A new humanoid is discovered
The Incredible Story of the US Army's Earth-Shaking, Off-Road Land Trains
WHO recommends no routine mask use
Wait - what?
New England Journal Of Medicine On What Masks Can’t Do Regarding SARS-CoV-2
Fauci changes tune, now says second COVID-19 wave may never happen — and mask-wearing is symbolic
U.S. COVID-19 Death Toll Is Inflated
Pence: You did it, America
Minneapolis Police and National Guard DISAPPEAR — Allow Angry Leftist Rioters to Loot and Burn AGAIN Despite Curfew
MSNBC Reporter Describes Minneapolis “Protest” as “Not, Generally Speaking, Unruly” as He Stands in Front of Burning Building
Minn. mayor gives masks to crowding rioters after warning in-person worship would be 'public health disaster'
At Hot Air:
... it’s simply not true that black men have no power and are always victims, not even when some creepy white woman tries to make them victims. Society was not on Amy Cooper’s side and it’s not on the side of the cop who kneeled on George Floyd’s neck either. That’s not to say that all is well and we should just move on. But some recognition of the fact that this is not being shrugged off by most white people seems appropriate if we’re going to have this conversation.
'This is my big worry': Obama officials and other Democrats fear strong, post-coronavirus economic recovery
Tracked: May 31, 09:19
Tracked: May 31, 10:09
Tracked: May 31, 10:13
Tracked: May 31, 10:37