Editor Bird Dog feels like a one-armed paper-hanger around the Farm right now, with the News Junkie in Mt. Desert Island, the Chairman at Northeast Harbor, The Barrister preoccupied with his grandkids, and Gwynnie at her California mountain retreat. With the help of some Summertime Re-posts, we shall persevere.
The Doryman's Reflection: A Fisherman's Life. This looks good. Bookslut And speaking of dory fishing, here's a good link about it.
51% of Dems want Bush to fail. There is something deeply wrong about that attitude towards one's country. Polipundit
When you flush in NYC, where does it go? Sierra Blanca, Texas. Remind me to never go there.
Does masturbation make you blind? Furedi at Spiked makes the case that the Masturbation Movement's agenda is to make people blind to love and passion. Brave New World: Biology.
From a piece in The Atlantic: Inside the Billionaire Service Industry:
"A comparable level of exclusivity is available to the well-heeled patient wanting insulation from the American health-care system. For initiation fees of $1,000 to $15,000 and annual dues of between $2,500 and $50,000 (six levels of membership are available), a company called PinnacleCare assigns “advocates” who will manage a client’s health care—investigating specialists and medical research, securing access to top doctors, and juggling appointments. (The cost of the treatment itself is separate.) Nearly all of the advocates are women, and they exude a motherly efficiency, cooing to their clients and sweet-talking the surgeons. But one suspects that their claws come out when necessary. Having an advocate present during a hospital stay, one client said, is like having an extremely knowledgeable relative on hand for hours a day, exerting relentless pressure to get whatever the patient needs."