We have plenty of beefs with George Bush (his open-borders idea, and his big-government country-club liberal Republicanism), but his persistence against Islamist Jihad is not one of them.
He secretly arrived at the Green Zone today, bless his heart. Good politics, too.
He is no Charles Martel, but we are re-fighting the Battle of Tours, today. I have not a single doubt that we are, or that they would happily kill you or me, with a dull knife, given half a chance - just for existing. Who needs more proof of that?
As John points out, a Mr. Rogers foreign policy is not the solution! And I have never been able to understand the Left's apologetics, if not sympathy, for the Jihadists, who are woman-hating, gay-killing, oil-intoxicated, religiously fanatical, theocratic, primitive-capitalist, Christian- and Jew-hating stone-age ignorant murderers. Except that they hate Amerikkkka too. No, being "nicer" to them doesn't seem to work too well, nor does being "liberal." They have contempt for that kind of simpy weakness. Clinton and Albright tried it, and it only encouraged them. The Jihadists are as liberal and as multicultural as Atilla the Hun, and as conniving as a rug dealer. The world is not a nursery school.
Politics makes strange burkha-fellows.
Image: The (first) Battle of Poitiers (732), with Charles Martel, mounted, leading the fight against Abdul Rahman al Ghafiqi, in the heart of France. If you want to invade a country nowadays, LEAVE YOUR GUNS BEHIND - just ask the Moslems, or the Mexicans, for advice on manipulating the nursery-school teacher-politicians: they are easy, and they go down as quick as a prom dress on a warm June evening in the shrubbery beside somebody's pool in East Hampton.