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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, September 23. 2019Monday morning links
Would you be retarded enough to build a beach house here - even with the gummit subsidies for storms and floods? It's called a sandbar, idiots. Sandbars are temporary. Our stupid government will even insure you to build on a swamp, too. While they protect "wetlands," mind you. 5 Signs You’re In The Midst Of A Moral Panic Why Liberals and Progressives Lie to Blacks Dems dancing around America's real health care problem: Overweight people Canada’s global warming models threw out actual historical data and substituted models of what the temperature should have Fraud. Why? Governments always need enemies to hold power. Since we're all commies now, climate is the New Nazis. California Begins Issuing $1000 Fine For Each Tiny Plastic Communion Cup Served Youth Climate Activist: Global Warming Damage Becomes Irreversible In ‘Only 18 Months’ Children protest climate on a beautiful day in NYC The Guardian view on the school climate strike: protests that matter Teens pledge not to have kids til climate change ends Good idea Jerry Nadler: Don’t Know If Human Life Will Survive 50 Years, Bacteria And Plants May Be All That’s Left Yale goes all in on climate disaster De Blasio escalates his culture war Does Elizabeth Warren Even Understand What Real (government) Corruption Is? Warren Says the Rich Must Pay Her 'Wealth Tax' Because They've Benefitted from Public Schools and Infrastructure Nag, nag, nag. She made 7 million flipping houses. Guess I should have, but too busy doing real work. Gregg Jarrett: It Appears the ‘Whistleblower’ is Just an American Spy in Our Intel Agency Spying on President Trump Joe Biden's Son Hunter Contradicted Father's Claim They Never Discussed Ukraine Deal Trump Pounces On Biden-Ukraine Scandal As Whistleblower Story Flips On Dems Trump DESTROYS Joe Biden Crime Family on REAL UKRAINIAN SCANDAL Biden is done Comey and Baquet — united against Trump — have caused a nonstop feeding frenzy Sicilians Dare To Believe: The Mafia’s Cruel Reign Is Over EXPLAINING JEREMY CORBYN Only an EU ‘empire’ can secure liberty: EU leader Trackbacks
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Why do liberals and progressives lie to blacks? Simple, they lie to everyone including themselves.
If they aren't honest with themselves, how could they possibly be honest with anybody else, especially those who the use as pretexts?
The black race hustlers have set themselves up as the arbiters of what is acceptable to say or think about blacks and what isn't. Most blacks live in poverty (that is they get lots of government money but none of it is counted in determining that they are poor) and that poverty indicator is used to keep ramping up the money taken from honest working class people and given to black welfare cheater/losers. This is a game played for billions and every politicians is part of the scheme. A key component to the scheme is to lie and coverup the truth.
Building on the sandbar: It's risky, but on the other hand, we've learned in the last 20 years that it's quite possible (though expensive) to build houses that survive even a large storm. The houses that blew down in Hurricane Harvey were mostly built like crap. I make an exception for anything exposed to storm surge and a debris wall, though even in those extreme conditions a properly built home can do amazingly well.
What Harvey added to my appreciation of the risks is that a lot depends on your financial ability to make immediate repairs. A minor roof leak is no problem if you tarp it instantly and repair it promptly. Let a few weeks pass, and you have a big interior degradation and mold problem. Leave it for a few months--or years!--while you fight with a bad insurance company, and your house is now eligible for razing. You have to take into account, by the way, that demand for local contractors will be intense, and you'll have to pay a premium for fast action. If you can't afford decent insurance and have no savings to advance for repairs, you can't afford to live in a hurricane zone. The best you can do is build a temporary house there and cross your fingers about the timing of the next big hit. I've often thought the best way to have a beach house in hurricane areas is to pour a thick, roomy slab with full hookups and then rent an RV. But people should be free to spend their money on their folly of choice. I do think that people who choose to build in disaster-prone zones should be excepted from Federal flood insurance programs, and that the money earmarked for such should instead be used for expanding coastal / riparian conservation areas in perpetuity. We are only now understanding the importance of preserving such buffers.
The problem with sea walls is that they make beach erosion worse by limiting the area over which the energy of storm waves can dissipate. It is entirely possible to make the house safe against an individual storm, while actually making it more vulnerable to storms over a longer time horizon.
As for the dangers of building your foundations on sand in an area prone to flooding, there is documentary evidence that this was a known hazard dating back to the first Century AD/CE. How many people got their houses destroyed 30 years ago, rebuilt there, and are still there? Well, serves them right.
At the beginning of the democrat campaign cycle, I believed that Kamala Harris was the most dangerous, to my liberty and pocket book. The more Elizabeth Warren opens her yip, the more I shutter at her actually gaining the nomination. Her Accountable Capitalism scheme is truly horrific. She wants to have 40% of the board members, of any corporation making more than one billion in revenue, to be employee representatives. Can you imagine 40% of any committee being Elizabeth Warren type activists? Well we don’t have to imagine, look no further than congress! These corporations won’t be making billion dollar revenue for long.
There is only one choice for President in 2020. Trump. Re: Sicilians Dare To Believe: The Mafia’s Cruel Reign Is Over
I guess it depends on how one chooses to define "The Mafia." We have tons of organized crime. It dominates the country. From crude oil, to pharmaceuticals, to trade deals, to health care. These are all monopolies; controlled by very sophisticated organizations. So I would say they are the Mafia. The question is this: How do we get rid of these parasites? The only way is to destroy their financing. Most of these groups have found a way to blackmail the government, or the consumer. And they do this by hiding the prices that people pay for the same goods and services in other countries. For example, In Ecuador, a dental crown costs two hundred dollars. And full medical coverage costs eighty dollars a month. The United States government should publish international prices for everything. Pharmaceutical drugs, electricity, food. The works. If the American people could see how badly they are being taken advantage of, then they would demand change. This is just further proof that we really don't have a government; we have a Mafia. A sophisticated monopoly is a bad thing, but it's not the same as an organization that uses terroristic violence to enforce an extortionate protectionist racket. It would be better to save the word "Mafia" for the evil it really describes.
Thomas Cook was big into "Package Holidays", where one pays one price for a plan that includes flights, resort-hotel, travel between the resort and airport at the destination, and often meals at the resort.
There is a government-backed group-insurance scheme in the UK for this industry called ATOL, similar in setup to FDIC for banks in the US. ATOL had several days ago started preparing to get those abroad on Thomas Cook Holidays home in the event of a collapse, making provisional "charters" (actually commandeering) of available aircraft from other licensed carriers, so anyone paying much attention would know that their plans were at risk. Our English friends who were abroad on a Cook holiday made alternate return flight and ground transport reservations at the first sign that the UK Civil Aviation Authority was sensing trouble, so they won't be needing to scramble now. One-way refundable flight reservations are kind of expensive, but they don't have the worry of being in strange country and not knowing how they will get home or when. Remember when Bill Nye the Science Fraud said the Paris terrorist attacks were caused by climate change?
His reasoning: CO2 causes drought in Syria which sends disaffected youth to Paris looking for work and when they don't get enough work they decide to blow up stadiums and shoot up discos. Bill Nye the Science Fraud is dangerously stupid. re Trump DESTROYS Joe Biden Crime Family on REAL UKRAINIAN SCANDAL
Giuliani Claims Ukraine Laundered Millions for Biden and Son, Questions Why Obama Never Investigated https://www.nationalreview.com/news/giuliani-claims-ukraine-laundered-millions-for-biden-and-son-questions-why-obama-never-investigated/ Penn State Prof: Social Credit Will Shift Law In The West "From Constitution... To Analytics And Algorithm"
QUOTE: A 2018 paper written by prominent law professor Larry Backer of Penn State discussed the ways in which a social credit system could be implemented in the west. . . . Backer proposes that the “great culture management machinery” of the west normalize the idea of social credit and sharing private data. https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/penn-state-prof-social-credit-will-shift-law-west-constitution-analytics-and-algorithm What's wrong with Penn State? Aren't they the home of Michael "hockeystick" Mann and the gay/pedo pervert connected to the Joe Paterno's sports team? Do they employee any people not associated with "over the top" crazy?
Professor Amy Wax - and she has paid dearly for being normal, in other words, politically incorrect.
[url] https://heterodoxacademy.org/in-defense-of-amy-waxs-defense-of-bourgeois-values/ [/url] Amy Wax doesn't teach at Penn State in Happy valley, but at the University of Pennsylvania Law School in Philadelphia. The University of Pennsylvania is a member of the Ivy League. So not Penn State at all.
The link you provided correctly points out that Amy Wax teaches at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Those not familiar with the Northeast sometimes look at the University of Pennsylvania name and erroneously assume it is a state-supported school. Those teens that will not have children till climate change ends have just joined the voluntary extinction society. Who knew that you could get the morons to eliminate themselves.
As teenagers, they’re up to 10 years away from ideas of parenthood and family anyway. So such pledges represent the usual adolescent posturing. I can’t even remember how many “injustices” and “causes” I was all incensed over as a teenager but I do know that while I was preoccupied with such things, my Mum and Dad were doing the boring stuff: making sure I was healthy, fed and clothed and all those other kinds of mundanities.
Besides, saving the planet is an entirely painless pledge for a teenager. It’s not like actually having to raise children, which takes serious 24-hour commitment day in, day out, and involves actually having a personal stake in a future beyond yourself. The belief in CAGW is... interesting. It's pretty much religious in its intensity, and when you try to engage people who believe that and point out it may not be as bad as it would seem, or there might not be any warming at all - they react to you as if you were a heretic.
There's a certain particular type that REALLY wants to believe in some sort of unavoidable apocalypse. How do you shift them off that stance? >> Canada’s global warming models threw out actual historical data and substituted models
However, the data on corn & wheat production, ship sailings, population, miles of railroad built, etc., etc., etc., are all still reliable. Funny how that is. But we all know people back then (1850-1949) were inaccurate, stupid and very primitive. 1800 ** Joule -- First Law of Thermodynamics 1801 ** Wilhelm Röntgen -- X-rays 1821 ** Fizeau -- measured the speed of light 1833 ** Babbage -- the programmable mechanical calculating machine (As in: Computer) 1834 ** Alexander Graham Bell -- telephone 1834 ** Pierre and Marie Curie -- radioactivity 1842 ** Darwin -- "Origin of Species" - Theory of Evolution 1843 ** Dmitri Mendeleev -- periodic table of elements 1877 ** Edison -- incandescent light bulb 1895 ** Nikola Tesla -- hundreds of electric inventions 1905 ** Einstein - Theory of Relativity A story about a young girl's diary in a WWII Jewish ghetto.
My Terezín Diary What is most striking to me today about the diary I kept in the camp, seventy-five years ago, is what I left out. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2019/09/16/my-terezin-diary |