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Thursday, August 16. 2018Thursday morning links
Just down the beach from where we were last week A Weird-But-True Story Takes Flight In 'The Feather Thief' NYC's Gowanus Canal cleanup has unearthed historic treasures — covered in toxic goo Prof Claims 'Responsible Fatherhood' Reinforces 'Patriarchy' COLORADO IS GOING AFTER JACK PHILLIPS OF MASTERPIECE CAKESHOP AGAIN K-12: Creating the 'Ideal' School Obama Foundation’s monumental rip-off We are not Rome. I detest these self-aggrandizing presidential monuments Democrats are out to sabotage the middle class on health care Dems against choice, just one-size-fits-all government medical care Not a joke: The New York Times has an advice column about how to 'cure' white skin privilege Trump Slams NY Gov Cuomo's "Total Meltdown" After "America Was Never That Great" Comment "The narratives that painted Black Lives Matter activists as 'violent' have turned into legislation that targets black people, leftists, and other marginalized groups." Washington Post: Trump’s Guilty Till He Proves Himself Innocent Michael Barone: Either Trump is delivering on his economic promises, or he's very lucky Mainstream media ignores Trump’s success on world stage A Journalist Reflects On His Profession’s Anti-Trump Collusion Laws of Armed Conflict in Gaza Trackbacks
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QUOTE: Michael Barone: Either Trump is delivering on his economic promises, or he's very lucky Or perhaps it's part of a longer-term trend. Let's look: Real GDP Unemployment Really bringing the stupid today, huh, kiddiez?
😅😅😅 Yup, if only hillary had "won", she could have continued selling off the US for pay-to-play corruption. Therd is still lots to sell, even thought 20% of the uranium is gone in the uranium one scandal. The bribes could be used to fund the clinton foundation, which would hire all the unemployed grifter politicians, to bring down the unemployment rate to zero.
It’s a trend! Graphs sure are fun!
Wow. Just look how much Obama got done before he was even elected.
B. Hammer: It’s a trend! Graphs sure are fun!
They can certainly be informative. You will notice that the U.S. economy has grown substantially since WWII, but there are periods of recession, marked in pink. The largest recession was due to the financial crisis of 2007-2008, and had long-term deleterious effects on the global economy. We're finally coming out of 9 years of economic depression and capital flight under the Democrats and Obama. Not a surprise since under Obama the U.S. had the highest corporate tax rates in the world and he did his best to put manufacturing and energy sectors out of business for some pie-in-the-sky non-existent "new economy." We were in the worst economic situation since the Great Depression, and Obama's lasted longer.
The sad thing is China has now surpassed the U.S. economically and we are not going to be able to catch up with them given our out of control debt problem--Obama alone added more debt than all previous presidents combined and basically bankrupted us, to use government spending to mask the fact that the U.S. economy was declining precipitously. So we are still looking at very serious problems caused by his outrageous economic policies and we have to figure out an economic future which takes into account China now being number 1. Unfortunately, we now have the Obama legacy all around us, crumbling and collapsing infrastructure, many parts of the country which look more and more like the Third World, cities that are more dangerous than places like Syria, large numbers of homeless again making the U.S. look like the Third World country it was becoming. We still have some control in that we are still the reserve currency, but that is not going to last much longer and then our economic problems will really come home to roost. I am hoping that Trump will be able to undo some of the economic damage done by Obama, especially by taking a hard line on trade and negotiating deals more favorable to the U.S., but it is going to be interesting to see who blinks first, the new number one economy China, or the number 2 economy the U.S. If Trump can get the large numbers of American companies that left the U.S. for foreign countries to come back and repatriate a lot of the capital that has fled the country, and then start working on rebuilding our economic base, that also would be good. But I still don't see how we can possibly catch up with China, and they are controlling more and more, not just worldwide but also in the United States. Just as an example, the largest law firm in my city through merger is now Chinese ("Dentons," which actually is a Western front name for the Beijing firm Dacheng), so the future is looking pretty clear, at least where I operate. Jim: We're finally coming out of 9 years of economic depression and capital flight under the Democrats and Obama.
Not sure how you are defining "depression", but GDP had recovered to pre-recession levels by 2011. The financial crisis, however, caused long-term economic damage. There is nothing remarkable about the current trends. Jim: The sad thing is China has now surpassed the U.S. economically No. China has not surpassed the U.S. economically. They are industrializing quickly, but industrial capability is only one aspect of an advanced economy, such as the U.S. Jim: Obama alone added more debt than all previous presidents combined That was largely due to the recession, which severely depressed revenues. Obama inherited a trillion dollar deficit, and about halved that amount. Meanwhile, Trump has cut taxes, putting more pressure on the deficit. Jim: I am hoping that Trump will be able to undo some of the economic damage done by Obama, especially by taking a hard line on trade and negotiating deals more favorable to the U.S. Trump may garner some short-term advantage for the U.S., but in the long run, people do not like being pushed around. People in other countries will remember how they were treated, may very well consider the U.S. a bully and an unreliable partner, and work to diversity their markets, accelerating relative U.S. decline. You are truly clueless.
https://www.cbsnews.com/video/china-surpasses-u-s-as-worlds-largest-economy/ Sorry, but using PPP to compare economic power is faulty. PPP is useful for determining individual economic well-being. But being able to purchase cheap vegetables from the local farmer or hire cheap domestic labor doesn't result global economic power. In the global market, the U.S. is still significantly more powerful.
2018-08-16 15:33
There are none so blind as those who will not see.
2018-08-16 16:42
There are none zo blind az thoze who will not Zee.
2018-08-16 16:59
In other words, you have no substantive reply.
2018-08-17 06:20
2018-08-18 03:01
2018-08-18 03:32
Zac: “Trump has cut taxes, putting more pressure on the deficit.”
Gee wiz! Leaving aside the fact that Congress cut taxes, although it was Trump’s policy, the US Treasury has collected record revenues for all of 2018. What we have here, is a spending problem. B. Hammer: the US Treasury has collected record revenues for all of 2018.
Receipts for the first nine months of the fiscal year are 1% higher than last year, a marginal improvement, but expenditures are 4% higher. Keep in mind that as the population continues to grow and age, and as U.S. debt and interest rates continue to increase, expenditures will continue to rise. That means the deficit is higher now than it would have been without the tax cuts. This is the part of the economic cycle that the U.S. should address its deficit problem.
2018-08-16 16:11
Good point about reducing the deficits zakbots - We can disband the destructive Department of "education", disallow the massive university overhead which has grown like a cancer since the 1960s, stop funding foundations and NGOs (things like NPR - every little half billion helps...). Stop funding the states. Tricky Dick Nixon started funding the states, because citizens didn't want their state taxes raised and would vote out those who raised them. (It is harder for a state's citizens to vote out all the US Congresscritters who go to deficit financing to fund the states).
There are many other ways to bring down the deficit. There is massive waste and contract-fixing in the military budget, and most other federal contracts. Look at the Feinsteins who are rich on federal monies, and the California rocket train to nowhere, and the Alaska bridge to nowhere, and Solyndra, and Fisker crooked boondoggles, and the obamacare software contracts, ,,,, the scams are endless. Make the billion$ of lobbying expenses non-deductable to start cleaning the DC bribe swamp. Shut the government down for a while to see what is essential and what is non-essential and can be cut. Can we agree on draining the corruption swamp as a way to cut the budget?
2018-08-16 18:06
Shark attacks in the US are way up. In 1900 there were none but now we average about 55 a year. Interestingly the number of fatal shark attacks every year remains about the same, just under 1 a year. Mass has 1 non-fatal shark attacks a year on average. Florida has about 30 non-fatal a year and 1 fatality every 10 years. 1 persona year dies from a shark attack nationwide but cows kill about 20 people a year.
Forget the ocean, stay out of barns! Dems out to sabotage middle class health care: They HATE the middle class.
Cuomo: Ain't gonna be President, ever. Media ignores Trump success: We expect no better from them. We do call them the enemedia for good reasons. Their anti-Trump editorials today emphasize this. Prof Claims 'Responsible Fatherhood' Reinforces 'Patriarchy': Feminists! Man-haters is a more accurate name. It seems that "educators" want to be theorists and gain status by coming up with ever nuttier theories. Black Lives Matter protest:
"awmakers in 31 states proposed 64 anti-protest bills, some of them geared toward preventing protesters from blocking highways" And this is somehow interpreted as racist and targeting black lives matter??? Protestors illegally blocking traffic and attacking motorists has potentially fatal results, as we saw in the Charlottesville fatality. Sadly, sometimes it isn't the active perpetrators (Antifa in Charlottesville) but others who just happen to be part of the crowd. Who can say what would have happened if the demonstrators hadn't blocked traffic on 4th street and then attacked the Dodge Challenger with poles before it lost control and crashed into the crowd and stopped cars.
The Charlottesville mayor and police are complicit in that tragedy. They actively choose to funnel the permitted protestors into the crowd of violent antifa activists with the intent of causing violence and injury. They got both.
Twin studies,
as we create more and more egalitarian and equal societies with equal opportunity, the differences between individuals become increasingly more and more genetically based. |