Another Duccio (b. 1255)
Don't believe Human Rights Watch any more. They have other agendas.
Sowell warns of Islamic fanatics with nukes. What is the world supposed to do about it?
The sale at Filson's ends soon.
Focus on the Family launching its Truth Project. (h/t, News for Christians)
Let Bush be Bush? Scott at Powerline.
As further proof that politicization of medical treatment has poor results, see the AIDS industry sucking up all the dollars (piece in Am Spectator):
No matter that even the current AIDS budget swamps spending on malaria and tuberculosis, which together kill about twice as many people annually as does AIDS. Antiretroviral therapy for AIDS cures no one and while it costs relatively little in the Third World -- $300-$1,200 per year -- compared to North America, TB can be cured with $65 of medicine. Malaria in Africa and Asia can be prevented for a pittance by spraying DDT, yet environmental activists and the European Union have essentially blocked its use in those areas that need it most.
Alas for these victims, they don't have a politically correct disease. And for that they must die.
Of all people, the LA Times defends WalMart against Dem demagoguery. Everybody likes WalMart. It's a dumb choice of scapegoat.
Maxed out Mama on the subject of men. A quote:
The best thing a mother raising a daughter can do in this society is to teach her to be virtuous, and to make demands of herself to do the right thing towards others. Then, and only then, will the daughter become an adult woman who is capable of recognizing and appreciating a fine man. Because decency is hard. Decency is a struggle! Trying to live a decent life is an epic adventure much more praiseworthy and admirable than climbing Mount Everest. Anyone who tries it will find that out, and in light of the knowledge of her own failures to live up to her own standards will then be able to appreciate the attempt in a man.
Read the whole thing - worth it.