You may forgotten, but I just learned that. In school, back in the 60s, we were taught that "the Pilgrims" landed at Plymouth Rock and that they emigrated to escape religious persecution. No mention was ever made of anyone other than Pilgrims making the passenger list. "When you go back that far, how many hundreds of ancestors do you have? "----2 to the N (generations) = X (ancestors). If you call a generation 20 years (and they typically started even younger 400 years ago), a person alive today may have more than a million ancestors of that era.
The Puritans emphatically did not start earlier back then. The myth prevails because early marriage was the norm outside of the Hajnal Line. Puritan women had their children between the ages of 25-40. Even 30 years old might be a bit young for the average, though that is what is used. So 300 years = 1000 ancestors, 600 years= a million, 900 years is a billion, which is ridiculous because there weren't that many people in the world then. What happens is called "pedigree collapse," because unless folks traveled far, the available mates were often cousins of moderate distance, say 5th-10th, even in places where cousin marriages were forbidden.
@ feeblemind - the subsequent ships had higher percentages of religious dissenters very quickly, especially among those who stayed in the New England colonies rather than just dropping folks off and turning around. There is also a distinction between Pilgrims and Puritans, if you want to get into it that deeply. But what you were taught was generally true, just imprecise in terms of the earliest ships. Yes and no - it depends.
If you start from, say 1650, the population of New England was so small that almost everybody was related. A genetic bottleneck. Correct. I chose the word "may" for a reason. It's mathematically possible, but not likely. Even a few generations back, the overlap in ancestors is significant, as anybody whose done genealogy will tell you. I chose the 20 year generation, obviously, to get to one million.
Half of those who landed in Plymouth died that first winter. They died because the world was in the grips of what is commonly called The Little Ice Age. It is more or less agreed that the Little Ice Age ended around 1850 when the earth's temperature slowly began to return to "normal" (or about what it had been for 10,000 years). It was a slow return to normal, slowly glaciers melted and shrunk. Icebergs were less common in the North Atlantic (still some in 1912 though unfortunately for the Titanic). The climate we now enjoy is near perfect. Huge crops, moderate climate, life is good. But some would want everyone to be back in those halcyon days when half the people died from cold and starvation. They want to end the "suffering" of living in the normal climate. So they have created the big lie of global warming. You can thank them later when you are freezing in the dark.
This week's eco-nut idea is The Great Reset, denounced as a hoax by the NY Times on the same day the World Economic Forum (Davos) published the proposal. Search for it on Bitchute for explanation, but the basic idea is to make the world more "fair" by abolishing private property. Of course we've all heard this before.
If Biden takes office he intends to make it happen. The absolute proof that there is a globalist conspiracy to have a great reset is the quantity and standing of those who insist it is a conspiracy theory. In fact that phrase, "conspiracy theory" is the second biggest tell that they are hiding something or trying to pull the wool over your eyes. "Racism" is of course the biggest tell that you are right in a debate and that they cannot argue facts so must stoop to throwing feces.
QUOTE: “Great Reset” mastermind Klaus Schwab suggests a number of draconian measures for controlling the population under the umbrella of the ‘4th Industrial Revolution’, including risk-assessment brain scans to cross borders and implantable chips to read people’s thoughts. World Economic Forum founder Schwab has repeatedly emphasized how technocrats need to take advantage of the coronavirus pandemic to implement “The Great Reset,” a sentiment that was echoed by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during a recent UN video conference. But the “Great Reset” isn’t just about restructuring the economic system, implementing a ‘Green New Deal’, making more jobs fully automated and lowering energy consumption and living standards, there’s also a policing aspect to the agenda. That agenda is explicitly detailed in Schwab’s three books, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: A Guide to Building a Better World, and Covid-19: The Great Reset. Schwab notes that the use of such technology to conduct mass surveillance and tracking of the population “run(s) counter to healthy, open societies,” yet goes on to present it in a positive light anyway. “As capabilities in this area improve, the temptation for law enforcement agencies and courts to use techniques to determine the likelihood of criminal activity, assess guilt or even possibly retrieve memories directly from people’s brains will increase,” he writes, suggesting Minority Report-style pre-crime programs. The globalist also goes beyond merely the mandating of vaccine certificates to travel, suggesting that, “Even crossing a national border might one day involve a detailed brain scan to assess an individual’s security risk.” He also makes clear that implantable microchips will be the cornerstone of a transhumanist agenda that will merge man with machine. “Today’s external devices—from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets—will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains,” he writes. “Active implantable microchips that break the skin barrier of our bodies” will “change how we interface with the world” and force us “to question what it means to be human,” according to Schwab. Such technology could also facilitate the expression of “potentially unexpressed thoughts or moods by reading brain waves and other signals,” according to Schwab. Schwab suggests that the population could be encouraged to adopt brain-reading chips as part of a business model that involves someone “trading access to his or her thoughts for the time-saving option of typing a social media post by thought alone.” A voluminous and frightening summary of everything Schwab and other globalist technocrats are pushing for is contained in this excellent article published by Winter Oak. https://libertarianhub.com/2020/11/19/great-reset-mastermind-suggests-risk-assessment-brain-scans-before-allowing-travel/ Hmmm, Klaus Schwab.
"I've got a little list, of people who won't be missed...." My family is Catholic, late comers, in the mid-late 1800's, largely despised by those preceding us. But we've done well, mostly, because of the wonderful foundation you laid.
Sadly, if not tragically, it's those in the east [and west], with Mayflower roots, who are working so hard to destroy our US. |