Loss of A Great Christian
Thank you Fred Barnes: "EVANGELICAL PROTESTANTS loved Pope John Paul II. Many felt more in harmony with him than with the leaders of their own denomination. I attend an Episcopal church and I certainly preferred the Pope. He was the world's greatest defender of orthodox, Bible-based Christianity. The presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church and possibly a majority of its bishops are among the great diluters of classical Christianity. "Click here: A Great Christian
US vs Grokster
Re "file-sharing," (ie stealing):
"One of the people on the sidewalk in front of the Supreme Court building to demonstrate against Grokster's free-for-the-taking world was Lamont Dozier. When Lamont Dozier speaks, I listen. Mr. Dozier wrote Marvin Gaye's "Can I Get a Witness," ergo he must have a clue. In a royalty-free Grokster world, says Mr. Dozier, he'd have spent his most creative years on the floor of a Detroit auto factory rather than writing Motown masterpieces." Click here: OpinionJournal - Wonder Land Add me to the list of the pro-Motown crew. Pop music without Motown would have been a very sad thing.
Just learned that Daily Kos gets over 400,000 hits/day. Holy Mackerel. Are there that many p-offed people out there? Guess so. They should all chill, and read Maggie instead. On the other hand, I was mildly p-offed at the news when we had Clinton to kick around. But we had Rush for therapy....Hey Bird Dog - if you want that kind of world-class volume, fire us (please - the pay stinks anyway) and become an Angry Left Wing anti-American Christian-hating wacko Commie pacifist Saddam-excusing, Castro-loving, Bush-bashing blog. I will not soil Maggie's Farm by providing the link to Kos - find it yourself.
The Next Pope
Isn't this the way the world is? It seems in very bad taste but you can be certain millions are thinking about who the next Pope should be and will be. Right Wing Nuthouse, of all people, sounds like he has inside info: Click here: Right Wing Nut House » WHO WILL WEAR THE “SHOES OF THE FISHERMAN?”: Politics served up with a smile... And a still
The French may very well not approve the EU Constitution, which essentially means that the EU vision would die. Which would be good for those folks, if national identity and soverighty and national freedom mean anything to those countries. Who would willingly JOIN an empire? You're supposed to be conquered first - right? (The US has no skin in this game - these countries are in a mess anyway with their socialism, their chronically taking the wrong, submissive side of history in international affairs, their immigration debacle, and sadly they are in decline. Very pretty on the outside - rotten on the inside. And they know it, but are too proud to admit it, which is understandable.) The French seem to have imagined that it would create a Mega-France. Not so:
"...At the same time, the French have begun to realize that in the enlarged EU, which took in ten new members, mostly from Eastern Europe, last year, Paris can no longer call the shots." : Click here: Unlikely threat to EU charter? The French. | csmonitor.com
White Male Blogosphere
I guess we have another crisis with white males dominating the blogosphere. Let's worry about it - that will do a lot of good. Talk about a small "d" democratic medium - this is the ultimate. A big welcome to anyone of any of the 3 genders, million colors and languages, etc. Jump right in - it's a big pool and the water's warm: Click here: MSNBC - Blogging Beyond the Men's Club