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Tuesday, September 29. 2020Big debateI do not do TV, but readers are invited, nay, encouraged, to post comments below.
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Same here. I'll watch the highlights on YouTube tomorrow morning.
Already taken care of: https://babylonbee.com/news/pre-debate-poll-shows-biden-won-debate
opinions on best venue(online) to watch WITHOUT TALKING HEADS?
NPR is "right out", thanks very much. C-Span... I may end up there as well... also they stream... https://www.c-span.org/debates/
I see that Biden didn’t get his two breaks (if he indeed ask for them). I didn’t see a resolution to the earpiece question.
Watching on C-span.
Split screen. Public comments on right side of screen scrolling non,-stop,too fast to read. "Trump should let Biden talk and show himself to be an idiot." I agree. Trump interrupting less right now. I have to say that Biden hasn’t fallen on his face so far. He’s doing better than I expected (just talking coherently is more than I expected). I guess he got that great big shot in his ass before the debate!
Trump: "I've done more in 47 months ,Joe, than you did in 47 years".
I think Trump is trying to push Biden into a meltdown with his aggressive comments.
Biden says we need to sit down together with ANTIFA and figure out what to do!
Biden says Trump has no answer for hurricanes!
“Everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it.” Mrs. Mudbug: “Is the ninety minutes over. It feels like it’s way over time!”
Wallace needs to ask Biden: Will you peacefully accept a second term for President Trump if tgecelecgition is independently certified?
Mrs. Mudbug and I decided that neither of them would have really convinced anybody. Trump interrupted a lot. Biden never actually told what he would do. He didn't speak decisively about whether he would pack the Supreme Court, or even how his "not Green New Deal" would work.
All in all, it was pretty disappointing for us. Biden was on the edge of a breakdown a couple of times. I think Trump interrupting him was to throw him off balance. It seemed that Trump kept picking at that scab far too long, and I was hoping he would shut up so that Biden could stumble more on his own.
My oldest son watched the debate with me. This will be his 1st election, and like I was at his age, he is flirting with the left wing. He admitted after it was over that Biden is clearly suffering from dementia or some other debilitating condition. I wasn't happy with either of them. It was almost exactly what I expected though: a mess with them trying to talk over and past each other. I wish they'd quit calling these things debates. They are just hyped up hoopla to fire up the respective bases and generate sound bites, zingers and one liners. They give the newsy folks cud to chew while their sponsors sell pills and notions.
We did not watch. We never watch news programs anymore. We like a quiet pleasant evening and we each know what has happened in this great country over the past 32 years. We were at the center of the beginning of the storm. We are tired now and are quietly preparing for the disaster that is coming. As old time MFers know, I did all I could do--but no one would listen. No one would help. No attorney would defend us because as each one said: "I am afraid--THEY will destroy me". Now I know who "THEY" is and so do you.
I watched “Night Flight” with Clark Gable, much more entertaining and they saved the kid with polio.
The debate was a debacle.
Trump came across even more inarticulate than usual, and he interrupted too much. Biden's answers were canned Democrat drivel & lies, laced with taking credit for Trump's accomplishments, a classic leftist tactic. If asked to explain what he meant by anything he said he'd be struck mute. God only knows what concoction of drugs was pumped into him to keep him standing and his mouth moving. Wallace was a complete failure and his bias was blatant. If he isn't replaced Trump should refuse to do the next debate. Different moderators from different networks at each debate.
Moderators really need a microphone cutoff switch. My son said the same thing about the mics and this was his 1st debate.
Only caught the last ~40 minutes, but here are my takeaways (worth what you've paid for them!)
1) Biden is lying his ass off to press the narrative with Leftist voters and Never Trumpers. 2) Trump did a terrible job of calling out those lies, going down tangents and missing obvious zingers like calling out Biden's on-tape "stupid bastards" comment vs his alleged "losers" comment re: our military. 3) From what I saw, Biden came across much more cool, calm, and collected than Trump. His performance will only entrench his base further and attract many of the people on the fence with his less-abrasive demeanor. 4) Chris Wallace is a sanctimonious partisan masquerading as a moderate who clearly relished the opportunity to repeatedly rein in POTUS. 5) Despite being what I considered a 90-minute-long facepalm moment for everyone overall but non-naïve Republicans in particular, somehow Trump (as of this writing) is winning a debate outcome poll on Twitter at 57.6% over 167k votes. Fwiw, I voted "neither." I can't post the link to the poll without getting caught in the spam filter, but if you append the following to the standard Twitter URL, you'll find the poll. Should be interesting to track over the next ~22 hours.
Politics_Polls/status/1311134077819465728 Who won the debate?
China. They're laughing their heads off over how quickly this country is going into the dumpster. That was a tedious 90 minutes. It went pretty much as I expected. I hate the debate format, but I guess we need one in order to compare the candidate's temperament and to see how they react and handle themselves in real time.
I'm looking for a politician that agrees with me. My priorities are 1) as diversified an economy as is practical with a surplus of jobs for the Middle, 2) pro fracking, pro energy independence, 3) commitment to the Bill of Rights and the Rule of Law. To the extent this is implemented, everything else takes care of itself or becomes manageable. At the end of the debate, I had no idea what Joe's policies were, but I'm pretty sure they are not in sync with mine. I agree with Carl on SDA, too:
Carl:September 30, 2020 at 2:28 am "Trump ‘s goal for the evening seemed to be, to separate Biden from the Bernie/AOC supporters. Trump made Biden state that “He’s” the democrat party now, not Bernie. Made Biden deny the NEW GREEN DEAL. Challenged Biden to admit they would stack the SC, he wouldn’t say it. Main thing I got from it was, that half the time Biden was criticizing Trump for shutting down the economy, and the other half Biden was saying he himself was going to shut down the economy. So many of Wallace’s questions were based on a false premise or false facts." Zero time for a debate in a country that takes BLM seriously. Even Rome fell with more grace. Kinda sad, but it is what it is.
I watched MST3K reruns instead. The issues have had little to do with reality for quite some time. What the Washington Establishment don't get is that it is not about people's approval of Donald Trump. It's about their appreciation of what he's done for them, given that they're tired of being scapegoated for the repeated failure of Establishment's hare-brained schemes, and they're tired of repeatedly receiving the increasingly usurious bills for all that failure. It's what the polls missed in '16, and what they appear to be missing now.
Trump does miss some softballs in his combativeness. Biden is a lying political hack.
He said nothing of substance, went on record as denying his son's corruption which is easily provable. Trump with a little more discipline would have utterly destroyed him. A younger more capable liar like Obama would come out in cornered rat style next debate and use his media allies to help him. I don't think Biden is capable of that. Trump needs to be on point and more focused next time. For the commentators above bemoaning Trump's edginess, grow a pair. This is an existential fight for the future of our country. It's an alley fight. I think it's telling that Trump won a post debate Telemundo poll overwhelmingly. Mexican culture is macho and appreciative of the strong man. Unfortunately, a lot of gringos are weak emasculated sob sisters QUOTE: For the commentators above bemoaning Trump's edginess, grow a pair. This is an existential fight for the future of our country. It's an alley fight. Truer words were never spoken. The fight is existential. I'm sure that black folks who've had their businesses destroyed by rioting BLM whites had to hit the fainting couch because Trump was rude in the course of breaking senile, lying Joe over his knee. And yes, Trump needs to be more focused and disciplined.
Biden won the debate
By Ted Belman I watched the whole thing live and felt Biden won for the following reasons, – Biden spoke directly to the cameras and came across as sincere and believable – Biden had the benefit of being able to attack Trumps actions or lack thereof for the last 3.5 years. That put Trump on the defensive. – Trump spent too much time defending himself rather than making the case for himself. – Instead should have said each time “There he goes again with his fake news” before extolling all the good he has done. – Trump’s folksy manner at rallies doesn’t work in a debate. – Trump should have had set speeches ready for expected questions. He relied on extemporaneous comments. He was not effective. – Trump’s tactic of hounding Biden didn’t serve him well. – It was very difficult to defend his pandemic performance. There were too many issues to address. – Trump should have had a prepared speech for the pandemic in which he listed all the stuff he did do – Trump should not have tried to defend himself. – Trump should have had a set speech to use for the charge that he was a racist. He could have listed all his great accomplishments. – Trump spent too much time bringing up Biden’s lack of accomplishments over the years. He should have spent his time listing his own accomplishments. I blame his handlers for their choice of tactics. QUOTE: – Trump should have had a set speech to use for the charge that he was a racist. Record low African-American, Hispanic, and Asian pre-pandemic unemployment pretty much explains Trump's clear lack of racism, even for folks not nearly as bright as this Belman fellow. QUOTE: – Trump should have ... Yeah, Trump should have Cary Grant-like persuaded - in situ - Chris Wallace out of being a Democratic hack while at the same time elegantly and eloquently countering the senile, hopped up stalking horse for Marxism 2020. Got it. There were some good points in this list. I think the Biden tactics were more effective than Trumps. He was bombarded with false statements, resulting in Trump appearing too defensive, reactive and disruptive. I really thought Trump danced to Biden's tune more than vice versa.
It's not that there weren't good points on Belman's list, or that Trump didn't fail to score points he should have, but rather that allowing Biden to do what he always does - lying his ass off while steamrolling his debate opponent - couldn't be allowed to happen. Paul Ryan, his intellect, his smoking jacket, and his Marquess of Queensberry rule book got chewed up and spit out when he debated Biden and that simply didn't happen last night - Biden looked weak and exasperated by debate's end (and he probably pissed off the hard Left he's trying to placate). Like I said, time will tell in regard to Trump's tack in the next debate.
And the real question that needs to be asked after last night is, "Can anyone seriously imagine Joe Biden as President of the United States?", as the guy was on the ropes cognitively at the end of the debate and would've been deep in creamed corn territory had it gone on for another 30 minutes.
Is Trump "Presidential"? Hell no. But Republican presidents and presidential candidates being "Presidential" is why we're in the mess we're in, because the Left/Democrats observe no rules or decorum whatsoever. Hence Trump. Did Trump fail to score points he could have? Hell yes. But Biden's never been punched so much and so hard while trying to lie and browbeat (think back to the number he did on Paul Ryan in their debate) and it really messed him up. Given all of that, I'll be surprised if Trump is not more polished and focused in the 2nd debate. Time will tell. |