A prince decides that he is ready to get married. Determined to marry a very smart woman, he sends his pages to scour the kingdom to bring him the three smartest candidates they can find.
When the three are bought to him, the prince puts them to a test. Either a white hat, or a red hat, is placed on each of the ladies - but they cannot see what color their own hat is.
The winner is the first to name the color of their hat. They are given one more piece of information: the prince says: "Everyone who sees one or more red hats, raise your hand." All three raise their hands.
After two hours of deep pondering, one lady finally raises her hand with the correct answer.
What was her answer?
Answer tomorrow. This one is not as tricky as the one last week, but it does take a little bit of thought. The Dylanologist got it in three minutes. When you get it, please do not post the answer on Comments.
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