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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, July 30. 2018Monday morning links A simple guide to CRISPR, one of the biggest science stories of the decade - It could revolutionize everything from medicine to agriculture. Better read up now. Nat. Geographic Admits They Were Wrong About Famous Climate Change Polar Bear Pic WaPo: Connecticut is drowning in debt. Should the rest of us have to pay? Mike Rowe Talks To Ben Shapiro About The Gap Between So-Called ‘Elites’ And Everyone Else Martin Armstrong: Is CNN Creating A Civil War? You Have Just Entered The Twilight Zone; CNN — Creating Narratives Nightly Tucker Carlson Reports the FBI Collaborates With Southern Poverty Law Center Trump Anxiety Disorder: Therapists Say Patients Are Experiencing More Trump-Related Anxiety Mueller probably hasn’t exhausted the possibilities of building obstruction of justice charges against Trump based on his regular activities. Trump’s use of Twitter barely scratches the surface of the potential wrongdoing that falls within the scope of Mueller’s probe... President Trump Is Correct--Study Shows 90% Of Administration Media Coverage Is Negative I see CNN and MSNBC in the gym all the time. It truly is Destroy Trump's Reputation 24/7 The Rules For Beating Donald Trump Janice Atkinson, MEP: The EU Is Killing Itself from the Inside. As All Dictatorships Do Amsterdam 'lawless jungle' at night, ombudsman warns Number of Islamists in Germany Reaches Record High, says Intel Report Trackbacks
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QUOTE: You Have Just Entered The Twilight Zone; CNN — Creating Narratives Nightly ... However, New Day — CNN’s morning program — gave air time to only one instance, spending a total of 11 seconds on the tragedy CNN often covers police who have died in the line of duty, though they are more ordinarily covered by local news. Keep in mind that frequent reporting of police deaths, especially when police deaths are generally lower than in the past, is also a narrative. QUOTE: (better that, than 11 seconds of Jim Acosta). Acosta is a White House correspondent, so he typically won't report on police deaths. Try not to be stupid. There was nothing in the column that even implied that Acosta had anything to do with reporting on police matters.
Feel free to treat it as a clarification, then. But let's take a closer look:
QUOTE: Just watch any given 11 seconds of Jim Acosta, and it’s obvious the network has no interest in news. Propaganda is the flavor of the week. Every single week. While you might disagree with the amount of time spent on the Russia investigation and related controversies, it's clearly news that should be reported. As noted, they also report on police who die in the line of duty. Bird Dog, have you ever considered a limitation on posts to limit trolling? Say, three or 5 posts per comment link would let people comment without organized harassment and disruption by trolls.
jaybird: Say, three or 5 posts per comment link would let people comment without organized harassment and disruption by trolls. You mentioned that in another thread, but then demanded we answer your questions. You might try for a little consistency. In any case, we have a few simple rules: if a blog posts on a topic, presumably they consider the topic worthy of discussion; and if you comment on the topic, then presumably you consider your comment worthy of discussion. You will find that most of our comments are in response to others. You are never required to engage a discussion, and we will avoid inferring anything regarding such. -- We use the patented {not really} DeSnark® desnarkification field suppressor (remark desnider), which limits the amount of trolling emissions before sending or viewing. Here’s an example: QUOTE: Commenter (no filter): Of course! How trollish of me to help the “Darwinists” demonstrate to one and all that they do not reason. Commenter (filtered at 70%): Sorry. We're not following your argument. DeSnark® desnarkification snark field suppressor is fully adjustable from basic spam removal all the way up to *plonking*. "Plonking" is what Bill "slick willie" clinton does to interns and multiple, non-consenting women.
Hillary out drinking in the woods in a non-Presidential incapacity ... Low unemployment ... Good GDP growth ... One Trump SCOTUS confirmation and one to follow ... Jim Acosta accurately called out for the lying, preening, hysterical little lefty tosser (aka "plonker") that he is, and this is the response?!?
QUOTE: DeSnark® desnarkification snark field suppressor is fully adjustable from basic spam removal all the way up to *plonking*. We. Are. Not. Worthy. Bill, this just proves that automatic troll software programmed to spew hate on religious people, can't generate humor yet.
2018-07-30 12:16
re Jaybird Bird Dog, have you ever considered a limitation on posts to limit trolling? Say, three or 5 posts per comment link
As you may well know, Wretchard at Belmont Club would have 300-500 comments to his threads back in the early days of blogging. A lot of the comments were defacto sub-threads were commenters were talking among themselves and it often had little to do with the point of the post. It made it very difficult/time consuming to read through the comments. Wretch solved his problem by setting a voluntary limit of 3 comments per author per thread. The self-imposed rule is not always followed but it did seem to help. I think the argument against limiting comments is that it also limits the free exchange of ideas. OTOH thoughtful posts may be obscured by the daily food fights. There is also the possibility that some commenters would ignore such a gentleman's agreement. If that happens then the commentary limit is useless. Either that or there would have to be a moderator to watch full time, immediately deleting all quotes in excess of the rationed amount. That's probably not an option. So I believe the bottom line is, do you want unlimited commentary or do you want a comments section that people can easily read and follow? I don't know the answer to that. Depends on what our hosts' priorities are. Perhaps they enjoy the squabbling for its entertainment value? Feeble - I too remember the early Wretchard-Belmont days, pre-PJ Media. The commentary was very high-level and well informed, with a "don't feed the troll farm" philosophy. In general, the commentary was so well-informed that I would comment very infrequently, even when I had some special expertise. The trolls went away. Later, having to sign up to PJ Media resulted in major spam, the thing went downhill, and I stopped visiting.
Of course, whatever amuses Bird Dog is what we grateful visitors will experience, unless it becomes so annoying people leave. I did avoid MF for several months because of the annoyance of dedicated troll propaganda focused on this site. It is easy for Bird Dog to set an automatic limit (without moderation effort) on the number of posts per poster, per comment section, using his website software. No legitimate commenter here has more than 3 or 5 non-propaganda contributions for a comment section. Activist trolls such as the Zaks could use multiple names to thwart BD's requested limit, but this would further lose trolling credibiity and further define the trolling activity as propaganda hostile to the good will of Maggies Farm and BD's visitors. I din;t know. All I know is I don't have time to monitor or edit comments. I do look at them though.
BD, hopefully you enjoy some of the comments some of the time. Thank you for the work of doing your site.
if Dr. Mercury is still around, he could make iit automatic, with a message such as "not posted - you have reached your 5 posting limit". He could also put a length limit on postings.
2018-07-30 19:46
That sounds very....Democratic....of you.
May I politely suggest that the war of ideas is won by better thinking and more effective communication, not by having some perceived authority start to put their fat thumb on the scales in the name of 'fairness'. Sometimes the best answer to an aggravating pest is to simply pass by in silence. The Tiny "Spite Triangle" That Marks a Century-Old Grudge Against New York City
On an otherwise unremarkable stretch of sidewalk in New York City’s West Village, a tiny tile mosaic serves as David Hess’s century-old middle finger to City Hall. As cartoonist Chaz Hutton recently alerted us on Twitter, what was once the city’s tiniest piece of private property is the result of the angry collision of historic quirks in New York City’s street grid, turn-of-the-century city planning decisions, and intense grudge-holding. And you can still trespass on it today. https://mentalfloss.com/article/552583/david-hess-spite-triangle-that-marks-century-old-grudge-against-new-york-city Reminds me of the "this space belongs to no nation" marker on Sproul Plaza at U.C. Berkeley.
https://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/30278 Blogger buwaya said...
I wonder what Trump was talking to Sulzberger about. ….This is important, as there is a multi-front struggle going on. One is by, and through, the US MSM machine. It is indeed a machine, most of it in five media conglomerates, a few "Tech" conglomerates (Amazon, Alphabet/Google, Facebook, etc.), and just one major newspaper not otherwise affiliated, the NYT. Four at least of the conglomerates plus the NYT coordinate news and propaganda, and the "tech" outfits amplify it. As far as the vast majority of the public is concerned, between them these entities are all of the news. The meeting with Sulzberger was Jul 20, Facebook got blasted by what seems like an insider-driven selloff Jul 26. Moonves of CBS was pinned down by a #metoo expose leaked Jul 26, published the next day, Sulzberger meeting leaked yesterday. I suspect Trump and co. are making timed moves against the MSM ownership structure, which is where the coordinated propaganda system is directed.This is too much to be a coincidence. Blogger 0_0 said... The news is entertainment now. They are not interested in investigating, but they will run wall-to-wall 24/7 coverage of any emotional content. Advertising dollars is what ownership wants. One possible discussion subject is the possible NYT acquisition of an unredacted copy of the FISA application which may have been texted to the NYT reporter who reportedly slept with the Senate security chief. This copy was apparently marked in some way to catch leaker sources.
https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/07/28/the-curious-case-of-james-wolfe-continues/ The Trump-NYT discussion would be about "sources and methods" (snark), to illegally obtain classified material. If true, the NYT and its reporters should be prosecuted criminally for violation of the national security laws. This is basically commercial espionage against the national security interests of the United States.
If so, it is only excusable "extreme carelessness" to sleep with a Senate Security Official to get 82 pages of ISA warrant, still denied to the Nunes and Goodlatte Committees, texted to you.
If sex was exchanged for "top secret" materials, it was only an oversight within the First Amendment, doncha know. No prosecutor would be concerned about "extreme carelessness" with Top Secret materials the FBI is denying to Congress because the FBI says disclosure to Congress would endanger national security and kill people.... Because...Trump!!! Whatever they talked about, Sulzberger's later whining and moaning about Trump-caused violence smacks of the same thing Blacks playing the race card smacks of: desperation when you're found out and face defeat.
Why are men so terrible? DANG!! I gotta up (Up, UP) my game!
I'm letting down my side. Another Well Duhhhhh moment:
"STUDY: RELIGION CURBS SEXUAL AGGRESSION IN MEN" Snip: "College men with some religious affiliation are less likely to be sexually violent and aggressive toward women, a study suggests. . .The study found religious men are also less likely to engage in sexually promiscuous behavior, make coercive sexual advances toward women and consume pornography, according to PsyPost." (Read it all.) The article seems to be shocked at having discovered this and other things about religious men. It even proposes that universities should be more welcoming to religious groups on campus (gasp) because this could reduce sexual violence on campus. Ya think? [Obscure historical reference: Second Great Awakening at Yale University, late 1700s - early 1800s and its impact on the student body--then of course all men.] The indentation is a clue to a long, rambling thread. Nearly always those turn out to be pointless Z-threads, so I just skip down until the conversation comes back to the left margin.
Right Texan, I do that too. I have no interest in people arguing. Anyway short original comments tend to be more interesting than longwinded arguments.
Re: Amsterdam's lawless jungle
Interestingly, I just saw a reply on Instapundit to that piece wherein the guy says he's familiar with Amsterdam and the problem isn't the drug tourists downtown, it's a little further out where the immigrants live. (I'll give you two guesses where the immigrants are coming from, and it ain't Sweden.) But the official line is that there are no problems whatsoever caused by these immigrants, so it must be something else causing the problems. Nationalism, xenophobia, racism and Islamophobia, no doubt. May I chime in? As annoying as Zachriel might well be for many folks here, it would be a grievous error to start censoring him (them?).
Noam Chomsky - not someone whose cranky political notions and nostrums I usually have much time or patience for - once said: "If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all." JJM, then I'm sorry and wrong. But a 5 post limit on everyone is not censorship. Organized concerted trolling to pollute a website is not necessarily "free speech", any more than organized football player employee anti-police-pig use of company broadcast time is "free speech". Troll farm propaganda paid by other countries, soros, etc differ significantly from individuals posting their ideas.
You have now posted your ideas about this EIGHT times ... and that's OK
jaybird: Troll farm propaganda paid by other countries, soros, etc differ significantly from individuals posting their ideas.
Our positions are our own, and freely given. You're welcome! fakeperson: Zachriel, is that you? We don't post under other nicks.
2018-08-01 11:13
Zaks, thanks for assuring us you are not a Russian- or other sponsored troll farm which should be investigated by Mueller and the FBI. Just a bunch of patriots defending hillary's right to $140 million bribes and classified material releases via weiner and her FOIA-avoidance not-so-private server, hillary's right to collusion with the Russians to create the anti-trump "dossier" to affect our elections, and protecting us against global worming. Thanks for your service!
2018-08-01 12:12
jaybird: Just a bunch of patriots defending hillary's right to $140 million bribes ...
Do you enjoy fighting your straw man?
2018-08-01 12:50