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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, December 31. 2018Monday morning linksAmos Oz, ‘Israel’s greatest writer,’ advocate for peace, dies at 79 William Baumol, whose famous economic theory explains the modern world, has died The man who got justice for the girl in the red coat Social Worker Led Frugal Life To Leave Nearly $11 Million To Children's Charities Association of Cannabis With Cognitive Functioning in Adolescents and Young Adults If You’re Over 50, Chances Are the Decision to Leave a Job Won’t be Yours Practically Pernicious in Every Way - The Disney reboot of a classic story about parenting inverts and betrays the message of the original. The Ten Most Outrageous Higher Ed Stories From 2018 Walter Williams: Disparities Galore THE CURE FOR SOCIALISM: BETTER BUREAUCRATS! The Conservative Purge Continues: Christian Leader Franklin Graham Suspended from Facebook Over 2016 Post REPORT! Top Email Service Providers Tossed GOP Candidates’ Emails Into Spam Folder During Election Immigration: America as an 'attractive nuisance' FBI: A Record High of 8 Million Illegal Immigrants Tried to Buy Guns in 2018 Conway: Border wall debate 'a silly semantic argument' XHALE City Vape Shop FIRES Racist Trump-Hating Liberal After SCREECHING MELTDOWN CAUGHT ON VIDEO Donald Trump is completely transforming the Democrats "The press reports he watches television for hours, is inattentive to briefings, doesn't read, rants, rages, nurses petty resentments..." Gen. Anthony Tata: Trump Doctrine brings foreign policy success SYRIA WAS NEVER A JUST WAR - The West should fight wars based on the principles of Augustine, not Mohammed. Newly formed Putin Airways to undertake a round the world non-stop commercial flight Trackbacks
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re Social Worker Led Frugal Life To Leave Nearly $11 Million To Children's Charities
One can only hope children actually benefit from this and that all the money isn't siphoned off by parasites. I never understand why people like that don't donate while they are alive to see the fruits of their donations. They could do it anonymously if they wanted and see the good their money could do. Oh, well. His money to give away. If it's wasted, he won't know.
How does a government social worker amass a $11 million estate?
One doesn't wind up worth $11M simply by being frugal.
According to the article he inherited "millions" from his parents. re THE CURE FOR SOCIALISM: BETTER BUREAUCRATS!
That has always been the prescription to make socialism work . . . and yet the cure remains elusive. They govern best who govern least. Bureaucrats TOTALLY disagree.
The child loophole that gives illegals a huge advantage in their illegal immigration will undoubtedly result in more deaths and most likely more child abuse. This is the problem with left wing politics; they don't stand for much, at least not much they can talk about in public, so they must find wedges to gain a political advantage. Their favorite wedge is to paint the right as uncaring or racist, etc. To do this they must have victims and if there are no victims then they must make victims. The left historically requires suffering to succeed in politics. If you aren't suffering then they will make you suffer because happy content people won't accept left wing policies.
The original "Mary Poppins" was not true to the book, according to no less an authority than the author. (And, well, anyone who has actually read the book.) So I don't get where fans of the original movie have much cause to kick. Turnabout is fair play.
The original was bitterly anti-business and sentimentally encouraged people to feed nuisance pests. THE CURE FOR SOCIALISM: BETTER BUREAUCRATS! Cuba...
Belt-tightening in Cuba. One more time. More regulation will improve things. But no belt-tightening for the Nomenklatura. Consider agriculture. Cuba's Net per capita production in Agriculture (PIN) declined 31.2% from 1961 to 2016. What a surprise, a Communist disaster in agriculture. Where have we seen that before? Sarc, sarc. Michael Totten, in his visit to the Cuban countryside, found a lot of fallow land and also checkpoints to make sure that the wrong people don't get food reserved for tourists and for the Nomenklatura.The Lost World, Part I.[2014] QUOTE: Castro’s checkpoints are there to ensure nobody has too much or the wrong kind of food. Police officers pull over cars and search the trunk for meat, lobsters, and shrimp. They also search passenger bags on city busses in Havana. ... Beef is reserved for the elite and those who get tips from tourists or remittances from abroad. A Cuban who kills a cow is supposedly in big trouble. “You’ll be charged with murder,” one person told me. I’m not sure what that means, exactly, and the closest I can come to verifying it is an article in The Economist published in 2008. “In a place that before 1959 boasted as many cattle as people, meat is such a scarce luxury that it is a crime to kill and eat a cow.” Yup, better bureaucrats is just what Cuba needs. Compare how milk production in Cuba has increased since 1961, compared to Latin America.
FAO Stats: Livestock Primary: Milk [whole fresh cow]: Production 1961 Milk Production, Metric tons 1961 and 2017 Cuba 1961 350,000 Cuba 2017 541,100 Latin America 1961 18,569,829 Latin America 2017 79,545,712 Cuba's milk production in 2017 was 55% greater than it was in 1961. Latin America's milk production in 2017 was 328% greater than it was in 1961. 2017 milk production divided by 1961 milk production. Cuba 1.55 Latin America 4.28 Better bureaucrats is just what Cuba needs. While milk production in Cuba was stagnating compared to the rest of Latin America, Fidel was pulling the wool over our eyes with Ubre Blanca, the wonder cow who was SO productive. Ubre Blanca, Fidel Castro’s Propaganda Cow Project who Made it to the Guinness World Record.. Maybe Ubre Blanca WAS actually so productive, but touting her productivity masked the stagnation of Cuba's milk production compared to the rest of Latin America. Some would think that the best bureaucrat is a dead bureaucrat.
As further evidence of the failure of Cuba's milk production, consider how much milk Cuba imports. In 2013, Cuba imported slightly over half of its milk consumption/supply.
FAO Stats: Food Balance Sheets. [b]Cuba 2013: Milk, Excluding Butter. 1000 metric tons[b] Production 591 Import Quantity 594 Export Quantity 0 Domestic supply quantity 1185 No bureaucrats is the solution to improving socialism.
Re: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/trump-russia-what-expect-mueller-2019-n949281
QUOTE: Mueller has so far not showed the public proof that speaks to the central question he was hired to answer: Whether Trump or any of his associates actively conspired with the effort by Russian intelligence officers to hack, leak and otherwise interfere in the 2016 election. None of the criminal charges filed to date have addressed that issue. A silly question I know but, why not? The entire investigation was a coverup put together by Obama and Hillary to protect them AND the co conspirators in the DOJ and FBI. It was the "insurance" in case Trump won and when Trump won. Mueller is using the position to silence those who knew what happened during Obama's criminal presidency and to continue to delay/prevent the truth from getting out. The immediate goal was to delay long enough for the statue of limitations to prevent people from going to jail AND to perhaps avoid discovery entirely once Democrats again took full control of the government. So far Mueller is succeeding beyond expectations. WHY? Because the Republicans are stupid and Trump has his hands tied by the investigation.
Trump should appoint a new special prosecutor to investigate the FBI, DOJ, Hillary, Obama and even Mueller. He should do it soon, He should have done it months ago. ABSOLUTELY ! DO IT NOW! That Statute of Limitations will bite him in the backside if he is not willing to move forward in strong offense (still the best defense).
It would seem that the dem/prog/soc/coms make the very best Russian bots.