Why technology doesn't improve education: his experience. Rt Wing nation
The Washington Post didn't know how to handle Juan William's new book, but they did manage to find someone to criticize it. Pitiful, when his views could actually do some real good for real people who are caught up in negativity.
The ozone cure was worse than the disease: Big Lizard
Great example of how some people think: at Babalu:
With such wonderful additions to the world, why vilify Fidel any longer? What's a little suppression of political dissent when people can get treatment for diabetes? What are a few innocent human rights violations when people have access to locally grown produce without toxins? What's a little communism when Cuba is contributing less to global climate change than the rest of us?
What is the IQ threshold for college these days?
Auster makes his view simple and clear:
Islam is the problem.
However, we do not have the ability to defeat Islam.
Nor do we have the ability to democratize Islam.
Nor do we have the ability to assimilate Islam.
Therefore, the only solution is to separate ourselves from Islam.
Whole piece here.
Taliban terrorist will remain at Yale afer all. I wonder how his remedial English is coming along? Bulldog, bulldog, bow wow wow. Cao
The long tail? A quick video to bring you up to date with the latest business fad concept. Driscoll
Welfare reform, ten years later. The gloom and doom was wrong. They misunderestimated people's abilities. Polipundit
Race, bodegas, WalMart, immigrants, and American blacks: VDARE
Historic advances in math - totally ignored by the press. YARGB
The defense budget, 1945 to present. Dino
A quote from Ben Stein, as quoted more fully at LFG:
WHAT stands between us and the iceberg(of militant Islam)are the miraculously brave men and women of the armed forces. They're heroes and saints as far as I'm concerned. But can they do it without the rest of us? Can they do it while we're all working on our tans and trying to have our taxes lowered again? How can we leave them out there all alone to die for us when we treat the war to save civilization as something we can just wish away?