"Wrong and Weak": GOP already making the most of the Lamont win. (h/t, Townhall)
Words and Pictures: Our team member Roger made the point earlier in the week, but here is a prime example of the increasingly shrill and desperate emanations from the Left-wing MSM: Globe slanders Iraq amputee vet - Gateway
Iranians claim to have cloned a sheep? Any relation to my post on goat genitals? Perhaps their women dislike scratchy beards, but the goats and sheep are used to it.
So DO IT, already. Olmert still hanging fire. He wants a war where no-one gets hurt. Wrong guy at the wrong time.
Goodwin in NY Daily news: a snippet:
This is fantasy. And that's what Lamont's victory is based on. That somehow we can pull out of Iraq, tell the terrorists they win - and we and our allies will not suffer any consequences. And if those Islamists misbehave, well, we'll just scoot back over there with our police force and arrest those naughty fellows.
I believe that Islamic terrorists will stop at nothing in their mad quest to rule the globe. As a result, World War III has started, whether we like it or not. It will continue, whether we fight back or not. But if we think we can win by not fighting, then we're not just wrong. We're nuts. As in nutmeg.
Worker's Paradise news. Also, hey! Is Fidel dead yet? Haha - he is dancing here.
Few hurricanes this year. Thank Bush.
Yes, it was inevitable. The return of The Green Helmet Guy. h/t, SDA.
Many thought he was the mortician, but he's a Director of Press Relations for Hezbollah!
A stew of related topics: Victimhood, Fake but Accurate, and "Greater Truths" - at Sisu. A good example of a blog post: engaging, many links, many sources, and a stew of ideas.