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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, June 27. 2020Saturday morning links
Revisiting Mengele’s Malignant “Race Science” The Declining Case for Municipal Recycling Journalist Absolutely DESTROYS California Officials on Coronavirus and Face Masks UK Government: “we must seize the opportunity to make the COVID-19 recovery a defining moment in tackling the climate crisis” 1 in 5 Ballots Rejected as Fraud Is Charged in N.J. Mail-In Election VDH: When states go wild Noonan in WSJ: The week it went south for Trump JUDGE BLOCKS NEW YORK’S LIMITATION ON OUTDOOR RELIGIOUS SERVICES Does the Black Community Support Abolishing the Police? Then They Came for Abraham Lincoln Week in Higher Education Tear Gas And Dumpster Fires: Antifa Militants Try to Take Over Portland Police Station Abraham Lincoln at UW-Madison is the latest target of cancel culture Comments
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To paraphrase Ace of Spades blog, the purpose of the professional “conservative” press (now Never Trump) is not to advance conservative ideas, their job is to make left wing ideas palatable to actual conservatives.
When States Go Wild: NRO is still in its Never-Trump mode. I'd "pity da fools", but they did it to themselves, and I can't be bothered.
Standing athwart history, yelling stop! To all conservatives and conservative values. I wonder what Bill Buckley would think of his magazine?
Take heart. AG Barr has over 500 investigations/potential indictments. It seems that they are using video and pictures from social media to track some of these thugs down. That mob you saw pull down a statue may well be in court in a few weeks facing 10 years in jail.
What the left wanted the government to do was to over react. They wanted some video on the 6 o'clock news showing 'peaceful' protestors being beaten or gassed. Instead all they are left with is left wing violence on the 6 o'clock news and behind the scenes the justice system is closing in on some of the perps. We lived in Fairbanks with the AF for 3 years (the family...I deployed for a year). We were far more concerned about moose than bears. They're amazing, huge and wandered around Eielson AFB like they owned the place.
Here in the Fl Panhandle, I can't keep a birdfeeder up, because bears will tear it down to eat the contents. I saw one Thursday night, strolling across the street and into a neighbor's yard. They like to find unsecured trash barrels. Never been off the tarmac in Anchorage, but was in Banff one time when the local wapiti herd came to town for an extended stay. Wall-to-wall wapiti droppings and flocks of magpies pecking at them. Moved on up to Jasper for the rest of that year's vacation.
My wife an I were riding that same coastal trail a few years ago and came upon a moose with twin calves. They seemed remarkably placid and unbothered by our presence, but I was raised in Maine and know about these irascible creatures and their hair triggers; so we kept a good distance and just watched quietly until they moved well off the trail and into the scrub. Even then we were cautious about proceeding, with them off to the side. Their rather goofy appearance and laid-back demeanor often leads unfamiliar people to make a big mistake about their nature.
When you're driving at night on some Maine country road and come up on one of these things, all you see in the headlights are legs (happened to me a couple of times). That's when you get an idea of how ridiculously huge these things are, and also, how fast. Back in the day, lived up in the NWT (Northwest Territories) and any trip to a town to the south was through wood buffalo territory. Those guys could take out a semi, albeit at the cost of their own lives. The big discussion was about whether it was safer to drive with headlights on or off (I did say this was back in the day).
Moved south, and attached some form of animal scarers to the outboard windows of our car. Was never too sure how effecive they were, but do remember a deer whipping off to the side one year when we were headed "home" for an emergency. Wrt the Lincoln statue at UW-Mad:
One thing [I]none[I] of the stories have reported on is how [I]many[I] people were complaining. It only takes one to complain, and if the story's weird enough, it gets publicity. I'd also like to know the background of the kvetchers. Probably professional complainers... The Week it went South:
Make no mistake the left intended this to be the week it went South. The Democrats made a calculation that mass rioting, looting, murder and mayhem was good for them no matter that it was bad for so many Americans. They calculated that they could put the president in a bad light and maybe use this to steal the election. THAT is the enemy, one of our political parties puts their own power ahead of their constituents and their country. You would think it must somehow be a different story with Peggy Noonan. Trump derangement syndrome. Easy explanation. But just like John Bolton it is about power for her too. It isn't that Trump is doing a bad job, clearly he isn't. It isn't that Trump isn't conservative enough, clearly he is more conservative that most of the 'conservative' congressmen. The problem for Peggy and John is that Trump's clean and honest conservatism kinda cuts into their scam and power grab. They are conservatives of convenience. For their goals they could have just as easily chosen to be radical Marxist socialist Democrats. It was never about core beliefs it was always about power. Simple as that. Abolishing the police: Looking at the totality of human history, Thomas Hobbs wasn't completely wrong when he claimed that life was nasty, brutish and short. We already know that contemporary chimpanzees engage in violence and, despite utopianist claims to the contrary, the remains of stone age people, including hunter gatherers, reveal a staggering level of violence. So, no, humans were not gentle, passive and living peacefully in nature until the emergence of property or the "state". Anything but.
One of the important advances that reduced interpersonal violence was the emergence of the King's Law, which worked to constrain vigilantism and blood feuds. Law and order is also key to prosperity as people are more willing to leave their property to go about their business and more willing to take risks in a safe and high trust society. We used to know this. Video: Not surprised that fatuous, cocooned white people would be cavalier about putting the lives and neighborhoods of poor people, whatever ethnicity, at risk. It's not their skin in the game I meant to add that the decision to maintain or remove the police presence in any neighborhood should be made by the people living in the neighborhood. People who have security, live in a high security building, live behind walls/gates or live in suburbia should butt out.
Don't be silly! The Marxist mayor, city council and governor will decide when and if to remove the police. After all you cannot have full control of the people with a armed police force of mostly patriotic, constitution abiding people dedicated to protecting the citizens and enforcing our laws. Clearly the police must be defunded or we cannot have the revolution.
You might find ti interesting to know that the same city council in Minneapolis that just resolved to abolish the police have also arranged for personal security details for themselves.
https://twitter.com/FOX9/status/1276703896434618371 "Jenkins said she has not reported the threats to Minneapolis Police because she has been preoccupied with the dual crisis of the “global pandemic and global uprising” over the killing of George Floyd. " Can you stop the 'flu' from spreading by lockdowns and mandated masks? Is this what we should do every year at the beginning of flu season? Does it work? Has it ever worked? Or will it simply destroy civilization? How long should the lockdown be? Does the flu only spread in bars or is Walmart a risk too? Is Covid-19 a flu? Can we cure/prevent it with a mask? Why do the talking heads on TV chastise us for not wearing masks and yet they are not wearing masks? Are you beginning to understand yet this is not about stopping the spread or flattening the curve? Flattening the curve was ONLY to allow time for the hospitals to get ready, what happened to that? We flattened the curve but now it's about something different, what? Control? The election? What? Numerous doctors have said that wearing the mask does not work but now they have changed their tune or have been shut up. Now it is the politicians not the experts who demand we wear masks, why? Some states are mandating it even while their own medical experts have previously told them it won't help, why??? Masks and shutdowns are the new religion and heretics will be punished. What next? Stoning? Whipping? Because this is what the Muslim religion does to women who don't wear masks. Odd! Coincidence?
...." Flattening the curve was ONLY to allow time for the hospitals to get ready, what happened to that? We flattened the curve but now it's about something different, what? Control? The election? What? Numerous doctors have said that wearing the mask does not work but ...."
Do masks work?
According to OSHA: A cloth masks cannot not be used as substitutes for required PPE. Why not? Because studies of these kinds of masks have shown that they are 8% effective. That is they can remove 8% of the airborne virus and bacteria. The standard for filtering out dangerous pathogens is 99.9999% known as Sigma 6. In other words “masks don’t work!” OSHA says these surgical masks don’t protect “against airborne transmissible infectious agents due to loose fit and lack of seal,” but they can “contain the wearer's respiratory droplets.” Basically, these masks are meant to protect others from the person wearing it. Will Cloth masks dangerously reduce oxygen levels? USA TODAY fact checked whether masks can cause these kinds of symptoms, and found that both cloth and surgical masks are unlikely to cause a dangerous drop in oxygen intake because they are not tight fitting. However CDC representative told Reuters that “CO2 will slowly build up in the mask over time. Symptoms could include a headache, but Reuters reported “it is unlikely that wearing a mask will cause hypercapnia,” or excessive carbon dioxide buildup in the bloodstream. Still, the CDC says: “Cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.” Both the CDC and OSHA recommended laundering cloth masks after each use. QUOTE: Allow me to quote from “A Patriot’s History of the United States” by Schweikart and Michael Allen: [1960’s radical] Jerry Rubin explained “Satisfy our demands & we go twelve more… All we want from these meetings are demands that are never ‘reasonable’. When the demands reached the point that no rational university administrator [OR, I WOULD ADD TODAY, CITY OR BUSINESS LEADER] or public official could possibly comply with them,’ Rubin noted, “Then we scream, righteously angry . . . . Goals are irrelevant. The tactics, the actions are critical.” That's from an article at NR, but the quote stands alone. The mask thing looks like re-education to me. I could be wrong but my guess is if we accept the mandatory masks this time it will be required every year during flu season. It may be required for less serious illnesses too. If your kid has a cold they cannot go to school unless they are wearing a mask. Ditto for work. This looks like a trial run to see how willing we are to accept this as the new norm. I predict that in the future, regardless of any known illness or flu season etc., that you will be required to wear a mask to fly commercial air.
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