Ned gets jiggy with the poverty pimps and the net nutjobs. Michelle.
I suspect that they have no idea who Ned is or what he is about. And do not care, if they can own him. Did he have to pay ("donate") to these people to show up? Can someone please find out? If these folks had power, what would they do to the the rest of us?, asks Captain Ed.
Supporters of Lamont have now put Lieberman in minstrel show blackface - no joke - image on right. I have no doubt that the blacks of Bridgeport will come out in droves to support a rich, white Greenwich prep school country clubber heir of multi-millions who probably doesn't have a single Dem golf buddy. Could these folks even be caddies at his club, or could Maxine Waters get a job as a waitress there?
To make things more ridiculous, to please the teacher's union, Ned has come out opposing charter schools. Come on, Ned. Your kids went to the most exclusive private school in the USA. Why shouldn't everyone have a choice like Ned did? And, BTW, black voters support school choice.
Is it all about, for these people (not Ned, tho), get the Jew? You have to wonder. Politics makes strange bedfellows, but this is ridiculous. Whatever he had to "donate" to them to come to the wilds of wealthy, suburban CT, he will owe them, big-time. Honestly, I think Ned is a good, well-intentioned, innocent fellow with peculiar Socialist family politics which he inherited along with his J P Morgan $, but this is getting WIERDER and WIERDER. CT voters are not racist (Lieberman is strongly supported by instate black politicians), but they aren't Al Sharpton and Maxine Waters fans.
My opinion? Ned has gone over the edge, partly because of inexperience, and partly out of naivete. The support of the Lefty blogs, extortionist Jesse Jackson, and con-man Al Sharpton, is the kiss of death: Lieberman wins, either way.
Update: To his credit, Lamont had that blackface image removed. Or, I should say, "scrubbed."
Update: Ex-Donk sees it the same way.