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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, June 18. 2019Tuesday morning links
Teen Vogue Publishes Article Promoting Prostitution to Their Young Readers Student journalist: Shoplifting at Gibson’s Bakery was part of Oberlin College’s “Culture of Theft” Title IX update: OCR opens investigations against Boston University, the University of Rhode Island, Indiana University and the University of Wisconsin-Stout Obama Admin Spent $4.1 Million to Link Pollution to Eating Fast Food. Researchers aimed to link air pollution exposure to childhood obesity, failed Africans Coming Across The Southern Border Have "Rolls Of $100 Bills" Trump eyes new chance to put mark on long-liberal 9th Circuit The CIA Is Running Scared - Barr’s bloodhounds are sniffing up Langley’s skirts The Pirates of Tehran. If Iran won’t change its behavior, we should sink its navy. No, please Has Iran chosen hybrid warfare? China is harvesting organs from detainees, tribunal concludes - Victims include imprisoned followers of Falun Gong movement, China Tribunal says Hey, it's a different culture Jared Kushner is right about Palestinians, despite criticism he’s received Trackbacks
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China is harvesting organs from detainees, tribunal concludes - Victims include imprisoned followers of Falun Gong movement, China Tribunal says
"Hey, it's a different culture" I find your glib little quip above to be un-amusing. It is not the first such, but it reveals a shallowness of thought and a callous disregard for the suffering of other human beings. You can do better. What damn few in the media like to report is that this (organ harvesting) is yet another manifestation of the glories of socialism. The all knowing government in their all powerful manner of lording themselves over the individual, take it upon themselves to wantonly off those they find undesirable and conveniently steal the victim's body parts, often before the poor bastard is dead! I'd say that is nothing to joke about. It is unreported within Mainland China, just as the mention of recent 2 million protestors in the streets of Hong Kong is not reported. Socialism is a malignant tumor upon the soul of humanity. Not a joke. Socialist, communist, collectivist regimes the world over have been responsible for the unjust deaths of well over 100 million people. Not funny! Surely there are differences between eastern and western cultures (some may even be worthy of mockery), but communism, socialism, collectivism is a dangerous ideology that destroys cultures and that is no joke. I would prefer you quit making childish wise-cracks about things of this nature. As a Christian you should think about that. It was not a wisecrack. They really do think differently about the human individual. Not defending it, just noting it. Western civ is an aberration.
In reply to 1.1 -
So, as you "note" this horrific form of barbarism in the first quarter of the 21st Century, you are content to simply attribute it to a difference in culture? Do you really believe that the individual victims would consider this as a matter of their culture "thinks differently about the human individual"? Not the actions of a brutal regime bent on disregarding accepted standards of human behavior? Not the policies of a gang of thugs who habitually disappear people with whom they disagree? As I said, You "reveal a shallowness of thought." Consider this; There is a difference in any nation between the country (i.e. country defined as - the people, the food, the history, the music, the art, etc.) and their government. Casting an entire nation of 1.4 billion people into a category of "they" and stating "they think differently" is lazy at best. I think you are totally missing the point and hung up on your belief of childish wise cracks. It was sarcasm, expressing an opinion using humor to help get it across. I do understand that some people don't get humor or sarcasm but that would be THEIR problem and not the problem of the person trying to communicate with them through/past their humor disability. It is common in conversation and to find fault with it instead of finding fault with or arguing the issue is a silly diversion. It is the issue you should address. Everyone else having read the original comment and your comment realizes you didn't get it! You didn't understand it! and rather than self reflection and attempting to discover what it was you missed you are obsessing over a communication technique that remains a mystery to you. Ignore the sarcasm/humor and concentrate on the issue...
I didn't miss a thing! Sarcasm - the lowest form of humor. And in this instance shows laziness and a callous disregard (some might say un-Christian) for the plight and suffering of others. There is no joke in killing people and harvesting their organs. @ DeGaulle gets it. "I doubt likewise whether such brutality is necessarily encouraged by Buddhism, Taoism or Confucianism, even if such religions do not share such powerful witness against such evils as does Christianity. The culture of Communism/Socialism, on the other hand, is ultimately derived from satan." Yes, this satanic culture of power and death - Communism / Socialism is not in keeping with the traditional cultures of Asia or anywhere else, as far as I can tell. It is a murderous cult with a horrific disregard toward the notion of human rights. The question is, who will speak up on behalf of the victims? Or shall we just dismiss such horrors and attribute them as merely "a different culture"? I suggest that we all think long and hard on this one, as nearly half of those eligible to vote (many of whom are utterly uninformed of history) are dabbling with the notion of Socialism as a good idea here in America.
Kevin in PA
2019-06-18 11:45
Oh! You missed it! You are still missing it. I would bet dollars to doughnuts that when someone writes "to" when they should have written "too" that you have the same reaction. You are a grammar Nazi (and I mean that in the nicest way). You can't get past the "error" to logically and correctly address the point. You may be technically correct, as you would be in the example about "to" and "too", but your demeanor comes across argumentative and boorish. (Again, I am not trying to be insulting but rather simply using the King's English to accurately describe what I see.) IMHO you should resist the temptation to correct or grade others writing and statements and simply address the point or the argument at hand. However I suspect that you cannot...
2019-06-18 15:04
Indeed. Not all Chinese share the 'culture' being used here. Many are Christians, many more than admitted, firstly because the Communists would wish to underestimate the numbers and secondly because many do not admit their religion to the authorities. I doubt likewise whether such brutality is necessarily encouraged by Buddhism, Taoism or Confucianism, even if such religions do not share such powerful witness against such evils as does Christianity. The culture of Communism/Socialism, on the other hand, is ultimately derived from satan.
If you wish to see a big difference between government and its people you only need observe this country. There is a developing chasm between the sides with a Christian culture versus a socialist/communist culture. No one in their right mind will think this will end nicely. China's chasm between the sides is simply more developed and brutal. If you observe the US civil war/war between the states it isn't hard to see what can develop especially if troublemakers such as Bill Ayers, Obama, or a whacked out Clinton gain power one way or another.
@ - I will expound on Indy's point.
I love my country - America, but I loathe the government. To make a finer point, my country- the history, customs, food, music, art, etc. is not the United States Government. Indeed! The current culture of this government is one of death, destruction, theft of the people's productivity, enslavement of future generations through obscene levels of spending money they don't have and politicians playing one group against another for their own political gain. This government has socialized damn near everything in its own quest for eternal power. I submit that the (mainland) Chinese people are in no position to demand change, as A) they are uninformed of the truth and B) they are disarmed. Hong Kong citizens fear losing what freedoms and government transparency remain after British rule. They understand better than many the dangers of the Communists. In America we still have one last method to effect change if our would-be overlords refuse to comply with the rule of law or the consent of the governed. Pray that when (not if) a righteously indignant populous rises up to defend basic human rights, the event doesn't tear the country asunder. And pray for those poor souls who have been victimized by the perpetrators of ruin and death under the banner of "Socialism with Chinese characteristics".
Kevin in PA
2019-06-18 15:06
there's an old saw in law enforcement that if you think a guy is embezzling at work, ask his wife what she knows about his girlfriend. The idea is that if he's dishonest in one area of his life, he's probably dishonest in others.
With respect to Oberlin, I'd be interested in looking into their policies and practices towards academic integrity. After all, if stealing is no big deal to them, what do they think about cheating plagiarism, and the like, and do they actually practice what they say they do. "Africans Coming Across The Southern Border"
Are you starting to understand that this is a coordinated invasion? There are people behind the curtains spending money and time to bring people here and their intent is to harm us not to help immigrants. The Democrats are complicit in this, they want to replace the white middle class voters with more pliant rent seeking voters who will trade votes for money. This farmer's daughter's son stopped reading here: "Colonial Americans, seeking to recreate English yeoman farming, began a campaign of genocide..."
The ignorance of the quoted statement ignores so much of what took place in the early Colonial American frontier. Completely overlooks the French and English use of the noble indigenous, as tools of their warfare against the colonies. Ignorant of the noble indigenous own lifestyles of complete warfare against other indigenous, long before any Europeans stepped foot on North American soil. Ignorance is bliss!
The Indians loved violence, their culture was based on violence. Males coming of age needed a scalp, a kill, a coup to make him desirable to a potential wife. Additionally their culture was on of terrible cruelty to the enemy (which was everyone not in their tribe). Their cultural allowed inhumane and terrible treatment of prisoners and the enemy in battle. It was the European immigrants who were unprepared for this kind of fighting. Within a generation the immigrants came to understand the nature of the war and the Indian's culture and then were able to effectively fight back.
This is not to say that some Indians were not reflective and had cultural views that reflected a sense of justice and humanity. In fact the Eastern Indians, who seemed to be very different from those in the West, were more intelligent, more civilized, more diplomatic, more politically astute than their Western counterpart were. But still, underneath the veneer they were still culturally predisposed to fight, kill and torture rather than to integrate. The education establishment was heartbroken when they could no longer maintain the peaceful, environmentalist native American. Or from where they may have originated...that was double bad politically incorrect. The science is not settled.
Small farming takes business savvy, hard work and people to buy from small local farms to prosper. Go on, search a small farm out if you find them romantic. Buy their product if you find them within your standards (buyer beware and all).
The government needs to stop regulating, adding fees, taxes and permits and telling people when and how to farm etc,. They are know-it-all power hungry busybodies looking for a paycheck and gov't pension. The commodity markets SCREW the small farmer. Costs to farm don't matter. Yes, we small farm. Family Farms:
Taber starts along the way correct. Small farms are vulnerable to drought, storms, illness,insects. Operating on a razor thin margin, they are not sufficiently robust to survive a bad year or two. The place where she goes wrong, however is looking at what are social cooperatives as the answer. Such places CAN work, but only if there is a very strong social work ethic, such as the Hutterites or the kibbutz in Israel. Otherwise the work doesn't get done (as in socialism) However normally you need an organizational structure to achieve those ends, and business type management can provide that structure. Indeed the vast majority of farming in the US is actually 'family farms' in that families own the business and the land, but run farm as a corporation. I found the farm article infuriating. It seems like the author read a bunch of Howard Zinn, and just cannot get past being obsessed with colonialism and collectivism.
Uhhh... The kibbutz movement failed economically. Like all socialist experiments. The free market reforms introduced by the Likud included slashing the subsidies that kept the kibbutz movement solvent. Most kibbutzim have introduced new financial arrangements and/or foreign workers. Some survive in name only, their fields being illegally developed into suburbs of expanding urban areas.
They failed socially as well. The attempt to break the family structure and raise children in group accommodations (like they raised their cattle! Resulted in numerous problems and children who did not follow their parents' ideological paths, or take leadership positions in the army and government. None of this has even given the left pause - they continue to attack free markets and family. I think Trump is slowly but surely correcting the commodity markets. CTH (conservative tree house) website occasionally runs a piece on how his trade negotiations are dismantling the international trade monopolies that shortchange the producers and gouge American consumers.
"there's an old saw in law enforcement that if you think a guy is embezzling at work, ask his wife what she knows about his girlfriend."
When I was in the Navy and we deployed to beautiful SE Asia, some of the sailors would remove their wedding rings. I always figured that if they would lie to their wife, they would lie to me. When I was in the Air Force in 1972 our base had a major deployment to Vietnam. The wives of these deployed men filled the NCO club looking for a good time. Two sides to every coin.
IMHO it would be a huge mistake to insert oneself between two married people. It would take a lot of chutzpah to "ask his wife what she knows about his girlfriend" even if you thought it was true. It is a sure way to get a punch in the nose. That's pretty funny, the city writer with 20 whole years in 'agriculture' has 'researched the history of farming' now proposes teaching the family farmer how to suck eggs. I read through it twice but didn't see any obstacles mentioned that might be preventing the farmers from collaborating already. Or did I miss something? Maybe those yokels are too stupid to see an opportunity when it passes by. Where I live farmers communicate and collaborate every day, and they also are online constantly, even on their tractors, making use of technology. Maybe the writer needs to do a little research on actual farms. Because she writes like someone whose next installment will be a nostalgic longing to re-create the Soviet collective farms - you know, because Stalin made them so effective.
Did you find Sarah Taber’s bio somewhere? I think I found that she has a doctorate in crop science - curious that she didn’t include that title in the masthead of the article. I found a YouTube video with her (at least A Sarah Taber), and she doesn’t look old enough to have 20 years experience in anything.
[url] https://botowaterworks.co/about-dr-sarah-taber/ [/url]
QUOTE: Dr. Sarah Taber began crop consulting in 2006. Her work since then has focused on regulatory compliance (including food safety), IPM, crop care, and making work flows as efficient as possible in farms and facilities. Through ongoing work as a food safety auditor, Dr. Taber has developed an expert “inspector’s eye” for potential issues in a facility or blueprint before they cause problems during operation. Dr. Taber has also enjoyed serving as Director of Food Safety for the Aquaponics Association since 2013. This role has led to some extraordinary opportunities– being on the front line of an emerging market, cutting-edge research, and policy development for the aquaponics industry. Aquaponics food safety auditor, work flow efficiencies, regulatory compliance policy development expert, with intersectionality thrown in; so.... can we assume she doesn't know what dirt looks like? QUOTE: ... regulatory compliance policy development expert, ... can we assume she doesn't know what dirt looks like? That depends on what you mean by "dirt," Aggie [he said, wryly, lest anybody become confused]. In my experience, "regulatory compliance" in this sort of context is usually a euphemism for affirmative action stuff. Having been through a few of these inquisitions, I've tended to find them more about dirt than justice. I'd be willing to bet she doesn't know much about good, productive soil, at that. Bill Nye the Science Fraud actually thinks transgenderism is "evolution", and not an abnormal psychosis.
Title IX as written and as the constitution mandates is a two edge sword. But it was always used as a single edge sword and against men. Ironic that it will now be used to correct some of those sexist anti-males excesses.
As mentioned, Hillsdale avoids Title IX but is not allowed in the student loan program. As these institutions are violating Title IX no government students loans should be allowed at these institutions. Put them on a one year, no government student loans allowed, probation.
Something incredible is happening in Florida. Trump's appearance in a public venue has thousands of people lining up two days ahead of time just to get in. This never happened for any president or any presidential candidate before. In fact it is and was common for the MSM to set up their cameras to hide the fact that only a few hundred supporters showed up to see their candidate. This is Trump's new "normal". But the MSM will try to hide it.
The CIA Is Running Scared: When you're taking flak, you KNOW you're over the target.
Matthew Brodsky: Jared Kushner is right about Palestinians, despite criticism he’s received: Palestinians have never missed a chance to miss a chance. And they keep getting better at missing chances. "We have a real chance for peace!"
"What would we have to give up?" "Making war on Israel." "Hmm.... nope. Time for more suicide bombers!" |