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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, October 24. 2018Wednesday morning links How Roman Historians Explained the Fall of Rome - They lived in ancient Rome and knew its traditions and shortcomings first-hand. She Let Her Kids Wait in the Car During an Errand Because…THAT IS A PERFECTLY NORMAL THING TO DO! Brown University flaunts 'Unlearning Toxic Masculinity' guide Megyn Kelly Says ‘Blackface’ Okay On Halloween So Long As You Dress Up As A Character. Internet Explodes. IT’S THE TIME OF YEAR TO REMEMBER YOU’RE LOSER IF YOU GET OFFENDED BY HALLOWEEN COSTUMES Focusing On Plastics Is A “Dangerous Distraction From Climate Change” Or Something Harvard’s gatekeeper reveals SAT cutoff scores based on race More Entrepreneurship Would Help Progressive Causes, But Progressives Do Not Understand It At All San Francisco to Allow Illegal Aliens to Vote Trump Rips Puerto Rico's Misuse of Hurricane Relief Funds A mystery: Americans are happier over declining government regulations PIERS MORGAN: The media hates him, Hollywood hates him but every hysterical piece of abuse they throw at him just makes Trump stronger and now the Democrats are heading for a midterms disaster VDH: Wolves in Wolves’ Clothing The Spectrum of Black Contrarianism Donald Trump may be remembered as the most honest president in modern American history. Don’t get me wrong, Trump lies all the time... Meet the man behind the migrant caravan headed to US A New Migrant Caravan Forms; Former Trump Campaign Adviser Calls "Political Gift" Before Midterms Another U.K. Rape-Gang Case Hey, it's multicultural Britain. Girls and ladies, relax and enjoy cultural diversity. An Epidemic of Knifings in Once-Great Britain Two Authorities, One Way, Zero Dissent - Arbitrary Arrest and Torture Under the Palestinian Authority and Hamas China's hidden camps - What's happened to the vanished Uighurs of Xinjiang? Say a prayer for Vietnam’s forgotten Montagnards - Communist regime's repression of the ethnic minority that supported the US during the Vietnam War has been largely invisible but is starting to come to light Trackbacks
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Trump is at least indifferent to the accuracy of the facts he drops into his messages. What's he's extremely truthful about--and this sets him completely apart from most politicians--is what he's trying to achieve and why he thinks it will work.
Voters are used to being lied to about both facts and intentions. Trump comes across as a welcome relief. QUOTE: Donald Trump may be remembered as the most honest president in modern American history. Haha! We do so enjoy the funny pages! Keep 'em comin'! Compared to Obama he is a saint. The more we learn of Obama's crimes the more clear that all becomes. The Democrats are in full coverup mode now. That was the entire purpose of the Russia collusion lie and the special prosecutor; to aid in the coverup.
Agreed. I don't recall any political leader in my lifetime who has done better at keeping his campaign promises.
Re: Medicare for all
In yesterday's comments, I surmised that given the enmity Demonrats have for the medical insurance industry, it would be unlikely that Medicare supplemental insurance would be available should Medicare for all become law. I had read that that was part of the plan but I didn't have attribution so I didn't claim it as fact. Now I do. It's becoming clear that the goal is to force the the entire population into something similar to the VA system during the Obama administration. I find it amazing, and sadly so, that a substantial portion of the population can see, and in some cases live through the failures of recent policy and embrace essentially the same policy a few years later. We have the recent example of Venezuela and the constant example of Cuba, to name just two that are close by, and supposedly educated people yearn for socialism. Every day I fear more that lessons of the fall of Rome explained by historians of ancient Rome (see the second link for today) are being ignored and our future therefore known. "Making sure the least fortunate have basic care" always seems to morph into "Making sure no one has the opportunity to buy anything better."
mudbug: I had read that that was part of the plan but I didn't have attribution so I didn't claim it as fact. Now I do.
You forgot the attribution. There are lots of possible plans. Obama went with a market exchange plan originally proposed by conservatives, then incorporated several modifications proposed by Republicans. Since then, Republicans have worked to undermine the market exchanges, so that is why people are looking for alternatives. mudbug: We have the recent example of Venezuela and the constant example of Cuba, to name just two that are close by, and supposedly educated people yearn for socialism. Markets have never been very effective at healthcare. Even when people have high deductibles, they rarely shop for services. You should equate various forms of universal healthcare insurance coverage with government control of all capital. The most successful economies have mixed systems, and nearly all have some form of universal healthcare, but still manage to have robust market economies in other sectors. Maybe the kiddiez could get Johnny Gruber to remind us how that all works.
😀 Z: You forgot the attribution.
Sorry, you were referring to the article. However, it states "There are several variations of "Medicare-for-All." If you read the Senate bill, you see that it outlaws competition with the government in the insurance market and cost sharing.
I would have thought that my comments about Venezuela and Cuba vis a vis socialism would easily be interpreted as a parallel issue to Medicare for all but I guess I should have typed slower. So here goes: I'm not directly referring healthcare but to the fact that socialists in the Demonrat party and the Democratic Socialists of America have a substantial following even though socialism has been a consistently colossal failure. It's more amazing that socialists have any currency in Florida with the failure of Cuba just 90 miles away. Chavez was celebrated by many of the intelligentsia on the left and somehow the social, political, and economic wreckage that is Venezuela before us does not dampen the enthusiasm for socialism of a significant portion of the population. With regard to your statement that markets are not effective for healthcare (I made no point or issue about that but ok. Here we go.), how would you know? With very rare exceptions, hospitals and doctors do not post the price list for services and there are no independent rating services for medical services. In fact efforts to do that are fought the medical establishment. In addition, most people are separated from the healthcare market by insurance policies. Most of which are paid for by an employer so most people don't even know how much their health insurance costs let alone care what the doctor charges because almost all of it will be paid by the insurance company. Having said that, there are a very few places where the market is opened up. One place is the Surgery Center of Oklahoma which posts the cost of procedures on line and is well reviewed on Yelp and Facebook. The prices are also much less than most people pay for similar procedures. It seems to be working well for the Surgery Center of Oklahoma and their patients. I'd say it's worth experimenting with it. Best example of market based health care - lasik surgery. Rarely if ever covered by insurance, and has developed into a very price transparent market.
Yes, it's elective but so are the vast majority of procedures. The basic problem we have is wanting 'health insurance' to cover things that are not catastrophic and/or unforeseeable events. mudbug: If you read the Senate bill, you see that it outlaws competition with the government in the insurance market and cost sharing.
As the link pointed out, there are many proposals. You had ascribed a single point of view to Democrats. Obama, for instance, proposed a market-based approach. mudbug: I'm not directly referring healthcare but to the fact that socialists in the Demonrat party and the Democratic Socialists of America have a substantial following even though socialism has been a consistently colossal failure. Socialists make up a very small number of Democrats, especially among those who have leadership positions. They do exist, though. Most who use the term don't mean government ownership of the means of production, though, but just that government has a role to make sure the economy works for everyone's benefit. mudbug: With very rare exceptions, hospitals and doctors do not post the price list for services and there are no independent rating services for medical services. There's nothing stopping them. If the market were working properly, then people would be clamoring for prices lists and ratings. mudbug: In addition, most people are separated from the healthcare market by insurance policies. Insurance is part of the market system. Insurance may be part of a market system, in whatever sense you're using that term, but it is a financial product. All kinds of insurance deal with how you pay for something and have little to do with the delivery of the services. As I noted before, much of our problem with the cost of health care results from 1) the mistaken belief that laundering money through an insurance company for routine medical expenses allows you to recover some of the premiums you pay, and 2) the deliberate conflation of access to health insurance as being access to health care, for political purposes.
Christopher B
2018-10-25 05:51
Christopher B: Insurance may be part of a market system, in whatever sense you're using that term,
In the conventional sense. Christopher B: but it is a financial product. Yes, financial products are part of the market system. Christopher B: As I noted before, much of our problem with the cost of health care results from 1) the mistaken belief that laundering money through an insurance company for routine medical expenses allows you to recover some of the premiums you pay, and Mudbug's point was based on the example of Medicare not paying for a routine physical. Medicare rationally tries to control expenses by having people pay for some part of their own care. Higher deductibles have been proposed to try to enforce some market discipline. Of course, then people reinsure, which maintains the dilution of the market signal between consumer and provider. Christopher B: 2) the deliberate conflation of access to health insurance as being access to health care, for political purposes. Access to health care is largely dependent on money. Even the well-to-do can't afford the expense associated with modern care in many cases, such as state-of-the-art cancer treatment or many surgeries. That's why insurance has become increasingly important.
2018-10-25 09:04
Focusing on plastics: Is something we could do. Climate change has been going on since the climate began.
A mystery: Americans are happier over declining government regulations: Is the Gang of Z happier or sadder? Wolves in Wolves Clothing: VDH Strikes AGAIN. Annnnnnnnnd hits the ball out of the park! Black Contrarianism: Wising up, they are. Arbitrary Arrest and Torture Under the Palestinian Authority and Hamas: Is anyone surprised by this? China's Hidden Camps: What I asked just above. Megan Kelly: THE HORROR!!! The horror... QUOTE: Is there a better story in the history of skiing? Not sure if it is better, but there is the famous Norwegian history of two skiers carrying the infant heir to the throne, Haakon, to safety while being chased by *knights on skis*. The story is loosely told in the movie The Last King. Haakon brought Norway into closer contact with Europe, and led medieval Norway through what was considered its golden age. Notice the logo at the rear of the right hand door on this truck:
https://tinyurl.com/yctljpvz Quelle surprise! Or not... A certain tribe is trying to resurrect the work they previously did for Lenin and Stalin.
Mark Matis: A certain tribe is trying to resurrect the work they previously did for Lenin and Stalin.
Every conspiracy theory has to have a Jew at its root. With more than a little truth:
http://www.unz.com/pub/jhr__the-jewish-role-in-the-bolshevik-revolution-and-russias-early-soviet-regime/ But then most of those 50 million broken eggs were only Goyim, so they don't count. לעולם לא שוב, היודנראט!
Mark Matis
2018-10-29 16:52
Jewish Bolshevism, also Judeo–Bolshevism, is an anti-communist and antisemitic canard
2018-10-30 09:04
Well of course we can trust Wikipedia for that "information". But for REAL antisemitism, look no further than your own tribe:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IQj0HWlsIA It was not the KKK nor Nazis who forcibly removed that Jewish reporter from the synagogue to protect your antisemitic Communist. It was instead your Judenrat bruthas. But then lies come easily to you, don't they?
Mark Matis
2018-10-30 15:07
Wearing blackface seems pretty benign. The problem as I see it is with allowing any group to abrogate any persons civil rights. Should Pacific Islanders be able to prevent all other races/people from getting tattoos? Should only white people be allowed to get polio vaccinations because it was invented by a white person? Should only people of English descent be allowed to act in Shakespeare play? Should only white Americans be allowed to fly in airplanes or drive cars?
You have the right to wear blackface. However, don't be surprised when people shun you, which is also their right.