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Saturday, October 10. 2020Saturday morning links
TRUMP-BARR JUSTICE DEPARTMENT SUES YALE FOR DISCRIMINATING IN ADMISSIONS NYU Student Reaches Landmark Settlement with University in Campus Anti-Semitism Lawsuit Comply, Evade, Violate: Three Responses to the New Title IX The Awful Economic Impact of School Closings Schools Aren’t Super-Spreaders On the Peculiar Character of American 'Racism' Police Chief: “I’ll stop now before I say something that will get me in trouble, if I haven’t already.” Not Making Headlines: Alleged “Right-wing” Militia Member Arrested for Plot Against Gov. Whitmer Was Black Lives Matter Protester and Sympathizer Report: Durham's Russia Report Won't Be Released Until After Election If ever Hillary Clinton Says She Was Right All Along The 40 key Russia documents President Trump must still declassify Another Lecture: New England Journal of Medicine Wants Trump Voted Out I Didn’t Vote For Trump In 2016, But I’d Crawl Over Broken Glass To Vote For Him Now More Voters Say They're Better off under Trump than When Obama, Bush Sought Re-election: Gallup Poll Trump could benefit from common-sense middle ground on pandemic Putin Says He Wants to Work With Biden, Claims 'Shared Values' Between Democrats and Communism The End of the Age of Insurgency - A wave of insurgent Islamism arrived in the West 20 years ago—and disappeared just as quickly. Comments
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Durham should not produce a report. He should produce indictments! That's what prosecutors are supposed to do. They don't write reports.
Racism: I don't get why so many people fetishize racism in America but are sanguine about the government sanctioned racism and actual coerced labor/slavery that occurs in real time in China. Many, of these same people, even embrace the multinationals and politicians that advocate for China appeasing globalism.
I know there are many people who are sincere, but the people who self flagellate are particularly loathsome. Is there a compulsion to put ones self in the spotlight by piggybacking on the grief, pain, suffering, and loss of others, or are they just self important, grandiose moral prigs? The answer is so simple; because in America it works! It gets you free stuff and status. Just one incredibly silly example is that now we will have a quota for POC candidates for Oscars. Most likely there will be a quota for POC Oscar winners too but they may wisely choose to keep that on the down low. It is incredibly silly simply because the Oscars purport to reward excellence. But of course we all know they have always been political.
I look forward to the day that the Nobel committee does something similar. They too are politically driven but deny it. But expect POC quota's soon either announced and acknowledged or secret but still fairly obvious. Perhaps they could give Mandela the peace prize and ignore the terrible death toll of his policies and efforts. Oh wait!!! They did back in 1993, LOL Durham's dog ate his homework.
To be fair, the depth of the corruption and institutional abuse, with so many high-level,compromised parties with "skin in the game" involved, I was reserved in my expectations. #two weeks "None dare call it Treason" Re: The Impact of School Closings
When I read the article, I couldn't help but laugh at the desperation of "intellectuals" to avoid any discussion of value for money. Here's a list of "Research Papers" recently published on the Topic of Education: HOW IS LIFE AS A RECENTLY QUALIFIED TEACHER? NEW EVIDENCE FROM A LONGITUDINAL COHORT STUDY IN ENGLAND John Jerrim British Journal of Educational Studies BRITISH ELITE PRIVATE SCHOOLS AND THEIR OVERSEAS BRANCHES: UNEXPECTED ACTORS IN THE GLOBAL EDUCATION INDUSTRYTristan Bunnell, Aline Courtois & Michael Donnelly British Journal of Educational Studies DELIVERING CAREERS GUIDANCE IN ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS: POLICY VERSUS PRACTICE Ann-Marie Houghton, Jo Armstrong & Romanus Izuchukwu Okeke, British Journal of Educational Studies EXPANDING THE IMAGINATION: MEDIATING THE AESTHETIC-POLITICAL DIVIDE THROUGH THE THIRD SPACE OF ETHICS IN LITERATURE EDUCATION Suzanne S. Choo, British Journal of Educational Studies THE NEO-PERFORMATIVE TEACHER: SCHOOL REFORM, ENTREPRENEURIALISM AND THE PURSUIT OF EDUCATIONAL EQUITY Chris Wilkins, Brad Gobby & Amanda Keddie British Journal of Educational Studies There are literally thousands of these nonsense research reports, which explain exactly nothing, and offer no solutions. https://www.tandfonline.com/topic/allsubjects/ed?target=topic&ConceptID=4261 So what is the philosophy of British education? What are the values being promoted? What sort of young men and women does Britain wish to have in the future? Nobody wants to answer those questions, because communism is supposed to be value-free, culture-free, and consequence-free. It wouldn't do to tell parents that their children are being dipped in manure, and then hung out to dry. What the kids are getting right now is terrible, but what is it that British children should be getting? In my view, the kids need a living history as told through at least three hundred biographies of famous Brits. Every British school child should be able to rattle off dozens of famous British accounts of men of daring, of industry, of art, of Royalty, of music, and of business. All of those men are still alive in Britain's collective consciousness; and they are the cement which binds the nation together. So remember: History is the story of individuals. Not the story of countries. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:British_biographies I'm with Bull and Stargazer.
Putin Says He Wants to Work With Biden, Claims 'Shared Values' Between Democrats and Communism: Talk about "Telling The TRUTH"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not Making Headlines: Alleged “Right-wing” Militia Member Arrested for Plot Against Gov. Whitmer Was Black Lives Matter Protester and Sympathizer: They LIE. BIG TIME. Report: Durham's Russia Report Won't Be Released Until After Election: Dang!!!!! Hillary Clinton says she was right all along: She can't stop lying. Another Lecture: New England Journal of Medicine Wants Trump Voted Out: Leftist docs. Schools Aren’t Super-Spreaders: Maybe, I don't trust The ATLANTIC. Haven't for some years. On the Peculiar Character of American 'Racism': Yep, it's HIGHLY peculiar. Untrustworthy, too... Microsoft Allows Employees To "Permanently" Work From Home: DAMN!! Now they have to buy their own coffee and TP and stuff like that! Trump-Barr Justice Department sues Yale for discriminating in admissions: YALE--Lock 'em up! (I just COULDN'T resist.) NYU Student Reaches Landmark Settlement with University in Campus Anti-Semitism Lawsuit: Good. My take on the Palis is they never miss a chance to MISS a chance. Re: crawling over broken glass
This reminded me of the trajectory of my feelings for Trump. From my last choice in the primaries, to voting for him as the Never Hillary candidate (I would have crawled over broken glass to vote against her), to being really hopeful after what I considered an inspired inaugural address, to gradually (and not without feeling surprised) supporting him vigorously, to joining (in spirit) those who chant, “We love you” at his rallies. I think he is the best president we’ve had since Reagan and if he had Reagan’s oratorical skills, maybe before then. I worry about us if he loses (I don’t think he will in a fair election) and then I worry about what happens after him, but one worry at a time... God bless Donald Trump! Pompeo Has Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails, Is Working To Release Them
https://nationalfile.com/breaking-pompeo-has-hillary-clintons-missing-emails-is-working-to-release-them/ I'll go on what Durham has done, rather than what the Hair-On-Fire media has to say about what he might do. Don't forget, long after Mueller's Whitey Bulger investigation put innocent men in jail for life, Durham came behind and fully exonerated the two surviving ones. Diligent investigations don't follow political timetables. The longer he takes to get through it, the more he has in his hand.
I'm betting Trump wins the election, and I'm betting whatever Durham produces will be significant, but also significantly misunderstood. For a lot of people nothing short of a public flogging will do at this point. I wouldn't mind seeing one either, but I don't expect Durham to organize it. The persecution of Trump has been highly unfair, but is only a part of what Durham is looking at. I think most of the pieces are visible. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to Admiral Mike Rogers for uncovering the depths of the Obama Administration's corruption. What has been going on since that discovery (long before Trump was even a candidate) has been a counterintelligence operation to figure out who was spying on American citizens illegally and leaking classified information to the media in service of Democratic objectives. No matter what party you ascribe to, the mainstream media is going full-throttle to keep you scared and angry - and ignorant. "Diligent investigations don't follow political timetables. The longer he takes to get through it, the more he has in his hand."
Yes, but... If he had indicted those in the deep state before the election then the American people could have made a more informed decision. Imagine that he releases information after the election that implicates Biden in actual crimes, what then? If he takes enough time that he finally releases this after Jan 20th and there is a Democrat administration it will all be buried. Justice delayed is justice denied. I would agree with that sentiment if we were talking about Gen. Flynn, but that is a case of injustice-by-judge, as is becoming more and more obvious. It also illustrates the high danger of allowing politics to drive legal proceedings, I think. There is another axiom to consider: "The Wheels of Justice grind slowly, but exceedingly fine."
As a citizen I would rather wait than attempt to hurry a case and put political pressure on someone like Durham. He has a track record that transcends politics, and he's investigating something that precedes the Trump Administration. "The Awful Economic Impact of School Closings"
"The average U.S. K-12 student affected by COVID-19 school closures has a learning loss of one-third to over half a year of schooling." This is pure BS. Most of the time spent in schools is totally wasted and no real learning takes place. It is important that the student learn to read and also learn to speak coherently. This is accomplished early in school and most of that actual learning takes place outside the school. After that the school is mostly a baby sitting and socialization service. Ironically most successful people use skills and knowledge that our schools choose not to teach. "Trump could benefit from common-sense middle ground on COVID"
The use of common sense implies, well, common sense. But very little being proposed is consistent with common sense. Arguably the very reason that covid-19 is still a major problem is because of shutdowns. Had we not had shutdowns and other measures the disease would probably have run it's course by now. Would there have been more deaths? Yes! There would have been more deaths than we now have but probably not more deaths when the disease finally runs it's course. All we have done is strung out the disease and it's effects but at a terrible economic and socials cost. When all is said and done the death toll in the U.S. will be somewhere north of 400,000 and this would be about the same result if we had done nothing. So what actions are "common sense"? If you are in a health compromised situation then you should quarantine at home until the pandemic is over. What about masks and 6' of distancing? Please!! That is total crap and intended to make you fell better. The masks that are available are grossly inadequate and the masks that work require training and fitting and then strict protocols that are impossible to follow in your private life. As for social distancing, perhaps standing upwind and never approaching any closer than 100' "might" work but there are no guarantees. So than, why are the politicians and experts telling us to wear masks and stay 6' apart? THAT is the question? Why indeed. They know it doesn't protect you and yet they still insist on it. Partly it is virtue signaling, that is why Biden and the left wing MSM criticize Trump for not wearing a mask. Partly it is trying to look like you are doing something, even the 'experts' want to appear to know what they are doing and provide advice. But they know it is virtually useless. Literally millions of people have caught covid-19 who are avid mask wearers. They don't work. Now perhaps throwing virgins into the volcano would work, I don't know for sure but it's worth a try, right??? re The End of the Age of Insurgency - A wave of insurgent Islamism arrived in the West 20 years ago—and disappeared just as quickly.
That may well be, but it doesn't mean it is gone forever. In the great sweep of history these things ebb and flow. "Yes, but... If he had indicted those in the deep state before the election then the American people could have made a more informed decision...
>>> Imagine that he releases information after the election that implicates Biden in actual crimes, what then? 12 feeblemind on 2020-10-10 11:23 (Reply)
"Yes, but... If he had indicted those in the deep state before the election then the American people could have made a more informed decision... >>> Imagine that he releases information after the election that implicates Biden in actual crimes, what then?" I had this same thought yesterday. As a parallel thought, I felt something similar when Harvey Weinstein was charged, fearing that he might be completely exonerated, with the intention of rubbing everyone's face in the lawlessness. I agree with the thought that, should Biden win, current high level co-conspirators may be reappointed to similar roles to those they used to conduct Spygate. Brennan may be reappointed to CIA, for example. Durham's work would be deeply memory holed, no doubt. apologies.
asterisks in my post 13 are the content. I'll have to rebuild it and resubmit. This is where Russell Brand – flaming liberal comedian – talks about Trump and COVID. I don't care for his politics, but - He’s still pretty sharp and clear-thinking though - about 16 minutes, quite entertaining.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=mR52Cg__xYM&feature=emb_logo What parents are learning during these times of home schooling and video schools is this: they can form local, community pods of 5 or 6 kids and do the work of homeschooling in an organized way! One parent a week in charge of the daily routine. Choose video teachers of choice and there you have it! Homeschooling excellence and everyone gets to keep their job (as it is). The Homeschoolers Association is so well organized and has so much experience these pods are finding it very easy to get started!
Excuse me. Meant to say each parent does one day a week dedicated to managing the program/schooling, etc. There is also the added benefit of not having to do the daily pick up/drop off, or school bus chaos. Not to mention they can provide a classical education.
Apparently, since the shutdowns there have been signs saying "Dear teacher, You lied. My child is not a joy to have in class.".
Not surprised the NEJM came out in support of Biden, they jumped the shark of "respected journal of science" to political hackery a few years back when they had an editorial in favor of researchers not releasing their datasets if the only reason people were demanding to see their datasets was to criticize it, that science was a collaborative exercise and that datasets should only be released to people who were going to support the conclusions, not try to tear them down. Which is, of course, the very definition of science - you make a claim, let's see the evidence and we'll try to falsify your conclusions. But that's not "woke" science, you can make any sort of outrageous claim you like and we'll be "supportive".
Tracked: Oct 11, 09:35
Tracked: Oct 11, 09:53