South African women prefer shopping to sex. This piece invites any number of clever comments, but I will restrain myself.
The UN is a "dangerous charade," says View from 1776
There is a new domain, called "dot travel." Here's a good new one:
Megayacht fans can follow the movements of their favorites. (Chris says he saw the 162' jet-drive Mystique in CT this week - one heck of a machine.) Only the internets could make such a fun, harmless hobby possible. Links are the thing.
For a generation, Dems have sought to reduce American power, says Lib. Leanings, and I agree. But towards what purpose?
A serious hurricane shortage this year. Caused by Global Warming? Or did Bush and Rove decide to turn off their secret hurricane-generating machine, which is hidden on a CIA oil rig somewhere in the West Indies or the Gulf of Mexico, before the fall elections?
Bush claims Dems do not understand threats to US, as the fall campaign season approaches. I think they do - it's just that they need an issue to try to push.
Dumb idea. A World Trade Center Memorial Museum. What for? Oh well, it will only cost about a billion.
Another manatee visits New England for the summer. Very intelligent. Remember Chessie in 1995?