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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, September 19. 2019Thursday morning links
To Help Birds This Winter, Go Easy on Fall Yard Work - A manicured lawn might look nice, but messy is better for birds and bugs. Amish man and teen drinking in horse and buggy run after police pull them over - The buggy had a stereo system on its roof and police found "multiple open containers of alcohol." Newly passed California resolution blames ‘religious groups’ for LGBT suicides Writer Freaks Out Over People Eating Delicious Chick-fil-A: 'They’re Eating Fried Chicken SPITEFULLY!' Social Justice Culture is Now Infiltrating the Study of Medicine UK Mom blames healthcare system after her son went blind from diet comprised of french fries and Pringles Save the Robots - Bill de Blasio reveals his scrambled vision of innovation and labor. How We Know California's New Rent Control Law Will Make Its Housing Shortage Worse Compilation of Failed Ecopredictions Doomsdays that didn’t happen: Think tank compiles decades’ worth of dire climate predictions George Packer Gets Mugged by Reality When the Culture War Comes for the Kids - Caught between a brutal meritocracy and a radical new progressivism, a parent tries to do right by his children while navigating New York City’s schools. Is Everyone Who Opposes a New School Zoning Plan in Brooklyn Racist? Do You Know What the Democrats Said at Their Debate? Democrats’ Red Flag Laws Meant to Take Weapons from Rural Gun Owners – But Not Gang Members Who Commit 80% of Gun Homicides It's All About Disarming White America Sandy Hook Promise Ad Hypes the Danger of School Shootings, Fostering Irrational Fears and Bad Policies - Official responses to these extremely rare crimes are grossly disproportionate in light of the risk they actually pose. Daily Life in the New York Times Pigpen - This is where the New York Times has ended up, as a producer and consumer of swill and slop. The Architect of the Latest Kavanaugh Smear Just Gave a Self-Damning Radio Interview NYT Reporter Who Wrote Flawed Kavanaugh Story Now Blames Fox For Noting Her Mistakes To Understand The Kavanaugh Kraziness, Look At The Courts' Role In Approving Or Blocking Major Policy Initiatives DONALD TRUMP'S APPROVAL RATING SURPASSES OBAMA'S Why Is Iran Our Enemy? It’s a repressive theocracy, but Tehran is no threat to the United States and is a staunch opponent of jihadi groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda. Trackbacks
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re It's All About Disarming White America
Of course it is. Why is Iran our enemy? What a nice little human-interest piece of propaganda. A country can be fascinating and its human culture multi-faceted and historically complex, but when a brutal government is allowed to fester and export its violence to other countries, it tends to steer foreigners to certain conclusions. America would love to be your friend. Dump the tyrants, behave like you mean to live in peace, and we'll talk.
I'm afraid that Iran is a lost cause. They will never be reasonable. And the danger is that they will pursue unwise actions; we might have to act preemptively to prevent that.
Re: de Blasio and robots
I share de Blasio's concerns about robots displacing human workers. It's always dangerous to think "this time is different" but it seems likely that at some point robots will repair robots and even design new robots which is very different from the previous advances in automation. I don't share his solution which is not to say I have a better one but I think we will have to come up with something more creative than making robots subsidize humans. Society needs for its members to be engaged in some sort of productive activity and I think finding out what forms that could take is what is needed. I also think those solutions will much more likely come from other engaged people rather than a government bureaucrat. re Writer Freaks Out Over People Eating Delicious Chick-fil-A: 'They’re Eating Fried Chicken SPITEFULLY!'
The piece is indeed unintentionally funny. It's hard to tell this kind of stuff from the Babylon Bee. The wife has a gay son. He keeps up with all the latest letter combinations of the LGBTQWTF crowd, and he participates in the approved boycotts, particularly boycotting products/services he never uses anyway. HOWEVER he has a sliding scale on social justice. He exempts Chik-fil-A because their food is good. Global wa,,,er,,,Climate cha,,,,whatever.
There is a site (no longer maintained)that has links to articles about the above. It's here: https://www.numberwatch.co.uk/warmlist.htm If you have a couple of weeks give it a read. "Why is Iran Our Enemy?" Maybe because they declared themselves to be our enemy, constantly reinforce that with actions against us; threaten us and our allies; and pursue terrorism whenever they think they can get away with it.
Does "Death to America" ring a bell? Maybe? I know they've been saying it for 40 YEARS now, so maybe you've just tuned it out.
I looked this guy up expecting to find some millennial who doesn't even remember the Hostage Crises, but it turns out he's 83 with multiple degrees including Harvard. WTH??? Re: Is Everyone Who Opposes a New School Zoning Plan in Brooklyn Racist?
What's missing from this article are two obvious points: 1. Where is a copy of the curriculum? Parents and students are consumers; they are supposed to be able to shop around and decide which program would be best for them. For example, Louisville has a Performing Arts High School, and Phoenix has a Fire Fighter High School. I heard that there are also Journeymen High Schools. But nobody talks about these options. And what's really funny is that there are no posters in the High Schools which show the various career options. 2. Since parents and their children are consumers, the people who actually pay taxes are the most important decision-makers. A white family who pays property taxes to support the school system should have much more say than a black single woman on welfare with three illegitimate children. The black woman and her children are simply a burden, both economically and socially. To say that a black woman's voice, as a tax parasite, is "important" refutes the idea that people are supposed to act responsibly. Blacks are totally irresponsible, so what they say doesn't even matter. Ron B Liebermann, Did you mean to make that blanket statement? "Blacks are totally irresponsible?"
"Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle "Amish man and teen drinking in horse and buggy run after police pull them over - The buggy had a stereo system on its roof and police found 'multiple open containers of alcohol.'"
I think it is often presumed that the Amish are thoroughly puritanical teetotallers. Though they are certainly plain folk, conservative and exclusive in their own severe brand of Protestantism, they are also farm folk and exhibit all the earthiness and lack of sentimentality you expect from people who have to work the land the old-fashioned way. They are known to enjoy a beer or a bit of cider, and can crack jokes full of sexual innuendo with the best. There's a large population of Amish in the Kitchener-Waterloo area of southern Ontario where a number of my wife's relatives live. Once while visiting there, we went for a drive in the country. As we were driving, I looked across an open field and saw an Amish wagon drawn by two powerful horses barrelling down a road parallel to us. A young man was at the reins. I could not help but notice what he was sitting on: in place of just a buckboard bench, he had installed - I kid you not - two bucket seats obviously originally taken from a Camaro or similar vehicle. I live amongst a very progressive order of Amish in PA.
Several are keeping their drivers licenses in order to run their businesses. While on rumspringa, the boys especially, will buy a car in order to impress the ladies and some just don't want to give them up. Most are in the trades, sideline with farming just to keep their own livestock fed (after marriage). Saturday nites after harvest, you can hear the bass of radios in their buggies go by.. the nites that the kids are out courting. Volleyball is a big thing in this community. There are several that have had bad drunk driving accidents (including running into a house) and other minor offenses. They are having a hard time keeping their kids in the Order, I think. It's a good theory; keep everyone busy with labor (devil makes work for idle hands) but even the elder ones are finding the comforts of extra income very beneficial. And personally, they have a seperate system for doing business with the English. If you share a property line, their crops will start closer and closer to your side every year until they are on it. I believe the English is charged differently than other Amish (and they don't have to pay Soc. Sec. so they can bid much lower on jobs), and other Amish work is priority. someone I know says they have to go to church on Sunday. In order to ask forgiveness for transgressions during the week. Some other shady things go on that I'm not at liberty to "gossip" about. All I know about the Amish is that my sister married a guy whose parents had left the church so he had uncles and cousins and such that were still practicing Amish.
Going to visit in his neck of the woods, I asked about a lot of the farms that had what looked like outhouses at the end of the drive - they're phone booths. The Amish can't have phones but the phone booths are technically on the right-of-way. Then I went to his uncle's farm - he's out in the barn watching the football game on TV. He's Amish and can't have the TV and the electricity in the house, but the cows ain't Amish and if they want to watch the game, well..... So yeah, it's like any religion - they've got rules but they also know all the tricks to bending the rules. If the Democrats allowed the targeting of the ghetto gangs with red flag laws it is likely the gangs would target the democrat politicians just as they target cops. Red flag laws are about taking firearms from law abiding owners just as all thug politicians have done from Russia to China to Cuba and on and on. Politicians fear gun owners...keep your gun.
How We Know California's New Rent Control Law Will Make Its Housing Shortage Worse: Because it always has.
Is Everyone Who Opposes a New School Zoning Plan in Brooklyn Racist? Of course not, but the "planners" won't listen. Do You Know What the Democrats Said at Their Debate? Crap. Lies. Daily Life in the New York Times Pigpen: They love to get into the mud. They roll in it; they sling it. I eat my CFA sandwiches with great enjoyment of the taste and quality. The spite is just the dressing.
The funny thing is that these fools have no idea how many CFA employees are gay. Two of my kids worked there and said many of their coworkers were gay. The company treats all employees with equal respect. I would argue they do know but, those workers are collateral damage for the cause and besides, it's "serve them right" to pay the penalty for such a company.