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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, June 18. 2019Photos From My Son At Trump 2020 Kickoff Campaign Rally In OrlandoMy son is in Orlando on business and went to the capacity filled (20,000+, with attendees waiting in rain before)) stadium for President Trump's 2020 campaign kickoff rally.
Pregame at Powerline. For live coverage from sarcastic local reporter. Fox also has live coverage. Vice President Pence was powerful. Loudest applause at the move of our embassy to Jerusalem. President Trump so far: "Our radical Democrat opponents are driven by hatred, prejudice and rage," Trump adds. "They want to destroy you and they want to destroy our country as we know it. Not acceptable. It's not going to happen." "They went after my family, my business, my finances, my employees, almost everyone that I have ever known or worked with, but they are really going after you. That's what it is all about. It's not about us. It's about you. They tried to erase your vote, erase your legacy of the greatest campaign and the greatest election probably in the history of our country." Keep America Great is 2020 slogan. Comments
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It was an amazing event. A hundred thousand couldn't get in. Trump rallies dwarf any Democrat rally. Hell, more people can't get into a Trump rally than show up at any Democrat rally.
Thank you for your coverage! All I care about is what's real about Trump, what he does, what he accomplishes. People like you in the trenches report what's real, we need you! Keep up the good work!
Before the 2016 election, I read lots of polls showing Trump was behind, but I kept reading articles about the huge rallies everywhere he went. This year I'm reading about bad polls again, and huge crowds.
I'd like to see Bernie TRY to have that big and audience, because I'm pretty sure he'd be overwhelmed by even a third of that crowd. I'm guessing he'd be doing well to get 1/20th of that crowd.
Dhimmicrats get a few hundred, and most of those are paid to be there...
The only thing that will save this country is when people like you and your son have the courage to step forward to see and be seen. We may have small disagreements between us on day to day issues, but I know you now understand the effect of actions I have experienced and been commenting about for years. Most importantly I know you and I are on the same side.
Thank you and tell your son thank you also. “They hate you they hate you I’m the only one who loves you I’m the only one who can protect to” You ppl are still buying that crap? He lies to your face about objective reality and you say that reality is wrong. You dupes would be handing your kids cups of koolaid in Jones town.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is treatable and covered by many insurance plans.
Get some help. Keep those fingers tight in your ears and never look away from Fox News or else reality might leak in
Ever listen to any one of the Democratic candidates? You would wish you didn't even have ears.
Yeah full sentences and clear well articulated plans to address actual problems facing the county must be confusing after hysterical rants and chanting. Seriously though, this guy is lying to your face
2019-06-19 08:23
We see what you did there... Assumed the moniker "American" when, in reality, you are an anti-American hater and bigot of most enormous proportions... all the while accusing others of ignorance yet shouldering the burden of massive ignorance yourself... Sort of how the affordable care act made healthcare unaffordable. Obfuscation, it's the Demoncrat way...
Let's see, Swallwell and others want to disarm millions of law abiding people because of a few crazies (do you think criminals and crazies will abide gun control laws any more than gun free zones and do you think he'll disarm his security detail?).
Several, probably most, Democrat candidates want no border enforcement and allow anybody immigrate into the country because they are convinced none of them have any contagious diseases, none are terrorists, none will bring in drugs or guns, and all are better people than the current citizens. In fact, some, probably most, want to tax citizens to pay for benefits for people who are hear illegally. Most also support sanctuary laws so that illegal aliens are not held to the same laws the rest of us are. Warren wants to tax wealth - but only on the top tenth of a percent. That's pretty much what they said about the income tax and we see how that worked out. She also wants to forgive college loans because kids and parents who borrowed money and promised to pay it back shouldn't be held to their promise so the taxpayers should bail them out - great incentive there. A bunch of them want reparations for slavery. The problem is that there are no slave owners or slaves anymore. But let me, in complete sentences articulate a plan. As I said, there are no slaves or slave owners still around, but the organization that defended the institution of slavery, formed and supported the KKK, instituted Jim Crow laws, filibustered every civil rights law, and supports keeping poor black kids (all poor kids, actually) in substandard schools is still with us - the Democrat Party. I propose that it pay reparations. Yeah, they speak in full sentences about clear and well articulated plans. So. Marx was clear an articulate and see where that got us.
2019-06-19 09:27
Your points would have some chance of getting traction if they were more coherent and had some substance. You will find people here actually listen and then challenge you on what you say - instead of what you pretend to believe. Don't come here looking for automatic solidarity based on your political apparel. Nobody here has their fingers in their ears, and I would bet few people here waste their time with Fox News or any other (I do not). If this puerile taunting is the best you can muster, can you tell us why we should pay any attention at all? What are your ideas? Tell us that, and then I'll decide whether your club is worth joining or not.
The easiest way for you to prevail here would be for you to tell us exactly which of Trump's policies has harmed you. Please be specific.
The problem is - results matter. Obama didn't deliver. (Still waiting on that $2500 a year insurance savings - which the SOB KNEW would never happen but it sounded good.) Hillary wouldn't have - that kleptocratic Queen-wannabe was only in it for herself. I wasn't sure about Trump, but figured he wouldn't be as bad as Hillary. I've been VERY pleased about all I've seen him do - and try to do. He's made some mistakes - but considering he came into the job cold a lot of them were from trusting people he shouldn't have. Overall score so far? High 80s - would elect again.
Now I'm looking at what the Democrats are promising - and... holy crap - it'd be time to buy a whole LOT of KY because we'd be screwed constantly. Repeal the tax cuts? Yeah, let's just stall out the economy while we're at it. Screw jobs, screw border control, 'free' tuition, 'free' medical - no plan on how to do that except raise taxes... which we KNOW will cause the economy to falter. So we'll call it 'Socialism', because that label gets the gullible to the polls with promises of free stuff that you've never got to provide. So... I no longer trust the Democratic party on ANYTHING, and there's precious few Repubs I have any sort of positive regard for. Trump is different from any pol I've seen, and any President. He spent his life in an environment where results matter, where if you promise X in exchange for $Y, you HAVE to deliver on X to get paid. Results matter in that environment - promises don't. Politicians promise the moon and the stars - and once they find something that works to get elected they'll keep using the same promises cycle after cycle because STAYING elected is more important than providing results. Promises are the important thing to them - results are secondary. Persuade me that you think that any of the current crop of Dems have ANY clue how to get good results for the country - and I'll give you the courtesy of listening. But so far all I see is them making promises they think might work to get elected with, and the actual results of them don't matter one bit. Obviously, an extremely successful kick-off campaign event. Just look at your reaction.
Best strap on your safetybelt and get out your cry-towel, Comrade, as there are plenty more of these tell-it-like-it-is campaign events to come -- both before and after November 2020. Cheers! Using "Jonestown massacre" as an example is probably not the best choice to support your argument. Jonestown was led by and supported by the liberal democrats of California. Using the same cult indoctrination techniques that you( liberal nazis) have used for the past 20 years to recruit our young people and train them into blind obedience. Same cult like rhetorical style and purpose. If you follow the argument--your argument--it ends like this: two generations of young people will do or say anything in order to please the "leader"--even commit violent actions on innocent bystanders and ultimately destroy themselves. Hope this patter becomes very clear before 2020 election.
Thank you Bruce. I still remember all the PSTD people expressed in the first year, just waiting for the promises made to be dropped as per normal. This man is incredibly tenacious. Anyone following Trump will have a major credibility and accomplishment gap. As for re-election, and in life, people tend to prefer the devil they know (especially one that brings bread and circus) to the risk of the devil they don't know. I suspect that's why there is such an enthusiasm gap on the left. A zillion candidates and all feel like the end of Spinal Tap.
Could you post a larger version (full size?) of the stadium panorama photo?
Thank you, Bruse. Trump keeps a goal in his mind's eye and pursues it come hell or high water. That's what the voter's elected him to do in 2016.
The attendance at this rally suggests they still respect his tenacity. You can't buy -- as the Move On Organization does so well -- that many people to stand out in the rain and, should they not get into the venue, remain to cheer him on with fellow admirers. This time around, his orginazation is prepared with outdoor screens and cound systems. George Washington warned Americans against political parties. Perhaps we should consider why. The Rs and the Ds have done nothing to improve the U.S.A.'s citizens. The Trump party belongs to no one but those deplorables who have suffered under the hacks of the two-party system. The media, the propagandists for those who own the money, will never tell the tales of the many who have benefited from the last 881 days of his presidency, much of which has only recently kicked in. Bless the effort he is making. |
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Tracked: Jun 19, 10:21
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