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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, August 13. 2019Tuesday morning links
Of Course Most Catholics Don’t Believe in the Real Presence Does Socialized Medicine Let Fat People Live? New evidence proves that Cain killed Abel after first-shooter video game binge “What’s the word for being sexually attracted to people with lots of money?” The Left is Panicking Over Much Needed Changes to the Endangered Species Act Beto Suggests Anyone Who Votes for Trump Is a Racist Al Sharpton Heckled In Baltimore: “You’re A Phony . . . You’re A Hustler!” Kamala Harris Confronted By Upset Iowa Resident: ‘Leave Our Health Care Alone’ New Trump Rule Could Deny Green Cards For Immigrants Who Use Public Benefits Trump says Google is biased against conservatives. Here’s how search actually works. Google search and claims of conservative bias, explained. Scaramucci Compares Trump to Nuclear Disaster, Urges GOP to Consider Ditching Him China Exports its Panopticon.Science fiction writers have wondered for years what an all-encompassing surveillance state might look like. China decided to build it. Trump's tough approach working in China The Biggest Migration Since The Barbarian Invasions Of Rome (Is Not Where You Think) UK knife crime epidemic sees children as young as 10 rushed to hospital with stab wounds Europe’s Fading Cosmopolitan Dream - The continent and its cities are beginning to rethink their multicultural enthusiasm. Trackbacks
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Travelers are not backpackers and certainly don't need much of a backpack. I carry binoculars, water, a towel, bandaids and maybe a clean tee-shirt in mine.
I used to travel with a briefcase as a carry-on but I've switched over to a backpack. It's easier to maneuver and totally hands-free when its on your shoulders than a briefcase with a shoulder strap.
But I agree, you don't need to look like you can carry enough gear to hike the Appalachian Trail when you step off the plane. to hospital with stab wounds When they carried off our hand guns I didn't say anything. When they carried off our long guns i didn't say anything. When they demanded our knives...
Of course most Catholics don’t believe in the real presence of “the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.” The loss of reverence for the Sacred Mystery’s has been devastating and all they want is an assurance of salvation and not having to work for it.
Our Holy Mother has warned the world for about 175 years what would happen if we did not change our ways and repent. That time is at hand and we will be thoroughly chastised for our dissent, Catholics and otherwise. Other than your soul you have nothing else to loose. It did not help that the church was thoroughly infiltrated by the Gramsci crowd. Too many are luke warm including the priesthood and they each deny the pedo communists among them.
The Catholic church was infiltrated by the Gramsci crowd, as indyjonesouthere says, but I say, why should we let that diminish our love and reverence for the Church that has been the same for thousands of years before that, or maybe forever?
I think anyone who doesn't value the Catholic church doesn't know or understand all of the good that it contains. 'The Economist noted, “If fact-checkers and Pulitzer voters are partisan, our model will be too.”' Well, there you are.
Cain killed Abel after video game I'm tired of 'experts' telling us it couldn't be possible that mass shooter are incited by violent games. Where would they get the idea then?
Let see an in-depth study of all the shooters. Criminal records, police contacts, behavior in school, legal (psychotropic) and illegal drug use, video games, angry music etc. Then tell us... Correlation, not causation, is one of the first rules of statistics. Cause is often very difficult to establish, even in hard sciences. The research you suggest would only tell you associations, not causes. Speaking French does not cause people to eat cheese. Being black does not cause them to play basketball. Increased pornography has occurred in a context of sexual crime going down, despite the fact that sexual criminals are more likely to obtain pornography. It turns out pornography is the cart, not the horse. It is not just that no one has bothered to check whether violent people use video games, it as been checked repeatedly, but there is zero evidence that it is a cause, despite many people being hopeful of the opposite.
Of course watching violence 24 7, acting it out in a video game everyday, would not necessarily cause one to go commit the same violence for real. But suppose one was already miswired to such violent behavior? Much like alcohol to someone predisposed to alcoholism, they would do well to stay away from alcohol. If you grow up with alcoholic parents, chances are you are going to emanate that behavior. I'm not suggesting that all of these shooters grew up in violent homes, but I do think that they had no governor on their predisposition for violent behavior.
Let's face it, our society is rife with violence. Our societal violence governor is broken. And it always has been. You are still much more likely to die from a cardiac event, or a car accident than a mass shooting. Cardiac events and car accidents don't always move the political football to the left, which is the direction our mass media runs toward. It also seems like a lot of people are learning their driving skills from Grand Theft Auto. Bet they haven't tried to correlate THOSE two items...
Statistics 101: when a correlation is found between A and B, there are four possibilities
1. A causes B 2. B causes A 3. A and B are both caused by external factor C 4. The correlation is spurious and due to chance. Of these, 4 is the easiest to prove, as the spurious correlation should disappear with more experiments with more trials. Numbers 1, 2, and 3 all require knowledge of a mechanism of causation, which the stats alone can never reveal. What do the mass shootings have in common? Heavy marijuana use by the shooters. Marijuana induced psychosis and schizophrenia are ignored because it is politically incorrect to talk about them.
The link between pot and mass shootings may be closer than we think I disliked the article about Roman Catholics and the Real Presence despite agreeing with parts of it. Too many people confuse disliking stylistic changes with a deterioration in piety and belief, simply because it appears to them that the two must, simply must, be related. We don't actually know what percentage of Catholics understood and fully believed in Real Presence in 1950, or 1850, or 1150. We know what they were supposed to believe and officially believed, little more. It's not only Catholics who fall prey to this false belief about the past. Selection bias and confirmation bias rule in this area.
I dislike some modern Christian music and what people choose to wear to service, but I recognize that those are more deeply related to my culture and their culture than it is to their piety, character, or orthodoxy. I dress better now and more deeply respond to traditional music than when I was young and scruffy, but I may have been a better Christian then. A better law would be to make illegal for any federal monies or assets to be spent on or given to anyone who is not a citizen of the U.S. I would allow one exception and that is for medical care but only if the care provider had sufficient identification of the individual so that the costs could be charged back to that persons home country.
Kamala Harris Confronted By Upset Iowa Resident: ‘Leave Our Health Care Alone’
Iowa is a fair bit older and much whiter than the national average. It does not look good for the more extreme Democrats. I would not be surprised to see Biden doing quite well despite the best efforts of the Dem PTB to pave the way for Warren. I think Harris is toast after Gabbard's TKO in the last debate. “What’s the word for being sexually attracted to people with lots of money?” Other than female? (...ducks...) Well, there is always John Kerry or JFKerry as he would like to be known. He married the widow of Heinz, who was the ketchup king. It's good to be the king...even the replacement king.
Since diet and health is a common theme on MF this might interest you:
http://thesilicongraybeard.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-secret-of-people-living-past-100.html Al Sharpton Heckled In Baltimore: “You’re A Phony . . . You’re A Hustler!”
One of the hecklers told Al Sharpton to "go back where you came from." Is he a racist for saying that to Al Sharpton? Just wondering. Does socialized medicine let fat people live...It is all about control and power. Should smokers get care, how about aids infected, STD infected, gun owners, very old or young, or how about Trump voters. If government funds anything it wants control and power over the users. The administrative and political state are abusers and in the end...killers.
A family member, a disabled vet, has some serious health problems. So serious that at age 34 his days seem numbered. He is an alcoholic and won't quit drinking. Because of this the doctors won't treat his underlying health issues. They will save his life when he is brought into the ER. They admit him to the hospital and stabilize him but won't treat his non-alcohol related health problems. This is both the VA and civilian hospitals.
The vast majority of my “off-premises/outside of CONUS” backpacking was done with Uncle Sam as an advisor. Since that time my minimums have become less minimum. Keep the weight on your hips, have a handy firearm (worth the weight) and thank God we live on his paradise.
He wanted us to fly fish the glories of His planet. Amenx I hate to sound flippant but the last comment is an issue of concern. My limited mobility and loss of hearing are a direct result of service to Uncle Sam but it’s my burden to fix those. I worry about the vets that don’t have a solid base to help them.?
I'm wearing the hearing aids that Uncle Sam bought me. It took a couple years to get them, but the Bluetooth-enabled Oticons are awesome.
In 1965 I qualified with the M16. My ears have been ringing ever since. It is hard to hear/understand TV shows. I can hear the news clearly but TV shows have slurred lines, background music and drama prescribed sound levels that make it difficult to hear what is said. I can hear most sounds OK except those the same frequency as my ringing. unfortunately it is quite places that the ringing is most bothersome. If there is sufficient background noise I don't usually notice the ringing sound.
Qualified with M14 in 66 at Ft Bliss. Hearing was never the same after that...then add artillery fire at firebases in RVN and I can hear no high or low pitch sounds. Just the middle. After about a two year wait I got a VA hearing aid but I seldom wear them as I easily get an ear infection from wearing them. Frankly, there is not that much I miss hearing except for music.
Q: “What’s the word for being sexually attracted to people with lots of money?”
A: Female. |